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Fury Reviews

TniceTnice Member Posts: 563

I will keep this post updated with the reviews I find.  So far they are very bad.  For those of us who love the game these hurt.




  • outlaw101outlaw101 Member Posts: 351

    A review is just someones opinion, it means nothing of the quality of the game.

    "Don't hold breath about another KOTOR game coming from Bioware" - Chris Preistly

    "Bioware is more intrested in pursueing development of it's own Intellectual properties"

    - James Henly

  • ram3oram3o Member Posts: 134

    I have to agree with the IGN review.

    Graphics - 6.5:  Even though Fury has some stunning graphics on max setting, graphics on it look like shadowbane on low setting.  If you compare Fury low vs max to other games, like Guild Wars, there isnt a major gap, compare to Fury.  Fury also runnings a little choppy, even with the water down graphics.  So as a whole, 6.5 seems about right.

    Sound - 4.5: Sound pretty much weak in this game.

    Gameplay - 6.5:  Aw, I thought the gameplay was more of an 8.0.

    Lasting Appeal - 5.0:  I have to agree with this since this is suppose to be a pvp game, I was expecting more content.  If you compare this with Guild Wars, Guild Wars offer 4vs4, Hall of Hereos Battle, and Guild vs Guild Battles.  Plus they have PvE content included with it.  Now with Fury just has 4vs4, Vortex, and Bloodbath.  That it.  What happen to all that energy that Guild Wars Focus on pve, what Fury suppose to focus on PvP?

    I do like this game, and I do hope it does well.  But as right now, its below average game.  Hopefully when they increase the performance and add Fortress, this game can be a hit.


  • XtortXtort Member Posts: 392


    From Fury forums:  " Opinions are like as*holes......everybody has one."


    As a person who meets that criteria, my ratings for Fury are:

    Graphics: 9

    Sound: 7

    Gameplay: 10

    Lasting Appeal: 9

    Overall: 9.5


    The person who wrote IGN review had played 2 hours of the game with a crappy graphic card (look at the screenshots in IGN), then wrote the review.

    I have played Fury for more than 1 month, total of 250+ hours now, and put my comments.

    But... As I have mentioned in my first sentence, we both are in the same category :P

    This is a "love it or hate it" kind of game. Therefore IGN's rating of 6.5 is beyond meaningless. They should have given this game either 9 or 3.

    edit: if only there could have been a performance or bug criteria as well, the game could get below 5 from it.

    Osbourne Cox: You are the guy from the gym.

    Ted Treffon: I don't represent Hardbodies.

    Osbourne Cox: I know very well what you represent. You represent the idiocy of today.

    Ted Treffon: No, I don't represent that either.

    Osbourne Cox: You are part of a league of morons. Oh, yes. You see you're one of the morons I've been fighting my whole life. But guess what. Today, I win.

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