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Well I have been hearing about the game for year so thought I would give it a go. Coning to end of trial now and been playing long hours.
I am totaly lost as to why anyone would want to play this game. It has the classic character advancement idea. This is done via skils and equipment. The problem is you dont advance according to your achievements. No matter how skillful you are or how many hours you play you advance at fixed rate per real time hour. As a noobie you are entering a world where everyone is a big fish. You cannot ever catch up to them. No matter how much you work it or how good you are you wont ever be as good as them.
This sort of goes against the grain. Setting your in game skills according to how much cash you have paid to game makers over time seems corrupt. No other game keeps you down forever, there is always ways you can make it to the top. Starting EVE now your will forever be the underdog. Other game fix this by obsoleting gear in new realeases etc and allowing anyone to reach maximum level within a reasoble time played.
So what is there to do in game. Well you can mine. This is mind numbing. You point your lasers wait for your hull to fill and haul it back to get some cash. Always nice to get some cash for new things. But its no more a game than assembly line work is a game. You put up with hours of boredom for the cash to get new things.
Alternatlively you can run missions for the agents. Some are simply dull like courier missions. You set the destination on autopilot and watch TV while it completes. Hardly riveting stuff. Then there are the combat missions. Uh combat? It actualy some red dots. You see the distance they are at. You try to keep optimal distance and click on your weapons. You dont fly the ship in any way or target your lasers. Your options are select the target and click your weapons on. You can click on other modules that are equaly automatic. You either win or warp out. Its not fast paced, there is no piloting (flying) skills, or aiming skills. The better ship is going to win. All this is done via a spreadsheet click and drag right into submenus interface. The whole UI is like this, clumsy and slow. You cant even keybind the stuff.
So you run 100 of these missions. You are now bored senseless since every mission is exactly like the last. Next is to join a corp. So this you do. You find that the idea of fun is mining. But you find mining is dull and repetative best done by 24x7 bots. You can sit and wait for 10 mins while your hull fills then click your lasers on again. Or you can be a hauler and haul the ore back and forth. This is equaly dull. There is no gameplay here no challenge to it, not problems to be overcome its the worst kind of grind.
Well maybe people are mining so they can PvP. Enter low sec space you get blasted to bits. Not a good place for a noobie to go. So your whole gameplay is this grind. Well now supose you stick at it and grind enough cash to have that nice ship. You get to do one PvP encounter with it, just one. Then it gets destroyed and you lose months of mining. The worst PvP penalty, ever in any game. Its not a PvP game at all. The time it takes to build a ship means you cant afford to lose it. The result is there is no PvP. The only PvP is ganking. You make sure you fly around in big gang and hope to find a smaller gang for an assured kill. Any sort of risk is to be shunned.
As a PvE game its almost none existent. The game doesnt present you with challenges you have to overcome.
As a PvP game its almost non existent. The ship costs prevent frequent PvP encounters.
As a FPS shooter its almost no existent. The combat system is automatic.
The UI is terrible, It has some pretty space graphics (like homeworld) but they dont actualy matter to the game. You cant customise it. Then there is the lags. Constant lag spikes locking up the UI. Come on I dont care if your servers are slow or the network is laggy it shouldnt lock my UI for sevreral secs other games dont do that with equaly laggy connections.
Ah but you can control areas of space (as a group), its a fixed world. But then you wont be a general, thats for a very few 5 year old guys. You control areas of space by camping the gates and killing ships that pass though. So thats your gameplay. Sitting doing nothing for hours on end hoping for some action. The action of course is few and far between. Nobody wants to risk thier ships. Or you could guard miners, yet again the whole evening spent without a single fight. Nobody is going to pick a fight unless they are sure to win. So when that huge squadron comes in you leave fast. No PvP action for you.
If you want to control space fleets pick a game that allows you to do that. Such chess like strategic moves are appealing to many but you wont get it here. You will be a miner, grinding the ISK so that others can pay for the ships they lose, or you will be a guard sitting around bored while the bored miners mine for your replacement ship.
Just think of other games you could be playing where you could have 100 PvP encounters in an evening that actualy tested your strategy, tactics and implementations. EvE is a sad excuse of a game at this. Its not suprising that after 5 years I log on and see only 25k other players online. The numbers are so low for a good reason.
The only reaon I can see for people still playing is the social networking. If they had played other MMO's they would realise that these exist in all the games.
Good thing no one cares you dont like the game...
baa bye ::points to the door::
You created a new account here just to complain about Eve? I'm touched, but something smells fishy here.
Anyway I'm coming up on two months and I'm having a blast. Eve's not for everyone - it's never claimed to be. See you in some other game, maybe.
just to say, i'm coming up on a year now in eve and when im in a battle, I usually always win, even against the 4+ year players, because, though they may have more sps, they have them more scattered so to speak so all you have to do is focus on one ship class or ship and you can kill them easily.
Ahh this OP post has a familuar ring to it.
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.
He does speak some truth.
So you want a game where quick twitch come into play, you can compete with the Veterans at day one, little to no death penalty and have all the good stuff as soon as you log on?
Battlefield 2142 is your game then. But I would go complaining when I sticka grenande down your pants and snuff you time after time. The BF2142ers will laugh you off their forum.
You know if you didn't like the game, no problem, the game is not for everyone. Going the extra mile and making some long post in the Eve forum on is low and straight up dispicable. Mod's could you please just erase this thread its nothing more then a troll trying to start something.
oh and Netzoko go crawl back under the rock you crawled out from.
"And thus I clothe my naked villany/ with old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ/ and seem a saint when most I play the devil." Shakespeare's Richard III Act I Scene 3.
Go to hell elitist, he gave some perfectly fine points without resorting to lulz this game suxorz, there are other EVE Online players I've met that want a similar if not same thing, the game is incredibly slow paced compared to most other MMORPGs.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Why should the moderators delete a post with an honest opinion of the game? I've tried EVE twice and I tend to agree with almost all of his points.
Somewhat to the detriment of my point, I admit that I tend to go looking for new games every month or two, and the only thing I stick to is Counter Strike, my racing simulator of choice (the Forza series since it came out, as it happens), an occasional fit of Rogue-like games, Pokemon that I mostly only play between classes (when I should be catching up on homework, if I'm already on campus...), and arcade games. I do manage to find time to split between two MMOs regularly, though, so I'm frequently subscribed to two at once.
All of my Forza 2 leagues are out of season, my class load is light this semester, I don't have a job currently, and I'm not busy with student organizations or intramural sports, and I got fed up with Planetside, which was my only active subscription. After my friends backed out of an ice skating event tonight that I ended up not going to, I spent my free night hunting a list of undead creatures from all mythologies (not sure how I got onto that idea), and that made me want to start up some fantasy MMO again. Popping into here to check out the game list, however, lends itself to looking over every genre I've tried before, and poking around at articles made me read a couple that talk a lot about EVE. I popped into the forum, and here I am...
I just don't see the point in resubscribing to EVE, I don't see it being any different from when I was there last. Even though I found a good corporation and moved to a fairly dangerous region of space, I still spent most of my time in space alone, doing the same missions over and over with different names attached to them. Money for anything I can use myself is not hard to come by, but I just couldn't find a purpose for anything that I did buy. (I made a game out of collecting frozen corpses floating in space, but that's not worth the subscription price. ) I'd be happy to give EVE another try, but I'd have to be convinced that there's something to do in the game - if I want to fly around in empty space, I feel much more accomplished doing manual flight tricks in Jumpgate while mining or hauling cargo. (I never fought much, I didn't practice enough, never had much reason to, and don't own a good joystick.)
I don't think it's a bad game - take a look at the bottom of the game list on this site for that. That said, I agree with the original poster in that I'd like to know what it is that keeps others playing the game...
What he said is nothing more than a boring rant from a frustrated, clueless new player. I say this because he says:
"Well now supose you stick at it and grind enough cash to have that nice ship. You get to do one PvP encounter with it, just one. Then it gets destroyed and you lose months of mining."
Yet he's still on the 14 Day Trial? He obviously has no clue how to make money, and rightly so because he's a noob, but he has no right to lie about something he's never experienced.
He went far off the subject of a new player... "You control areas of space by camping the gates and killing ships that pass though. So thats your gameplay. Sitting doing nothing for hours on end hoping for some action. The action of course is few and far between. Nobody wants to risk thier ships." again, more bullshit from someone basing their opinions on what they've obviously read elsewhere, because there's no way he's experienced any of that!
But if you cut the bottom half out, then he has some kind of point.
"As a PvP game its almost non existent. The ship costs prevent frequent PvP encounters."
Yes, Eve is universally known as THE game where people don't attack other people... CCP has cleverly simulated massive battles and raids, bounty hunts and pirating since day one. It's all lies! 99% of the population in Eve are NPCs and bots. The tournaments and massive battles video'd on the net are fake! Goonswarm never REALLY attacked the larger alliances with tons of new players in small ships.
Ah bugger - I tire of this. What a pile o' crap... as some have said, it's certainly not a game that appeals to everyone, but most of the original post is pure misinformation
Well as I have resubbed a few days ago (I know, I'm a weak weak man!!! but damn I have missed this game).
I'm what you probably could call a veteran player, before I got mad at CCP and canceled both my accounts I had played the game for 3 years and build my character up to a all-round type of character, I started out as a miner back in 2004, then some industry skills and eventually had to have som fightingskills...
I went on to do missions for quite some time, all the time I played I had my own goals... I begun about 1 month after a friend of mine and he progressed so damn hard in the game PvP-like that is.. it's not even funny but it did not matter to me because I had my own goals and as long as I did achive them then there where no worries.
In 2006 I got some friends into my corporation and I where like a "God" for them because I knew "everything" about this game... and I had like 20-25 million skillpoints .... (maybe more I don't remember), anyway when one of my friends had about 12 million skillpoints and btw you advance so much faster now than back in 2004 skillvise it goes so much faster to skill.
Anyway back to the story, my friend had 12 million skillpoints and where about half way at what I was at, and he wanted to do 1 vs 1 with me... now if we where to belive the OP here I would win every time ... but he almost costed me 1 billion isk as he chew my Nightmare battleship to hull !!!!
Also we in the corp used to have frig-fights for fun and always they belived that since I had so much skills that I would always win the fights.... I never won one !!!! mainly because it was not 1 vs 1 but the entire corp against everybody and they usually ganged together to get me first :-)
Yesterday I where in Uphallant to do some missions, now this is a low-sec system filled with pirates !!!! I have been living up there for quite som time doing my stuff there and have become to know some of the local pirates well not personally but know their deeds and kinda respect their trade and we can all have a laugh in local even :-)
And my agent sent me into the system Dastryn wich is only next door but that means ... got to pass a gate wich can sometimes be camped !!!!
Now the the mission in its self was not that good, well it was a good mission it paid well for sort of little work !!! BUT the fun part was that while I was in the system doing my bit ... the system had up to 5 pirates in the system wich at any time could try and look me up !!!!
This also sometimes happen if you are not "awake" so I was finnish my mission and then had to head back to Uphallant to turn in the mission but that again did mean I had to pass one gate... wich again could be camped !!!!
So what do I want with this story then ? well sure I got 40 million skillpoints... I'm a veteran player and probably could blow up a noob if I got the chance BUT anyone starting this game now have a fighting chance .. a better fighting chance against older players than other MMO's out there.
It takes some dedication skillvise and what people don't understand or won't understand is that even with 40 million skillpoints in a fight I probably won't use more than 10 of those .. if lucky.
The skills means I can fly more ships than you, use more type of weapons and modules than you but in the end it is tactics and I might actually have the wrong type of modules on the ship and that might cost me a shitload more isk than it would cost you.
Also as it is now, if I get podded it will cost me 11 million isk for a new clone, while it will cost my second account wich got almost as good fighting skills only 4.5 million isk for a new clone... it is in other word cheaper to loose a fight with my second account !!!!
So how many people are on the server when you log onto your other mmo?
You can catch someone who has started before you. This game doesn't have linear progression so that guy who started 3 months before you is automatically better at everything. What I mean is that are specific amount of skills that are relevant for flying interceptors for example. Once you have trained those you have hit the "level cap" for that specific type of ship.
I actually made a quick plan to see how long it would take to fly interceptor at pretty much the same level as I (1,5 year old character) and it took 2-3 months. After that you are at the same level as I in flying a ship that is constantly used in the "end game" of EVE.
Even before that you can fly t1 frigate which is the poorer version of the interceptor after just week or two´s training and be contributive member of almost any gang.
What you can't catch is the total amount of sp´s older players have but it just means they have more options available. It doesn't mean that they are better than you at everything. Also buying characters for isk is legal in EVE so if you really are that good in grinding you can just grind isk and buy a 4 year old character.
TBH you can see the skill training system either as positive or negative. I personally like it because there is basically no level cap in EVE and also it allows you to take breaks and still keep training.
Missions and mining
I find them boring too but thats the beauty of sandboxes, you don't have to do them if you don't want to.
Though let's be honest compare EVE's typical mission of go kill this and that to typical RPG's quest which is also go kill this and that. Only thing eg. EQ2 is that in that game even though the basic premise of the quest is exactly the same at level 5 and level 70. There you get new pretty background and mobs look different. In other ways its exactly the same.
Anyway these offer variety some people like them others don't. If you don't like them don't do them. There are plenty of other ways to make money. I personally have alt that builds stuff and sells it obviously. Only thing I need to do is set up orders, use the materials and put the finished goods for sale. Other than that all I do is PvP.
You are right though this game doesn't present you with challenges at least not in the sense that a traditional RPG does. Here the one presenting challenges needs to be yourself, again welcome to sandbox mmo.
This is such huge topic. I'm just gonna say that no you don't need to grind months to get one pvp encounter and then go back to grinding. Lot's people in EVE do almost nothing but pvp and for them the fact that you have actually invested something in your ship and putting that investment on the line is actually one of the best parts of EVE.
I have personally pvp´ed in half a dozen mmo´s and nothing even comes to close to the intensity of fighting other people in EVE does. Also the fact that your ship and your character is fully customizable adds in the fact that you can never know what your opponent(s) are gonna do.
This is a good example of it:
Not sure if that makes any sense to you but basically we did something that the opponent could never expect and thanks to that won a fight 5 times our size.
It sounds like you never actually really got into this game and think that we are all just happily grinding missions or mining and telling how awesome this game is not knowing of anything better.
Yes the PvE side of EVE is rather weak but the thing here is the player controlled server which has things happening 23/7 and the thing is you need to shape your gameplay experience yourself. There are no rollercoasters to ride here.
Not to be rude about it to anyone, but in ALL honesty, it seriously sounds like he didn't even undock.
Okay the guy didn't get into the game and made some good points as to why it didn't fill his needs, that doesn't mean that they are invalid. "Someuser" is entitled to his opinion but that doesn't give anyone license to try a pathetic character assassination, by calling him names or belittleing him. What does that say about the "Mature" player base of Eve? Sounds more like Barrens chat to me.
The OP didn't like Eve.... so why not make some valid argument to try and convince him and others reading this thread that Eve is worth the effort, instead of flaming him and resorting to speculation and name calling. Thats going to show others that the community isn't worth the effort anymore than the game might have been. Take the high road and don't take the path of the Flamer or Troll because to do so makes the reader less likely to give Eve a try.
Actually this is the feature most EVE players like most about EVE. If I have to leave town for a month on a business trip I can set a long skill, never log in, and when I get back my character will be finishing up the skill in short order, thus I have not lost any 'development' time I would have lost in a 'achievement' game.
Common misconception #1. This is very untrue as there are many specific ROLES in the game. It is perfectlly possible for a newer player to 'catch up' and even 'surpass' an older player in one role or another. No you will never catch up to them in the variety of roles they can fill but... no 1 ship can fill every role. A 1 month old player in a T1 EWAR ship (Celestis, Blackbird, Scorpion, etc) can totally shut down a 4 year old vet in a HAC or Command ship with the right skills trained and fittings on their ship. A 6 month old char can do the same but much more effectively in their own t2 ship. So while you wouldn't be as good as that vet in EVERY ship class he can fly you CAN, by specializing, match or surpass him in certain areas. Same goes for any other category of combat really. EVE isn't about generalists, it's about specialists... since only a small number of skills affect each area of specialization you are absolutely capable of catching up and even surpassing older players in those areas.
Yes, because a 6 month Karate student should be able to easily catch up to and beat a 4 year Karate student? No, I would argue that EVE is just more realistic than you would like.
And there are in EVE as well. Use your god given intellect and think your way through things instead of trying to muscle it. It is absolutely possible to 'make it to the top' in EVE.
EVE isn't a PVE game. Can you PVE in it? Sure.... it's not designed for it, however. EVE is an online universe. It's not intended to be PVE as it is a PVP based game, much like UO was originally. EVE is a sandbox. The world is out there for you to make of it what you will. Granted that style of play isn't for everyone, and will never rival WOW in popularity... but it's a perfectly valid style of play.
Patently false and untrue. This is one of the most innane things I have ever read. With ship insurance any T1 ship will pay for itself and most of its fittings if you lose it. Also, by the time you can fly T2 ships, if you bothered working on your skills for making money in the game you should easily be able to afford to replace them as well. Most players can make over 100 million isk a week (that's conservative) just by running missions once they bother going through the process of raising their faction to level 4 missions. I made 300 million this week alone and I don't even mission run that much. Between mission rewards, selling loot and salvage I can get 30-50 million per mission. Ship costs don't prevent frequent PVP encounters. That's laughable. If that were so how do you explain the galactic war going on in 0.0?
It's not an FPS game.... maybe you should have actually read about the game before trying it?
Erm.. yeah the UI is pretty bad. It needs (and is getting) an overhaul. But I wouldn't say it's "terrible". Again, EVE isn't an FPS so it needs a totally different UI from FPS games. But I'll grant t hat the UI needs updating, and really has for about 2 years now.
Get out of crowded systems. The lag you are experiencing is due to the number of people in the areas you are frequenting. They've been working on this and it has gotten better over time but yeah it can still get pretty laggy in very crowded areas. That said I suspect you haven't visited any of the performance threads that tell you how to set up EVE for optimal performance either, have you?
What do you mean by 'a general'? It all depends on what you want to do in EVE. I have been commanding fleets in 0.0 for over a year now. My character, when I started to lead fleets/gangs in 0.0, had a whopping 3.5 million skillpoints (that's a 2.5 month old toon nowadays).
Ummm... you need to learn about 0.0 combat before making such uninformed statements. Seriously. Camping gates is certainly part of holding space. But it's not the bulk of it, nor is it even the most important part of it.
Basically you heard about the game... tried it... and didn't like it? That's cool. As has been said time after time after time... EVE is not for everyone. Some will like it. Some will hate it... and some will really love it.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
This is the problem with game as successfull as eve [210,000 people online and steadily growing for 4 years and top game of its type]. It attracts a lot of trolls and rumours based largly on lies and ahlph truths.
Like the one where Everquest is full of Elitest Jerks for example.
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.
yea i was going to say the reason he is so upset about the skill advancement is because he has to let go of the xp grinding mentality... in other games a level 20 cant kill a level 50 bottom line... but in eve i could start a new character and take base line gear and kill a 2+ year vet if i catch him in a bad situation
also if your going into low sec and dying alot then your doing something wrong..... i could sit outside a jump gate for hours without getting locked.. this is not to say that something can't happen because it surely can but low sec is no big deal.
The real problem is that there is an enlightenment phase in eve where you get what the game is really about ... and honestly it takes longer than 2 weeks .. it took me 6 months to realise that missions and money in general is only a means to feed my pvp habit... as far as pvp being non-existant LOL .... if you dont like the game thats fine but EvE pvp is the best pvp in any mmo i have ever played.. there isn't even a close second... The biggest reason for this in my eyes is what i call Fear of loss... when your ship blows up you lose stuff . Your ship, the modules on your ship, and maybe even your pod. This is why EvE players call other gamers carebears.... because they cant handle the fact that they can no longer run into combat suicide style over and over again without losing theyre merchandise... but there are situations in the game that appear in a pvp encounter because of that realism that you wont find in any other game.. For example:
1. People may run from you if they think they cant win... Or aren't willing to risk what they have on theyre ship.
2. You will see enemies sometimes pass each other and not shoot.. becuase neither wants to loose what they got..
3. people will run when a large battle turns bad for them.
In any NO-LOSS pvp game this realism isnt there .... because theres no consequence.. run into a group of 50 enemies solo? sure i got nothing to lose... but in eve you do have something to lose. I realise there are many people who play eve and dont pvp but for me.. Eve IS PVP...all the rest is just money making to fund pvp
Wow, dude. How nice of you to actually create an account just for landing a complaint on deaf ears.
I played EVE for 3 months.
I explored low sec. I mined. I did missions (got up to level 4s solo in my drake). I ratted in .1-.4, found complexes (.1-.4), and did some pvp (War Dec).
My problem with EVE was that when I asked people what they did to earn isk they reiterated what I just said above. Exploring, mining, etc. I did all those activities and was bored doing them. I inevitably quit about 2 weeks ago because do to lag in Tidacha (bad spelling), I lost my drake in a mission. For my first ship lost to lag, even though I went into low sec all the time looking for trouble and never was locked on.... and if I did find someone they would run....
I asked in help what all there was to do in EVE or where people went for fun and got a basic reply. "Its a sandbox game make what you want", I can't see how EVE can be a sandbox game when I want to go explore and all I can find is a complex which is a spitting image of missions (Yes, I know there are Hack /salvaging sites... but alas I didn't have the sp yet to attempt those or find them with probes) that I can do? And with 25000 + people online. The majority of low sec systems I went to were barren. I fail to see the sandbox game of EVE.
I wanted to move out to 0.0, but in the recruiting channel every (that I saw or spoke too) corp said "need to have at least 6 mil SP." Or I would find a corp and they would want to put me in a starter corp in Empire Space.
I really wanted to like EVE but... I wanted to get into PVP... I guess I really was in search of a mentor . Where I would follow them around in my Cruiser or Frigate and they would sort of show me the ropes.
Good luck in the game. I just didn't have the patience to wait for a the "required" Skill points.Nor was I interested in dropping another 15 bucks a month for a second account which everyone in the help channel seemed dead set on every eve player having. Think the whole semi-afk feel of the game also got too me .
I greatly enjoy playing EVE. It permits my casual playstyle while providing for an indepth dynamic setting and an extremly useful UI. Interestingly enough, I find the UI to be extremly fluid and intuitive.
Should we all creat alt accounts just so we can badger and flamer the other games too?
Treefitty, you never came and hung out with us pirates You would've got alot of what you said you were missing (mentor, pvp). Bummer seeing you go but it happens. If you stop back in some time look me up.
yah, bro. i might come back some time. Maybe when trinity comes out. Been playing alot of tf2, lately.