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SOE has released the publish notes for Star Wars Galaxies Chapter 7.1: A Collection of Heroes, which went live today.
Beast Master:
- Adjusted the creature difficulty class weighting for hydrolyses extraction. Players should see consistently higher results from Boss and Elite level creatures over normal.
- All mutations now require at least one type 1 mutation before you can get a template change. All mutations that required, prior to this change, at least one type 1 mutation have had their color combinations changed.
- BBP will now only send a message to the Beast Master if they have the Lyase color correct.
- Fixed an issue with beasts not being able to attack lairs.
- Fixed an issue where defensive mode on beasts was not working correctly.
- Event runners can no longer switch a combat NPC to a flavor NPC if the NPC is in combat.
- Increased the range of the storyteller jukebox.
- Added "Start Listening to Jukebox" and "Stop Listening to Jukebox" as radial options on a jukebox. This will allow players to listen to the jukebox music if they missed the automated start. This usually happens in cases when they are not part of the jukebox owner's story at the time it started.
- Storyteller Imperial officers and stormtrooper squad leaders should now use their ranged attack.
Read more here.
A swg that didn't go as planned? How can that be? Perhaps letting a skeleton crew of howler monkeys pass themselves off as a dev team isn't the best idea for an mmo.
the game is bad and they should feel bad.
hmm swg is getting more and more pre nge all the time. now a beastmaster! whoa whats next? perma death jedi?
Considering the latest rumors, perhaps there's a pattern behind this
.: - the mmo question hub :.
It saddens me to see that all the dev team has been doing since the NGE is reimplementing substandard versions of classes they took out. What a waste of time. Imagine what the game would have been like if they had continued to work on the original 32 standard classes and 5 jedi classes.
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
This game is a total joke.
*scans article*
no pre-nge server annoucnced...
....hmm let's see
*scans more*
nothing interesting...just same WoW in Space. linear, non-sandbox nonsense....
thanks, but not thanks.
Please post an complete list of ALL the content being added to SWG in Publish 7. We know you're knowledgable, so it's only your integrity...
They should just scrap the whole star wars theme. Take all the classes out, put creature handler back in and call it Pokemon online. That is the only way there going to make up for the years of failure they put us through.
+hI$ I$ L1ke +He 8E5T 9AMe EVER m4D3
Add me on X Fire! Guttss
New content.... hahahhhahhh..... Fixes... hhehehehhhehh... Ohhh... Good times.... They're just trying to desperately change back to pre-cu in buggy, barely working format from what I've seen, at least the original version worked LOL.... *wipes a tear from his eye then walks off*
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Please post an complete list of ALL the content being added to SWG in Publish 7. We know you're knowledgable, so it's only your integrity...
The two main features of Chapter 7: Heroic Encounters and Collections.
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
Reintroducing the village with new missions isn't 'completely' new content. It isn't new content. It's old content. Neither are the new theme park missions. New content would be something like a new planet, or new races, or new classes, or anything that wasn't more of the same. (I like how they show screenshots of the hoth base from the original movie on the swg website, I wonder if they just sit around at HQ and just laugh at the current subscriber base.)
Even so new content should be the the last thing on the 'development team's' (I can't type the word development while thinking about swg and keep a strait face) mind. We're two years past the greatest mistake in the history of this genre, and they still think they can fix it with watered down rehashed content.
To be honest I'm pretty much over it. I don't think that even pre-cu swg would have held my interest for the past two years. Now it's just funny to watch.
It's like Homer Simpson, no matter what every week he does something new that is completely stupid. And I am still suprised.
FOR THE RECORD: I do not play SWG anymore and I hate the current state of the game BUT...
I think you anti-SWG people are being pathetic. Chapter 7 did introduce new content and to say otherwise is just plain hating. Give credit when credit is due, just as you give criticism where criticism is due. SWG NEVER had a collections mini-game before, so it is new content. SWG never had Heroic Encounters w/ the ability to collect tokens from it to buy new things from specialized merchants. So again, that is new content.
When WoW introduces a new raid, it is new content, but when SWG introduces something new, you guys flame the forums to hell and back. I can't stand the current state of the game, but you won't hear me bickering like a bunch of losers on a gaming forum.
MMORPG's w/ Max level characters: DAoC, SWG, & WoW
Currently Playing: WAR
Preferred Playstyle: Roleplay/adventurous, in a sandbox game.
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
Reintroducing the village with new missions isn't 'completely' new content. It isn't new content. It's old content. Neither are the new theme park missions. New content would be something like a new planet, or new races, or new classes, or anything that wasn't more of the same. (I like how they show screenshots of the hoth base from the original movie on the swg website, I wonder if they just sit around at HQ and just laugh at the current subscriber base.)
Even so new content should be the the last thing on the 'development team's' (I can't type the word development while thinking about swg and keep a strait face) mind. We're two years past the greatest mistake in the history of this genre, and they still think they can fix it with watered down rehashed content.
To be honest I'm pretty much over it. I don't think that even pre-cu swg would have held my interest for the past two years. Now it's just funny to watch.
It's like Homer Simpson, no matter what every week he does something new that is completely stupid. And I am still suprised.
Collections too is all new to SWG, which also revamps the badge system. Collections reward you for exploring the game and give some pretty decent rewards for doing so.
The main problem over the last year SWG has had has been a lack of content. We had all the professions fixed up (I guess that's going to be subjective, heh) but the only place to really use all those abilities was PvP because everything PvE wise in the game was old. So naturally, the top request by people on the forums was more content. I'm glad it's finally here
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
Beast master was in as one of the 32 professions. It was called Creature Master then. Chapter 7 may be new, but the idea was stolen from pre NGE swg.
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
Beast master was in as one of the 32 professions. It was called Creature Master then. Chapter 7 may be new, but the idea was stolen from pre NGE swg.
Beast Master was Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
Aurilia is "completely new content"?Yeah, baby...
Chapter 7 is completely new content.
Aurilia is "completely new content"?Yeah, baby...
Read above replies.
The main problem SWG over the last year has had is a lack of content?
That's rich. What about the unprecedent level of bad press they've received over their continuing willingness to do nothing about what everyone agrees was an awful idea.
Or the complete lack of growth within the player base.
Or the reintroduction of 3 year old glitches with every publish.
Or howabout the gradual erosion of the engines playability and graphical edge with the onset of new technologies. Games have a shelf life, even mmo's or else we'd all still be playing UO.
Or any of the other dozens and dozens of problems this game continues to spawn like warts on a toad.
The philosophy that a lack of content is swg's problem is exactly what led it where it is at today. You don't add new content when the core game itself is broken. You advised someone else in this thread to re-read the posts, maybe you should take your own advice.
While Chapter 7 did add content it has to be about the lamest content I have ever seen in any game. The collections are the worst time sink / grind I have ever experienced. Kill x number of y mobs so you can have a title and a badge. Yes I have always wanted to be known as a Mighty hunter of the dreaded Baznitch. Very Star Warsy and Iconic indeed.
I have completed some the worst grinds in games. I even did the Winterspring mount rep grind in WoW. Thats like 100 hours of play time and it is pure boredom. In my mind that was the worst grind ever. Well up until now. Even that pales in comparison to these collections. The drop rates on all of these collections are awful. Running around Keren killing Capper Spinflaps that are 60 levels lower than me for about 20 hours of play time isnt fun or challenging. Its stupid.
The problem here is people in this game are so starving for content they will do anything and think its great. The 2 devs that work on this game have it easy. All they have to do is add garbage to the game and call it content and people suck it up. This is how much SWG has lowered its players standards. Starve them long enough and even sh*t will taste like Filet Mignon.
Additionally, with the Slayer collections you get better rewards (rare DNA) as you complete sets of them. For instance, finishing all the Insect type slayer collections will give you some DNA.
And yet youll all continue to beat the dead horse.