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hi people i am having a slight problem trying to play the game i can login fine i downloaded the updates and now everytime i login to the loading screen with the spining dial it starts to aply the patch but gets to 14% in the direct x 9 patch and freezes and i have to crtl - alt and delete to close the game. i have tryed many times to log into hellgates forums to ask for support but i cant even log in with the username and password i use for the game. so if anyone can help me i would be very happy =D
i have a BFG 8800 GTX OC graphics card with 4 gig of dominator RAM and i can run crysis with out any fail or glitch smooth on direct x 10 ( sweet ass graphics )
What OS are you using?
I had the same problem when I took my BETA and wiped it from my system and installed the bought copy over it. I just made sure all HGL folders were gone even after I removed it from my system. Re-installed and had no problems since.
I am using Windows XP for now and thought about switching to Vista for the hell of it, just not sure if I want to tinker with dx10 yet. I am using a asus 8800gts 640 and just d/loaded the lastest drivers from nvidia. I sometimes get a game shutdown / freeze once in a while, but not often as much since launch. It gets very annoying, but I can deal with it for now.
Or try these drivers out... It was a offical from HGL
Your issue may be your video drivers, there are several more up to date versions - Many people have found the new Beta Nvidia drivers work extremely well for solving crash problems:
link to official page
windows Vista 64bit OEM .. when i got it just after launch date in the Uk i installed it and it worked fine its just recently when i have just loged in to play it its not applying the patchs
i have tryed to use the Nvida beta drivers and still no change it goes to the patch loading screen and freezes
oh if anyone can give me hellgates EU offical support e-mail address please so i can send them an e-mail explaining my problem.??