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I ordered ffxi for my xbox 360. It should come in, in a couple of days aka by the end of the week. Its really boring to play an mmo all on your own so if anyone who is on or joining the server (Asura) who wouldn't mind giving me their name that would be great. I'd like experienced people and new people. thanks! My Pol is Mannaknight so you can message me through that too.
you know, you just lost yourself some cash.
When wing of goddness come out. You need to buy another expansion for it. I am not sure about xbox, so i dunno if you have to buy the whole game again.
If I want wings i just have to buy the expansion pack like everyone else. I have it for pc too
(a friend gave it to me).
Aye the xbox is just a content upgrade via xbox live i believe.
I've signed up to join Asura. I'm a 4 time returning player (something about this game just drives me insane) and currently patching the game. Sooooo, yeah don't know my name yet but once I do I'll post it here. What race are you going to be, or don't know yet? I think I'm going to be a Hume
I'll start a new character on Asura on my new xbox 360 account. I was planning to play last night but holy crap updating took so long.
I have just recently installed it as well and will be starting a new char on Asura, will probably go hume as well.
Was thinking of going Beastmaster for solo play, not sure tho I normally go for Paladins in MMO.
Will hopefully get chance to log in tonight and create a charchter. G/f wants me to watch Harry Potter with her so im not sure.
Also does anyone know where I can get the disks for the ps2 version in the UK, I read that its compatiable with the ps3.
I am starting a new account today also, would be great to have others to play with.
I just started a new character on Asura last night. There's a linkshell that was started by some people on the site. I got a pearl last night and had a blast chatting while I lvled WAR.
There's a full static party all ready going and it looks like we could get enough people for another static party.
Send a tell to Poddle, Scygen, Tagnus, or Willryker.
You can send one to me, Zinj, but I'm not a bag holder and won't be able to give you a pearl, but I can get in touch with someone who can.
I am thinking of creating a hume or elvaan warrior then going for dragoon
DRG/SAM is awesome, but there's alot of lvling involved with that.
I'm not sure what I'm going for. I want to go BLU/NIN or BLU/WAR or BLU/THF, but I'm also thinking about NIN/WAR or DRK/WAR then DRK/THF.
I to am going to start playing in eight days and was going to play hume on asura starting with warrior or red mage and eventually becoming a blue mage/ninja
First off, I am going to be a Tarutaru. I will be either a white mage or a black (probably black). I
Second, I got my playstation 2 disks from ebay. It was 10 or 15 dollars cause it was just the disks and no hardrive. It was a brandnew game and that is where I first played ffxi.
well, i dusted off my old install discs, if had them now for a few years, gonna install and set it up, probably be a tanker, any suggestions, i did have a 31pal/15 war on some server, it wasnt asura though, ill roll on the server as well.
ps, i plan opn playing at least until warhammer or AoC comes out.
And for those that are interested......... there is a pc healthy torrent of ff XI with the first 2 expansions on isohunt torrent search............ easy to install and setup.
I've been playing on my 360 the past 2 days and as much as I like sitting on the couch and playing in HD on my Big screen, I gotta play it on my PC.
I'm patching my PC now so I can watch TV and play at the same time. The game is just too slow paced at times when I'm trying to get into a group or doing something that doesn't require my full attention.
Sorry bro, I looked everywhere for you but I can't find the Playstation 2 version anywhere.
Well, I'm a Hume WHM at Bastok, in the server Asura. My name is Iscariot and I'll send you a message Zinj (Kyrogenic), and if that doesn't go through I'll try to find someone else in the linkshell.
Well I have join Asura and my guy is named Vehiant, nobody was on that i could talk to so whenever anyone gets on I would love to get a LS nivite.
Thanks for your names, again anyone who wouldn't mind giving out their play name on asura, that would be great! You don't have to post it in the blog if you don't want to, just message me on my pol account mannaknight. Thanks!
Hi, ive just started on Asura this week (total noob at this game. Char name is Crimmson , red mage (lvl 5) say hi if you spot me .
New char here too!
Names Karoh. Hume Warrior, Bastok. Level 5 and kicking ass.
Would love to get in on a LS tomorrow/after the patching.
Also, is there a way to run it in windowed mode without it crashing out? Thanks!
Actually, a windowed mode was just added. Go to the out-of-game Final Fantasy XI Config. to enable, after the patching. However, I think it's still crash on alt-tab if you're running Full Screen.
Yeah, saw the windowed mode thing in the patch notes. Excellent.
I just started playing as well. The name is Shins a level 2 monk so far..and there must have been a big patch today because it's taking FOREVER.
There are two kinds of people in this world. People who pick their nose.. and liars.
Just started playing as well. Have a lvl 6 Monk in Bastok named Fizblix.
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