if anyone know any GOOD free games ....reply me or mail me please.....or a game where i can deposit any money i want..not a stable price per month...thanks
Refer to the Free MMORPG list at the top of this fourm, but just remember... you get what you pay for. Also you could get months of free play time taking advantage of all the free trials out there.
hmmm i think i was bad understand but i think it was because of my english...i dont want free games like kingofchaos , etc .....i mean real good games ..on of those is project entropia ..u are free to play but to get any good items or weapons armours etc u have to deposit from your cc..only diferences is u can depost any money u like and u can get any item u can afford with that money..thats the games i want to find.....
Here we go again