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What a surprise, the combat revamp has been delayed until after JTL, Guess SOE didnt want to lose half its customer base until they at least went out and spent another $50 on their pathetic expansion.
Oh and dont try and find a posting about it on swg site. For some reason Thunderheart stated it was accidentally deleted. Then someone copy and pasted a copy in a new post and "oops" that one just disappeared too.
This such an obvious pathetic attempt by SOE to squeeze a little more money out of us. Im guessing SOE is praying WoW gets delayed. Otherwise they're totally screwed. I hated Wacraft 3 and am not even sure I'll like WoW. However I dam sure will try it just to spit in SOE face
Finally, to all you fanboys out there.... how much more support will you show now that SOE has made fools of you ? How long can you go on refusing to being critical of this game ?
I know many who say they're hanging on waiting on JTL. I ask why ? JTL will suck for two reasons... one its a twitch based game, ie. fastest computers with t1 connections will rule. And two, space sim gamers will NOT like this game when they discover they must spend hours looking for loot, grinding TKM, doing missions for money, etc to pay for upgrades and repairs to their ship. I know how space sim guys think... JTL will never appeal to them.
I smell the end....
My friend made some good points about the state of sorry affairs on swg but of course the Nazi's at SOE deleted it. So Im gonna post it here. Some of the points from his perspective (he's on of those space sim gamers)....
Some say the game has improved since release. Technically, there are less server crashes so on that issue they are correct. However there are more game issues that stink because of these alleged improvements.
1.) Mobs, where the heck are they ? Player cities killed mob spawns. Used to have tons of mobs just outside each town. Remember when Fambaas would wonder into Kadaara ? Not anymore. Seen any mountain dewback packs near Espa lately ? Remember when it wasn't that uncommon to see a dark jedi master spawn somewhere ? I can't even recall hearing about one (or knight) spawning in months. Some servers because of player cities in certain areas have real trouble finding certain spawns (giant dune kimos) because player buildings sit on spawn sites.
2.) camping.... really bad now. I put off going to the Geonosian cave until just this week. I figured by now it wouldnt be that busy... WRONG. Place was packed. This morning tried to get a racing badge at Agrilat Swamp track... pfftt time was impossible to beat by AV-21 millionaire players and also camped heavily. Went to Woolamander temple and Kimo City and Gurk king static spawn site... all camped. Went to Tusken Fort all week long.... camped so bad at times I went 20 min between kills. Decided to try Endor, my old hangout cause it was usually empty. Not now, also camped because crystal hunters are there to loot. Every single static spot from Maurader camp to ewok villages were all cleared out.
I am sick and tired of paying $15 a month for a game that I cant play because of campers and bugs. Lucky for SOE there's not much else to play rght now. However thats changing soon... cough WoW... cough Middle Earth.. cough
Heheh, had to add this new item pissing players off at swg forums also....
Bestine election reward... apparently if you already got something (like a statue) and Sean chooses that same prize at random again, you get nothing. Instead of making him choose another prize (guess that was too complicated for SOE to program) you get nothing. If you got the statue the first time (most common reward) then the odds are you'll never get the rare rug, etc because he'll keep choosing the statue which results in no reward. This is such a classic example of how SOE thinks. Nice content SOE, nice.
So lets see now, thats no content + no combat revamp + bugs still not fixed = JTL Makes sense doesnt it ??? The car doesnt work but we bought new tires for it
While Im ranting....that alleged new content we keep hearing about to entice us back..
Warren - Turret wont shut off even with codes so if you attempt to get through blam your dead in one shot (even with buffs)
Hermit Quest - Thankfully I finished it but apparently the Intellect BH spawn is broken now. Typically, SOE cant give us a straight answer. One csr says iits broke and they're looking into it. Other csr say its working, just extremely rare spawn.
Genosian Cave - an annoying loot bug that wont allow you to loot anything. Requires you to log out and back in to fix, not very safe in there.
Gungan Sacred Place - okay this is old content but gee wiz.. its still broken after a year ! Cant one dev spend a few hours to fix this ???
Thats all for now...
Lo old Eclipser
I think the only sure thing we can say about the combat revamp is that it will probably be a return to forced grouping and a reduction in the power of buffs.
I have recently become a "solo grouper" a person i have hated so much in the past. I am now trying swordsman doing difficulty 99 missions going to the lair buffed, and brandied....hitting the area attack style 30 or 40 times and sitting back and watch the exciting battle take place...but SOE have incorporated stratedgy now....mobs with a pixel of health are now catapulted 80 metres from me! shall i give chase..nah stuff it!
SOE are losing direction with SWG. They are working on so many ideas at the same time, such as JTL jedi quest system, combat's no wonder all of them will seem unfinished at release and a never ending stream of patches, nerfs and god knows what else will ensue.
Yeah Ive been doing the same solo group junk. Not much else to do. I started collecting crystals for pub 10 so my eventual jedi toon will be ready. I'm even throwing a party at my shop on Tatooine tonight so stop by. Its at -4235, 6107 on Tatooine near Tusken Fort. Time will be 9pm eastern time till 11pm or later. Im giving away crystals, free buffs and more. There's also a live band I hired to play. SOE cant make content, so I guess I have to sigh... at least until something better comes along.
What was your in-game name again by the way ? Drop me a line tonight, Ill be on from 8pm on. Party is more or less a promotion for some of my shop partners. We're trying to survive out here, god forbid someone ever shop anywhere besides Theed or Coronet lol. Probably will be our last big get-together as they're moving on. A few are already in WoW beta (and love it).
Mark of Hero
I'll be at work mate...bloody night shift during our short english summers suck! I may try a solo group tomorrow...if just for the company of group chat /sarcasm off. I may finish swords off, may drop that and go tk....hell they are the two only pve classes where it doesn't take an age to do a mission...Why go pistoleer,bh, rifelman,carbineer, or whatever and fight mobs one at a time, while your melee guy can hit the lair,every spawning mob at the same time?? Or go AFK in geo cave for 3 hours while buffs last and pop down the pub for a bevvy and a curry
Heh ...about this. Finally got a good drop after 10 months of playing. Found a belt giving 6 to creature taming skill. But who the bloody hell is a CH anymore after there nerf....hehe.
Pazza master, swords, tk, one line of scout, master marksman....LOL, one box of medic, 3 lines of one handed....
I'm certainly not happy about the delay of the Combat Balance.
However, seeing as I've taken on duties as Mayor of a player city and starting working as an architect again, I guess I picked a good time to sway away from combat classes for a while.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
wow, check out the official statment post from TH on Development forum at Its up to 69 pages in a single day. I think SWG is in big trouble. Take a gander at the posts, 99% are screaming that this was the final straw.
And for the other poster here that asked "whats the big deal about a delay ?" Its simple, many of us kept playing even though the game is broken because we were told by SOE that a fix was in the works and would take 3 months to complete. That was in January. Delay after delay, and now we're told to sit back and wait till JTL gets implemented. First off, that in itself is a big fat lie because we were told that JTL had a completely seperate development team independant of SWG. Now we're told that this whole time we've had half the swg team working on JTL, and half on fixes for SWG. However to work more efficiently, devs need to focus on one task at a time.
Frankly we are tired of the lies (i can think of at least 10 times where the community was flat-out lied to). Please dont let WoW be delayed, please please....
I don't really post about SWG anymore, cuz I'm sick of bitching about this 'game'.
But I am literally shocked at that announcement. It's like they're trying to drive away their playerbase. They expect everyone to sit around waiting for 6 more months until JTL ships?? I'm speechless....
I may have to download the 14 day freebie and go look around...
Frodo has failed. Bush has The Ring.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
It sure feels like SOE doesnt care about the current fan base. I get the impression they're simply looking to squeeze a few more dollars from the fans with JTL, then pull the plug. SOE knows there will be many space sim fans who'll wanna try JTL. SOE probably hopes they'll stick around but lets face facts.... anybody who is or knows a space sim gamer knows how they tick. Force them flyboys on the ground doing endless missions to pay for stuff on their ships and watch how fast they leave.
Would SOE care ? Why should they, all they need is for x amount of units to sell and its bonus time for the company executives. Anything after is just gravy to them. If it drys up, who cares. They have EQ2 coming along with other games still feeding them.
Here's the actual link...
A lot of unhappy campers there. I truly dont see how the game will last now. While on-line earlier, I heard several hundred complaints and promises to quit. People were already spamming "giving away all my stuff" in Coronet. So sad...
I'm too tired to argue, so I will just quote the Commando Corespondent, whos main server is the same as mine (Valcyn):
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server)
Games Tried:
Everquest (not a power gamer)
Earth and Beyond (kinda fun, kinda boring)
Planetside (rather play Counter-Strike)
Lineage 2 (see Everquest above, plus too many PKers and Bots)
Guild Wars [E3 trial] (Not too bad from what I saw, nothing very new though)
Eve Online (somewhat fun, somewhat repetetive)
Waiting For: something good
Games Tried: SWTOR, Star Trek Online, EQ, EQ2, Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Lineage 2, Eve Online, WoW, City of Heroes, City of Villians, Auto Assault, Fallen Earth
Star Wars: Galaxies - Ibra Olasi (Valcyn Server) [Dead, screw you SOE]
The Corrspondent Summit is something they should have done a while back. We're 7 months into the year, since they have announced the Combat Rebalance, and haven't seen anything. Less talking, more coding. They were supposed to have figured it all out by now.
The correspondents will learn first-hand, but what are they going to tell them that they can't tell us? That's what I don't get. Why not announce their intentions to us instead of our go-between guys?
I appreciate the time taken, but I have my doubts that the Combat Rebalance will fix many of the issues. I would really like a heads-up on what exactly this thing is all about.
There is content in the works, GCW stuff, the combat revamp...
TH 12/23/03
I know a bunch of this is in development, but it really is . The combat system is being rebalanced and going forward, its important to get your critical issues to klawlegna so we can act on it. The big bottleneck is communication and after the holidays, a lot of this will be ironed out and smoother.
Instead of "fixing this" and "tweaking" that and ending up with a wobbly 4 legged table because so many number are over-tweaked, we are just revamping the system, but that takes longer.
TH 12/23/03
The short answer is that these items will be taken care of in the weapons balance. Specials, weapon stratification and the like will all be accounted for
(what ever happened to the weapons balance????)
TH 12/23/03
I could, but everything is getting revamped. Id be more interested in hearing what you folks have to say on how you WANT it to stack since we are doing the combat balance.
TH 12/23/03
If its big, its coming in the revamp and the Combat Balance
TH 1/16/04 (does this one sound familar)
We are going to be revamping PvP, but in the meantime, we have to make some killer fixes to keep what is in live now, fun.
TH 1/23/04
The combat balance is near and dear to my heart as are all player issues. I just have to juggle time, manpower and scheduling as well. What I do is I keep track of all the issues, label them and sort them. That way when I go to Blair, JustG and Runesabre and say "players need this fixed", its based on how many players are being effected.
The combat balance alone is the single largest player issue. It encompases about 34% of the Correspondent issues and much of the pain combat players are having. Pikemen, carbineers, commando heavy weapons, the cost of specials, HAM costs, all of that will be better when the combat balance is done.
The thing to remember is that because the combat balance touches so many other systems in the game, its going to take a while. The team thats working on this is working very hard and thats the best I can offer.
TH 2/6/04 (holy cow...the combat revamp is mentioned INFRONT of the jedi revamp)
2. For PvP and Base battle folks, your time is coming. Once we get past the Combat Balance and the Jedi Revamp, the PvP balance is scheduled. Its a multi-publish update (roughly planned atm) where will consider battlefield possibilities, PvP upgrades and so on.
TH 1/28/04
There are lots of ideas for sure, but right now, the team is focused on the Combat balance, the GCW, the Jedi Revamp, Correspondent/CSR issues, the publish theme, getting the existing professions improved and the dungeons.
TH 1/19/04 (HAM revamp...assuming this is combat revamp)
The HAM revamp will address all of that. It will repair everyone's specials, it will solve the slow downs in combat and many other things. The challenge is that its a core game system and its going to take a bit because people from many different teams have to be involved.
TH 2/12/04 (ouch...when I first read this...I thought it might come back to haunt him)
One message that is load and clear is that the combat balance is very important and we all know it is. So that means we have to get the combat balance done and in and polished.
TH 2/13/04
For the most part, the combat balance is just coding atm
and this
There is much more to the combat balance. The biggest change you will see is in the way the HAM works. It will have more of a regen effect rather than a "diminishing returns" kind of effect. On top of this, defense stacking, specials and all of the combat "components" will be tweaked for more fun and challenging play
TH 1/21/04
No, the development for the combat balance is being done all along. The develpment time for things like this is longer than most players realize. The "In Concept" cycle for combat roles per se is so that if players have any really great ideas pertaining what defines a profession's combat role, it can be added.
Once the basic design is done and the combat balance moves to the In-Dev phase, things can be tweaked a bit, but no major additions can be included. I thought it was important to get players ideas on combat roles and the dev team agreed.
TH 2/13/04
I pushed very hard for the combat balance and the team agreed so basically they did the crackdown stuff and then did as much of the Combat Balance as possible. The combat balance items that were selected because they effected creatures so much. The first part of the combat balance was balancing the creature table
I'll be preparing some Combat Balance stuff for next week that will help everyone get on the same page for going forward
TH 3/3/04
This is something Im checking to see if we can address in the weapon balance part of the larger combat balance, but I don't know what the answer might be. And in any event, concentrating on these minor things before the weapon balance isn't productive. We'll want to look at things when the combat balance is on TC
Actually the game will be easier at the high end because the "invulnerable" templates will be fixed and all professions will be on a level playing field, but in any event, this is something we need to focus on after the HAM revamp goes to TC in Pub 8 and after the Combat Balance goes into effect (tentatively Pub 9 and holding...)
TH 4/12/04 (time for another meeting???)
We did have a meeting today and I fought hard to get the combat balance put back on the plate. By my reckoning, it represents about 35-40% of the player issues. Would you say thats a wrong direction? I'm always open to ideas that speak to the most players at any given time.
TH 3/2/04
As far as combat template stacking, this is all part of the combat balance. I mentioned early on that we'd be going through a painful period and this is it. Once the HAM revamp hits the system (keep your fingers cross, it should be in Publish 8) all of these changes will make more sense. It will change the way combat plays and the majority of the discussion points regarding combat will change. Many players are still seeing the way the system was or is, and not as it will be.
The core interaction of combat pools will still work the same, but the way it feels in combat will be different. Once it goes to TC, Im hoping to see all the combat experts get online and play it out so we can tweak it - - it will be a critical period. I know Im anxious to see it
TH 4/13/04
Atteke wrote:
Thunderheart could you guys put the combat balance on Test Centre in it's current condition like you did with the new HAM system in January? just so we can take a look at it.
Not really. Not for now anyway. You see, if we put it on Test Center, we'd have to push it out in Publish 9 with the the way the process works. Once a clump of code is integrated, "its in there". Thats where the sanbox that we've been talking about comes into play. This sandbox would be like a second Test Center, but configured in a way where it would be insulated from the live code and we would be able to push different versions out much easier without interfering with current process.
TH 4/19/04
Originally, the Combat Balance was delayed and I worked with the correspondents to get a list of "must haves" from the various profession communities. Since that time, I've have stressed the importance of the combat balance with the team and we are getting it back into the mix, though as you might guess, the schedule is pretty full. Because of logistics, its going to take a couple weeks of information gathering on the technical side before we have a plan to move forward on. We will see the CB soon though.
TH 4/19/04
We're in the planning stages now. I want to help set expectations as best I can. At this early stage, I would make the following comments:
- The biggest change in the CB that will be a "sensation", and by that I mean something that players will
change them after the CB gets published.
What will change is the mechanical balance - - especially with the HAM revamp portion of the CB
We can also further tweak the Smugglers combat role in the combat balance
The combat balance will bring elements of both to a Swordsmans specials with the lions share of focus on re-tweaking the current specials to be more effective
These are two very important melee considerations for the combat balance
1 Answer to rule them all
In closing, one thing that is very important to keep in mind is realistic expectations.The reality is that there are a huge number of player questions and answers that hang on the combat balance.What I dont want to see happen is that because many questions revolve around a tight group of answers that the scope of the work gets expectations set so high that they are impossible to meet.We all have high hopes for the combat balance and the certainty that the Combat Balance is very, very important.We are putting a strong focus on special training and hardware to give the effort a leg up and will make this as cool as possible, but I wouldnt look on it as a magic bullet, but more as an exciting change in direction.
TH 4/22/04 (OUCH OUCH)
Why is it going to take more than a year post-launch to make this happen?
It's not. We've been talking about things internally a lot. I've stressed the importance of these changes and everyone agrees. We've been going over the implementation details for a couple of weeks now so that we can get this back on track. JustG will be going into more detail in his next State of the Game letter which will be coming out in the next couple of days.
TH 6/3/04
This is definitely a topic we can discuss further in our upcoming Combat Balance focus threads.
...and this is another great example of something the correspondents and I will want community input on during the testing while the CB sandbox is up.
This is an early answer and is subject to change, but one of our goals for Commandos in the Combat Balance is to change the way Heavy Weapon modifiers work
...but we wont know until the Combat Balance sandbox is live).
When the Combat Balance begins (which will be soon), the correspondents and some players will be brought on to a special Combat Balance server
Lightsabers have been balanced against the system after the combat balance
The most important component to this is to keep giving good, solid feedback to your correspondent so I can bring these opinions to the development team while the CB sandbox is live.
You can look forward to sweeping changes in terms of functionality, speed, etc.But again, I stress, we talk about this topic a great deal in a conceptual form.The rubber is going to meet the road when we bring the correspondents and other players onto the Combat Balance Sandbox server
Again, absolutely.These changes are the types of things we want to address in the Combat Balance
Squad Leader
What is the SL revamp timeframe?. It's still going take place after the combat rebalance, correct?
Its going to be released in the same publish
To answer your question though, this is something we can, and will, talk about during the Combat balance
Yes, Black Sun Razor Knucklers will be back in the game after the combat balance
TH 6/14/04
Waste93 wrote:
How about some info on the combat revamp. There are lots of rumors floating around on this one. And since the answer to just about every question the combat professions ask is "wait for the rebalance" it would be helpful.
Once we get through the Jedi Revamp, I'll be posting lots of thread. We'll have a lot of focus threads and the like and after P9, I'll start making the weekly roundtable have a CB focus to cover specific issues.
TH 6/10/04
Are stun weapons going to see a major rebalance within the future?
Yes. Stun weapons (particularly stun batons) were never intended to be "the weapon" that everyone wants because it is the most effective. SWGs weapons were always supposed to have a variety of useful and efficient weapons available, but here again, with all the tweaks and changes over the last 8+ months have caused a series of imbalances. This is definitely something that will be looked at during the combat balance.
TH 7/15/04: I will be immediately working with the correspondents and the community to develop a list of pre-combat balance fixes
Gary Gattis's State of the Game Letter (around pub 8!): We are cranking on the Combat Balance, and we think development on it will span 2 more publishes.
So...which is it? Were we lied too? mislead? or ???
since no re vamp, you may all enjoy over powered jedi players that plow through everyone else
my last day in the game was seeing afk jedi in squill caves afk macroing and some jedi fighting at cornet openly,
the famous rifle / tkm template and the wonderful "solo group experainces that make up the current game
on the 90 page thread of unhappy folks if even a percentage of those folks leave, from your normal crafters, to enteratiners
have you figured on what your 14.99 2nd account bot will be yet???? if the all the other you got to do this that and the other thing just to play the game aren't around going to make this a very interesting game to watch from a distance........
and with this this the game dies taken from
And beisdes Gamespy, HomeLANFed has an insightful article on the expansion, which goes into more details on things we're likely to see and not see.