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Has anyone here played the Lego Star Wars games? They look like they could be alot of fun, and I see that they just released them all in a single package. Was thinking about picking it up, if anyone recommends it.
I've plaied the demo,it was quite funny,but I'm not a real Star Wars fun so I can't tell you,XD.
They're pretty basic as far as gameplay goes, you're not going to find a real deep Star Wars experience. If you want a quick Starwars fix with an arcade sort of feel, then go for it...if you're looking for something more immersive, wait for The Force Unleashed.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I'm not expecting horrifically deep gameplay, just something fun to keep me occupied for a little while.
I bought lego star wars II. Went through the entire campaign to finish it and never touched it again.
-Azure Prower
I dunno, some people seem to enjoy it, my brother played it obsessively to get all the extra shit.. of course, he does that with every fuckin game he buys.. but still, it seemed like it had a lot of stuff to do and find.
I've played the first one, but only after all characters was unlocked. Was really funny though, I think you'll enjoy the games.
Once they release all 6 lego star wars on the DS I think I am going to be glued to it.
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this game is really retarded. Dont get suckered into buying any lego star wars game unless it is for a kid under the age of 10. I have played both because i was retarded...dont make my mistake