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Hey all,
Aspiring commando here, and I am not too impressed with launchers thus far. Granted I only have Launchers 1 trained, I still expected more damage out of them.
How are launchers best used?
Is the damage increase with skills trained quite noticeable? Or not that noticeable?
What type of launcher is the best? Sonic, laser or regular rockets? (I know this depends on the enemy, but generally speaking)
Any other hints on how to be a more effective commando?
With Rocket 5 + Rage 5 you do really good, long range damage with rockets! "Crit crits" go off the chart. If you plan on using rockets you need to pump them to 5 along with rage. Because of the AOE stun effect on rpg launchers they are also excellent weapons for fighting groups of mobs and keeping yourself out of harms way. You can take out alot of enemies in a controlled fashion this way.
When it comes to the different kinds of damage types (physical, laser, emp, sonic, electric) you should use the one with the most damage as long as the mob you're fighting dont have any resistance to it. This does not include emp damage as that only applies to armor and mechanical mobs. If you get a sonic launcher that has a higher base dmg than a physical launcher, you could use the sonic instead as long as you dont use it on howlers (immune).
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Launchers suck imho.
I use a level appropriate EMP launcher to fight against a stalkers... by the time I shoot a stalker, reload the launcher, and rebead on said stalker, the stalker has regenned it's damage.
I haven't found one viable use for a launcher, that can't be done better by running into a mob of baddies with a shotty and blasting away.
What is the deal with Rage? Isn't that a temporary aggression buff? I hear they are nerfing it as well. I only have rage 1 at the moment, how will I benefit from having Rage 5? Can you please explain how increasing rage will increase my launcher usage? I know this is a noobie question, but with school, work and family, I don't have time to do that much research, but rather I just jump in and play. Thank you in advance.
If I remember correctly rage has 20 second damage increse to all weapons? So, if You use rage and then launcher, You damage is bigger.
If You look You abilities, You can also see rage 1 adds XX% of damage. Rage 2 adds more than XX% and so on. How ever rage has notting to do with launcers as it does same with all weapons. So shotguns damage with rage is better too.
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I have launchers at 4 and I'm definately taking it to 5. At 4 the RPG seem a little slower than shotgun. I love the rockter launchers but I only use them at specfic times, mainly for opening up on a group. I ran into the Meatgrinder boss and he was wiith about half a dozen or so buddies. I think I just kept hurling rockets until the buddies were dead then I switched to chainguns to finish the boss off. The most noticable thing with more pumps is the decrease in reload times.
Rage 5 means you get a buff that temporarily increases your damage by a 100%. Together with launchers 5 (40% damage increase + faster reload) you get 140% damage increase. If you also use sacrifice 5, you get approx 150% damage increase from that alone, so that's nearly 300% damage increase from the base damage on the weapon! So a rocket launcher listed as doing 3000 base damage will with all those buffs do 9000 damage instead (resistances not included).
Ok, so we all heard about the rage nerf/bug... What does this mean? Well, if rage is the only buff that changes then we will loose 50% of the current rage buff, meaning that it's possible to gain 250% damage boost instead of 300%. 250% is still a significant boost, dont you think?
I pumped launchers to 5 as soon as i got my commando (saved up for it). I LOVED using the rocket launcher to open up on massive groups at range, but that only seemed to work in instances where other players could run down and engage the group for me. It was very cool to blast thrax pukes in one shot each and still damage their buddies in the process. I consider the rocket launcher to be sort of an AoE sniper weapon, but be careful as any AoE weapon draws alot of aggro and suddenly that group will be on top of you instead of far in the distance eating rockets like that small asian guy who eats too many hotdogs.
Don't forget to take into account the fact that the reduced reload time effectively increases your DPS output by reducing the time between shots. So with the damage bonus and reload bonus, rockets get a very significant DPS bonus.
The downside to rockets is that they take FOREVER to aim for full damage, which is not only a pain, but it reduces your effective DPS as well.
I eventually ditched my 5 pump rocket launcher commando for a commando with 5 pump shottys. Graviton armor is TOUGH and a good command w/ rage, shrapnel, and a shotty can output some mad dps to a large group at close range. It's so good in fact that I was able to take a CP solo aganst bane that were roughly my level.
Edit: That point-blank AoE commando was great for farming assault/defense tokens too, can't wait for a grenadier with 5 pump propellant guns!!!
Just gotta hit the stalkers from behind or behind-sideish, at lvl 16 whit rockets lvl1, i did from 1k to 2.7k dmg whit 1 hit to stalekrs that way, getting somethings all the shield plus a lil health
To put it this way, in regards to rocket launchers, I normally one-shot level appropriate mobs with rage 5 + rockets 5. If I use sacrifice on top of this, I'm doing BIG numbers At lvl 32, my grenadier does approx. 14.000 damage (rage + sacrifice 3) a shot with about the same reload time as a shotgun.
As always it's important to be strategic on the battlefield. If you send a rocket at a group of mobs, only 1 of them is gonna die, and the rest will be most alive and kicking (your teeth in). I'll say no more
also, hit the "R" as soon as you fire the shot instead of waiting for launcher to auto-reload. much faster.
Anyone just pumped shotgun and forgot launchers until you reach grenadier ?