Eh. Wow also ripped off the bg system from DAoC. The black orc didn't seem to do much but rush in and die. The zealot was owning and keeping allies up with heals and buffs. Although they never seemed to realize bright wizards were above them.
Wow pretty much ripped everything off of other games just like most blizzard games do, but like i said earlier does that justify warhammer being basically the same core mechanics as previous games?
i would of thought people who are sick of wow and dark age of camalot would want something different than a straight carbon copy of what came before it with a few extra tweaks. I am assuming they are sick of it if they werent they wouldnt be here ;p
Oh man, you have alot to learn
You know what people.... I propose we make an official "Come here if you think WAR = WoW" thread and then ask the staff to sticky it so that every time someone wants to complain like this guy here, they can just go there without us having to deal with them. Anyone who is not foolish and knows that WAR doesn't equal WoW can stay away from it and enjoy the forum in peace.
What do you guys think? Good idea or bad? It might work..... Probably not I know...
How about we just discuss the video like i was doing instead? Ive looked at the video and if it wasnt for the graphics i would swear it was a new version of AV. Why? because lets see, first everyone is starting off by running towards each other, second they all meet in the middle and fight, next they try to get to each others base and take it over, then when whatever side has done that it resets. Sound familier?
Ok, let me design a "new" BG concept just for you. The gates open, half the team runs out, the others decide to have a coffee and wait. The half that left runs towards the middle to the enemy, only to find them tap dancing around the flag. So they then decide to join them. At this point they are losing in points so they have to tap dance harder and faster. They don't catch up, and they lose... the BG resets. Anyways, the point is that WAR is an RvR game, that means you fight. If that BG was like AV then they should have been killing npc's to get their renown points. I didn't see any npc's in there. So no, it didn't look familiar, and quite frankly, I have no idea what you were watching if you think it did.
I dont think this game looks graphically like wow it looks 10x better graphically. But graphics dont mean shit to me. Its the gameplay that counts and from what i have seen from this video and past videos is that warhammer isnt offering anything new atleast in terms of core gameplay mechanics, these other things like quests completing before you get to the quest giver due to what mobs you kill is fluff it wont make a single bit of difference in the end if the gameplay is the same as wow.
I too care mostly about gameplay, I can look beyond graphics of the gameplay is smooth and polished. And maybe you're right, maybe WAR isn't offering a whole lot of new mechanics in terms of gameplay, I'm not sure yet, but so what? Why does every single game have to have some new legendary mechanic that differentiates it from everything else. Obviously this doesn't apply to you but there are plenty of people out there that enjoy the simple click and attack gameplay. And the quests triggering by them self is unique feature. Atleast to me it is.
for core mechanics it feels exactly like wow so it has done worse because of it. People will play this game like they did lord of the rings and think i have just done this in wow why would i want to do it again, most of the people looking forward to this game are former wow players and dark age of camelot players, do you think they wont get bored doing the same gameplay they are obviously fed up with?
First of all you don't know howit 'feels.' Many of us don't so you can't make that judgement. Secondly, you seem to have alot of beef with gameplay, you mention it in every paragraph. What you said here is pretty wrong also, I don't know where to begin. People will not get bored of WAR just like they did with WoW because it would take a different type of bordem. If you get bored in WAR it will be because you PvPed too much (I laugh at that thought lol!) whereas in WoW you (or I) get bored from not doing enough PvP. You see the difference?
Btw to all the people saying this is skill based, how is it? its using the same combat as wow and other mmos, you attack the computer decides if you hit miss, what dmg you do etc. Thats not skill based its turn based rpg combat. Just like wow and all the other Everquest clones.
WAR is more skill-based then WoW and it doesn't take a genious to see that. Just the fact that collision detection is in makes room for skill. Tanks stand around the healers, while the ranged DPS and melee fight off the enemy players. I'd say WAR is more strategic and group skill, rather then just player skill, which will also play a factor. Of course gear will make you more durable and make you hit harder, but what game doesn't do that?
Also warhammer is gear based as well so why are people bashing wow for it and just ignoring that warhammer is the same it seems that warhammer fans think this is going to be some revolutionary game from the way they talk, yet where are the core differences in gameplay?
Ok I just explained this so moving on...
It seems people defend how similer this game is to wow by the fact wow copies from other games, that doesnt matter, people are sick and tired of Everquest mechanics they have to come up with something new if they want to do well. Look at Pirates of the burning sea, COS, and AOC etc they are trying something new whats this game doing copying wow and past mistakes.
This one is hard to understand. You're saying that people defend how similiar this game is to WoW buy saying WoW copies from other MMO's... I think. Um... this is a really non-sensical statement because every MMO will copy something from another game, it's just natural. I mean why wouldn't you if that feature has done really well. What you do is you take it and you try to improve on it and pray that it works. I don't know a whole lot about PotBS, CoS, and AoC but I bet I can point out a few things those games have that can be compared to WoW and other games.
Oh and one last thing you guys are telling me i have something to learn enlighten me whats to learn ? so far everyone has said wow has copied from other games tell me something that i dont know. Its this game we are discussing. so whats so different about this game that justifies all this fanboyism? Seems the people bashing what wow does wrong havent played it in a while either since its not as gear based as it used to be, they also focus more on pvp then they do pve now trying to cater to the pvp crowd thats obviously has grown larger.
Can you stop with this " everyone says WoW copied from other games" stuff. Who's everyone, I didn't see that many, and besides it's true so what do you keep babbling about. Everyone already knows it... And honestly whats the point of explaning why this game is different, will it change your opinion on it? I dont think so. People bash what WoW does wrong because they have tried it and know what it's like. People bash WAR because they saw a video that gave them the wrong impression. Then without reading about it and accumulating real facts, they make pointless posts like this one which are almost completely false.
Edit: Btw some of you guys make me laugh this is a forum for discussing warhammer, i am discussing it guess what not everyones opinion is the same, dont like then get off the internet its not for you. If all you can do is bash wow to defend this game it doesnt say much for the game it should stand on its own feet. All you have to do to defend this game if its so different is to list whats different about it, so far no one has listed anything different just short sentances trying to explain why wow is a clone like i said tell me something i dont know.
Ok that sentence made me laugh. Maybe it's just me but were you not just bashing WAR to defend WoW in this entire post? If you want to find out whats different, research it for yourself instead of making someone here go through all the trouble of answering just to be shot down by your negativity. Your opinion will not change, and many people have realized this about people of your kind by now. So why dont you just move on to your next targeted game and take your business there.
edit 2: btw if i was a troll i wound't waste my time typing a response i would just do one liners like WOW IS A CLONE DOWN WITH WOW like that guy that responded earlier.
Another WOW Clone BS post troll under some other bridge enough already.
For all you clowns out there that love crpping on War and calling it a Wow clone answer this.
What the hell is NOT a wow clone in your opinion? By all regards everything you "claim" or grasp for includes "Just about Everything" in most of the recent mmorpg rleases or beta.
Graphics- What game doesn't have similair art work or game engines that may or may not seem to, now here's the KEy word fan boys "RESEMBLE" Wow?
Classes- War has some of the most unique classes Iv'e seen in a very long time. Granted the classes stay true to the Warhammer oringinal game and lore but name one class that is a wow clone. You can't clown boy.
Races- Lets have the LAST dam debate over this. What mmorpg doesn't have dwarfs,elves.orcs, humans? So wow is the first videon game you played online since you stopped wearing dipers at 11yo and you are now the race/class wow cloning expert?
Give me a break, other than piss me off with a totally bogus "Its a wow clone " BS post I feel sorry for you lack of wisdom and any real objective opinion.
Think about what really makes a videon game. Lore, concepts, combat system, mount system, trade system, craft system, quest system, item database and loot tables, pvp or rvr, scenarios within pvp, rvr. Rewards, titles based on pvp, rvr. and the list goes on and on and on.
So take your I saw a video and its Wow clone sorry to all those going to play War it sucks and post on the Wow forums fanboy/clown.
Your ability to piss me off with fanboy crap is priceless kudos to you.
It is clear that WoW and WAR look the same. I am sure though WAR will look a bit better duo the differance, but the artwork and type of grafics will be close to each other. Also the HUD seems to look the same (well like any other MMO). This does not say ANYTHING about the gameplay. Only poeple who know are under NDA.
Look at Half Life 2 mods. They all look the same, use the same grafics, HUD in most cases, but most of time they are worlds apart. I belive a lot of poeple are juding WAR by its "cover". They might be right offcourse, but how it feels gameplay wise we can not really know.
I do however personly belive that WAR will not give the MMO industry anything inovating. It might be an good PvP game non-the-less. However worlds appart from WoW.
Originally posted by bluealien1 If they had titled it with WoW in the title, I would not have been able to tell that it wasn't WoW and it was actually WAR.
QFT, although the quality was trash, to be fair.
I think YouTube needs to make rules regarding video footage and watch every video before posting it. Rule #1 would be
If you're going to make a recording of a game, do it with something like fraps so I don't have to watch the screen tear repeatedly.
Originally posted by Scriar Originally posted by Timberwolf0 Eh. Wow also ripped off the bg system from DAoC. The black orc didn't seem to do much but rush in and die. The zealot was owning and keeping allies up with heals and buffs. Although they never seemed to realize bright wizards were above them.
Wow pretty much ripped everything off of other games just like most blizzard games do, but like i said earlier does that justify warhammer being basically the same core mechanics as previous games? i would of thought people who are sick of wow and dark age of camalot would want something different than a straight carbon copy of what came before it with a few extra tweaks. I am assuming they are sick of it if they werent they wouldnt be here ;p
Do you understand what your saying? Your making our point for us.
You cant steal from yourself.
Mythic/Warhammer cant rip off cartoony look when Warhammer is what there drawing all there artistic ideas from.
Regardless...this is one of just many incredibly stupid threads. I like WoW but your one of the reasons I hate the community. You play one MMO that everyone and there mommma plays, raid a few times and now your an expert on all mmos. Plllllease.
One more thing, no one at Mythic claimed that this would be the most original game to date. It will be a great game. The fact that you wont be playing it is just a bonus.
Eh. Wow also ripped off the bg system from DAoC. The black orc didn't seem to do much but rush in and die. The zealot was owning and keeping allies up with heals and buffs. Although they never seemed to realize bright wizards were above them.
Wow pretty much ripped everything off of other games just like most blizzard games do, but like i said earlier does that justify warhammer being basically the same core mechanics as previous games?
i would of thought people who are sick of wow and dark age of camalot would want something different than a straight carbon copy of what came before it with a few extra tweaks. I am assuming they are sick of it if they werent they wouldnt be here ;p
Oh man, you have alot to learn
You know what people.... I propose we make an official "Come here if you think WAR = WoW" thread and then ask the staff to sticky it so that every time someone wants to complain like this guy here, they can just go there without us having to deal with them. Anyone who is not foolish and knows that WAR doesn't equal WoW can stay away from it and enjoy the forum in peace.
What do you guys think? Good idea or bad? It might work..... Probably not I know...
How about we just discuss the video like i was doing instead? Ive looked at the video and if it wasnt for the graphics i would swear it was a new version of AV. Why? because lets see, first everyone is starting off by running towards each other, second they all meet in the middle and fight, next they try to get to each others base and take it over, then when whatever side has done that it resets. Sound familier?
Ok, let me design a "new" BG concept just for you. The gates open, half the team runs out, the others decide to have a coffee and wait. The half that left runs towards the middle to the enemy, only to find them tap dancing around the flag. So they then decide to join them. At this point they are losing in points so they have to tap dance harder and faster. They don't catch up, and they lose... the BG resets. Anyways, the point is that WAR is an RvR game, that means you fight. If that BG was like AV then they should have been killing npc's to get their renown points. I didn't see any npc's in there. So no, it didn't look familiar, and quite frankly, I have no idea what you were watching if you think it did.
I saw the video above it reminded me of alteric valley from wow due to how the battle went as i stated above, i dont really care that it looks like AV i thought i would mention it anyway i happened to enjoy AV and realm v realm is very much like it by the looks of it just on a larger scale. I typed the previous response because i thought i should point out why it looks similer instead of saying it looks like a direct rip of AV but as you have sarcastically pointed out it is obvliously quite hard to make something like that very different.
I dont think this game looks graphically like wow it looks 10x better graphically. But graphics dont mean shit to me. Its the gameplay that counts and from what i have seen from this video and past videos is that warhammer isnt offering anything new atleast in terms of core gameplay mechanics, these other things like quests completing before you get to the quest giver due to what mobs you kill is fluff it wont make a single bit of difference in the end if the gameplay is the same as wow.
I too care mostly about gameplay, I can look beyond graphics of the gameplay is smooth and polished. And maybe you're right, maybe WAR isn't offering a whole lot of new mechanics in terms of gameplay, I'm not sure yet, but so what? Why does every single game have to have some new legendary mechanic that differentiates it from everything else. Obviously this doesn't apply to you but there are plenty of people out there that enjoy the simple click and attack gameplay. And the quests triggering by them self is unique feature. Atleast to me it is.
Every game doesnt have to have some new legendary mechanic, it doesnt have to feel like every mmo that came previously though which is what this game appears to be doing.The quest system is good by the looks of it, but i class it as fluff since it can be lived without, its mostly a time saver feature.
for core mechanics it feels exactly like wow so it has done worse because of it. People will play this game like they did lord of the rings and think i have just done this in wow why would i want to do it again, most of the people looking forward to this game are former wow players and dark age of camelot players, do you think they wont get bored doing the same gameplay they are obviously fed up with? First of all you don't know howit 'feels.' Many of us don't so you can't make that judgement. Secondly, you seem to have alot of beef with gameplay, you mention it in every paragraph. What you said here is pretty wrong also, I don't know where to begin. People will not get bored of WAR just like they did with WoW because it would take a different type of bordem. If you get bored in WAR it will be because you PvPed too much (I laugh at that thought lol!) whereas in WoW you (or I) get bored from not doing enough PvP. You see the difference? I am on about the core gameplay which is why every paragraph lists gameplay, i was sort of trying to respond to everyones post that seems to be directed at me specfically rather than quote them all individually. Besides what else is their to discuss when comparing the similarities? Graphics as i mentioned dont look the same the style may be leaning towards wow but thats only because wow copied them, as for story obviously thats different so no point mentioning it. Sounds ie music, effects etc are going to be different so no point in me mentioning them either. I am going specifically on about gameplay because it is the core gameplay that will keep someone playing the game. If the core gameplay is the same as the previous game they are tired of they most likely will get bored. Obviously it will take longer with pvp to get bored unless you are truely sick of the point and click gameplay which as you have noticed rightfully i am sick of, i think quite a lot of pvpers are as well. Btw to all the people saying this is skill based, how is it? its using the same combat as wow and other mmos, you attack the computer decides if you hit miss, what dmg you do etc. Thats not skill based its turn based rpg combat. Just like wow and all the other Everquest clones. WAR is more skill-based then WoW and it doesn't take a genious to see that. Just the fact that collision detection is in makes room for skill. Tanks stand around the healers, while the ranged DPS and melee fight off the enemy players. I'd say WAR is more strategic and group skill, rather then just player skill, which will also play a factor. Of course gear will make you more durable and make you hit harder, but what game doesn't do that? It does sound better than wow stragetically, but it isnt skill based imo. All though what is classed as skill is really what that debate is about so theres no point getting into it its all relative to the person. Just for context i see games like COS as potentially skill based because it features, aiming dodging, and rolls ( hits miss etc) aren't as present from what i have seen. Where as i see games opposite of that as non skill based since the computer is what decides at the end of the day if you hit or miss not player skill. Also warhammer is gear based as well so why are people bashing wow for it and just ignoring that warhammer is the same it seems that warhammer fans think this is going to be some revolutionary game from the way they talk, yet where are the core differences in gameplay? Ok I just explained this so moving on... Gear based games take away from player skill, a game that goes for pvp shouldnt have gear matter at all or if it does have gear it should be very small differences. Which this game does seem to have but it doesnt mean that makes it non gear based gameplay because gear is taken into account still. The paragrah i typed orginally was meant to be a response to the guys above me who are saying this game is not gear based. Which it is, its just not as gear based as wow. It seems people defend how similer this game is to wow by the fact wow copies from other games, that doesnt matter, people are sick and tired of Everquest mechanics they have to come up with something new if they want to do well. Look at Pirates of the burning sea, COS, and AOC etc they are trying something new whats this game doing copying wow and past mistakes. This one is hard to understand. You're saying that people defend how similiar this game is to WoW buy saying WoW copies from other MMO's... I think. Um... this is a really non-sensical statement because every MMO will copy something from another game, it's just natural. I mean why wouldn't you if that feature has done really well. What you do is you take it and you try to improve on it and pray that it works. I don't know a whole lot about PotBS, CoS, and AoC but I bet I can point out a few things those games have that can be compared to WoW and other games. The paragraph was meant to address the people who were just bashing wow instead of addressing the topic. Yeah it is natural to be influenced by other games, but when a game is influenced so much that it appears to be a direct copy its a bad thing which is what this particuler video portrays in my eyes. I have seen the other ones that have released for war and they do look completly different but i was discussing this video which seems to portray it as a WoW clone. I was actually going to post a few you tube videos to make the point why it looks the same, but i couldnt find any ones that werent aimed at boosting their Epeen rather than just showing AV. But tbh if someone has played WoW and done AV they would have to be pretty blind to not see the similarities between this video and wow AVs. Oh and one last thing you guys are telling me i have something to learn enlighten me whats to learn ? so far everyone has said wow has copied from other games tell me something that i dont know. Its this game we are discussing. so whats so different about this game that justifies all this fanboyism? Seems the people bashing what wow does wrong havent played it in a while either since its not as gear based as it used to be, they also focus more on pvp then they do pve now trying to cater to the pvp crowd thats obviously has grown larger. Can you stop with this " everyone says WoW copied from other games" stuff. Who's everyone, I didn't see that many, and besides it's true so what do you keep babbling about. Everyone already knows it... And honestly whats the point of explaning why this game is different, will it change your opinion on it? I dont think so. People bash what WoW does wrong because they have tried it and know what it's like. People bash WAR because they saw a video that gave them the wrong impression. Then without reading about it and accumulating real facts, they make pointless posts like this one which are almost completely false. Read down from my orginal post everyone is the people in this thread who ignored the topic and just went on to assume its a troll post so they bashed wow instead of saying why it doesnt look like a copy. IE the video. Maybe it will change my opnion of it, but i have seen every video about warhammer and read every article, it just seems to be taken every aspect of previous games and dumbing it down. A lot like WoW did, but like i said earlier because one game does it why should everyone else follow suite. Thats why the mmo market has been so stagnant games like this offering nothing new but improved graphics and a few tweaks. Oh and i didnt want someone to list every single thing that makes this game different. Just explain their point beyond a 1 liner.
Edit: Btw some of you guys make me laugh this is a forum for discussing warhammer, i am discussing it guess what not everyones opinion is the same, dont like then get off the internet its not for you. If all you can do is bash wow to defend this game it doesnt say much for the game it should stand on its own feet. All you have to do to defend this game if its so different is to list whats different about it, so far no one has listed anything different just short sentances trying to explain why wow is a clone like i said tell me something i dont know. Ok that sentence made me laugh. Maybe it's just me but were you not just bashing WAR to defend WoW in this entire post? If you want to find out whats different, research it for yourself instead of making someone here go through all the trouble of answering just to be shot down by your negativity. Your opinion will not change, and many people have realized this about people of your kind by now. So why dont you just move on to your next targeted game and take your business there. I have not bashed Warhammer, I have pointed out observasions from what i have seen of the video. I am also not defending WoW i was trying to point out why does it matter if WoW copies others does that make it okay for WAR to do it? Which doesnt seem to have come across correctly in my post. edit 2: btw if i was a troll i wound't waste my time typing a response i would just do one liners like WOW IS A CLONE DOWN WITH WOW like that guy that responded earlier. Oh you would think so... If you are trying to imply i am a troll, i have been discussing this video. I haven't tried to insult people directly which is what quite a few posters have done already in this thread, why they do I dont understand. Why do people feel the need to defend a game so much? its a game ffs get over it instead of resorting to insulting posters who don't agree with you to make a point.
Anyway i am going to stop posting if all people want to do is bloody argue like children. I was discussing the video in all my posts not bashing warhammer or its fans pointing out the similarities of this game and agreeing with a previous poster; did neither to imply i was either so it just seems to be pointless fanboy rants agaisnt wow. Oh and i happen to dislike wow btw obviously if the subtle Blizzard copies everyone wasnt enough to point that out nothing will.
Do you understand what your saying? Your making our point for us.
You cant steal from yourself.
Mythic/Warhammer cant rip off cartoony look when Warhammer is what there drawing all there artistic ideas from.
Regardless...this is one of just many incredibly stupid threads. I like WoW but your one of the reasons I hate the community. You play one MMO that everyone and there mommma plays, raid a few times and now your an expert on all mmos. Plllllease.
One more thing, no one at Mythic claimed that this would be the most original game to date. It will be a great game. The fact that you wont be playing it is just a bonus.
Sorry for double posting but you seem to have missed my point entirely, so what if wow ripped off dark age of camelot, it doesnt change the fact that they obviously haven't change the game play mechanics to the point where it doesnt look like a direct clone. Which is what i have said in all my posts.
And since your another person who seems to not get the clue, I DONT LIKE WOW NOR DO I PLAY IT. ffs no wonder they are dumbing this game down so much if this the reading comprehension of warhammer players.
I am glad i am not going to play this game either this community is just as bad as wows, hell it is wows community most of the players that are leaving wow for this game are the ones that whine the most, that you hate so much it seems, so enjoy their company youll fit right in by the looks of it.
Fair enough, Scriar... but your post is just stating the things you are concerned about. You sound like your speaking on behalf of everyone in the MMO community, which you aren't. Next time, instead of saying 'people' or 'everyone' is tired of the same gameplay, you should say 'I' am tired of the same gameplay.
Originally posted by Scriar I am glad i am not going to play this game either this community is just as bad as wows, hell it is wows community most of the players that are leaving wow for this game are the ones that whine the most, that you hate so much it seems, so enjoy their company youll fit right in by the looks of it.
It'll be months before the game will even get released, so we all who are looking forward to this game has no choice but to wait for it. And seriously, saying that this community is as bad as WoW's is disagreeable for me. Oh yes, even the community can change, so we have to wait for that aswell. And if you might wonder, do you know how many times the talking about "wow clone" and such has been added? It is no wonder why folks are getting sick of it. Trollers add their "duties", way-too-spoiled folks bashing other games, and all such things which are usually added on any MMOs, no matter how good the game is.
With a thought of the forums here, "some" threads were filled with bashers and trollers. Such threads, luckily, ended up in the trashcan called "Delete". In such way, folks who are looking forward to play this game are tired of the trollers, bashers and all that jazz. Now I'm just adding this post, because I am tired aswell of folks who try to "convince" players that it's either a "wow-clone" or a "boring grindfest".
I'm telling you again, I'm just adding this post... I am sure I have to make a copy/paste quote on any bashed/trolled threads. Discussions such as this are supposed to be after release, so we can TRULY have a better and polite discussion. And if you don't want to play this game, fine who cares really? Only you care, because it's your thoughts. The ones who have picked this game will at least have fun, because it's their choice. May you find a game which you'll like. That's all I care. Find the game you like!
The MMOs which will release someday will be fun! I don't want any discussion on gameplay details or whatever you may want to say, because I can at least WAIT for it.
And all the discussions are just getting worse... like an infection, it was usually on "WAR vs. WoW" threads and such, but now it's spreading all over the place... Be patient and at least try to have fun, folks! Games are meant to be for fun, not for "which one has best quality" nor "which one's number one game". Fun, folks, FUN!
And to tikovoo: That youtube clip doesn't prove anything that it's a "WoW-clone". You better see how the game will be when it's released. Patience everyone, patience!
Originally posted by Scriar I am glad i am not going to play this game either this community is just as bad as wows, hell it is wows community most of the players that are leaving wow for this game are the ones that whine the most, that you hate so much it seems, so enjoy their company youll fit right in by the looks of it.
It'll be months before the game will even get released, so we all who are looking forward to this game has no choice but to wait for it. And seriously, saying that this community is as bad as WoW's is disagreeable for me. Oh yes, even the community can change, so we have to wait for that aswell. And if you might wonder, do you know how many times the talking about "wow clone" and such has been added? It is no wonder why folks are getting sick of it. Trollers add their "duties", way-too-spoiled folks bashing other games, and all such things which are usually added on any MMOs, no matter how good the game is.
With a thought of the forums here, "some" threads were filled with bashers and trollers. Such threads, luckily, ended up in the trashcan called "Delete". In such way, folks who are looking forward to play this game are tired of the trollers, bashers and all that jazz. Now I'm just adding this post, because I am tired aswell of folks who try to "convince" players that it's either a "wow-clone" or a "boring grindfest".
I'm telling you again, I'm just adding this post... I am sure I have to make a copy/paste quote on any bashed/trolled threads. Discussions such as this are supposed to be after release, so we can TRULY have a better and polite discussion. And if you don't want to play this game, fine who cares really? Only you care, because it's your thoughts. The ones who have picked this game will at least have fun, because it's their choice. May you find a game which you'll like. That's all I care. Find the game you like!
The MMOs which will release someday will be fun! I don't want any discussion on gameplay details or whatever you may want to say, because I can at least WAIT for it.
And all the discussions are just getting worse... like an infection, it was usually on "WAR vs. WoW" threads and such, but now it's spreading all over the place... Be patient and at least try to have fun, folks! Games are meant to be for fun, not for "which one has best quality" nor "which one's number one game". Fun, folks, FUN!
And to tikovoo: That youtube clip doesn't prove anything that it's a "WoW-clone". You better see how the game will be when it's released. Patience everyone, patience!
Oh and I wanted to add a poll.
I know i said i wouldnt post again but i thought i would comment on this, I was getting a bit pissed off by the way people were responding to my first post, I know i could of worded it better probably shouldnt post so late at night it doesnt help.
I say as bad as wows because a lot of the people that have responded to my post remind me of wows community. Unthoughtunatly this game most likely will have wows community quite a large number of people from wow are waiting for it.
Thats niether here nor there though theres always a minority who are nothing like that and i have played wow for a while well a bit more than a while almost since launch got sick of it around 8 months ago but thats a different topic, and met some decent people which is part of the reason i played it, i dont play it any more though the game was shallow and put me off of pve games since it was my first pve focussed game i have allways been a pvper thought i would try something different with wow.
Which is why i am quite opinionated on anything pvp related, especially when a game appears to be using mechanics i think dont work well for pvp. Like rpg combat for instance which i mentioned earlier. And the wow like pvp gameplay which i really cant help not seeing from that video.
Anyway i agree you cant really judge a game from pre release, atleast on the how it plays department. But I think you can compare how it seems to be shapping up which from what i have seen is another game that may be polished and may be fun in general.
But appears it will end up being to much of the same like the recent games we have been getting so will get boring quicker if previous experience of seeing the same thing are to go by for me at least but ill still wait and see.
Anyway i probably wont post in this topic again, its just incenuating arguments over a game which is a waste of time arguing over imo would be happy to discuss it warhammer is one of the only pvp focussed games coming out at the end of the day, but i think ill stay off the observations that it looks like wow if this is what the threads turn into.
cya around, oh and ill most likely try this game at least hopefully ill be wrong and it will play nothing like wow after release and the good part of wows community will play instead.
Indeed, Scriar. Let us all, who at least want to try this game, wait for it. In that way, it'll be much better. When it comes to games, community is very important. Sure there will be some ex-WoW-players there, but which game won't? Let us all wait for it, and for the one who'll enjoy the game... fun, indeed! If not... oh well, may you find the game you want to play. All games are great, but of course... it depends on what kind of gamer you are. Cheers all, games are for fun!
I don't care if you don't want to play WAR because you feel it a copy of WOW. I want to read info about Warhammer online... not a debate if it's a copy or not.
Eh. Wow also ripped off the bg system from DAoC. The black orc didn't seem to do much but rush in and die. The zealot was owning and keeping allies up with heals and buffs. Although they never seemed to realize bright wizards were above them.
At least somebody is on topic.
The Black Orc was another one of those W-A-S-D point-and-clickers. You can see his extensive use of the mouse to do everything -- and this is positively the SLOWEST possible way to do combat and requires one to constantly keep looking down at the Quickbar slots to execute skills.
However -- I am not complaining. I love people who die ... errr, play this way.
Also, his amazing strategy of rush-in-and-die-quickly is just the strategy I'd like all my enemies to use. Unfortunately, some players will actually use some forethought and be much, much harder to beat than the incredibly lame Black Orc guy.
The Zealot -- especially because he is a squishie ranged attacker actually has to think and plan. He was fighting effectively, using his attacks, buffs and heals very well. That's the guy you want on your side.
Everyday we see the same thing over and over again on how Warhammer is a clone of Warcraft. But to everyone that try to get your point across to these people don't waste your time or your knowledge. Because everytime you do you are losing more and more knowledge everytime you waste brain power arguing with them. Because these are the same people that say WOW is a balance game and hint giving both sides the same thing is not balancing it’s called not been creative. To these people every game out is a clone of WOW DAOC, EQ, LOTOR, EVE (hell it’s a sci-fi but it’s a clone somewhere), EQ2, AOC (going to be a clone to soon), WAR, and etc. You can't waste your time on people with a one track WOW mind or it’s going to piss you off. But to these WOW people at least wait till the game comes out before you call it a WOW clone. Because if it is clone of WOW I will be quitting it the same way I quit WOW after 10 days of playing it feeling like I wanted to shoot myself after wasting so much knowledge on playing it. But as I see WAR is giving a hell of alot more than WOW could ever give RVR, Tome of Knowledge, Public Quest, Unique Classes wait WOW don't have any unique classes ok I can stop there WAR is alrdy sold to me.
WOW is the gaming equivalent of masturbation without an orgasm.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch Now Playing : Black Desert Online "America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Really now people, remove head from.... well I am sure you know.
It as been a few months but I seem to remember AV being covered in snow, blinding white snow...hmm
Spell effects, this is the number one graphical problem with WoW imo. EQ has better and more spell effects. I want to see giant fire balls, I want to explosions everywhere.
Of all the things wow did wrong, the worst being introducing people to the MMO community I would have rather never had join in (see 10 year old children, and 30 year old children) the one thing that stands out to me the most as something they did very well is char control. I have played tons of MMOs and I wish more had WoW like movement, its a lot like a mario game to me, its fun to just run around and jump on stuff, so if its a direct copy of WoW GOOD, GREAT, I am GLAD.
Wow is a pve game(poor one imo), OMG STFU NOOB NO ITS NOT, yes it is, It is for casual gamers, for casual gamers it is awesome, but lack of content for people that play a lot makes it bad. Most of the so called hardcore WoW raiders would never have gotten anywhere in games like EQ, for people like me that like to take the time to make my char the best I can, to struggle to get that 1 piece of gear I really want, that dont like everything handed to EVERYONE wow is just boring.
For people like me PvP is much better, the players make the content new all the time, sure I enjoy pve but some games like WoW just dont have enough of it, I can only kill 1 dragon so many times before I want to stab myself in the eye with a dull spoon.
WAR SUCKS OMG CLONE RIP OFF POS. Ok fine sure War could be crap, it could be a big pile of worthless crap, but it could be awesome or just ok. Until I play it I cant say for sure what I think of it, but really dont want to see a bunch of people who never play/ed a game complain that it sucks on a forum for people interested in a game. It is not constructive, you are just being a pest, here is an idea, go to the WoW forums on this same website and talk about how WAR sucks, I am sure they would enjoy it over there, and if your not going to play War because its a wow clone, wonderful, but no one here cares that you arnt going to play, in fact many would rather you not play.
I agree with you about the complainings of games which are not played/released. I mean, come on it's not even done yet! As I've said on the last post... let us wait and see! And remember that games are for fun, folks! Gosh, I really wish there was an admin on this site to either close or delete threads which end up in arguments and such. Let us all wait and be patient... : )
Wow pretty much ripped everything off of other games just like most blizzard games do, but like i said earlier does that justify warhammer being basically the same core mechanics as previous games?
i would of thought people who are sick of wow and dark age of camalot would want something different than a straight carbon copy of what came before it with a few extra tweaks. I am assuming they are sick of it if they werent they wouldnt be here ;p
Oh man, you have alot to learn
You know what people.... I propose we make an official "Come here if you think WAR = WoW" thread and then ask the staff to sticky it so that every time someone wants to complain like this guy here, they can just go there without us having to deal with them. Anyone who is not foolish and knows that WAR doesn't equal WoW can stay away from it and enjoy the forum in peace.
What do you guys think? Good idea or bad? It might work..... Probably not I know...
How about we just discuss the video like i was doing instead? Ive looked at the video and if it wasnt for the graphics i would swear it was a new version of AV. Why? because lets see, first everyone is starting off by running towards each other, second they all meet in the middle and fight, next they try to get to each others base and take it over, then when whatever side has done that it resets. Sound familier?
Ok, let me design a "new" BG concept just for you. The gates open, half the team runs out, the others decide to have a coffee and wait. The half that left runs towards the middle to the enemy, only to find them tap dancing around the flag. So they then decide to join them. At this point they are losing in points so they have to tap dance harder and faster. They don't catch up, and they lose... the BG resets. Anyways, the point is that WAR is an RvR game, that means you fight. If that BG was like AV then they should have been killing npc's to get their renown points. I didn't see any npc's in there. So no, it didn't look familiar, and quite frankly, I have no idea what you were watching if you think it did.
I dont think this game looks graphically like wow it looks 10x better graphically. But graphics dont mean shit to me. Its the gameplay that counts and from what i have seen from this video and past videos is that warhammer isnt offering anything new atleast in terms of core gameplay mechanics, these other things like quests completing before you get to the quest giver due to what mobs you kill is fluff it wont make a single bit of difference in the end if the gameplay is the same as wow.
I too care mostly about gameplay, I can look beyond graphics of the gameplay is smooth and polished. And maybe you're right, maybe WAR isn't offering a whole lot of new mechanics in terms of gameplay, I'm not sure yet, but so what? Why does every single game have to have some new legendary mechanic that differentiates it from everything else. Obviously this doesn't apply to you but there are plenty of people out there that enjoy the simple click and attack gameplay. And the quests triggering by them self is unique feature. Atleast to me it is.
for core mechanics it feels exactly like wow so it has done worse because of it. People will play this game like they did lord of the rings and think i have just done this in wow why would i want to do it again, most of the people looking forward to this game are former wow players and dark age of camelot players, do you think they wont get bored doing the same gameplay they are obviously fed up with?
First of all you don't know how it 'feels.' Many of us don't so you can't make that judgement. Secondly, you seem to have alot of beef with gameplay, you mention it in every paragraph. What you said here is pretty wrong also, I don't know where to begin. People will not get bored of WAR just like they did with WoW because it would take a different type of bordem. If you get bored in WAR it will be because you PvPed too much (I laugh at that thought lol!) whereas in WoW you (or I) get bored from not doing enough PvP. You see the difference?
Btw to all the people saying this is skill based, how is it? its using the same combat as wow and other mmos, you attack the computer decides if you hit miss, what dmg you do etc. Thats not skill based its turn based rpg combat. Just like wow and all the other Everquest clones.
WAR is more skill-based then WoW and it doesn't take a genious to see that. Just the fact that collision detection is in makes room for skill. Tanks stand around the healers, while the ranged DPS and melee fight off the enemy players. I'd say WAR is more strategic and group skill, rather then just player skill, which will also play a factor. Of course gear will make you more durable and make you hit harder, but what game doesn't do that?
Also warhammer is gear based as well so why are people bashing wow for it and just ignoring that warhammer is the same it seems that warhammer fans think this is going to be some revolutionary game from the way they talk, yet where are the core differences in gameplay?
Ok I just explained this so moving on...
It seems people defend how similer this game is to wow by the fact wow copies from other games, that doesnt matter, people are sick and tired of Everquest mechanics they have to come up with something new if they want to do well. Look at Pirates of the burning sea, COS, and AOC etc they are trying something new whats this game doing copying wow and past mistakes.
This one is hard to understand. You're saying that people defend how similiar this game is to WoW buy saying WoW copies from other MMO's... I think. Um... this is a really non-sensical statement because every MMO will copy something from another game, it's just natural. I mean why wouldn't you if that feature has done really well. What you do is you take it and you try to improve on it and pray that it works. I don't know a whole lot about PotBS, CoS, and AoC but I bet I can point out a few things those games have that can be compared to WoW and other games.
Oh and one last thing you guys are telling me i have something to learn enlighten me whats to learn ? so far everyone has said wow has copied from other games tell me something that i dont know. Its this game we are discussing. so whats so different about this game that justifies all this fanboyism? Seems the people bashing what wow does wrong havent played it in a while either since its not as gear based as it used to be, they also focus more on pvp then they do pve now trying to cater to the pvp crowd thats obviously has grown larger.
Can you stop with this " everyone says WoW copied from other games" stuff. Who's everyone, I didn't see that many, and besides it's true so what do you keep babbling about. Everyone already knows it... And honestly whats the point of explaning why this game is different, will it change your opinion on it? I dont think so. People bash what WoW does wrong because they have tried it and know what it's like. People bash WAR because they saw a video that gave them the wrong impression. Then without reading about it and accumulating real facts, they make pointless posts like this one which are almost completely false.
Edit: Btw some of you guys make me laugh this is a forum for discussing warhammer, i am discussing it guess what not everyones opinion is the same, dont like then get off the internet its not for you. If all you can do is bash wow to defend this game it doesnt say much for the game it should stand on its own feet. All you have to do to defend this game if its so different is to list whats different about it, so far no one has listed anything different just short sentances trying to explain why wow is a clone like i said tell me something i dont know.
Ok that sentence made me laugh. Maybe it's just me but were you not just bashing WAR to defend WoW in this entire post? If you want to find out whats different, research it for yourself instead of making someone here go through all the trouble of answering just to be shot down by your negativity. Your opinion will not change, and many people have realized this about people of your kind by now. So why dont you just move on to your next targeted game and take your business there.
edit 2: btw if i was a troll i wound't waste my time typing a response i would just do one liners like WOW IS A CLONE DOWN WITH WOW like that guy that responded earlier.
Oh you would think so...
Another WOW Clone BS post troll under some other bridge enough already.
For all you clowns out there that love crpping on War and calling it a Wow clone answer this.
What the hell is NOT a wow clone in your opinion? By all regards everything you "claim" or grasp for includes "Just about Everything" in most of the recent mmorpg rleases or beta.
Graphics- What game doesn't have similair art work or game engines that may or may not seem to, now here's the KEy word fan boys "RESEMBLE" Wow?
Classes- War has some of the most unique classes Iv'e seen in a very long time. Granted the classes stay true to the Warhammer oringinal game and lore but name one class that is a wow clone. You can't clown boy.
Races- Lets have the LAST dam debate over this. What mmorpg doesn't have dwarfs,elves.orcs, humans? So wow is the first videon game you played online since you stopped wearing dipers at 11yo and you are now the race/class wow cloning expert?
Give me a break, other than piss me off with a totally bogus "Its a wow clone " BS post I feel sorry for you lack of wisdom and any real objective opinion.
Think about what really makes a videon game. Lore, concepts, combat system, mount system, trade system, craft system, quest system, item database and loot tables, pvp or rvr, scenarios within pvp, rvr. Rewards, titles based on pvp, rvr. and the list goes on and on and on.
So take your I saw a video and its Wow clone sorry to all those going to play War it sucks and post on the Wow forums fanboy/clown.
Your ability to piss me off with fanboy crap is priceless kudos to you.
It is clear that WoW and WAR look the same. I am sure though WAR will look a bit better duo the differance, but the artwork and type of grafics will be close to each other. Also the HUD seems to look the same (well like any other MMO). This does not say ANYTHING about the gameplay. Only poeple who know are under NDA.
Look at Half Life 2 mods. They all look the same, use the same grafics, HUD in most cases, but most of time they are worlds apart. I belive a lot of poeple are juding WAR by its "cover". They might be right offcourse, but how it feels gameplay wise we can not really know.
I do however personly belive that WAR will not give the MMO industry anything inovating. It might be an good PvP game non-the-less. However worlds appart from WoW.
QFT, although the quality was trash, to be fair.
I think YouTube needs to make rules regarding video footage and watch every video before posting it. Rule #1 would be
If you're going to make a recording of a game, do it with something like fraps so I don't have to watch the screen tear repeatedly.
i would of thought people who are sick of wow and dark age of camalot would want something different than a straight carbon copy of what came before it with a few extra tweaks. I am assuming they are sick of it if they werent they wouldnt be here ;p
Do you understand what your saying? Your making our point for us.
You cant steal from yourself.
Mythic/Warhammer cant rip off cartoony look when Warhammer is what there drawing all there artistic ideas from.
Regardless...this is one of just many incredibly stupid threads. I like WoW but your one of the reasons I hate the community. You play one MMO that everyone and there mommma plays, raid a few times and now your an expert on all mmos. Plllllease.
One more thing, no one at Mythic claimed that this would be the most original game to date. It will be a great game. The fact that you wont be playing it is just a bonus.
Wow pretty much ripped everything off of other games just like most blizzard games do, but like i said earlier does that justify warhammer being basically the same core mechanics as previous games?
i would of thought people who are sick of wow and dark age of camalot would want something different than a straight carbon copy of what came before it with a few extra tweaks. I am assuming they are sick of it if they werent they wouldnt be here ;p
Oh man, you have alot to learn
You know what people.... I propose we make an official "Come here if you think WAR = WoW" thread and then ask the staff to sticky it so that every time someone wants to complain like this guy here, they can just go there without us having to deal with them. Anyone who is not foolish and knows that WAR doesn't equal WoW can stay away from it and enjoy the forum in peace.
What do you guys think? Good idea or bad? It might work..... Probably not I know...
How about we just discuss the video like i was doing instead? Ive looked at the video and if it wasnt for the graphics i would swear it was a new version of AV. Why? because lets see, first everyone is starting off by running towards each other, second they all meet in the middle and fight, next they try to get to each others base and take it over, then when whatever side has done that it resets. Sound familier?
Ok, let me design a "new" BG concept just for you. The gates open, half the team runs out, the others decide to have a coffee and wait. The half that left runs towards the middle to the enemy, only to find them tap dancing around the flag. So they then decide to join them. At this point they are losing in points so they have to tap dance harder and faster. They don't catch up, and they lose... the BG resets. Anyways, the point is that WAR is an RvR game, that means you fight. If that BG was like AV then they should have been killing npc's to get their renown points. I didn't see any npc's in there. So no, it didn't look familiar, and quite frankly, I have no idea what you were watching if you think it did.
I saw the video above it reminded me of alteric valley from wow due to how the battle went as i stated above, i dont really care that it looks like AV i thought i would mention it anyway i happened to enjoy AV and realm v realm is very much like it by the looks of it just on a larger scale. I typed the previous response because i thought i should point out why it looks similer instead of saying it looks like a direct rip of AV but as you have sarcastically pointed out it is obvliously quite hard to make something like that very different.
I dont think this game looks graphically like wow it looks 10x better graphically. But graphics dont mean shit to me. Its the gameplay that counts and from what i have seen from this video and past videos is that warhammer isnt offering anything new atleast in terms of core gameplay mechanics, these other things like quests completing before you get to the quest giver due to what mobs you kill is fluff it wont make a single bit of difference in the end if the gameplay is the same as wow.
I too care mostly about gameplay, I can look beyond graphics of the gameplay is smooth and polished. And maybe you're right, maybe WAR isn't offering a whole lot of new mechanics in terms of gameplay, I'm not sure yet, but so what? Why does every single game have to have some new legendary mechanic that differentiates it from everything else. Obviously this doesn't apply to you but there are plenty of people out there that enjoy the simple click and attack gameplay. And the quests triggering by them self is unique feature. Atleast to me it is.
Do you understand what your saying? Your making our point for us.
You cant steal from yourself.
Mythic/Warhammer cant rip off cartoony look when Warhammer is what there drawing all there artistic ideas from.
Regardless...this is one of just many incredibly stupid threads. I like WoW but your one of the reasons I hate the community. You play one MMO that everyone and there mommma plays, raid a few times and now your an expert on all mmos. Plllllease.
One more thing, no one at Mythic claimed that this would be the most original game to date. It will be a great game. The fact that you wont be playing it is just a bonus.
Sorry for double posting but you seem to have missed my point entirely, so what if wow ripped off dark age of camelot, it doesnt change the fact that they obviously haven't change the game play mechanics to the point where it doesnt look like a direct clone. Which is what i have said in all my posts.
And since your another person who seems to not get the clue, I DONT LIKE WOW NOR DO I PLAY IT. ffs no wonder they are dumbing this game down so much if this the reading comprehension of warhammer players.
I am glad i am not going to play this game either this community is just as bad as wows, hell it is wows community most of the players that are leaving wow for this game are the ones that whine the most, that you hate so much it seems, so enjoy their company youll fit right in by the looks of it.
Fair enough, Scriar... but your post is just stating the things you are concerned about. You sound like your speaking on behalf of everyone in the MMO community, which you aren't. Next time, instead of saying 'people' or 'everyone' is tired of the same gameplay, you should say 'I' am tired of the same gameplay.
Yea warhammer's 'art' came first but not for mmo, it's really obvious EA wants to attract the WoW crowd.
It's embaressing it looks so much alike, while at youtube I typed in search, "WoW WAR Clone" and came up with this:
It'll be months before the game will even get released, so we all who are looking forward to this game has no choice but to wait for it. And seriously, saying that this community is as bad as WoW's is disagreeable for me. Oh yes, even the community can change, so we have to wait for that aswell. And if you might wonder, do you know how many times the talking about "wow clone" and such has been added? It is no wonder why folks are getting sick of it. Trollers add their "duties", way-too-spoiled folks bashing other games, and all such things which are usually added on any MMOs, no matter how good the game is.
With a thought of the forums here, "some" threads were filled with bashers and trollers. Such threads, luckily, ended up in the trashcan called "Delete". In such way, folks who are looking forward to play this game are tired of the trollers, bashers and all that jazz. Now I'm just adding this post, because I am tired aswell of folks who try to "convince" players that it's either a "wow-clone" or a "boring grindfest".
I'm telling you again, I'm just adding this post... I am sure I have to make a copy/paste quote on any bashed/trolled threads. Discussions such as this are supposed to be after release, so we can TRULY have a better and polite discussion. And if you don't want to play this game, fine who cares really? Only you care, because it's your thoughts. The ones who have picked this game will at least have fun, because it's their choice. May you find a game which you'll like. That's all I care. Find the game you like!
The MMOs which will release someday will be fun! I don't want any discussion on gameplay details or whatever you may want to say, because I can at least WAIT for it.
And all the discussions are just getting worse... like an infection, it was usually on "WAR vs. WoW" threads and such, but now it's spreading all over the place... Be patient and at least try to have fun, folks! Games are meant to be for fun, not for "which one has best quality" nor "which one's number one game". Fun, folks, FUN!
And to tikovoo: That youtube clip doesn't prove anything that it's a "WoW-clone". You better see how the game will be when it's released. Patience everyone, patience!
Oh and I wanted to add a poll.
It'll be months before the game will even get released, so we all who are looking forward to this game has no choice but to wait for it. And seriously, saying that this community is as bad as WoW's is disagreeable for me. Oh yes, even the community can change, so we have to wait for that aswell. And if you might wonder, do you know how many times the talking about "wow clone" and such has been added? It is no wonder why folks are getting sick of it. Trollers add their "duties", way-too-spoiled folks bashing other games, and all such things which are usually added on any MMOs, no matter how good the game is.
With a thought of the forums here, "some" threads were filled with bashers and trollers. Such threads, luckily, ended up in the trashcan called "Delete". In such way, folks who are looking forward to play this game are tired of the trollers, bashers and all that jazz. Now I'm just adding this post, because I am tired aswell of folks who try to "convince" players that it's either a "wow-clone" or a "boring grindfest".
I'm telling you again, I'm just adding this post... I am sure I have to make a copy/paste quote on any bashed/trolled threads. Discussions such as this are supposed to be after release, so we can TRULY have a better and polite discussion. And if you don't want to play this game, fine who cares really? Only you care, because it's your thoughts. The ones who have picked this game will at least have fun, because it's their choice. May you find a game which you'll like. That's all I care. Find the game you like!
The MMOs which will release someday will be fun! I don't want any discussion on gameplay details or whatever you may want to say, because I can at least WAIT for it.
And all the discussions are just getting worse... like an infection, it was usually on "WAR vs. WoW" threads and such, but now it's spreading all over the place... Be patient and at least try to have fun, folks! Games are meant to be for fun, not for "which one has best quality" nor "which one's number one game". Fun, folks, FUN!
And to tikovoo: That youtube clip doesn't prove anything that it's a "WoW-clone". You better see how the game will be when it's released. Patience everyone, patience!
Oh and I wanted to add a poll.
I say as bad as wows because a lot of the people that have responded to my post remind me of wows community. Unthoughtunatly this game most likely will have wows community quite a large number of people from wow are waiting for it.
Thats niether here nor there though theres always a minority who are nothing like that and i have played wow for a while well a bit more than a while almost since launch got sick of it around 8 months ago but thats a different topic, and met some decent people which is part of the reason i played it, i dont play it any more though the game was shallow and put me off of pve games since it was my first pve focussed game i have allways been a pvper thought i would try something different with wow.
Which is why i am quite opinionated on anything pvp related, especially when a game appears to be using mechanics i think dont work well for pvp. Like rpg combat for instance which i mentioned earlier. And the wow like pvp gameplay which i really cant help not seeing from that video.
Anyway i agree you cant really judge a game from pre release, atleast on the how it plays department. But I think you can compare how it seems to be shapping up which from what i have seen is another game that may be polished and may be fun in general.
But appears it will end up being to much of the same like the recent games we have been getting so will get boring quicker if previous experience of seeing the same thing are to go by for me at least but ill still wait and see.
Anyway i probably wont post in this topic again, its just incenuating arguments over a game which is a waste of time arguing over imo would be happy to discuss it warhammer is one of the only pvp focussed games coming out at the end of the day, but i think ill stay off the observations that it looks like wow if this is what the threads turn into.
cya around, oh and ill most likely try this game at least hopefully ill be wrong and it will play nothing like wow after release and the good part of wows community will play instead.
Indeed, Scriar. Let us all, who at least want to try this game, wait for it. In that way, it'll be much better. When it comes to games, community is very important. Sure there will be some ex-WoW-players there, but which game won't? Let us all wait for it, and for the one who'll enjoy the game... fun, indeed! If not... oh well, may you find the game you want to play. All games are great, but of course... it depends on what kind of gamer you are. Cheers all, games are for fun!
Debating WoW vs WAR is taking WAR forum space...
please.... get the F... OUT
I don't care if you don't want to play WAR because you feel it a copy of WOW. I want to read info about Warhammer online... not a debate if it's a copy or not.
At least somebody is on topic.
The Black Orc was another one of those W-A-S-D point-and-clickers. You can see his extensive use of the mouse to do everything -- and this is positively the SLOWEST possible way to do combat and requires one to constantly keep looking down at the Quickbar slots to execute skills.
However -- I am not complaining. I love people who die ... errr, play this way.
Also, his amazing strategy of rush-in-and-die-quickly is just the strategy I'd like all my enemies to use. Unfortunately, some players will actually use some forethought and be much, much harder to beat than the incredibly lame Black Orc guy.
The Zealot -- especially because he is a squishie ranged attacker actually has to think and plan. He was fighting effectively, using his attacks, buffs and heals very well. That's the guy you want on your side.
As for the WoW-WAR controversy....
Here's WoW --->
Here's WAR --->
~ Ancient Membership ~
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Looks very cool. And nice music
Am I the only one who things the WAR UI looks very similar to WoW?
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
WTF the UI looks just like EQs.....
Really now people, remove head from.... well I am sure you know.
It as been a few months but I seem to remember AV being covered in snow, blinding white snow...hmm
Spell effects, this is the number one graphical problem with WoW imo. EQ has better and more spell effects. I want to see giant fire balls, I want to explosions everywhere.
Of all the things wow did wrong, the worst being introducing people to the MMO community I would have rather never had join in (see 10 year old children, and 30 year old children) the one thing that stands out to me the most as something they did very well is char control. I have played tons of MMOs and I wish more had WoW like movement, its a lot like a mario game to me, its fun to just run around and jump on stuff, so if its a direct copy of WoW GOOD, GREAT, I am GLAD.
Wow is a pve game(poor one imo), OMG STFU NOOB NO ITS NOT, yes it is, It is for casual gamers, for casual gamers it is awesome, but lack of content for people that play a lot makes it bad. Most of the so called hardcore WoW raiders would never have gotten anywhere in games like EQ, for people like me that like to take the time to make my char the best I can, to struggle to get that 1 piece of gear I really want, that dont like everything handed to EVERYONE wow is just boring.
For people like me PvP is much better, the players make the content new all the time, sure I enjoy pve but some games like WoW just dont have enough of it, I can only kill 1 dragon so many times before I want to stab myself in the eye with a dull spoon.
WAR SUCKS OMG CLONE RIP OFF POS. Ok fine sure War could be crap, it could be a big pile of worthless crap, but it could be awesome or just ok. Until I play it I cant say for sure what I think of it, but really dont want to see a bunch of people who never play/ed a game complain that it sucks on a forum for people interested in a game. It is not constructive, you are just being a pest, here is an idea, go to the WoW forums on this same website and talk about how WAR sucks, I am sure they would enjoy it over there, and if your not going to play War because its a wow clone, wonderful, but no one here cares that you arnt going to play, in fact many would rather you not play.
I agree with you about the complainings of games which are not played/released. I mean, come on it's not even done yet! As I've said on the last post... let us wait and see! And remember that games are for fun, folks! Gosh, I really wish there was an admin on this site to either close or delete threads which end up in arguments and such. Let us all wait and be patient... : )