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I was wondering if this game is any good i like the player base econmy and thew ships but.....I dont know anythiung else and i was wondering if any is actually considering this any got anything?
could someone please reply i really wnt to know if it is?????
Only reply your going to get (if they choose to break NDA) will be from beta players. The game has not been released yet. So even at this point whatever response you get now, could be completely different from the game in its live release state.
I suggest you look through the PotBS websites, fansites and so on to see what people are saying about it at the moment. Besides opinions, you may get a better idea of what this game is going for as well. Unfortunatly, until they release the game to the public no one really knows what PotBS will be in terms of quality.
This website will help you:
Just type in "potbs" in google and see what comes up.
Not only is there an NDA but people like different things. What is good for me may not be good for you. You just have to play it or read the reviews to get a feel for it once it comes out. Even reviews may not matter as the Reviewer is just another opinion also.
I hijacked my friends PC and played the beta without him knowing, therefore im not breaking any NDA.
The game sucked in my opinion, was expecting a lot more... I hated the instancing stuff... imo pathetic
Opinions are like a$$holes, everybody has one. Take what everyone say's with a grain of salt. Like it's been said, until the game is released and/or the NDA is lifted we won't really know what this game is like. And even then what we know will still only be other people's opinion of the game.
I'd say, despite the above poster's opinion, there are quite a few people that will be purchasing this game. I'm still about 75-85% certain that I'll be buying a copy for myself and one for the woman.
Do some reading around the web and on their forums and you'll have a much better idea about how you feel about the game than what you will learn from us here.
gl hf!
The game will be good and fun. But thats for you to decide. I know I will play it. But thats because just the reviews sold me.
If you want to know about the game, get into the beta. Because there is an NDA, it may be difficult to garner specific info about gameplay other than officially released video/responses.
What does help is reading devlogs and checking forums out. Also the news releases give a lot out. It may not paint the best picture, but it gives you more than what people sealed by NDA can.
I will not be playing this game. I don't think it is very good and will wait to see more after release about how it shapes up.
I really can not think of any reason to play this terrible game.
I can not believe that I and others were hyped about this "game".
I think the game looks cool. I hyped it to my friends before I knew a beta existed. Hell, I heard about it from a cousin and hyped it before I visited the site. I just like pirate games and wooden warships.
What would be really cool is if SOE bought this game and integrated the ship combat into vanguard on the open seas :P Now that would be wicked cool.
I pre-ordered and I don't particularly care for SOE atm, so that was something I was holding off on, IE hate SOE to a point, even with THAT added, I pre-ordered, so ya, it's all opinions, but for me, well worth it You will just have to wait and see, good thing is, not to long now
I can say this much thou, if your looking for an MMO replacement you might be dissapointed for a few reasons. A: nothing like WoW or the rest a unique game all its own. B: if you love the age of sails, then you will love it C: if you don't love the age of sails (Wooden ships, Iron men idea) you won't C: While ships look fantastic others things are sub par, and mind you the devs did say more updates to come, but as with any MMO this is something you have to decide if you can live with it
I think the best thing I can tell you is, I was a HUGGGGEEE scpetic of this game, hell I even (as posted elswhere ) head butted with the devs a few times about things in the past. But their interaction with the community, listening to ideas, actually liking and implimenting said ideas etc.. real made this game what it is. If I can bring back an old saying from a once great developer this game is ... "A game made by players" interplay we miss u! but now these guys have really pulled threw.
In the end, it comes down to, do you love old naval combat and pirate type of ideas or sorta? If you love it, then well your in the right place, if your so so, it might work for you after you try it or not, if you really don't care for that era, definitly go elshwere. While I would like to see allot of people join the game, I can be honest to say at least I pre-ordered and know what it is about, but to suggest it to a friend? Only if they like this type of era and to those I know I have and they have pre-ordered with me. So alas matey, it's all up to you in the end.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Thats You're joking...right?
SOE is like a mirror opposite of King Midas...
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
You should run along back to your night elf hunter
Realistic old world combat games are not meant for kiddies