I'm Nefastus, Commander (Guild Leader) of Dead Eternity Guild. DE is an Alfar PvP guild focused on Darkfall. We have a history of gaming starting in Shadowbane on the Entropy server. In preperation for Darkfall, we are unofficially playing numerous of PvP games.
We are currently selectively accepting membership applications. Please read our Clan Info which includes Laws and Chain of Command. Once your application is reviewed and accepted to the next phase, you'll be interviewed by one of our officers.
Our diplomatic stance is that unless you are Alfar, you are KOS. Also, we do not participate in any official alliances, so please do not offer us to join your zergling alliance of 10000000 billion other alfar guilds.
If you would like to get more information regarding Dead Eternity, please feel free to visit our website and participate on our forums.
Dead Eternity WebsiteRecruitment InfoIRC Channel: Stratics
link for website is broken or inactive.
Sarge:Give me a Boost!
Kaboose:You are a good person.
Sarge:Not a morale boost you idiot a phisical one!