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Think about it... what other game now the SWG has all-but died gives such a similar amount of freedom to UO as Runescape. It is a pretty sandbox game, with multiple skills, a complicated crafting system and a rich, player controlled economy, pvp with harsh death penalties and looting, player housing and more. All that is holding it back from being the next UO imo is people prejudices against it as a) it is a java game b) with simple graphics and c) a poor community.
Does anyone else agree that if Jagex simply sorted out the graphical and community problems then Runescape could very well be the next big MMO we have all been waiting for for such a long time?
It takes a real man to learn the truth... it takes the truth to learn a real man.
Runescape is amazing for what it is but i dont think any applet that bloated will ever have graphics as good as uo nevermind better.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
I would somewhat agree with this if Jagex didnt develop it.
glance at the community, there's lots to see here it just hurts your mind after you throw the community in.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
I logged into runescape for the first time in well over 2 years the other day , literally within seconds some idiot was threatening me with his lvl 87 'main'. Aside from the sheer childishness of these encounters, do these morons not even realise you cant do anything to anyone outside the wilderness anyway?!
Before Kingdon Reborn, RuneScape had better graphics than UO.
In my opinion, RuneScape's graphics are still better than UO's. RuneScape is 3D, while Ultima is 2D isometric. It makes a big difference.
Let's face it. RuneScape and UO are both sandboxes, but their gameplay is entirely different. I find it hard to believe that a large number of UO players would migrate to RuneScape if it had better graphics, and vice versa.
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
Runescape never had and never will have better graphics than uo.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Runescape has a good economey but that is pretty much it.
It is by far the worst combat system I have ever seen.
Runescape has a good economey but that is pretty much it.
It is by far the worst combat system I have ever seen.
I would agree that runescape is a sandbox. Sadly that sandbox is filled with the poop of 1000 stray cats( the community).
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
You must be blind, then.
UO, pre Kingdom Reborn, versus RuneScape. Furthermore, RuneScape is 3D, and UO is 2D, even after KR.
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
Graphic wise I would give it to runescape because it is 3d while UO is 2d.
I think it very well could. It would actually have to be built again, I don't know how much farther they can take a browser based MMORPG.
I feel although runescape has 3d graphics it still has worse graphics than UO. Runescape's graphics are poorly executed in my opinion and felt it was a better game when it was 2D. Go back to something that is well done visually I would def. go back to the game.
If this game had decent graphics, and was actually full screen, I would play it again in a heartbeat.
This game has so much that other games just don't have.
And about the little kids you run into everywhere, it's a F2P game, you will get that with all F2P games.
|Mortal Online|Gnostaria|
I play in full screen all the time .. I just adjust option for " Full screen mode" in browser =x. I don't think the graphics are holding it back as much as the treatment of paying players. This is a f2p and p2p game, and for those paying to play they get terrible customer service. Tbh I could care less about what the monsters look like that I am killing .. the players care more about what their character looks like, I personally don't even care about that so much as I would like to see better rewards for higher level players. The combat " luck factor" isn't luck and most of us have figured out how to make it work for us, but would like to not have to. For 120+ combat player would like to actually have their hard earned levels have more of an impact in actual battle. They have been doing so many graphical updates lately you don't even recoginize it everytime you come on. Though from my expierance most people quit playing runescape for one of the following reasons .. 1. customer service/ making bad updates.. the main issues with customer service are that they don't know the meaning of it. Auto response messeges, banning players for wrong reasons, and not having a telephone number outside of the game makes it very difficult to communicate with them. And they make unfavorable updates that take the fun out of the game for a lot of players. 2. their account was hacked , and they lost everything they work for. 3. They were scammed on game and lost everything they worked for. 4. combat system flaws. 5. too time consuming ( runescape takes ages to get anything done ). 6. someone on game upset them. ( that can happen anywhere.. not just runescape) some people just have issues to begin with lol. 7. they decided to play something else because they played runescape too long....but no I have never heard of someone quitting over graphics lol
the graphix clearly leave something to be desired. The game is not eye candy, but still fun to play. I'll try the "full screen" suggestion above, see what it is like.
I agree 100%
I think Runescape would do very well if they updated their appearance
I don't understand why people are so hung up on runescapes graphics, sure they could be tweaked but they aren't near as bad as a lot of other games out there. I don't think people realize how many updates they have been doing, the look of runescape has changed alot in recent years.. check out some of runescape as it is now..
You are seriously trying to compare runescape to UO? The two are lightyears away, and i'm not talking about graphical content.