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Okay I'm sure this has been posted before, but I wanted to see if there are more horde or allience players in here. Me I'm going with Night Elf, priest and maybe a human mage to start...I saw some screen shots and story line on Blizzard website about raids over the weekend on the P v P severver and there seemed to be more allience than horde. Was interested to see where the races were going from diferent people....outside the Beta.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
ill always be orc in any blizzard game. thats why its horde all the way
Lok-Tar Ogar!
GNOME POWAH ALL THE WAY. lol im gonna be a gnome or a dwarf
feel the wraith of my 1 foot tall gnome power
thats right NOOB
Well after 13 votes I'm seeing and interesting trend towards horde characters. Come on lets fill this poll up this time....if you haven't voted at least do that...comments are not nessecary. Come on Alliance people where are you...going to let those horde people push you around?? Hehe.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Prolly an Undead Mage, Tauren Warrior, Rogue Troll, Orc Warlock, and Ill roll the dice on Shaman.
THEN Ill go to a different server and play a buncha Alliance characters
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
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"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi
Enclave of 12
Enclave of 12
...Human Paladan All the way more than likely. After playing WC3, I kind of hated the humans for all the carnage and selfishness they caused, feeling completely opposite towards the Orcs and finding somewhat of a casual sense of respect for them.
But at the same time, the humans are well.... Humans Lol So... yeah... Alliance more than likely
"I fear no enemy! For the Khala is my strength! I fear not death. For our strength is eternal!" - Fenix
I'll try out some races and classes, and then choose a side. I will most likeley play an NE druid or Tauren warrior.
no doubt here really...been a dwarf since i started pen and papers 17 years ago and i will always be dwarf...i just have a thing for big axes n beer
I played a pally in EQ, and was thinkin of doing the same here....but perhaps i might try something diff this time. One thing is for sure tho: Horde will get their asses kicked!!
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Man the undead are going to swarm the map if this keeps up...the horde is kicking butt. And whats with the Night elves?? Going to be a ghost town in their main city...hehe I know this is only one web site, but thats a big spread between Horde and Alliance there...humans and undead rule....
Yeah, what happen to the boat full of people who usually want to play as a Night Elf? Don't tell me you all decided to play Troll. If this keeps up, I am going to have to switch sides for sure. All I know is not a lot of people wanted to be on the Horde until this thread comes up. Maybe those of us always arguing which is better finally got to them? Or maybe they want to be Horde so they won't have to fight the almighty LoSt CaUz3!? Yeah well, one could hope.
More to the point, I am going Horde no matter what you peoples do. Plan on going with a Troll Rogue until I get a decent level with him then I am planning on creating an Orc after that. Maybe I have an od fetish for green skin?! No, that's not it, I just want to play all the Races and Classes eventually, just going to clear out the Horde first, then move on to Alliance characters.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi