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Ive noticed many posts with people saying the Grind is an importaint part of a MMORPG.
In my mind.. and in the mind of many other people the two parts of a mmorpg that are holding it back from the masses is
A) Monthly fee
the "grind"
Can anybody actually give a valid argument of why you need the grind?
The way I see it, its outdated, lazy way to add longevity.
People should be playing all day because they Love the game, not because they have to do it in order to be more powerful.
As an example, I will use my favorite, hotdogs.
A weiner, ah yes, the particle board of meat as it is known.
All all beef weiner is much better than a weiner full of filler.
Id like to think of the meat as the game, and the Filler as the grind.
If you were to take a normal weiner with filler, and remove the filler you would have one heck of a short weiner.
I belive that MMORPGS now adays use the grind like the filler in the wiener, to add longevity without having to be imaginative or creative on how to create longevity.
There is more than one way to go at it, the Grind just happens to be one, unfortunalty people seem to think this is the only one, and quite frankly, there kinda dim.
Im just biding my time until sombody makes a game, and uses a system to increase longevity that isnt the Grind.
There ya have it, my opinions, anybody have a good reason for the grind other than
"If you dont have a grind, the agme wont last long"
as using that response will warrent me to quickly call you names and mock you =p
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
You're stereotyping all MMORPG's together.
Ultime Online wasn't (and most likly still not) a grind.
Im sure there are some games out there that aren't grind grind, but they might be low-budget/not any good.
Give it time, when the developers themselves start playing their own games they will realize what it needs/what it doesnt need to become popular.
The idea of grind wasn't really a big deal until EQ came out.
I never heard of people complaining when the top MMORPGS were UO, Meridian 59 or Text Based MUDs.
Grind is not inherent to Mmorpgs. Its an invented style of game structure, and a pathetic one at that.
Im not saying all games, Im saying most games..
I agree UO was never a grind, and maybe that was why that was the only mmorpg I played for a long while.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...
thats what i love about UO i mean in AO can a lvl 10 compete with a lvl 200? hell no, but on uo can a 1 day old char compete with a 3 year old character.. yep
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
This is the beginning of my past. This is the end of my journey.
There doesnt need to be a 'grind' in the way it currently is.
People do not like the grind because it is repetative and boring. however it is necessary, because there has to be a way to gain experience for your character.
I agree that there should not be a grind as it is now, kill, kill, kill, loot, loot, kill, kill, build, build isnt exactly very fun or stimulating after a while.
The grind needs to be changed so that it become less frustrating and actually becomes the meat of the game. The way you level your character needs to be changed so that each character will level differently depending on your character class, and you will level better by playong your role better. Simple killing needs to be there, but it should have much much less emphasis on it. even fighter classes should do lots of other things rather than killing all day.
But the grind itself (ie: the constant doing of 'something' in order to gain experience) needs to be in the game.