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Veteran Mayors

Was it just me or were there many other Mayors who felt totally ripped off when they made eveyone a master politician? Before Cities came out I made a Master Dancer/ Master Creature Handler with a little Pistoleer. When the cities went live my guildies asked me to be the mayor so little by little I gave up more and more of my Pistoleer then Marksman to become a Master Politician. I put alot of time and effort into running our city. I felt a great sense of accomplishment. The feeling of betrayal was second only to how I felt about Jedi becoming a starting profession.



  • SuvrocSuvroc Member Posts: 2,383

    My friend really enjoyed being mayor of our city. It suited his play style, and he really went out of his way to make the best of the limited tools he had.

    I know that what SOE did to politician really disappointed him as he felt that his ingame role was diminshed. Being a politician was his ingame identity, and that become trivialized overnight.

  • tman5tman5 Member Posts: 604

    This is one of the great oversights in this continued debate.  We're always hearing about rangers, creature handlers and Jedi, but politicians took it in the shorts, too.  Like Survoc, I knew folks who put a lot of work into their politician characters who felt cheated when SOE pulled their stunt.  Unfortunately, they were such a small number their voices were lost in the CH/Jedi shouting.

  • KazaraKazara Member UncommonPosts: 1,086

    Yeah,,,,,making every player a master politician makes it even easier for any yahoo to be more prone to start a city (town, stronghold, what ever) on a whim which ends up abandoned. Sadly, with the decimation of the player economy, the marginalization of crafting and the loss of 80%+ of the playerbase, cities serve little use other than a convenient shuttle port. I recall when cities were bristling with players - - shopping, parties, defending or raiding city bases, entertaining, etc. Count on $OE to destroy the best aspects of SWG every chance it get. (not that there is much left to destroy now).


  • Daed710Daed710 Member Posts: 134

    "felt totally ripped off" would be an understatement, for me it was more like... "had my swg soul ripped out thru my a-hole and then held before me as my toon slowly died from sheer heartache"

    Being Master Politician and Mayor of our guild's city was by far the single achievement I was most proud of in all my years of playing, and having it reduced to a freebie badge/titles/skills, that any day-1 noob with a house got, is by far the worst slap-in-the-face of the entire NGE when viewed through my eyes (and thats saying a lot considering the overall devastation that p.o.s. revamp caused our beloved game). 

    I had always considered Politician my main profession.  I was honored that my m8s had chosen me to be Mayor, and I spent damn near every minute of my time in our city trying to make it the best place possible for our m8s, a place they could truly be proud to call "home".   I spent hours in drop-screens learning every aspect of our citys land, mapping out future developments, overseeing every house drop, spending every credit I had paying for the city maintenance (which was quite a hefty amount pre-maint nerf), buying gardens and decor for civic offerings (cantina, theater, hospital, museums, etc), hell I even paid the maintenance on every citizens house just because I loved the city that much, and basically considered it my duty to take care of it in every way possible.

    I grew that city from village to metropolis, with shuttle, without spamming for a single citizen, and that was pre-citizen-nerf when metros needed 85 citizens minimum (and it was a guild-only city to boot), definitly not the wannabe "metros" they have currently, with just 40 citizens needed, less than half of what us real politicians had to achieve.

    Not only did they give away our hard earned profession, badge, and titles with the cursed NGE, they even gave away our "Elder Politician" title to anybody who had learned just the friggin "novice politician" box for free, once the requirments for that had been nerfed and people were getting it just for shits-n-giggles (round the CU I think).

    Now you have every friggin noob in the game running around with the "Warmaster" title, the same title I spent months grinding up the martial policy (aka militia) branch of Politician to achieve, not to mention the "Statesman", "Urban Planner" and "Accountant" titles, also stripped of any dignity they once possessed.

    Personally, I have 2 theories why SOE turned Politician into a complete joke with the NGE...

    1.) SOE was too lazy to dev a way for NGE Poli's to learn their skills, once the skill trainers were stripped from the game, as their new "quest xp" gameplan was all they cared about, screw anybody else who got xp through a means other than combat.

    2.) SOE was afraid that most of the Master Poli's (who were usually hardcore vets) would quit the game when the NGE hit, leaving the cities of SWG to crumble and never be able to recover (thus making the nge-noobs lose the ability to use all those conveniently located shuttles to get around).   Since any new nge-Mayors wouldnt be able to do diddly-squat in a city without those skills (ya couldnt even drop a friggin streetlamp without learning those skills first), they decided to just give the profession away for free, thus everybody in their new "target audience" of WoW kiddies became insta-Politicians the second they showed interest in housing (all one needs to do now is declare residence in a house, and presto, Master Politician).

    I'd like to give all the goons down at SOE a hearty "F-U" and bitch-slap, on behalf of all preNGE Master Politicians, they deserve every ounce of hatred they get due to the raping of SWG's playerbase, and I hope it haunts them for years to come, /spit



    "Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now.
    We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"

  • StuheroStuhero Member Posts: 143

    Yes, that pretty much sums up my feeling on the subject, Thanks Daed


  • SioBabbleSioBabble Member Posts: 2,803

    The politicians did get the shaft, but this fact did get lost in the general uproar over Jedi and CH, primarily, and everyone else (TKs, pistoleers, etc) who got the shaft as well.  My main toon was a Jedi and a CH so I got a double dose and those two particular tragedies color my view on everything SWG.

    DId you know that they fucked over the Entertainers as well?  I have a mostly unplayed toon on Gorath (created one night when Ahazi was down) that had some entertainer skills, and she wound up after the NGE being awarded the full set of master entertainer profession titles and ELDER status without actually earning them.

    But the devs could not possibly be bothered to care, because the NGE was about driving those asshole players who read away, and replacing them with WoW kiddies.

    CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.

    Once a denizen of Ahazi

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