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I'm looking for a break from WoW and this seems like an interesting game... I'll definately try the 3 day trial when I have some time after the holidays. After reading about this game however, I'm concerned about a few things...
Only one playable faction and race, so PvP is pretty lame?
No first person view in a "shooter"?
Possible lack of content development?
I would appreciate it if any experienced TR players throw me a bone regarding these questions please. Thanks!
Played: Clan Lord, WoW, Matrix Online, LOTR:O, EVE, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online, Rift
Playing: Starcraft 2, Battlefield 3
No game is going to satisfy everyone. So I'm not going to try to convince you to like TR.
But I'll say this:
1) Elves? Not a one in sight. That alone makes it worth a try. After almost a decade of MMORPG playing, that's pretty nice. Sure, I played Anarchy Online and City of Heroes/Villains, but after a while the whole Tolkein-esque fantasy thing gets old.
2) Engaging, dynamic combat. You have to aim. You have to take advantage of cover and your environment. You get access to a pretty cool arsenal of weaponry. Running across the terrain in TR has never been boring -- you're running through a combat zone with things trying to blow you up. It's a shooter. It's not "whack a mole" like every other MMORPG I've ever played.,
3) Cool backstory. I like the idea of getting payback for Earth's devastation with every Crusty I wax.
4) I'm in the mid-30's, and I'm not hurting for content yet. And the game's only a few months old. Some people have power-leveled their way up and hit a brick wall. Not saying they're wrong, or even saying that NCSoft shouldn't have taken that into consideration -- they should have. But I don't perceive there to be a lack of content - and if there is at higher levels, I'm sure it will be addressed.
5) You feel powerful - no rabbits and mice to kill when you're just starting out. And even the support classes can kick ass. Healing and repairing armor aren't just the boring, button-mashing affair in other games.
Sure, I'm biased. I love the game. After years of recycled concepts, I'm glad to be playing something that really engages me again.
Haven't one any PVP, so I can't help you there.
No, there is no 1st person view.. But if there was? You would probably die more from the MOBs that sneak up from behind and bite your ankles so to speak.
I am at lvl 25 now and the content has been fine and challeging.
Honestly, I havnt played the game. However, from what I've heard people say about it, its more of a severe love it or hate it deal. Best bet is to try it out.
So far, I'm really digging it. I see amazing potential for this game.
Needs more content? Some bugs? Well, okay, yes - one could build a case for both of those statements. But I'm still enjoying TR so much that I don't care. I'm willing to be patient on this game. Hey, if I put up with Vanguard SoH from the day of its "release" until about six months later (when I'd finally had enough), I can sure put up with TR for a while.
The way I see it, If TR isn't holding my attention in a few months, maybe Fallen Earth will finally be ready.
Anyway, d/l and enjoy, OP.
I havent tried the pvp - but originally it was designed as a mainly pve game so I guess pvp is pretty lame at the moment. They do have somethings in the works for that - like clan controllable outposts.
You are correct there is no first person view. The game has a shooter like interface, and you use guns, but under the hood its a rpg.
Lack of content - yes for the poor hard core players with lots of hours to spend playing they have hit lvl 50 and are bored.
For a more casual player - I have been playing since release - 10+ hours a week and have only reached level 28 and completed 3 maps.
Patch releases are every two weeks - these have bug fixes, additional missions for intermediary maps and additional content. There is supposed to be a bigger (free) content release in late January.
So they have added an auction house (surplus store), they are making attributes more useful, adding personal mech units, more playable races.
There will be a retail expansion late next year which adds a new planet to explore.
Although the game has bugs - mostly with missions, its very stable. I havent had a crash.
Running Core 2 Duo 6600, 2 Gig DDR2, ATI 512m 3870 video, Win XP SP2
I really like this game, I played WoW and several other MMoRPGs and This so far I think is the most fun.
Sure it has bugs, but what new game doesn't?
Many people don't like the game, just as many love it, I would say download the free trial and play. I am having a blast with TR.
I really like it too. I've noticed that this game seems to evoke strong opinions from every one who has tried it. The "love camp" and the "hate camp" and n'er the two shall meet.
I love the game cuz i want to like it. If you're actually looking for a new game i'd definitly say it's worth a try. No need to sign up for wow fanboys.
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