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I have been in this forum for while and I really have to say this. You forum editor really sucks.
You have even possibility use two diffrent editor, but they just mess the quated text most the time when swcihing between them.
Your enhancement editor makes it very hard to edit stuff, mostly when something is quated. You Traditional editor is primitive and works, but it doesn't work at all with enhanced editor. They mess others texts when swiching between them. Mostly the quated stuff.
I have been in many other forums too, but this forums editor is sorry to say, worst what I have seen so far.
My suggestion, not much anything, because I know You have no plans to change it or improving it.
Why I write this then. Because it's about time that someone says it here.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists
Hello Lilian,
Can you further explain the issue? What do you mean by quated?
Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager
I mean when I want to response someones post so that I cut the OP quote for small pieces. It's allmost impossible to do. Also if You swich between Traditional and Enhanced editor, to get more manual control, hole text, quotes and line breaks gonna be one big mess.
Here is example, How I would like it.
Hello Taera
Yes, of course I can try to do it.
This is where Your post has been quoted and I have cut it to three piece. I had to use traditional BBML to do the job and swich to enhancements editor after I posted it. Basicly it took like 10 edit to get it look like this.
Why You think so many Your forum quotes are colored texts inside the others quotes? Because it's the easyest job to do something like this. Other option is write everyting below and the reader has to make ques what the poster are meaning.
Also it's not just quotes what are mess, but also line breaks. They keep jumping between edit and writing to different sizes. Sometimes the line break isn't there and sometimes it's like there is two line breaks.
If You want to try it You self, try to swich between Traditional and Enchanced editor modes with quoted texts.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists