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I would reconsider getting back in to action if they would add some new material or a new expansion. I quit 7months ago cause it felt like i had done it all, again. I've been a swg member on and of since the launch and it had it's up's and down's and im sorry to say its a great game in the wrong hands.
It's still up in the air if they'll be a new expansion, but DeadMeat was saying in his Producers Letter on Thursday that while they're likely to carry on with the Chapter updates, they may decide to do an expansion.
Consider Chapter 7 & 8 has expansions though as they both include quite alot of content. Chapter 7 includes 3 new high-end instances and the entire Collection system. The instances are probably the most challenging ones SWG has seen - completing them isn't like the Mustafar ones where winning is mostly determined by doing lots of damage, you need to think and solve puzzles as you progress through them. Each time you complete the instances, you get tokens which you can then turn in at the Village on Dathomir for profession specific items. These items can give your character completly new abilities or beef up your current abilities.
Collections has turned out to be the more popular feature of Chapter 7. They give out some pretty decent rewards, such as the ability to increase the storage limits on your house by 700 items. Rewards range from badges to schematics that can make you new things for your house to buffs and new abilities for your character/pet. There's quite a bit more to collections, but that's a brief overview.
Chapter 8 includes and new Space zone which contains a space station that you can land on. If you've done the tutorial since the NGE, the zone and station is the same as that however the contents of both are different. The station has a full quest series for Pilots that they can progress through. By doing so, they get a special crystal thing that they can then use to turn in for new ship component schematics. These components have some pretty uber stats and are not too far behind a good RE project.
Collections are also introduced to Space with various loot and kill based collections as well as more added to the ground game. Completing a series of the space collections will end up rewarding you with a schematic for a Gunboat. A new Imperial Star Destroyer instance has also been added which has a small space part with the rest being ground based within the ISD. Like the Chapter 7 instances, completing it gives you tokens that you can use to buy stuff back at the Village for your character.
Chapter 7 is Live now but Chapter 8 won't be out till after the New Year.
we all know the truth of why there was is and never be another expansion for swg dont we obraik ?
1. swg has below 5.000 active players left and as we all know how much SOE cares for money, they dont see any good profit in a new expansion for swg
2. the current developement team of swg with 3 - 4 devs is not able to handle a new expansion, neither do they have the time to make another expansion, because they try hard to get their lost customers back by constantly adding old elements of pre-NGE times into the game ( a desperate act of getting old customers back, see the new buddy programm on in the news)
3. SOE calculated the chances for star wars galaxies in 2008 beside the upcoming mmos and they realised that it would not be a good idea to invest into a new expansion for swg, because of upcoming mmos like age of conan, warhammer online and so on
swg is running with a skeleton dev team to keep the costs for ressources like programmers and so on as low as possible and NGE-star wars galaxies is not profitable enough for a new expansion, since there is noone left to sell it to.
"You must be either retarded or a fanboi..."
but lets see what bioware has for us in 2008
"You must be either retarded or a fanboi..."
we all know the truth of why there was is and never be another expansion for swg dont we obraik ?
1. swg has below 5.000 active players left and as we all know how much SOE cares for money, they dont see any good profit in a new expansion for swg
2. the current developement team of swg with 3 - 4 devs is not able to handle a new expansion, neither do they have the time to make another expansion, because they try hard to get their lost customers back by constantly adding old elements of pre-NGE times into the game ( a desperate act of getting old customers back, see the new buddy programm on in the news)
3. SOE calculated the chances for star wars galaxies in 2008 beside the upcoming mmos and they realised that it would not be a good idea to invest into a new expansion for swg, because of upcoming mmos like age of conan, warhammer online and so on
swg is running with a skeleton dev team to keep the costs for ressources like programmers and so on as low as possible and NGE-star wars galaxies is not profitable enough for a new expansion, since there is noone left to sell it to.
First of all... no one knows for sure how many players SWG has left since SOE never releases numbers (good or bad). But as a current player, I will assure you the number is quite likely much higher then 5,000. Every estimate the industry has made puts the number at 70,000-100,000 active accounts and SOE has said thoes estimates tend to error on the low side. So your first point is just you blowing numbers out your ass to simply bash SWG.
Second... the dev team for SWG is larger then 4 people. This is obvious from dev statements, the fact that more then 4 devs post on the boards, and also the simple fact that a 4 man team could not crank out the amount of content the current team does in the time they do. It would be totally impossible. Of all the MMO's I play.... Galaxies sees the most free content. Again, your just pulling numbers out of thin air.
And lastly... all the new MMO's coming out ar so-so at best. None of them look like smash hits. Even so, I doubt they will weigh much on what the SWG devs do. Either way, your still just pulling this out of thin air... as you would have no way to know what SOE does/thinks internally.
As for the original post... I would go as far as to say there is a decent chance of another SWG expansion fairly soon. It would be my guess the devs are adding as much content to the game as possible before they go forward with an expansion, so when people buy the expansion and give Galaxies another shot.... they are met with a ton of new content. Who knows tho, thats just my guess... unlike TheChronic Im not going to make up facts on the spot. But trust me when I say... SOE more then has the resource to make another expansion. I would say its more a matter of when then if.
They don't even print up boxes and CDs for sale in stores. The only way to purchase the game. aside from finding one of the scores of unsold, discontinued, boxed versions, is by direct download. There are nowhere near enough people playing the game to make an expansion even remotely profitable. The game has too poor of a reputation, and it is flat out not fun. There will not be any more expansions, aside from the contractually obligated publish additions of busywork collections (kill 500 of MOB X) and 'heroic' encounters (one million HP MOBs in recycled instances).
I must say I havn't played after the chapter 7 launch, and it does sound like an improvement as u stated above Obraik. More storage for your housing is a must if u are a collector as I am and new abilities for my commando sounds even better. One of the things that i missed in space was a space station, and that seems to have been granted, so I guess I'll have to reenter after newyear. Thanx for the info.
we all know the truth of why there was is and never be another expansion for swg dont we obraik ?
1. swg has below 5.000 active players left and as we all know how much SOE cares for money, they dont see any good profit in a new expansion for swg
2. the current developement team of swg with 3 - 4 devs is not able to handle a new expansion, neither do they have the time to make another expansion, because they try hard to get their lost customers back by constantly adding old elements of pre-NGE times into the game ( a desperate act of getting old customers back, see the new buddy programm on in the news)
3. SOE calculated the chances for star wars galaxies in 2008 beside the upcoming mmos and they realised that it would not be a good idea to invest into a new expansion for swg, because of upcoming mmos like age of conan, warhammer online and so on
swg is running with a skeleton dev team to keep the costs for ressources like programmers and so on as low as possible and NGE-star wars galaxies is not profitable enough for a new expansion, since there is noone left to sell it to.
First of all... no one knows for sure how many players SWG has left since SOE never releases numbers (good or bad). But as a current player, I will assure you the number is quite likely much higher then 5,000. Every estimate the industry has made puts the number at 70,000-100,000 active accounts and SOE has said thoes estimates tend to error on the low side. So your first point is just you blowing numbers out your ass to simply bash SWG.
Second... the dev team for SWG is larger then 4 people. This is obvious from dev statements, the fact that more then 4 devs post on the boards, and also the simple fact that a 4 man team could not crank out the amount of content the current team does in the time they do. It would be totally impossible. Of all the MMO's I play.... Galaxies sees the most free content. Again, your just pulling numbers out of thin air.
And lastly... all the new MMO's coming out ar so-so at best. None of them look like smash hits. Even so, I doubt they will weigh much on what the SWG devs do. Either way, your still just pulling this out of thin air... as you would have no way to know what SOE does/thinks internally.
As for the original post... I would go as far as to say there is a decent chance of another SWG expansion fairly soon. It would be my guess the devs are adding as much content to the game as possible before they go forward with an expansion, so when people buy the expansion and give Galaxies another shot.... they are met with a ton of new content. Who knows tho, thats just my guess... unlike TheChronic Im not going to make up facts on the spot. But trust me when I say... SOE more then has the resource to make another expansion. I would say its more a matter of when then if.
Oh really Stake?
I wouldn't go so far and call TheChronic blowing up numbers, because what he posted makes sense to me:
now checkout the latest news about SOE:
They will propably beeing takeovered by some indian company and nobody knows what will happend to SWG, except LucasArts,
as you guys already know, LA has a new contract about StarWars licenses with BioWare and as soon as SOE is takenover by the indians, the license will be pullout off SOE.
And yes I already know that John Smedley denied the pullover, that made me laugh because he will be the 1st who loses his job after the takeover
Smedley made statements like "the combat upgrade is here to stay" 4 months before the NGE.
So I wouldnt give a damn of what comes out of his mouth.
the end of 2005 brought the NGE and the end of 2007 will bring the end of Star Wars Galaxies.
I just feel sorry for those poor gamers who still invenst money and time for this game.
Just wait and see what happens in the next few months.
SOE and NGE-Star Wars Galalaxies:
Raph Koster: "It's like dumping the girlfriend who has always been patient and loving to chase after the supermodel who probably won't love you back."
Still, it's just a game and not an investement, i mean u still spend time on other games that u eventually grow tired of. I've played a great number of online games and yes it would be a bit sad if any of them would be put down since u put alot of work in your characters, but if it goes down so be it. There's always another, i don't take it to serious.
At this point Saga of Ryzom has a better chanse of being picked up by Blizzard then SWG or MoX gettign an expansion.
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
Much as I wish it weren't so, I reckon the chances of a bona fide expansion pack are pretty slim. Subscriber numbers are low and the damage done by the backlash over the NGE so high.
The game is constantly expanding though. Others have already mentioned the new content in the chaps 7 and 8. But we've also had a lot of other stuff in chaps 5 and 6 this year. It seems SOE's strategy is based more around making effective use of the property they already have than developing new stuff from scratch.
So we're more likely to see new questlines based around the planets we already have than a new planet altogether (no likelihood of seeing Hoth or Corsucant anytime soon )
Well for SWG fans the Lucas Arts producer of SWG stated that there were no plans for expansions in 2008. [Source]
The MMO Gamer: Are there plans at this point for any further expansion packs?
Jake Neri: At this point, we have no plans for a retail expansion. Rather, both LucasArts and SOE made the decision to focus our efforts on the Chapter Adventures, which will deliver high value content to our players while maintaining the flexibility to adjust to what our players ask us for as the game continues.
Chance of expansion?
Zero point Zero.
Doesn't get into any specifics for 2008
DeadMeat updated the whole expansion topic last week,�
Don't take that as me getting excited and expecting an expansion, either