I heard somewhere that 2007 was a year when there weren't many games in the 90%+ range. I still think it was a good year.
Call of Duty 4
The Burning Crusade
Orange Box
Gears Of War
C&C 3
The problem is that a lot of the AAA games are released late October onwards. This leaves a top-heavy year to play games. Publishers like to cash in on the holidays, but I don't know how true that still is since a lot of people have fast internet now and can download the games or at least find some place to buy them.
If you break up the orange box the games in there are all worth playing.
I think 2007 will be remembered as the year that casual games got taken more seriously. Peggle [Orange Box contain's Peggle Extreme], Bookworm Adventures and Sam and Max episodes are all well produced, easily downloaded and have been very profitable.
Games have been heavily on the crap side release wise for decades,each year only brings a few gems.There has never been some huge downward slide of quality.
The so called 'hardcore' crowd-elitist nerds in other words-will screech and whine over anything that doesnt specifically cater toward them and them only. These are the type of guys who are 30+ and still use words such as carebear and noob.
Hopefully theyll all get bored of gaming this century,and bugger off to play some ancient c64 game whilst flocking to each other in the style of lemmings touting the usual fashionable key words such as innovation and immersion. good riddance I say.
Anyway,for the Op have you got a PSP? Theres a few good games that have come out in the last 12 months;
Have a look for Crush,Puzzle Quest,Sid Meiers Pirates!,Jeanne D'Arc,Disgeae:afternoon of darkness,Metal Slug Anthology,Metal gear Solid:portable ops and the Warriors.All great games which will keep you going for ages.
You can find loads of decent games if you look behind the mass advertised, overrated tripe handed out each year.
When I burn out on modern games I like and there are no new games to replace it, I go back to old time classics like Colonization, Transport Tycoon Deluxe or UFO Enemy unknown.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
I got so sick of how mmo's are going I just became a Templar archer irl. Anyways games aren't released in the winter just for holiday sales (I thought so too when i lived in florida). It's because winter is the ideal time for gaming for the 2/3 of the country that have a winter that is cold.Once summer hits you want/have to do outdoor stuff with the family,ect. When its 10 degrees outside they don't bug you as much.
I'm more bored with games because they all use the same design process.
A 'genre' is chosen and build upon, a lot of copying from other games. A lot of 'corny' games. Most recent games I played seemed like exploitation movies.
I feel the original poster seriously. Theres a few problems why the market does not seem innovative.
First graphics. The gaming industry has upped the graphics on games so high that modelers, texture artist, tech artist and physics engine artist cant keep up. Just a little over a year ago a game character on PS2 was only about 2500 polys at most. then XBox 360 comes in and the poly count jumps up to 6000+. The artist have to spend Wayyyyyy more time creating everything for the game than usual. So the gameplay suffers because so much is focused on the art.
The time it takes to make a game has not changed with the advancement of technology and graphics. so now developers have to really grind out a with extremely high detail, excellent physics engines, and gameplay in only about 1 or 2 years. Not enough software is being made to make the creative process easier.
So the only ocmpanies able to put out anything decent are the big guys with well established names like Halo, and Call of Duty.
Second most amjor gaming companies want to take the safe route to success. That means a successful title is not changed much. Like the Madden series. Only small changes are made, which means nothing new. Newbie companies don't want to be stompedout the competition before they can even start so they make a generic MMO or FPS. Look at all the Korean MMO games that look just like Lineage 2.
Lastly education in the creation of games has basically opened to the general population. That means all the uncreative people also get degrees. I swear, when I was in class and we had to pitch our ideas, 90% of the class said. "I got an idea of an FPS with this teeny tiny little change that will make it better than Half Life." "I got an RPG that is just like Final Fantasy, with this minute change that makes it different." Very few people had extremely far fetched ideas.
My suggestion to the original poster. Go check out the handheld market. The DS has extremely unique games. Ever seen bejeweled with RPG elements? Well Puzzle quest is that and it rocks. These games are only 128 mb in size, so all the effort is put into gameplay and less on graphics.
MMORPGs are slowly turning into MSPORPGs (Massive Solo Play Online Role Playing Games)
Nope, it's people's playstyle that makes these people asume MMO's are more single player games, obvious it's mostly comming from people who in my opinion never touched a real singleplayer game.
As for the OP, it's (atleast for me ) not that gaming feels like it's going to hell, it's more the community that once was seems to lose track on games in this genre, i mean look at this website, if we would beleive all complaints then NO GAME/MMO is good and they all suck, they all are dead, none is playing any of these games.
For me it seems that the more people that come to this genre the less inovative this genre is going to be, the majority of complaints are always about people that seem to need their handhold, that seem unable to handle issue's with certain games, they blame the games but are unable to look at their playstyle, the time commitment some people put into these game is just way to much.
Overall i see a loud trend of this site to become more of a ANTI-MMORPG.COM instead of that this webside shows some passion towards this industry.
I mean seriously i kinda stopped sharing my fun experiance on forums like this as it has no use, each and every game i have played and mentioned on forums like this i was alway's made a fanboy by the ignorant. Not one positive post i made remained positve cause the trolls stepped in to discredit me. This goes for most people who want to share their fun experiance.....it's almost not possible these day's. So overall it's not gaming that's gone to hell but a part of it's community.
ps. OP if you NOT talking about console games then how did you get Assasin Creed on PC? it's not released on PC yet......right? asfar i know it's only released on console's atm
MMORPGs are slowly turning into MSPORPGs (Massive Solo Play Online Role Playing Games)
If that happens it will be because of the SOE / Verant generation of people and designers.
Too stupid to comprehend that people don't play these games because they like grouping and raiding, but because they like to be in a populated world.
It's the people that invented "meaninful content" and "meaningful travel". It's the same folks that wouldn't drive an automatic stick because you don't 'really' have meanfull driving experience unless you do everything the hard way.
Well, most people just wanna get to the place they wanted to go, and have fun. Not spend 2 hours LFG because dumb designers feel like wasting people's time makes a good game.
I too think that the OP needs a break or at least shorter sessions with games that are meant to be played in 15 minutes or less. Rockstar Presents Table Tennis and Guitar Hero 3 spring immediately to mind. Although any casual game will do.
If you're looking for innovation then you have step away from mainstream gaming completely and play indie / hombrew / doujin games. Gish, Rocketbowl, Cave Story, Immortal Defense, and upcoming indie games like Everyday Shooter and Braid are about as innovative as you're currently going to get.
I think that the industry is really just in the middle of a major upset right now. Publishers are confused since the games that they normally pour endless streams of cash on (Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, ect.) are being outsold by color matching casual games and party games like Wii Sports and Guitar Hero 3. It calls into question the traditional approach to the industry. Downloadable content has also freed some publishers from the whims of Wal-Mart and now the bigger companies want to play the "direct to drive" game as well.
I don't really see this shift as a bad thing. Games have been all filla and no thrilla for way to long now. maybe it's past time for the developers to stop making endless amounts of content and features that 90% of the players will never see or experience get back to the business of focusing on compelling gameplay. It's time for developers to just make games and remove the "hardcore" or "casual" prefix.
Always remember that there are no hardcore games, only hardcore gamers. If a game is good, it WILL be played hardcore. And if you do anything hardcore for long enough, you're going to get burned out.
i think i will be getting old and die or ww3 will break out before i see any decent new age game. Like a real massive space war game, where the players man giant ships, they go around in the ship in fps view and everyone has its own battlestation to handle like a simulator. I would do everything to see stuff like this emerge before i die.
Hm, I think It's really just the games that suck, really I think they almost all do.
There's SO much time spend into production and so little into gameplay and value.
Games care about Beta's, Gameplay movies, Fancy graphic effects, X zones, X lvl's, You can do this with your friends, and that, and we support this and that, and the game will support multiplayer, and single player, and raids, and you can solo and mounts and crafting and ....
Jesus christ.
They care about production and succes and try to please people and think about sales and succes and $ before the game idea is even ready.
That's the problem imo, they care more about production than about value.
Simple run of the mill shooters like Crysis and CoD4 being named as the best games of a whole year shows how some games are made now kinda no lol.
I think the MMOG movers and shakers...the people in charge of directing the development effort...have viewed MMOGs development like film making. Like films, there has been a constant stream of garbage comming out. In the earlier days of MMOG's ,with limited choice, players flocked to each new entry to try it out.. rewarding the garbage makers.Now players have become more decerning and don't jump on and financialy reward the MMOG game developers for junk.Vanguard provided a wake up call for many game producers.I think it has frightened some who feel now that they actually have to be a bit creative and differentiate their "product"...just as real world package goods marketers try to do.This is good and bad for the gamer.It has slowed down the stream of mindless game product.....but given the game players fewer new game options.
Careful syaing words like "hell". Apparently you can't say 'devil' on this tv. I made a topic called "I'm tired of the Devil in MMORPG's" as in the character Devil showing up in games and it seems to have been deleted. Careful what you say, censoring is abound. Maybe mods will understand that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights and individual has. They've also bumped me down from elite member to novice. Intereting, the power of the pen.
That's likely because the thread was full of flames. The subject itself is a touchy one on any message board. I highly doubt there was any connection to the topic itself, but only the replies it brought.
Careful syaing words like "hell". Apparently you can't say 'devil' on this tv. I made a topic called "I'm tired of the Devil in MMORPG's" as in the character Devil showing up in games and it seems to have been deleted. Careful what you say, censoring is abound. Maybe mods will understand that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights and individual has. They've also bumped me down from elite member to novice. Intereting, the power of the pen.
Dude you really need to get off of yourself. Notice anything different about me? You aren't the only one who got "demoted". Stop crying about your rank as if it really matters. It's the lowest form of e-peen. I'm suprised the thread lasted as long as it did. It was dumb and "off-topic" on this site. I know I kept it going but I couldn't help it. Too much fun.
I have to agree OP. Most mmos seem the same. I just started playing LotRo and it seems a lot like WoW. EQ2 same. FPS games like you said, yea Halo 3 was disappointing for me, it seemed short and not a whole lot of innovation. Sure playing on Live is fun, but finding games take a while and I actually have more fun gaming with 3 others on my own 360.
Warhammer seems like it will be very similar to WoW, but Conan seems like it will be different, at least different from WoW. Note, I haven't played any of those so called pvp games so I wouldn't be surprised if someone said Conan was like those. Anyways, get better!
I heard somewhere that 2007 was a year when there weren't many games in the 90%+ range. I still think it was a good year.
The problem is that a lot of the AAA games are released late October onwards. This leaves a top-heavy year to play games. Publishers like to cash in on the holidays, but I don't know how true that still is since a lot of people have fast internet now and can download the games or at least find some place to buy them.
If you break up the orange box the games in there are all worth playing.
I think 2007 will be remembered as the year that casual games got taken more seriously. Peggle [Orange Box contain's Peggle Extreme], Bookworm Adventures and Sam and Max episodes are all well produced, easily downloaded and have been very profitable.
p.s. get well soon
No annoying animated GIF here!
Games have been heavily on the crap side release wise for decades,each year only brings a few gems.There has never been some huge downward slide of quality.
The so called 'hardcore' crowd-elitist nerds in other words-will screech and whine over anything that doesnt specifically cater toward them and them only. These are the type of guys who are 30+ and still use words such as carebear and noob.
Hopefully theyll all get bored of gaming this century,and bugger off to play some ancient c64 game whilst flocking to each other in the style of lemmings touting the usual fashionable key words such as innovation and immersion. good riddance I say.
Anyway,for the Op have you got a PSP? Theres a few good games that have come out in the last 12 months;
Have a look for Crush,Puzzle Quest,Sid Meiers Pirates!,Jeanne D'Arc,Disgeae:afternoon of darkness,Metal Slug Anthology,Metal gear Solid:portable ops and the Warriors.All great games which will keep you going for ages.
You can find loads of decent games if you look behind the mass advertised, overrated tripe handed out each year.
When I burn out on modern games I like and there are no new games to replace it, I go back to old time classics like Colonization, Transport Tycoon Deluxe or UFO Enemy unknown.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
I got so sick of how mmo's are going I just became a Templar archer irl. Anyways games aren't released in the winter just for holiday sales (I thought so too when i lived in florida). It's because winter is the ideal time for gaming for the 2/3 of the country that have a winter that is cold.Once summer hits you want/have to do outdoor stuff with the family,ect. When its 10 degrees outside they don't bug you as much.
I'm more bored with games because they all use the same design process.
A 'genre' is chosen and build upon, a lot of copying from other games. A lot of 'corny' games. Most recent games I played seemed like exploitation movies.
This blows my mind. What?
I feel the original poster seriously. Theres a few problems why the market does not seem innovative.
First graphics. The gaming industry has upped the graphics on games so high that modelers, texture artist, tech artist and physics engine artist cant keep up. Just a little over a year ago a game character on PS2 was only about 2500 polys at most. then XBox 360 comes in and the poly count jumps up to 6000+. The artist have to spend Wayyyyyy more time creating everything for the game than usual. So the gameplay suffers because so much is focused on the art.
The time it takes to make a game has not changed with the advancement of technology and graphics. so now developers have to really grind out a with extremely high detail, excellent physics engines, and gameplay in only about 1 or 2 years. Not enough software is being made to make the creative process easier.
So the only ocmpanies able to put out anything decent are the big guys with well established names like Halo, and Call of Duty.
Second most amjor gaming companies want to take the safe route to success. That means a successful title is not changed much. Like the Madden series. Only small changes are made, which means nothing new. Newbie companies don't want to be stompedout the competition before they can even start so they make a generic MMO or FPS. Look at all the Korean MMO games that look just like Lineage 2.
Lastly education in the creation of games has basically opened to the general population. That means all the uncreative people also get degrees. I swear, when I was in class and we had to pitch our ideas, 90% of the class said. "I got an idea of an FPS with this teeny tiny little change that will make it better than Half Life." "I got an RPG that is just like Final Fantasy, with this minute change that makes it different." Very few people had extremely far fetched ideas.
My suggestion to the original poster. Go check out the handheld market. The DS has extremely unique games. Ever seen bejeweled with RPG elements? Well Puzzle quest is that and it rocks. These games are only 128 mb in size, so all the effort is put into gameplay and less on graphics.
Nope, it's people's playstyle that makes these people asume MMO's are more single player games, obvious it's mostly comming from people who in my opinion never touched a real singleplayer game.
As for the OP, it's (atleast for me ) not that gaming feels like it's going to hell, it's more the community that once was seems to lose track on games in this genre, i mean look at this website, if we would beleive all complaints then NO GAME/MMO is good and they all suck, they all are dead, none is playing any of these games.
For me it seems that the more people that come to this genre the less inovative this genre is going to be, the majority of complaints are always about people that seem to need their handhold, that seem unable to handle issue's with certain games, they blame the games but are unable to look at their playstyle, the time commitment some people put into these game is just way to much.
Overall i see a loud trend of this site to become more of a ANTI-MMORPG.COM instead of that this webside shows some passion towards this industry.
I mean seriously i kinda stopped sharing my fun experiance on forums like this as it has no use, each and every game i have played and mentioned on forums like this i was alway's made a fanboy by the ignorant. Not one positive post i made remained positve cause the trolls stepped in to discredit me. This goes for most people who want to share their fun experiance.....it's almost not possible these day's. So overall it's not gaming that's gone to hell but a part of it's community.
ps. OP if you NOT talking about console games then how did you get Assasin Creed on PC? it's not released on PC yet......right? asfar i know it's only released on console's atm
If that happens it will be because of the SOE / Verant generation of people and designers.
Too stupid to comprehend that people don't play these games because they like grouping and raiding, but because they like to be in a populated world.
It's the people that invented "meaninful content" and "meaningful travel". It's the same folks that wouldn't drive an automatic stick because you don't 'really' have meanfull driving experience unless you do everything the hard way.
Well, most people just wanna get to the place they wanted to go, and have fun. Not spend 2 hours LFG because dumb designers feel like wasting people's time makes a good game.
I too think that the OP needs a break or at least shorter sessions with games that are meant to be played in 15 minutes or less. Rockstar Presents Table Tennis and Guitar Hero 3 spring immediately to mind. Although any casual game will do.
If you're looking for innovation then you have step away from mainstream gaming completely and play indie / hombrew / doujin games. Gish, Rocketbowl, Cave Story, Immortal Defense, and upcoming indie games like Everyday Shooter and Braid are about as innovative as you're currently going to get.
I think that the industry is really just in the middle of a major upset right now. Publishers are confused since the games that they normally pour endless streams of cash on (Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, ect.) are being outsold by color matching casual games and party games like Wii Sports and Guitar Hero 3. It calls into question the traditional approach to the industry. Downloadable content has also freed some publishers from the whims of Wal-Mart and now the bigger companies want to play the "direct to drive" game as well.
I don't really see this shift as a bad thing. Games have been all filla and no thrilla for way to long now. maybe it's past time for the developers to stop making endless amounts of content and features that 90% of the players will never see or experience get back to the business of focusing on compelling gameplay. It's time for developers to just make games and remove the "hardcore" or "casual" prefix.
Always remember that there are no hardcore games, only hardcore gamers. If a game is good, it WILL be played hardcore. And if you do anything hardcore for long enough, you're going to get burned out.
i think i will be getting old and die or ww3 will break out before i see any decent new age game. Like a real massive space war game, where the players man giant ships, they go around in the ship in fps view and everyone has its own battlestation to handle like a simulator. I would do everything to see stuff like this emerge before i die.
Hm, I think It's really just the games that suck, really I think they almost all do.
There's SO much time spend into production and so little into gameplay and value.
Games care about Beta's, Gameplay movies, Fancy graphic effects, X zones, X lvl's, You can do this with your friends, and that, and we support this and that, and the game will support multiplayer, and single player, and raids, and you can solo and mounts and crafting and ....
Jesus christ.
They care about production and succes and try to please people and think about sales and succes and $ before the game idea is even ready.
That's the problem imo, they care more about production than about value.
Simple run of the mill shooters like Crysis and CoD4 being named as the best games of a whole year shows how some games are made now kinda no lol.
I think the MMOG movers and shakers...the people in charge of directing the development effort...have viewed MMOGs development like film making. Like films, there has been a constant stream of garbage comming out. In the earlier days of MMOG's ,with limited choice, players flocked to each new entry to try it out.. rewarding the garbage makers.Now players have become more decerning and don't jump on and financialy reward the MMOG game developers for junk.Vanguard provided a wake up call for many game producers.I think it has frightened some who feel now that they actually have to be a bit creative and differentiate their "product"...just as real world package goods marketers try to do.This is good and bad for the gamer.It has slowed down the stream of mindless game product.....but given the game players fewer new game options.
That's likely because the thread was full of flames. The subject itself is a touchy one on any message board. I highly doubt there was any connection to the topic itself, but only the replies it brought.
Dude you really need to get off of yourself. Notice anything different about me? You aren't the only one who got "demoted". Stop crying about your rank as if it really matters. It's the lowest form of e-peen. I'm suprised the thread lasted as long as it did. It was dumb and "off-topic" on this site. I know I kept it going but I couldn't help it. Too much fun.
I have to agree OP. Most mmos seem the same. I just started playing LotRo and it seems a lot like WoW. EQ2 same. FPS games like you said, yea Halo 3 was disappointing for me, it seemed short and not a whole lot of innovation. Sure playing on Live is fun, but finding games take a while and I actually have more fun gaming with 3 others on my own 360.
Warhammer seems like it will be very similar to WoW, but Conan seems like it will be different, at least different from WoW. Note, I haven't played any of those so called pvp games so I wouldn't be surprised if someone said Conan was like those. Anyways, get better!
thers all about the mainstream, and the money.
there will never be another fallout, system shock, deus ex.
ppl are more scared about loosing money, then supporting new ideas.