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Is this game fun?



  • True, it takes awhile to find the rp community in FFXI but that doesnt make it any less fun. People have fun playing the game, and the perks of it being a FF show through. FF fans an get alot from this game, and mmorpg players who arent looking for something hardcore can have fun too.

     Basically youll find the people that dont like this game are people who approach it with a hardore gamers frame of mind. I dont mind because at least now I dont have to put up with cold people who are only there to level and not to have fun.

    oh and maxcorp, nobody in this game gets passed level 30 running off the thrill of it being FF online. And there are people reaching level  75 all the time, and still loving it. THere are people that have been playing sine release and are loving it. There are people that have never played and FF and after months of gameplay are still loving it. You arguement holds no water, it just sounds like an empty flame.

  • BlkDragonJAJBlkDragonJAJ Member Posts: 48

    I too have been contemplating getting FF11. FF fan here.

    It's interesting to see the negative posts from ppl who say they are at these high lvls and yet they also say, within the same sentence, that the game sucks or not to buy or it's boring,blah,blah,blah...

    If it's so boring, as you claim, how come you've been playing it so much to get to such a high lvl character? I keep hearing these claims about soloing past 10 is impossible,whine,whine,whine....and yet you're lvl 50??!?? Guess it's not too impossible is it? or too boring for you to keep playing and paying for it, IS IT??

    Although there is one thing I have to agree about: character creation. I checked out the playonline site for FF11 where you could customize a character to see what you'd be interested in. There were very little choices. THAT I consider a negative. If you're going to be in a world you HAVE to look individual enough to enjoy your character..afterall, aren't RPG characters just an extension of ourselves?


    (coming soon to a Vanadiel near you...)

  • XzaroXzaro Member UncommonPosts: 1,719

    Usually, if a person is high level in a certain MMORPG, they won't make an empty flame with no constructive criticism. So if anyone claims they are level 50+ or whatever and make a stupid flame, they are most likely lieing (99% of the time, the other 1% would be just lazy people who don't bother to post that much and why they hate the game after 50-70 levels).

    Anyone that hasn't gotten above level 30 in FFXI doesn't deserve anyone's attention when they flame it.




  • sweetpipesweetpipe Member Posts: 7

    i didn't enjoy it, but I know a lot of people do. seemed to take me forever to do anything, but that might be because i had to spend a good chunk of the gil i got buying a worldpass (cause gasp i might actually want to play with my friends tho since i play mmos i don't have any friends) and couldn't buy any decent gear for a while. it's not a bad game, i'm just tired of all the level grinding and some of the creature design seemed uninspired. crafting's a joke. on the other hand, the world is beautiful and riding on chochobos is insanely fun. and the class system is pretty darn good.

    overall it gets a "meh" from me.

    (Sweet Pipe)
    -don't ask, darlin' :)

    (Sweet Pipe)
    -don't ask, darlin' :)

  • fraudemonaxfraudemonax Member Posts: 25

    Hahaha u must really like this game to the point of lying because you loose 1100 XP at lvl 50 at least for me and i had a DARKNIGHT lvl 50 / THIEF lvl 25 (my Thief was 34 but defaults back to 25) and i died in crawlers nest and went down a lvl and died again in Garlesh Citadel and loose another 900 XP so u guys have an idea how this game REALLY SUCKS i quit like 3 months ago and i will stay away from this game... In favor of this

    uhm... ok... how long did you play this game dude. because i am playing it as we speak. from lvl 5 to lvl 25ish you loose 10 percent of your XP tnl which is anywhere inbetween 200 xp to 500 xp. at that lvl (25ish) your xp loss is capped at 500. not to mention if you have the xp mog enhancements which can take it close to only 400xp loss. Dude... its like impossible to loose that much xp in one death. trust me. i've died plenty!


  • fraudemonaxfraudemonax Member Posts: 25

    I like this game lots... rather than making me explain... take my word for it and go buy it. lol


  • CleoCleo Member Posts: 6
    I second that ^.^  It really is what you make of it.


    53 RDM - 40 NIN - 26 WAR - 26 WHM - 18 THF - 14 SAM - 18 BLM - 10 MNK - 8 RNG - 7 DRG - 5 DRK - 4 BST ....


    56 RDM - 45 NIN - 27 WHM - 26 WAR - 22 BLM - 18 THF - 14 SAM - 10 MNK - 8 RNG - 7 DRG - 5 DRK - 4 BST ....

  • WurmriderWurmrider Member Posts: 10

    Well, I didn't read all of the posts on this thread, but I felt like throwing my (somewhat long?) opinion in.

    I think I'll start by saying that, aside of possibly SWG, FFXI was the least fun I've ever had while playing an MMORPG. Of course, I've never been a FF fan... I barely even heard of it before FFXI.

    The fundamental problem in FFXI, from my point of view, is quite simply that there are too many classes that fill one particular role, and not nearly enough to fill another. Dark Knights(my class of choice, by the way... I got to level 47), Dragoons, Samurais, Monks, Black Mages, and Rangers could all fill the "damage dealer" role in a group. On the other hand, the only class that seemed to fill the healer role was the White Mage(and Red Mage, in *certain* instances...). Three classes could be a tank: Warrior, Paladin, and Ninja. Beyond level 30, warriors were in somewhat low supply because they were one of the basic classes apparently that makes them boring. Paladins were the best, but there weren't nearly enough paladins for all the groups that needed them. And ninjas... I hardly ever saw those, and when I did, they were usually too cheap to spend ninjitsu powder on the ability that allowed them to tank =/

    So, in summary of all of the above, I was almost ALWAYS looking for a group at around 43-47. I once spent 8 hours sitting on my backside in Jeuno(the game's main city for finding parties) and couldn't find one. It's not that I was expecting someone else to invite me either; I tried to form my own group, but couldn't due to a lack of either a healer or a tank or sometimes both. The class/role situation and the resulting problem with finding groups is the single biggest flaw in the system IMO.

    So, why did I stick with it for 47 levels? My linkshell(guild, clan, whatever term suits you). I came to FFXI with a group of friends that I had made in EQ during my time in that game. And, one by one, they all quit. The biggest reason among all those that quit was an inability to find a group(as a general rule we weren't often able to group together due to schedule differences).

    Also, the game gets repetitive. This is a problem in any MMORPG, but FFXI amplifies the problem by repeating the same NPC monster graphics over and over again. Level 15? Go kill crabs. Level 20? Go kill more crabs. Level somethingorother: Guess what, more crabs :P

    Finally, a lack of English-speaking players during my time in FFXI(which ended around March 2004, or maybe April... I honestly don't remember exactly when I quit) didn't help. As I levelled I found less and less people to group with that shared my language, and grouping with japanese people was difficult even with the translator(not to mention uninteresting... you can't make small talk at all because the translator doesn't include terms for those types of things). I suppose the language barrier further amplified my inability to find a group.

    So, is FFXI fun? Who knows. Maybe it is, but I sure couldn't find any fun and it wasn't for a lack of trying IMO. Maybe I just picked the wrong class. Perhaps if I had been a White Mage, I would have had fun. I even briefly considered re-rolling as a White Mage to try it. But, after grinding through 30 levels of warrior and then 47 levels of dark knight, I didn't have any ambition left to grind through 75 more as some tank's mana bucket :(

    If you think you can put up with all of the things I wrote above, FFXI might be the game for you. But you'd better play as a class that other people want to group with, because soloing isn't possible at all(well, okay, it's possible... but it's so ridiculously slow, boring, and dangerous that I can't imagine any human being doing it as a consistent form of exp-gathering).

    First post, by the way.

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