<< Currently playing on a EU server, if you have an old (90 days+) account and wanna try again, send me a PM with char name and realm and I'll chuck a Scroll your way.
how does this work? I have an unsubscribed account and would like to play
Send me a PM with your e-mail address or your WoW account user ID and I'll send you a scroll.
Sending the latter is NOT a good idea and a Scroll cannot be sent by knowing someone's account user ID or account name.
A Scroll of Resurrection can be sent in two ways:
1. By email address
2. By the name of one of your characters plus the realm that character is on.
Do not send anyone your account details, including your Account Name and Password. I have given out many Scrolls of Resurrection through this site (and I have some available now), so I am well aware of how the process to send and receive Scrolls works. Please do not send anyone your account user name and potentially get your account stolen that way.
You are 100% correct and I apologize. I had only used the e-mail address option before and thought the other option was account name. I was not trying to steal account information, just made a mistake. You'll be happy to know that I did not receive a PM from Elondor
how does this work? I have an unsubscribed account and would like to play
10 day access for your acct (assuming you havent played WOW in 90 days)
an active sub needs to fill out a form with your email address
EQ2 fan sites
anyone with a European one?
Send me a PM with your e-mail address or your WoW account user ID and I'll send you a scroll.
<< Currently playing on a EU server, if you have an old (90 days+) account and wanna try again, send me a PM with char name and realm and I'll chuck a Scroll your way.
Send me a PM with your e-mail address or your WoW account user ID and I'll send you a scroll.
Sending the latter is NOT a good idea and a Scroll cannot be sent by knowing someone's account user ID or account name.
A Scroll of Resurrection can be sent in two ways:
1. By email address
2. By the name of one of your characters plus the realm that character is on.
Do not send anyone your account details, including your Account Name and Password. I have given out many Scrolls of Resurrection through this site (and I have some available now), so I am well aware of how the process to send and receive Scrolls works. Please do not send anyone your account user name and potentially get your account stolen that way.
You are 100% correct and I apologize. I had only used the e-mail address option before and thought the other option was account name. I was not trying to steal account information, just made a mistake. You'll be happy to know that I did not receive a PM from Elondor