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How hard is it to keep a game under wraps? Do companies even try or do they prefer to get the word out to try to generate buzz about it? It seems like it would be difficult for the larger companies to keep an MMO they are developing secret. But, in order to try to avoid future disappointment, in terms of when it might start beta testing and then eventually be released, it would probably be in the company's best interest to keep quiet about it as long as possible.
Some companies will keep it a secret longer to avoid a hype and dissapointments.
I don't think it's hard to 'keep it a secret', if they choose not to promote the game heavily, or at all, it can become an undiscovered gem I guess.
Not everyone in the business is out to make money, although it seems like that lately.
Is it possible, yes. Is it probable, no.
Like most things video game development has changed. No longer is it about game developers making a game that they really think is cool and would like to play, now it is about money, just money.
Looking at the long list of games on this site:
I wonder if there isn't an awesome game out now that the market has overlooked because of superficial things like graphics.
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it's rly hard to make a game undetected... since gamer communities are good at finding out about game developments
MMO Pitch LOL!!!
This one isn't listed here although its been in development for about a year or more...They haven't really been putting out to much info on it. I have seen it mentioned in PC Gamer articles a few times and thats about it.
I don't know about it being "awesome" though. It is Dave Allen making it, the guy who originally came up with all the concepts and ideas that were cut out of Horizons after they booted him off the team. I think this is his shot at the original "vision" of Horizons lol. (not more vision quest)
Also the guys who make EVE are making a Vampire MMO but thats not listed here either and almost nothing is out about that one.
Some kind of a GTA style MMO. Don't know anything about it though.
There must be some hidden gems out there..
Well I don't know if any of YOU know about these two games, but I'm watching their development:
1). Infinity -- perhaps the only Sci-Fi space game to give EVE competition
2). Force of Arms. -- another Sci-Fi battlemech game.
Both are Indie game developers. Check 'em out.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth:
sadly i think there is no sectret megagame waiting for us...
is all about AOC WAR and the 10th extension of WOW
Well its just been announced that Codemasters have an MMO which is fully playable now and will be released towards the end of the year - so yes it is definitely possible to keep a games development under wraps.
Another asian grindfest?
Possibly mate, they havent released any details - I'm just saying it is possible to keep a games development under wraps.
In fact the answer is very positive
There are 3 or more SCI-FI mmorpgs in style of Freelancer/Earth and Beyond. One of them is made by few ex designers of WOW.
There is a GTA style MMO developed by designer of GTA himself.
3 huge MMOs are totaly secret underwraps and are made by RPG giants like Bioware and Betasheda
Out of the blue Codemasters just announced they are showcasing a MMO nobody knew nothing about , but apparently it is ready for release by the end of this year....
So there is still hope
Depends on your definition of under wraps I mean I know of one in fairly early development not on this sight I think a good game can establish it's own hype, but that doesn't mean exposure can't help build more of it. Anyways here's the game I was talking about and the concepts are better than anything on I've come across and very nice screen shots they just posted up recently on the main page they look much better than the earlier alpha screen shots from 4 or 5 months ago. I've talked to the developers of the game and trust there experience and commitment to the community they take pride in what they do. Interesting little tidbit about the company it's located in Denmark and the game was originally going to be a lot like a EQ clone of sorts, but has evolved into something far better.
Here's a run down of the concepts and ideas
Dawntide fundamentally revolves around the player's character, and it is through the character the player interacts with the game world. Therefore, it's fairly logical that this first Feature Discussion will be about the character. This will cover the scope of the character and what it can do, and how the player will progress in the game.
The most basic functional part of a character is his or her attributes. Attributes represent your character's physical and mental properties, as well as his or her physical and mental condition. They are divided up into Active and Passive Attributes that each serve a different purpose.
Passive Attributes
These attributes passively effect a number of things, from melee damage to quest rewards.
* Strength measures your character's physical strength. A high strength will let you carry more, do more damage in hand-to-hand combat, and increases your maximum hit points.
* Constitution measures your character's health and fortitude. A high constitution will drastically increase your maximum hit points and endurance, and helps you resist poisons and disease.
* Dexterity measures your character's speed, balance and hand-to-eye coordination. A high dexterity will both allow you use armor to greater effect and reduce the effect an opponent's armor has on your own melee and ranged attacks.
* Intelligence measures your character's ability to learn new skills and make use of knowledge and lore. A high intelligence will increase the rate at which you can learn skills, as well as drastically increase your maximum mana.
* Willpower measures your character's mental strength and determination. A high willpower will increase your max mana, hit points and endurance, and allow you to better resist a large number of harmful effects such as curses and mental attacks. It also increases your ability to overcome the mental resistances of others when using sorcery.
* Charisma measures your character's innate charm and ability to inspire others. A high charisma makes NPCs like you more, reducing the cost of merchandise and increasing rewards for completing quests and tasks. If you are the leader of a group or formation, a high charisma will also provide slight combat bonuses to your allies
Active Attributes
These indicate your character’s current condition in some regard, such as physical health (Hit Points) or tiredness (Endurance). The following three should be self explanatory:
* Hit Points govern current health.
* Mana governs ability to cast spells.
* Endurance governs running, swimming and other physically exerting actions.
In addition to these three, Dawntide features Health and Sanity, both of which will be expanded upon at a later time.
* Health indicates your long-term physical conditions, and your character may suffer a variety of small, but lasting and worsening effects if you let a low Health score go untreated.
* Sanity is, essentially, for mental condition what Health is for physical condition.
Skills in Dawntide are divided into four different categories: Basic, Expert, Combat and Sorcery, and are the main way of determining a character’s ability to perform an action – Dawntide does not have levels. Skills are learned from NPC trainers or a PC with sufficient skill.
Skills increase as they are used. A diminished returns system has been put in place to allow players to easily create a character with sufficiently high skills to be considered useful, then have it slow down as the character starts to specialize, and further slow down as they start to branch out. The diminishing returns are based on total skill points, and it will be possible to unlearn skills (losing the skill points in the process) in order to streamline your character despite early game mistakes.
Concrete, specific details on the skill system will be released in a separate Feature Discussion as it exceeds the scope of this.
Damage will be divided up into several types, and characters will have a percentage-based resistance to all of them based on innate abilities, learned skills, spells, equipment and so forth. The damage types are:
* Universal
· Blunt
* Slashing
* Piercing
* Heat
* Cold
* Energy
* Poison
* Disease
* Mind
* Curse
All sorcery in Dawntide is divided into schools, known as the Paths, each one governed by a skill.
* Sanctus is the Path that concerns itself with divine summons and blessings. Sanctus will typically conjure spiritual creatures to fight for the caster or bestow blessings upon the caster and his allies.
* Custodis is the Path that covers restorative and warding magic. Custodis spells will typically be some form of magical defense or healing.
* Deprecor is the Path that concerns itself with unholy summons and curses. Deprecor will typically conjure undead creatures to fight for the caster or curse the caster's enemies.
* Fabrica is the Path that concerns itself with manipulation and trickery. Fabrica spells will typically attempt to fool or coerce a creature into doing something it would not otherwise do.
* Incrementum is the Path that concerns itself with changing and empowering living and dead materials both. Incrementum spells will typically boost a creature's attributes or an item's property to a higher level of effect.
* Vox is the Path that concerns itself with the primal, destructive magic of the elements. Vox spells will typically cause direct harm using the forces of the four elements.
The spellbook is where all your character’s spells are stored. A spellbook has finite room for spells, and as such it's entirely possible that a mage will need multiple spellbooks to hold all his spells, or for him to lose his spells; a system for static spell storage will be put in to avoid mages losing their final copies of a spell.
Perks are physical actions that can be performed either in or out of combat. They are derived from Combat skills and can be either defensive or offensive. An example of an activated offensive Perk is Crush, a Mace Perk:
* Crush
Increases your chance to bypass all kinds of armor your opponent is wearing when using maces. The chance is increased further against enemies wearing heavy armor.
Prerequisites: None
A passive defensive example might be Dodge, an Anticipation Perk:
* Dodge
Grants you a base armor class for the purposes of reducing attacks to glancing blows. This effect stacks with any armor you wear.
Prerequisites: None
Like skills, your character will get increasingly proficient at using his or her perks the more he or she uses them.
A recipe is essentially a representation of the knowledge required to produce a given item. It is not a physical object, simply knowledge your character has. Recipes can be taught by NPCs, other players or learned from Training Schematics.
With the required skills, a character may also copy a known recipe down onto a limited-use Schematic, effectively allowing the sale of knowledge. A recipe or schematic is required for all produced items, including components, in addition to the resources required to assemble them.
Upon reaching 0 HP, you are knocked unconscious. You fall down and are unable to act, but you can still be healed through magical or other means as normal. While unconscious, you will slowly lose HP until you die from bleeding. In PvE combat, NPCs will not kill you outright, instead waiting until all enemies are knocked unconscious. In PvP, a Killing Blow attack can be performed on any unconscious character to kill them.
Once you are knocked unconscious, you start taking bleeding damage at a yet to be determined rate (most likely, you'll die within 5-10 minutes) if not assisted. Alternately, a PC or NPC can perform a Killing Blow on you, killing you immediately.
General Economy
This Feature Discussion will seek to explain
the economical aspects of Dawntide as well as
possible. Dawntide features a variety of
industry-related skills such as various
handicraft, an extensive research &
development system and advanced trading
Resource Harvesting & Refining
These skills all have corresponding resource
harvesting skills, though they are shared. The
following resource harvesting skills are
currently planned:
* Mining
* Lumberjacking
* Skinning
* Herbalism
Resources are harvested by approaching the
resource in question and applying a resource
harvesting tool (say, a pickaxe on an iron
vein). The character will then auto-harvest
the resource until stopped, or until the
character reaches his carrying
capacity/inventory limit. It will be possible
to obtain domesticated animals such as pack
mules for carrying, as well as carts and other
logistical assistances.
The following production skills are currently
* Tailoring
* Alchemy
* Enchanting
* Blacksmithing
* Jewelcrafting
* Carpentry
* Fletching
* Cooking
* Brewing
All Dawntide items and objects can be crafted
by players. Any given item requires these
basic things:
* A known recipe, either learned or a
schematic (Research/Invention)
* The resources required for the recipe,
either raw or refined depending on the recipe
(Resource harvesting)
* Sufficient skill points in the given
Production skill to learn or use the
Skill points in the "main" production skill
like Blacksmithing decide if the player can
learn a recipe or use a schematic for it while
also figuring into base production chance (the
chance to successfully produce the item), but
every recipe also has a Proficiency value that
goes up as the player produces the item and
gets better at it in a way, a subskill for
every producible item.
Research & Invention
Research is a prerequisite for inventing a
producible item. The intention is for it to
work as an underlying layer for Invention,
where you study the prerequisites to invent
actually producible items or usable spells.
You begin Research by right clicking on an
item or world object and clicking Study. Based
on a variety of factors such as your skill in
the given research field, this gives you
Research Points in that field.
Once you have successfully studied an object
that qualifies for study, you will receive a
number of Research points in the field the
item is tied to, as well as a description of
what you learned.
Research Categories function as "pools" of
possible/available Inventions and Theories,
where an Invention is a producible product or
usable spell (a recipe); a Theory is something
unusable in itself, but which is required for
some Inventions. Inventions the character does
not possess the requirements for, be that
theories or Research Points, are counted as
unavailable until the requirements are met,
though there is no way to know what inventions
learning a certain theory could lead to before
you learn it.
Every possible Invention or Theory has a
requirement of X in one or more Research
skills (where X is a value), and may also
require knowledge of certain Theories. Each
Invention and Theory has a Research Point cost
associated with it, so to learn it, you must
expend Research Points. Invention shares
skills and points with Research, and Research
can thus effectively be considered the
"resource harvesting" of Invention.
Reverse Engineering
As all items in the game can be crafted by
players, and all items have a recipe, it
logically follows that all items in the game
should also be reverse engineerable by someone
with sufficient points in the research field
the item belongs to. This will be done by
putting the item into the item slot on the
Reverse Engineering tab of the Research
interface and clicking "Attempt"; the server
then checks if you have the required amount of
research points in the field and if you know
any prerequisite Theories the item might
require. Success yields a 0% proficiency
recipe for the item.
Note: Reverse Engineering is currently a low
priority compared to some of the other aspects
of Economy, and may not be done in time for
release; nonetheless, it is something we feel
will become an important balancing factor as
Dawntide matures, and we intend to implement
it as soon as possible.
Trading can either be done face to face or via
Market Houses where players can deposit and
put for sale items of any amount and quantity,
as well as browse other items for sale.
Face-to-face trading and Market House trading
will use two different interfaces. Much more
on this in a Trading-specific Feature
Dawntide will have a large variety of
constructable structures that can be used to
live in and assist with survival away from
civilized areas. Structures will require
proper skills and significant amounts of
materials - chiefly stone and wood - brought
to the location for construction to begin. The
construction itself then takes a significant
amount of time during which the builder and
construction site must be protected from
hostiles. Once completed, the structure will
start generating Sovereignty for the claiming
faction (if any). More on this when we get to
the Conquest (the working name for our
territorial warfare system).
Enjoy this game is the future trust me it'll be better than anything currently on the market by a long shot
It has been confirmed by blizzard that they are working on a new MMO that is not a WoW expansion. But it is still unknown.
Don't care *yawns* still blizzard same company with the same customer service maybe if they paid me I'd help beta test it for them though that's about the only way I'd play another Blizzard game.
some mmos in development don't get the recognition they deserve, perhaps they just want to keep it a secret , so when it comes out , it may give players a big surprise. so far i know Starcraft2(not mmos) and Gods war are highly anticipated.
I know of a couple companies and MMOs that haven't been announced simply because the company doesn't want people bothering them with inane requests that have nothing to do with their game and their intent for the game...
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
It's not in a companies best interest to keep a game in development under wraps. What would be the benefit, if you're planning releasing a good game?
I think the reason we speculate about this, is because we've seen what's coming, and it's not necessarily encouraging, considering the releases we saw in 2007. So we hope there's a good game out there we just haven't found out about yet.
Also the wait times for fans are long. Look how long people have been waiting for the current upcoming releases, AoC adn WAR.
Wouldn't it be great to hear about a new MMORPG that sounds awesome, and then find out it's releasing in two or three months, instead of two or three years? Unfortunately, it's not likely to happen.
And if you wanna to know more you can go to fansite
And you can read about game in this 3 part prewiew.,aion_preview/,aion__the_tower_of_eternity__preview__2nd_part/,aion__the_tower_of_eternity__preview__3rd_part/
It's gonna be hit.