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This is more or less for the people that are looking forward to GW2's release.
I'm just curious. What is it that hasn't been mentioned yet about Guild wars 2 that you would wish to see in the upcoming game?
As for me I honestly only wish for one thing: an in-game auction house.
sidenote: For those of you who didn't know, here is a reference on Guild wars 2 info:
world of warcraft of steroids with no monthly fee.
I don't quite get what you mean by this.
Something on a bigger scale, more 3, 4 or 5 sided battles. Then guild battles of 20 v 20...
Once you get on top with a large guild there needs to be more ways to play IMO. If its pretty much the same set up Im sure we will end up playing it as a side game like we did the last time.
Sig by WhiskeyJack1
My guild wars 2 wishlist:
1. arenas for all levels players. instead of just a 1-10 , 10- 15, and then 20..
2. arenas allowed whatever number of people that showed up to enter instead of not starting games because there isn't enough players. If 4 people show up then it makes it 2 on 2 . if 50 people show up make it 25 on 25 that would rule .
3. have one on one arenas where people could duel.
4. a world where you could see everyone all the time would be nice but I don't expect that to happen lol.
5. access to all skills, armor, and abilities in a mission or in a battle... if you keep winning you have to leave to change anything, or while out questing you can't switch tactics for different monsters.
6. player noncombat skills instead of having npc's do it ( yes I know that is expecting too much). But it would be nice to have something to do other than stand around or dance when you don;t feel like killing people or monsters.
7. characters to be able to wear any armor regardless of profession .. that would be so cool .. but to keep it balanced it would limit the abilities of that armor to the limitations of proffesion.. it would just look like the other armor.. not act like it.
8. be able to change hair and features of character after you create it. I mean you might liike white hair when you start but then once you get your cape changed you might want it red or something. It would be nice to be able to change that stuff when you want.
9. Have an arena where you can have massive wars hundreds of people fighting at once. That would be awesome!@!
10. ability to change secondary proffession without having to create a whole other character whenever you want. you would still have to get the skills for it and all, but wouldn;t have to start a character over from scratch if you get to lvl 20 and decide you are bored with your secondary.
This is already possible, I ain`t sure it is also possible in Nightfall, Faction and Eye of the north but i`m sure it is possible in Prophecies. You have to do the quests in Crystal Dessert. And then you will be able to change 2nd prof whenever you want.
Be nice and click this link
miniconomy and play the best online text based trade game on the net.
They already say GW2 will have seamless world so its possible as i assume....
There, hope that helps some of those and some I hope never happen... This is Guild Wars, a game that sold as much for its difference to other MMO's than it did for its no monthly fee business model
There, hope that helps some of those and some I hope never happen... This is Guild Wars, a game that sold as much for its difference to other MMO's than it did for its no monthly fee business model
I would like to see your gw2 wish list instead of picking on mine! I am sure you have lots of things you would like to see in the game as well . Thank you for the links, no I have not read about all that stuff, but sounds great. I haven't played guild wars that long, but have found lots that I like about the game already and am looking forward to gw2.
I would like to see your gw2 wish list instead of picking on mine! I am sure you have lots of things you would like to see in the game as well . Thank you for the links, no I have not read about all that stuff, but sounds great. I haven't played guild wars that long, but have found lots that I like about the game already and am looking forward to gw2.
Actually I don't have a wishlist, beyond what I've spoken to the devs about so far myself and being a community rep for the game, I can't cloud my representing of the community with my wishes...Now if we were talking about EvE Online, yep, i'd be all over a wishlist for that
That is unfair that you cannot post your wishlist because of politics. (whispers: go make another account and post your wish list anyways ) hahaha.
Nah, I'm just looking forward to the prerelease stuff and betas that I'll hopefully get into
Wishlist (yes, I KNOW they've said they're doing some of these):
WASD Movement, jumping, fully rendered world
More Bonuses for exploring - little nifty places to check out, etc.
Crafting system of some sort
Redone skill system, remove some of the limitations.
More interaction with the terrain - destroyable walls, etc.
More group action! I love instanced group stuff. I really hope the difficulty is kicked up a notch on some if it too.
More community-building stuff. GW always needed a better community
Huge battles
Giant 20-25 man encounters. Holding off an army, storming a castle, something amazing.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
my guild wars 2 wish list continues ....
11. player made art for cape designs.. too hawt!
12. in game voice chat ( yes I hate typing ).. besides it is nice to hear who you are talking to.
13. like a skill that you build and design your own guild hall .. like members of that guild could like build their own rooms or something. that would be soo cool!
14. a noob arena .. yes a place for people that just start to pvp against new players only, if you have played longer it won't let you in even if you make a lvl 4 with max armor and unlocked skills. Yes I know this may seem silly to some but newbs need a place to pvp and learn basics before being thrown into the arena with gimped up sup3r noobs. Like an arena that can only be accessed by people that have played 6 months or less. Those noobs can still go play in the harder arenas but that way they have time to get a better feel of the game before making it more difficult. And yes i understand that they are making pvp different but still those who have played longer have a better feel of the controls than those who are just starting. It also solves the problem of a kid who said he just started 4 days ago being thrown out of the arena for leeching when he was just trying to figure out what to do.
15. agrees with gigomeister and in game auction house would be much nicer than trying to trade with the current system.
Now go ahead start picking on my wish list .
Support the Auction House 110%. Also support the player-designed guild halls.
Add to my wishlist: The ability for guilds to hold, once a week, events in their guild hall where they can invite non-guild members to the guild hall. Add some PvP stylized combat arenas, where groups of 1-5 people can fight eachother for show, and give people the ability to take their small party against a variety of challenges in the same arena.
Basically, guilds should be able to show off their hall.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
I dont post here much, but i'll throw in my logic.
I've been playing GW since near release, i've played through all PvE content, in all campaigns, with multiple characters. I have a high Hero Rank, Champ Rank, and have plenty of High-end GvG experience (all from balanced builds), including founding and leading Guilds. So, hopefully i have a decent perspective on things. I'll give my Wish-List, and then comment on those of others.
Synth's Uber Wish List;
.) Both in-game and out-of-game (forums/websites etc) active promotion of the PvP-side of the game, particularly GvG. The global running message whenever a team wins Halls is a good thing, and probably draws newer players, and PvE oriented players to the idea of PvP in general. If something similar, but for GvG (or whatever form it takes in GW2), were to be implimented, it wud be gud for the community. An idea for GW1 would perhaps be to advertise the winnders/runners-up of the daily AT's (with th eoption to disable the messages, ofc - btw, please add an option to disable the damn spearmarshal achievemnt messages )
.) Some form of tiered ladder system, vaguely resembling the recently undertaken Rawr Cup. Solely for the purpose of increasing incentives for low-mid level Guilds. Rewarding them for recognisable progression and learning of the game, beyond their rank increasing on the ladder to #547. This is off the top of my head, but i hope you understand my point.
.) I forget what it was named, but the RA-esque festive game that was introduced for a period. Braw Arena, or something? In which all entrants of each profession had the same skill-bar, i.e. all Ele's had the same bar, all Warriors had the same bar, etc. That was the most fun i'd had for a while, and i truly believe it was the best introduction yet to PvP that any new player could recieve. It rewarded & encouraged player-skill, field awareness and maximising utility of skills available, rather than build-wars.So, yeah, implimenting something similar as a means of PvP-introduction would be swell.
.) The in-game auction that everyone has been crying out for would be nice. The Party Search Panel function introduced recently was a step in the right direction, but would be far more useable with a few refinements.
.) Hero's - they are bad. Of course i understand that they were introduced as a way of allowing players to partake in Missions/quests in older/less populated regions of GW, but my god, they sure as hell killed the in-game community. PvEing was fun when people in a district actually wanted/needed the cooperation of other players. Not only did it strengthen the community, it also spread knowledge and wisdom of tactics and play-styles. Perhaps only enabling their use in desserted districts/areas (which should be extremely rarely). And, if Heroes are to be used, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET US BRING 7 INSTEAD OF 3.
.) Tied in with the last point - i think most people much prefer the Mission-based progression of Prophecies, to the Quest-based progression of the later expansions. EoTN became utterly tedius at times, endless random battles against the same groups of foes (admittedly amongst some beautiful vistas). If you are in a full-player team (as opposed to henchies/heroes), the pain of this is slighly lessened, but its still excruciating. Completing an actual Mission with a full team is rather enjoyable, on the other hand.
.) A reasonable way for PvP-focused players to attain PvE items without needing to battle through hardcore PvE areas. Reward Points-style. Reward Points, along with Ziashen Keys (both of which were long overdue) are very good, and no more than the community deserved.
I am monumentaly sleep deprived and can not think anymore. I'll pick up on a few points others have raised.
"Something on a bigger scale, more 3, 4 or 5 sided battles. Then guild battles of 20 v 20...
"Once you get on top with a large guild there needs to be more ways to play IMO. If its pretty much the same set up Im sure we will end up playing it as a side game like we did the last time. "
There were 3/4/5 sided battles in Tomb Of The Primevil Kings (The old Heros Ascent, Tombs is now a PvE Area), i believe they were removed for balance issues, and unfair tactics. If you played Guild Wars as a "side-game", then you were crap at PvP, simple as. Other games have deeper PvE-elements (arguably) - GW was designed with PvP in mind from the very start - one of the reasons its PvP is by far the best of any games. It requires intillect, intuition, extreme coordination, teamwork, and ultimately skill (apart from RA, of course). It has never been about items/weapons. If you want a mass random brawl, go and play another game. The never-ending depth of the PvP in GW will hopefully remain in GWll, if not, pretty sure no good players from GW will play it.
Deviliscious, i started responding to all of your comments, but gave up after the 3rd. You say you havent played GW for long, so thats cool. I am sure once you have played it for longer, and experienced all game types, your opinions will change. Hope you enjoy playing it for what it is.
"WASD Movement, jumping, fully rendered world"
GW has always had WASD movement (as well as click to move). As for "jumping" - what horrible things that could do to a fine game. In PvE it woul dbe harmless, but i'd be interested to see/hear how it could be implimented in PvP without a complete change of direction in terms of mechanics.
Alot have called for the removal of level caps and such. That is fine, and probably benificial to PvE, maybe, sort of, but the level cap will remain in PvP as far as i know, as it should, of course. Low level-cap = skill based play.
I am going to sleep. Lonesamurai1 , would be interested by any thoughts you have.
More Skill Slots:
So far, I find that I could always use one or two more skill slots for how I play. The other option would be having an alternate set of slots to pull from so if you hit a key combo or some kind of next before button on the skill bar, you could alternate between skill sets you have preset prior to heading out into missions or quest areas.
If you're worried about unfair advantages, take it away when in PvP mode so you still have the origional 8 slots during combat.
In either case, still make them so you can only arrange the skills while in town or outpost.
No thanks. Having 8 skills slots is quite nice. Less would mean less depth and less thinking about synergies between skills bars as well as making it harder for spiking classes. Adding more slots on the other hand would make designing bars even trickier. Adding more skill slots would also make you want to have more until a certain level when you have pretty much all of them equipped.
No thanks. Having 8 skills slots is quite nice. Less would mean less depth and less thinking about synergies between skills bars as well as making it harder for spiking classes. Adding more slots on the other hand would make designing bars even trickier. Adding more skill slots would also make you want to have more until a certain level when you have pretty much all of them equipped.
Seconded, 8 skills works brilliantly
Gah, more than one paragraph? I skipped the post, soryy
Ditto on the limiting systems besides 8 slots. Eight slots is incredibly limiting in certain respects. I mean imagine if you wanted to impliment a combo-style mechanic. You get hits in a specific pattern, and you can activate a variety of finishers - AOE finishers, stun-style finishers, massive damage finishers, etc. Each one takes an additional skill slot, meaning you'd tend to get very boring combo chains, missing the point completely.
The problem is that the marginal utility of all interesting skills is not equal. Having most of the skills take one slot means that there's no room for some interesting, yet incredibly narrow skill.
A way they could remedy this would be secondary skills. Secondary skills would be things that would be situational, or hard to use, but interesting enough to give your character more flavor. These would compliment the primary skills perfectly.
Another way to do it would be skill unlocks. By pulling off the right set of moves, or reaching the right circumstances, you get access to more skills temporarily. For instance a Mesmer might have a 'focus' skill. They focus mental energy for a few seconds, and then they can use skills like far-viewing, a temporary confuse, an AOE illusion, some sort of static mana drain over an area, etc. This would give them the ability to use many more skills while retaining the limiting factors.
P.S. On a fully rendered world adding new mechanics to PvP - of course. It would be incredibly hard to graft onto GW. This is Guild Wars TWO. As in... new game. A fully rendered world is an absolute requirement at this point.
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.
-Thomas Jefferson
I think that sums it up
Where I am having the biggest issue with the 8 slot limit is that I am using only 3% of the total powers available to me. It would be less if I end up getting Factions and Nightfall. Doesn't that seem like a waste of experience? You have all these powers and you only get access to 8 of them at any one time. I guess I'm spoiled with other games I've played. I started with Diablo 2 where even though you can move through the 12 F Keys for the powers preselected, you could still mouse over the right button slot and equip any of the skills you had at that time. In City of Heroes, I have 3 rows of powers to select from and if I wanted I could equip a total of 9 "trays" to move through for a selection of fighting sets.
Before the flames start, I know this is a different game, with a different play style. However, if it is to be a "NEW" game why not add a few new features? Otherwise, I'd just put out a new chapter and keep the play style the same.
"Fear is the killer. Be the reed and bend with the wind."
You only have 200 Attribute points to doll out between Attributelines...
That means you can't max out all skill lines, in fact, including runes,you can only really max out two attribute lines, which in most classes havign only 4 attribute lines (5 on a warrior), and making that 7/8 with a second profession, your missing out on using a lot of skills effectively anyway...
Honestly though if its a real issue to you, your playing the wrong game
You only have 200 Attribute points to doll out between Attributelines...
That means you can't max out all skill lines, in fact, including runes,you can only really max out two attribute lines, which in most classes havign only 4 attribute lines (5 on a warrior), and making that 7/8 with a second profession, your missing out on using a lot of skills effectively anyway...
Honestly though if its a real issue to you, your playing the wrong game
Nope, it's Guild Wars that I am playing - It's the right one.
I was under the impression that this was a thread for things you'd like to see in the "NEW" game called Guild Wars 2? Which means that changes could be made from the "Origional" game style and mechanics. I don't remember it saying, "Post ideas here for GW2 so Lonesamurai1 can thrash your ideas", do you?
Sometimes game makers put out a New Version of a game so that they can in fact change some of the settings or game play style without effecting the origional game itself. That way, those that enjoy the origional game are not flaming the devs or the boards.
I am making more sense of the game and the way it's played. I'm also used to other game play styles. In a wish list, you try to express how you would like changes made so a game fits that which is known and try to avoid that which is required learning.
Thank you for your understanding and the ability to express myself freely.
Yes and they have stated that the skill system will not be changing "Drastically", and your change is a "Drastic" one that would reinforce some peoples opinions that GW2 will be an MMO clone, instead of the skill system being one of the tactically sound mechanics that differentiate guild Wars from other games and actually makes you think about your skill bar before doing anything
Hopefully they will keep the tactical aspect of the skill system. It's one of the best systems I've seen in any MMORPG and it's by far my favorite system. Hopefully drastic changes won't mean they change it to make it more mainstream and more like WoW or something.