I appreciate the righteous indignation and concern of my black brothers. But let's not forget our asian brothers. I have read on Wikipedia that about 60 % of the human population is asian.
Sorry I had to type so big and change the text color, but asians are the invisible and silent 'minority'. Only time they get mentioned in mmo's it seems is when people are complaining about Chinese Gold Farmers or bashing anime.
But asians need love too. We are under represented in movies, television, music, sports, etc. And if blacks are in game it only seems fair that asians are in game too.
Must .... stop ... self from ... making wiseass crack about ... about ... black guys ... loving ... asian chicks ... doh! .. too late.
Why are people calling a skin color in the game African? The African exAoCdoesAoCt exAoC in AoC. Some of you sound absolutely absurd.
1. There is no such thing as the African race only the human race.. The word " race" was invented by racist 17 century European scientist because of the obvious difference in skin color. They realised they were the odd ones out and the minority culture on the planet.
2. Robert Howard wrote some great books but he was a racist just like C.S Lewis and Tolkien. This was a product of the times they were living in so there books reflect that. All three of these authors portrayed black or Arab as evil in there books. The champions of truth in there eyes were Caucasians.
3. People need to do there research on the origins of man because way back somewhere in your history you were BLACK. and came from east Africa.
Your direct descendants are the same people bush is trying to wipe of the face of the earth...yes Iraqi and Iranians cultures are the birth place of the caucasian line of the human race.
White Europeans have no pre- history and i hate to be the bearer of bad news but we came late to the game.
This is where the deep hate and jealously comes from.
A) Scientifically the word race is quite valid. The white race indeed does not exist as it's called the Caucasian race, and btw, Iranians belong to that one. Although there's a theory going around that the white skin tone of europeans is a result of an accidental period of inbreeding that emphasised the mutation of the gene that determined the amount of melanosomes in the skin. This would by the definition of race make possible a 'white' race.
Politicians, not scientists, later used the evolutionary theory to justify their mistreatement of Africans. Also, Europeans were the majority culture in this time...they were a minority population. Get your terms right.
Finally as interbreeding between the subspecies(=race) continues due to the detoriation of global barriers, there won't be races anymore. So hopefully this discussion will someday be nonexistant
Neither Tolkien nor Howard were racists. I do not know the character of Lewis enough to make any conclusions but Howard specifically portrayed some black characters as valiant, brave and thrustworthy individuals...albeit with typically human faults.
Tolkien centered his work around Nordish culture beginning with his development of fictional languages. He never included black people but only dark tanned people with cultural treats similar to those of the Persians and Indians. Furthermore he condemned the Nazi race-doctrine, anti-semitisme and, hold your horses, apartheid.
C) As stated earlier, Iranians are part of the Indo-European race and migrated later to the West. They weren't the birthplace, they were just one of the places where they split up.
Furthermore, pre-history is the period where there's no written records...that means Europeans did have a pre-history. Look up the Celts and notice how they didn't have a written language untill around the Roman time and even then only used in ceremonial affairs.
It's dumbshit people like you who don't do their research. Racism is morally wrong, but for everyone arguing that there's no difference in human kind that can be defined as race. Shut your ignorant asses and instead do something useful and find arguments and ways to break down the social construct of racism. Difference in the way of races is a good thing. Go check up how genetics work and then go look what part of the populations wins most competitions, beauty contests or whatever: not black people, not white people, not asian people but people with mixed heritage.
A. Who mentioned the white race... i didn't . Its was European scientist in the 17 century who bought the word " race" in to the fore politicians just made it legal.
B You are right " Iranian's " belong to the Caucasian race( as you put it) and come from the caucasian mountains in what people called the middle east which is between Africa and Asia. You are basically saying what i said in the first place here but with a twist because i am right.
C This is what i am saying...European" Whites" were not around when Caucasian left the CM so like i was saying you were not in the mix. The people who are your descendants are people who look like middle eastern they were not white caucasian lol that came later on.
D. Man you really are dumb lol...Celtic history does go back along way but what people fail to understand is many people 4-6000 years ago were not white... they were same color as middle eastern people who were travellers moving away from there home land over 1000s of years.
Irish celtic history tell of a people called The Fomorians.. whose name means 'dark of the sea,' were a culture of black people said to be the offspring of Noah's son.. Ham. The Fomorians were an ancient sea-faring culture it is thought that they originally came from Northern Africa or Asia as they are described as having dark hair and dark skin in the original accounts.
E.Hmm pre-history.. ok i worded this wrong so i can understand you mixing this up...When i say pre-history i mean that "White" Europeans were not around and have no connection to the old testament even though they have twisted and tried to prove otherwise by various means over the last 500 years they were just not around at that time.
This has haunted and torture them and will till the end of time probably.
I like people from all background but when people try to hide their racist views behind snide comments and a serious lack of knowledge it winds me up. As for your take on skin mutations...who gives a ..... lol the fact remains your ancestors were not white....Dumb Ass...
Thought i would repay the compliment by calling you a Dumb ass just in case a mod wants to jump all over me.
C.S Lewis...Tolkien..were serious Christians and had the old racist european views..its fact.
Howard was more than a racist lol he was a freaking mother obsessed weirdo and lived like one as well. He was into all sorts of freaky shit real pervy stuff and if you read his books you can see it.
Its you who needs to do there research but then again you will probably google it lol..dumb ass...
not to sound racist, but who would want to be black?
to be honest, i would. i guess you guys have to undestand that alot of people liek to make characters look liek them. And i for one (who is a black man) cant do that when most mmos dont alow you have dark skin in game. I wont call it a major stress because im used to it, but it would be nice if the games opened up a little more for that purpose. Im sure cimmerians didnt have mo hawks, but that hair style is in the game, i dont see why dark skin cant be.
Ok seriously, alot of these posts going around out there.. Honestly have you guys Read the book at al ln which this is all based around? Women being as powerful as men is something they had to do because there had to be women in th game.... in the books women were inferier they were sex objects and really nothing more. Blacks at the time were refered to as lower then even women they didn't have much of a purpose (the book was written in early 19th cent england) They were not slaves, but they sure didn't have mass populace anywhere, and in the books blacks aren't really mentioned too much because well... Most english people at that time saw like 2 black people in there entire life time. So yes would it be a good addition? Sure, but it would have to be limited to certain races, and still be Very limited.
Btw on the mohawk comment, many of the warriors in the books did have mohawks and such things Also this game has developed more of an aztec feel then hybornia that said Blacks = killed on sight and mohawks = sign of an elder warrior.
Wow, there are some ignorant people here posting really stupid stuff.
First of all, calling white authors racist cause their protagonists are white is absolutely retarded. One of the best pieces of advice in writing is "Write what you know.", and many great authors take this into account. If I'm a white author, and I know about white people, then I make my protagonist and most of my characters white. If I know alot about norse mythology, I make my book based on the norse mythos. Quite often white protagonists will have dark-skinned adversaries not because the author is racist, but because dark skin is seen as the opposite of white skin, thus you have a way to show that this guy is set apart from your main character.
Secondly, going back far enough in time one can't really say that everyone was this colour or that colour. There's evidence of "caucasian" people in north america as early as 17,000 years ago. There's evidence that there were caucasian people all across both coasts of the atlantic ocean. Evidence leads to the fact that the native americans actually came about as a mix of caucasian and asian races, whose skin darkened as a result of living out in the sun.
Either way, this thread was clearly just another trolling post which proved how much everyone has their panties in a knot over race, and how some people who claim to be victims of racism are basically just racists themselves.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
I could only imagine if there isnt any black pc guys then it has to do with the lore(if I am being ignorant here I am sorry)I cant see why any game in this day and age would do that for any other reason.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
Wow, there are some ignorant people here posting really stupid stuff. First of all, calling white authors racist cause their protagonists are white is absolutely retarded. One of the best pieces of advice in writing is "Write what you know.", and many great authors take this into account. If I'm a white author, and I know about white people, then I make my protagonist and most of my characters white. If I know alot about norse mythology, I make my book based on the norse mythos. Quite often white protagonists will have dark-skinned adversaries not because the author is racist, but because dark skin is seen as the opposite of white skin, thus you have a way to show that this guy is set apart from your main character. Secondly, going back far enough in time one can't really say that everyone was this colour or that colour. There's evidence of "caucasian" people in north america as early as 17,000 years ago. There's evidence that there were caucasian people all across both coasts of the atlantic ocean. Evidence leads to the fact that the native americans actually came about as a mix of caucasian and asian races, whose skin darkened as a result of living out in the sun. Either way, this thread was clearly just another trolling post which proved how much everyone has their panties in a knot over race, and how some people who claim to be victims of racism are basically just racists themselves.
Hmmm..i don't no Man go to a research on howard..seriously do it . Many people will tell you its true. I don't blame him... i mean living through a recession and thinking about topping himself makes no difference to me but its fact.
Yeah write what you know and like i said it was racists times. Blacks could not been seen as heroes lol you really need to think about what you are saying.
The norse bit of your paragraph sounds like you just made that up...i would like to be proven wrong though.
Second.. This paragraph tells me you know nothing...it really does 70.000 years ago or around that time modern man frirst walk out of Africa . Every single person on this planet can trace their ancestry back to this one matriarch who lived in Africa.. possibly in present-day Ethiopia or Kenya 70,000 years ago.. and she was to be a common ancestor of all Asians as well as all Caucasians and this is fact and proven thorough..wait for it DNA...lol
The 17 century racists didn't bank on man developing DNA science and it seems you didn't as well.....
If you are trying to say white caucasian went to america 17000 years ago and made indians with asians ...you are talking some BS lol...give up.
I am white lol and i don't claim to be a victim of anything. I just had to put some thing right because there are serious racist undertones in this thread long before i piped up...you presume to much.
Oh and here is another fact for ya....500.000 men living on the planet today can trace their ancestry straight to ghengis khan and his children...randy git.
Wow dude. Your post put more words in Blurr's mouth than I can find in modern dissertations.
I agree with Blurr for the most part. White authors often have white protagonists simply because they are more comfortable creating the main character in their own image. Thats simply psychology. What about black authors who have black protagonists? Same thing.
And second of all... Who in this thread started calling people racist just because Conan might not feature full 256-color representation of skin pigment. Stand up so we can administer judgment. :Ban?:
Seriously people, step back and look at what this argument is about.
Moderators: PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD. Its in a flat spin.
The ultimate solution to every problem: more space marines.
Originally posted by osiriss This paragraph tells me you know nothing...it really does 70.000 years ago or around that time modern man frirst walk out of Africa . Every single person on this planet can trace their ancestry back to this one matriarch who lived in Africa, possibly in present-day Ethiopia or Kenya 70,000 years ago, and she was to be a common ancestor of all Asians as well as all Caucasians and this is fact and proven thorough..wait for it DNA...lol
Science is just a bunch of theories and ideas though. It's as factual as anything you can find in a Bible. Saying all humans came out of Africa is just a theory. So to cast a theory at another as an all knowing fact is foolishness, because theories are constantly disproved. Whats to say people didn't actually start in Africa, maybe they all started in South America or Antarctica and went from there to Africa? Or maybe people came from outer space. No one is 100% certain of anything. So do not throw a theory at someone and say they are stupid, when you don't know what the facts are yourself. Perhaps you should study philosophy a bit more; things aren't always what they seem. It's good to question what you think you know.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Wow dude. Your post put more words in Blurr's mouth than I can find in modern dissertations. I agree with Blurr for the most part. White authors often have white protagonists simply because they are more comfortable creating the main character in their own image. Thats simply psychology. What about black authors who have black protagonists? Same thing. And second of all... Who in this thread started calling people racist just because Conan might not feature full 256-color representation of skin pigment. Stand up so we can administer judgment. :Ban?: Seriously people, step back and look at what this argument is about. Moderators: PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD. Its in a flat spin.
I have no problem with authors putting people or characters into their works that represent themselves. My point is its a known fact that these authors were racist...its fact and you could do any number of research and you would see.
Putting words into blurrs mouth lol...where plz ? i am just putting him straight on facts that have been proven through DNA...should we argue with DNA on this but still use it to catch criminals and indite on DNA evidence? you cant have it both ways..
Blurr just needed to do his homework before talking about asians and white cacasions making indians lol thats some serious funny BS
Originally posted by osirissosiriss This paragraph tells me you know nothing...it really does 70.000 years ago or around that time moderfrirst frirst walk out of Africa . Every single person on this planet can trace their ancestry back to this one matriarch who lived in Africa, possibly in present-day Ethiopia or Kenya 70,000 years ago, and she was to be a common ancestor of all Asians as well as all Caucasians and this is fact and proven thorough..wait for itlolA...lol
Science is just a bunch of theories and ideas though. It's as factual as anything you can find in a Bible. Saying all humans came out of Africa is just a theory. So to cast a theory at another as an all knowing fact is foolishness, because theories are constantly disproved. Whats to say people didn't actually start in Africa, maybe they all started in South America or Antarctica and went from there to Africa? Or maybe people came from outer space. No one is 100% certain of anything. So do not throw a theory at someone and say they are stupid, when you don't know what the facts are yourself. Perhaps you should study philosophy a bit more; things aren't always what they seem. It's good to question what you think you know.
Its not a theory lol its DNA research..but hey i no people don't like to hear it but alas its true. Why would your opinions offend me ? did i say they offend me...
Osiris, I think the only reason you are here is to argue with people and hate on Robert E. Howard...
In case you didn't notice..i did not start this thread and if you look through it you will see some racist comments that didn't need to come out. All i have done is defend the op question by giving the racist bullies a taste of their own medicine.
What better way than hitting them with the facts and the truth but for some people its to much to take and not what the good ole history teacher taught them lol.
I really have nothing against howard and if you read my post on this thread you would see i have read many of his books. I could not care less if he was a weirdo or even a racist as he never effected me but years later society has moved on (some) and for me and many others they are remnants of a dark and scared european era that were just realising they were not gods(we all are) chosen after all...this was one of their main reasons for slavery...
God made man in his own image (which was white to them) and god made man to subjugate all other things.
So if that's the cases then white men must hold blacks as part of the other things therefore he is no worst than an animal and shall be treated thus.
Sound horrible doesnt it but that was how people in power saw it and that's how they sold slavery to the common people for 400 years until john Wesley and the Methodist church go involved.
People forget to easy....i am out of here and i rest my case.
Osiris, I think the only reason you are here is to argue with people and hate on Robert E. Howard...
In case you didn't notice..i did not start this thread and if you look through it you will see some racist comments that didn't need to come out. All i have done is defend the op question by giving the racist bullies a taste of their own medicine.
What better way than hitting them with the facts and the truth but for some people its to much to take and not what the good ole history teacher taught them lol.
I really have nothing against howard and if you read my post on this thread you would see i have read many of his books. I could not care less if he was a weirdo or even a racist as he never effected me but years later society has moved on (some) and for me and many others they are remnants of a dark and scared european era that were just realising they were not gods(we all are) chosen after all...this was one of their main reasons for slavery...
Man made God in his own image (which was white to them) and man made God to subjugate all other things.
So if that's the cases then white men must hold blacks as part of the other things therefore he is no worst than an animal and shall be treated thus.
Sound horrible doesnt it but that was how people in power saw it and that's how they sold slavery to the common people for 400 years until john Wesley and the Methodist church go involved.
People forget to easy....i am out of here and i rest my case.
I can't believe I posted something else before responding to this:
No doubt that they have a way to tweak the eyes and skin to make the character appear asian.
What happened to the good old pong and pac-man days.
Must .... stop ... self from ... making wiseass crack about ... about ... black guys ... loving ... asian chicks ... doh! .. too late.
1. There is no such thing as the African race only the human race.. The word " race" was invented by racist 17 century European scientist because of the obvious difference in skin color. They realised they were the odd ones out and the minority culture on the planet.
2. Robert Howard wrote some great books but he was a racist just like C.S Lewis and Tolkien. This was a product of the times they were living in so there books reflect that. All three of these authors portrayed black or Arab as evil in there books. The champions of truth in there eyes were Caucasians.
3. People need to do there research on the origins of man because way back somewhere in your history you were BLACK. and came from east Africa.
Your direct descendants are the same people bush is trying to wipe of the face of the earth...yes Iraqi and Iranians cultures are the birth place of the caucasian line of the human race.
White Europeans have no pre- history and i hate to be the bearer of bad news but we came late to the game.
This is where the deep hate and jealously comes from.
A) Scientifically the word race is quite valid. The white race indeed does not exist as it's called the Caucasian race, and btw, Iranians belong to that one. Although there's a theory going around that the white skin tone of europeans is a result of an accidental period of inbreeding that emphasised the mutation of the gene that determined the amount of melanosomes in the skin. This would by the definition of race make possible a 'white' race.
Politicians, not scientists, later used the evolutionary theory to justify their mistreatement of Africans. Also, Europeans were the majority culture in this time...they were a minority population. Get your terms right.
Finally as interbreeding between the subspecies(=race) continues due to the detoriation of global barriers, there won't be races anymore. So hopefully this discussion will someday be nonexistant
Neither Tolkien nor Howard were racists. I do not know the character of Lewis enough to make any conclusions but Howard specifically portrayed some black characters as valiant, brave and thrustworthy individuals...albeit with typically human faults.
Tolkien centered his work around Nordish culture beginning with his development of fictional languages. He never included black people but only dark tanned people with cultural treats similar to those of the Persians and Indians. Furthermore he condemned the Nazi race-doctrine, anti-semitisme and, hold your horses, apartheid.
C) As stated earlier, Iranians are part of the Indo-European race and migrated later to the West. They weren't the birthplace, they were just one of the places where they split up.
Furthermore, pre-history is the period where there's no written records...that means Europeans did have a pre-history. Look up the Celts and notice how they didn't have a written language untill around the Roman time and even then only used in ceremonial affairs.
It's dumbshit people like you who don't do their research. Racism is morally wrong, but for everyone arguing that there's no difference in human kind that can be defined as race. Shut your ignorant asses and instead do something useful and find arguments and ways to break down the social construct of racism. Difference in the way of races is a good thing. Go check up how genetics work and then go look what part of the populations wins most competitions, beauty contests or whatever: not black people, not white people, not asian people but people with mixed heritage.
A. Who mentioned the white race... i didn't . Its was European scientist in the 17 century who bought the word " race" in to the fore politicians just made it legal.
B You are right " Iranian's " belong to the Caucasian race( as you put it) and come from the caucasian mountains in what people called the middle east which is between Africa and Asia. You are basically saying what i said in the first place here but with a twist because i am right.
C This is what i am saying...European" Whites" were not around when Caucasian left the CM so like i was saying you were not in the mix. The people who are your descendants are people who look like middle eastern they were not white caucasian lol that came later on.
D. Man you really are dumb lol...Celtic history does go back along way but what people fail to understand is many people 4-6000 years ago were not white... they were same color as middle eastern people who were travellers moving away from there home land over 1000s of years.
Irish celtic history tell of a people called The Fomorians.. whose name means 'dark of the sea,' were a culture of black people said to be the offspring of Noah's son.. Ham. The Fomorians were an ancient sea-faring culture it is thought that they originally came from Northern Africa or Asia as they are described as having dark hair and dark skin in the original accounts.
E.Hmm pre-history.. ok i worded this wrong so i can understand you mixing this up...When i say pre-history i mean that "White" Europeans were not around and have no connection to the old testament even though they have twisted and tried to prove otherwise by various means over the last 500 years they were just not around at that time.
This has haunted and torture them and will till the end of time probably.
I like people from all background but when people try to hide their racist views behind snide comments and a serious lack of knowledge it winds me up. As for your take on skin mutations...who gives a ..... lol the fact remains your ancestors were not white....Dumb Ass...
Thought i would repay the compliment by calling you a Dumb ass just in case a mod wants to jump all over me.
C.S Lewis...Tolkien..were serious Christians and had the old racist european views..its fact.
Howard was more than a racist lol he was a freaking mother obsessed weirdo and lived like one as well. He was into all sorts of freaky shit real pervy stuff and if you read his books you can see it.
Its you who needs to do there research but then again you will probably google it lol..dumb ass...
Ok seriously, alot of these posts going around out there.. Honestly have you guys Read the book at al ln which this is all based around? Women being as powerful as men is something they had to do because there had to be women in th game.... in the books women were inferier they were sex objects and really nothing more. Blacks at the time were refered to as lower then even women they didn't have much of a purpose (the book was written in early 19th cent england) They were not slaves, but they sure didn't have mass populace anywhere, and in the books blacks aren't really mentioned too much because well... Most english people at that time saw like 2 black people in there entire life time. So yes would it be a good addition? Sure, but it would have to be limited to certain races, and still be Very limited.to be honest, i would. i guess you guys have to undestand that alot of people liek to make characters look liek them. And i for one (who is a black man) cant do that when most mmos dont alow you have dark skin in game. I wont call it a major stress because im used to it, but it would be nice if the games opened up a little more for that purpose. Im sure cimmerians didnt have mo hawks, but that hair style is in the game, i dont see why dark skin cant be.
Btw on the mohawk comment, many of the warriors in the books did have mohawks and such things Also this game has developed more of an aztec feel then hybornia that said Blacks = killed on sight and mohawks = sign of an elder warrior.
Wow, there are some ignorant people here posting really stupid stuff.
First of all, calling white authors racist cause their protagonists are white is absolutely retarded. One of the best pieces of advice in writing is "Write what you know.", and many great authors take this into account. If I'm a white author, and I know about white people, then I make my protagonist and most of my characters white. If I know alot about norse mythology, I make my book based on the norse mythos. Quite often white protagonists will have dark-skinned adversaries not because the author is racist, but because dark skin is seen as the opposite of white skin, thus you have a way to show that this guy is set apart from your main character.
Secondly, going back far enough in time one can't really say that everyone was this colour or that colour. There's evidence of "caucasian" people in north america as early as 17,000 years ago. There's evidence that there were caucasian people all across both coasts of the atlantic ocean. Evidence leads to the fact that the native americans actually came about as a mix of caucasian and asian races, whose skin darkened as a result of living out in the sun.
Either way, this thread was clearly just another trolling post which proved how much everyone has their panties in a knot over race, and how some people who claim to be victims of racism are basically just racists themselves.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
I could only imagine if there isnt any black pc guys then it has to do with the lore(if I am being ignorant here I am sorry)I cant see why any game in this day and age would do that for any other reason.
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
So....who's voting for Obama? I mean, I am of course. Just to prove I'm not racist!
Hmmm..i don't no Man go to a research on howard..seriously do it . Many people will tell you its true. I don't blame him... i mean living through a recession and thinking about topping himself makes no difference to me but its fact.
Yeah write what you know and like i said it was racists times. Blacks could not been seen as heroes lol you really need to think about what you are saying.
The norse bit of your paragraph sounds like you just made that up...i would like to be proven wrong though.
Second.. This paragraph tells me you know nothing...it really does 70.000 years ago or around that time modern man frirst walk out of Africa . Every single person on this planet can trace their ancestry back to this one matriarch who lived in Africa.. possibly in present-day Ethiopia or Kenya 70,000 years ago.. and she was to be a common ancestor of all Asians as well as all Caucasians and this is fact and proven thorough..wait for it DNA...lol
The 17 century racists didn't bank on man developing DNA science and it seems you didn't as well.....
If you are trying to say white caucasian went to america 17000 years ago and made indians with asians ...you are talking some BS lol...give up.
I am white lol and i don't claim to be a victim of anything. I just had to put some thing right because there are serious racist undertones in this thread long before i piped up...you presume to much.
Oh and here is another fact for ya....500.000 men living on the planet today can trace their ancestry straight to ghengis khan and his children...randy git.
Wow dude. Your post put more words in Blurr's mouth than I can find in modern dissertations.
I agree with Blurr for the most part. White authors often have white protagonists simply because they are more comfortable creating the main character in their own image. Thats simply psychology. What about black authors who have black protagonists? Same thing.
And second of all... Who in this thread started calling people racist just because Conan might not feature full 256-color representation of skin pigment. Stand up so we can administer judgment. :Ban?:
Seriously people, step back and look at what this argument is about.
Moderators: PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD. Its in a flat spin.
The ultimate solution to every problem: more space marines.
Science is just a bunch of theories and ideas though. It's as factual as anything you can find in a Bible. Saying all humans came out of Africa is just a theory. So to cast a theory at another as an all knowing fact is foolishness, because theories are constantly disproved. Whats to say people didn't actually start in Africa, maybe they all started in South America or Antarctica and went from there to Africa? Or maybe people came from outer space. No one is 100% certain of anything. So do not throw a theory at someone and say they are stupid, when you don't know what the facts are yourself. Perhaps you should study philosophy a bit more; things aren't always what they seem. It's good to question what you think you know.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
Putting words into blurrs mouth lol...where plz ? i am just putting him straight on facts that have been proven through DNA...should we argue with DNA on this but still use it to catch criminals and indite on DNA evidence? you cant have it both ways..
Blurr just needed to do his homework before talking about asians and white cacasions making indians lol thats some serious funny BS
Science is just a bunch of theories and ideas though. It's as factual as anything you can find in a Bible. Saying all humans came out of Africa is just a theory. So to cast a theory at another as an all knowing fact is foolishness, because theories are constantly disproved. Whats to say people didn't actually start in Africa, maybe they all started in South America or Antarctica and went from there to Africa? Or maybe people came from outer space. No one is 100% certain of anything. So do not throw a theory at someone and say they are stupid, when you don't know what the facts are yourself. Perhaps you should study philosophy a bit more; things aren't always what they seem. It's good to question what you think you know.
Its not a theory lol its DNA research..but hey i no people don't like to hear it but alas its true. Why would your opinions offend me ? did i say they offend me...
Osiris, I think the only reason you are here is to argue with people and hate on Robert E. Howard...
In case you didn't notice..i did not start this thread and if you look through it you will see some racist comments that didn't need to come out. All i have done is defend the op question by giving the racist bullies a taste of their own medicine.
What better way than hitting them with the facts and the truth but for some people its to much to take and not what the good ole history teacher taught them lol.
I really have nothing against howard and if you read my post on this thread you would see i have read many of his books. I could not care less if he was a weirdo or even a racist as he never effected me but years later society has moved on (some) and for me and many others they are remnants of a dark and scared european era that were just realising they were not gods(we all are) chosen after all...this was one of their main reasons for slavery...
God made man in his own image (which was white to them) and god made man to subjugate all other things.
So if that's the cases then white men must hold blacks as part of the other things therefore he is no worst than an animal and shall be treated thus.
Sound horrible doesnt it but that was how people in power saw it and that's how they sold slavery to the common people for 400 years until john Wesley and the Methodist church go involved.
People forget to easy....i am out of here and i rest my case.
I'm a black man
... where it counts.
Life of an MMORPG "addict"
For 7 years, proving that if you quote "fuck" you won't get banned.
In case you didn't notice..i did not start this thread and if you look through it you will see some racist comments that didn't need to come out. All i have done is defend the op question by giving the racist bullies a taste of their own medicine.
What better way than hitting them with the facts and the truth but for some people its to much to take and not what the good ole history teacher taught them lol.
I really have nothing against howard and if you read my post on this thread you would see i have read many of his books. I could not care less if he was a weirdo or even a racist as he never effected me but years later society has moved on (some) and for me and many others they are remnants of a dark and scared european era that were just realising they were not gods(we all are) chosen after all...this was one of their main reasons for slavery...
Man made God in his own image (which was white to them) and man made God to subjugate all other things.
So if that's the cases then white men must hold blacks as part of the other things therefore he is no worst than an animal and shall be treated thus.
Sound horrible doesnt it but that was how people in power saw it and that's how they sold slavery to the common people for 400 years until john Wesley and the Methodist church go involved.
People forget to easy....i am out of here and i rest my case.
I can't believe I posted something else before responding to this:
1. God doesn't exist.
2. ...
3. Profit!
Life of an MMORPG "addict"
For 7 years, proving that if you quote "fuck" you won't get banned.