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I've played EQ2 since the beginning of 06 and was a 75 zerker before I quit. I finally had to quit b/c the game completely sucked now. End game content whether it was raiding or grouping was way too hard for a casual person. Doing zones and instances 70+ were ridiculously hard. Especially tanking, I love plate characters but the pressure and toughness placed on the tank takes all the fun out of it and makes grouping or tanking on raids suck. Everyone is always so rude to the tank and so critical on how they tank too. The classes needed for a group bothers me too. The perfect group consist of the same 6 or so classes and the rest of the classes either get shitty groups or just have to solo. Someone might say why don't I just make a dps alt so I don't have to tank. Well, levels 10-50 are practically empty except for a few alts who have 70's and think theyre bad ass and usually end up leaving the group b/c one new person screws up and then the groups disbands ect. Game just seems really fucked up to me since I started.
I am glad you are mad. I really hate to think that Everquest 1 and 2 would EVER appeal to a casual crowd. Casual games are WoW, Guild that are SIMPLE and you don't need to do much to get a sense of completion. Yes, sure, there are definitely aspects of WoW that are for hardcore players such as raiding, but a game that truly offers both will never, ever exist. Why? Because the market is based on one or the other. A market based on casual gamers will see them leave periodically. This surely isn't true for ALL of them, but most casual players will definitely jump games. Hardcore players stick around, beat the endgame content to death and their feedback creates the future in forms of expansions, fixed etc...
Point I'm making is that EQ series was never supposed to be a "casual" game. You won't like it if you want to play casual. EQ2 does have some slight changes that make it more casual than eq1, but in the end you will never be satisfied unless you go balls out and dedicate tons of time playing. You're not supposed to feel satisfied with an hour or two, they don't want that. They want you to play your brains out and ask for more. Your instances should be tough and what you accomplish at level 75 SHOULD be hard. Its not like WOW where you can grind to 80 with ease.
Either you aren't trying or you are on a foreign server. I find it too hard not to group on Nagafen. Vets in ANY game can't tolerate noobs in groups. Its just how it is, but it doesn't apply to all vets.
I couldn't disagree more. EQ2 is getting more casual friendly these days. The gear and rewards for the kunark expansion are more rounded and useful (tho some vets would argue they're classes get overlooked). The raids and instances are considerably easier than the previous tier (well, the early raid zones are at least), and offer a lot more than previous expansions.
Newbie zone Timorous Deep is outstanding, and the gear available here will set you up nicely for your return to the old world zones.
Loads of new players starting, and sticking with the game. And on my server at least (EU Runnyeye) I've seen Apprentice guides on at peak times helping out new players and hosting live events. As well as countless vets helping out in channels, and showing people the ropes.
Perhaps I'm just on a good server, I don't know. I've seen a lot of people complaining about the difficulty of EQ2 for new players, but none of them ingame, only in places like this.
Currently returned to Norrath after disliking Hyboria.
Yes Darth, I am not denying anything you are saying that it is becoming MORE casual, however the point I'm making is that it will never be a casual game in general. Simple economics states you need to meet demand (in this case, some of it is for casual gameplay) in order to make more profits and allow a larger pool of people to be happy. This is why EQ2 has improved for casual players, but it will never be the a casual game.
*sighs* Who said this is a casual game? Casual games are games like WoW. If this game ever becomes like WoW, I'll quit on the spot.
As for raiding.... honey I've been playing this game almost since the day it opened and have NEVER raided. Not once.
If you're going to leave then I say "good riddance to bad rubbish" with the kind of attitude you just displayed.
EQ2 is a casual friendly game. Period.
No shit eq2 isnt a casual game. i wouldnt've gotten to 75 if i knew it wasn't or didnt like it. I was meaning that I play casual. I guess that term must be new to you fucking hardcore people that can farm shit for days and have an ungodly amount of money for new gear. I also like the difficulty... up to T7, T8. I understand raiding is supposed to be extremely difficult, ive raided plenty and that's really not the problem. The problem was that instances and zones in RoK could only be done by the people who were in the top end game guilds on the server or by an excellent guild group. pugs can't get that done. Well, if you have an empty guild like mine... you're out of luck. I liked how in all previous tiers, pugs would work if only one person knew the strat and everyone did what they were told. Now you have to have the best gear and all masters to get it done. So I have two options, solo or wait several months until they nerf everything. The second issue was the game is empty up to lvl 50 or so except for alts and a few new people. Atleast this is how it is on Kithicor.
*sighs* No, its not empty up to level 50. I see plenty of people, they just aren't always in the exact same area all the time and they don't hang around the cities.
Yes, its a solo friendly game. Glad of it.
If you don't like the game, then move on. Sounds like you'd be happier in WoW or LOTRO anyway.
Haha ok, just speaking my mind cus that's how I see it. I'm actually happiest in real life atm.
Did you register just to troll and spread misinformation ?
My first though is that if we play the same game? Because in my opinion EQ2 game is on the opposite of what you describes.
Its not hardcore at all, the game got alot more casual with EoF, and even more with RoK. For me, I think RoK was a bit too far into the casual direction.
Fatleg, I'm forced to agree with the others. Why are you here? It certainly isn't to spread the truth.
Feeding time at the troll zoo is over guys..he aint worth it
If you are a casual player trying to play with a competitive group you will be frustrated. Find a casual/family oriented guild, there is alot less pressure. Basically, casual/family guilds are there to have fun, and have accepted that dying is part of the game. That doesn't mean the set out to screw up and die, but, if something happens, it happens, no big deal. I can't tell you the number of times I went with a group to complete the last part of the Carpet Quest, and the Djinn said "This will be the last mistake you'll ever make". We generally laughed, and answered, as we died like dogs, "Nope, we'll be back to make this mistake again until we finish this quest". And we were, trying to work out a different plan to avoid his aweful AOE spell. Someimes, someone accidently got to close and pulled him before we were ready. We just died, rezzed, came back, and tried it again, no big deal. Part of the game.
So my advice, find a group that shares your idea of what the game should be, don't try to make your idea match their's. A comeptitive player in a family/casual guild will go nuts just as much as a family/casual player in a competitive guild.
rawr, you sure told me buddy.
I'm shunned by the biased eq2 community I feel so bad....
I'm coming back to try the trial(that sounds wierd), i'm just hoping that this 7 days will give me hope so I have an MMO to play until SBG's new MMO is released(probably 2 years away).
Your in the section dedicated to EQ2, and you are fussing over people being biased? This is either your first time in a forum, your a troll, or were born sometime yesterday.
QFT, QFT, QFT, QFT, can we make this ANY more plain.
EQ2 is to the point of being even more solo friendly and casual than WoW, easily. There is very little, if anything, hardcore about EQ2. There are a couple hardcore quests and haunts, but ever since instituting persistency, not even that's true any more. Sorry, but EQ2 is not even as hardcore as WoW any more. It still is more challenging and difficult in some places, but certainly nowhere near as time consuming.
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
Truth be known...I do not believe you about people on your server. For the entire time I've played I have NEVER mat an immature or rude person.
Could it be that you, yourself have placed a high amount of success pressure on your "Zerker"?
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."