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Please join us on Wednesday, January 23rd at 7pm EST for another dev chat!
Come meet the developers of EverQuest, live in the Chatroom! Starting at 7pm EST on 01/23/08, the EverQuest developers will answer your questions about the game, the world, recent updates, and future plans! Bring a question, bring a friend! After the chat, be sure to stick around for EverQuest and other MMORPG discussion.
Users can also connect via any IRC client, to server port 6667. The chat will take place in #mmorpg.
Learn more about EverQuest here.
Laura "Taera" Genender
Community Manager
ah...what time is that gmt......i think its 3am....ahh dam.....
7pm EST is 12:00am (midnight) GMT - 5 hour difference. One of my friends lives in NJ [New Jersey], and I speak to her so often that I'm automatically attuned to making that mental calculation.
Dear Taera,
Thank you for the invite. Due to possessing an overwhelming dislike for IRC, I point-blank refuse to use IRC, or IM applications. Also, I really should be going to bed since I have to get up in around 6 hours (GMT).
I would like to read a transcript, if one shall be made available on at a later date - if only because I can predict the No #1 topic: Classic Server
P.s. If SoE do release a 'Classic' (non-progression, pre-Luclin) sign me up! Graphics update or not. I'll happily re-subscribe ("For people who just can't let go - 'Classic Server'")!
Anytime after my CIPS exams in May 08 will be good!
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
oh ok thx i hope they do make a new classic server....they have been saying for a couple of years that they are thinking of doing it....
I'm going to ask them why they still, after all this time, use things such as levels and classes.
And why they don't focus more on PvP and player skill instead of time put in.
Some kind of FPS/TPS combat system would be so much better too.
Wow EQ is still going? I figured it was still alive, but wouldn't get any attention anymore, that's cool I guess. I wonder if they've changed anything. IMO, EQ is too big, they should add content rather than just add on new areas. I might ask them about that, creating different kinds of content instead of more of the same crap... I've thought about going back to it, but honestly it would need better graphics and some improved game mechanics to be more on par with current games. They would have to get rid of Luclin and later too, heh, it just "felt" wrong, lore-wise at least, and really hurt the experience for me way back when, but that's just me.
Regarding "still using" classes and levels, almost all MMOGs "still" do that, because it's a good system. It's not like classes and levels are outdated and obsolete (hence the quotation marks), it's a viable and practical method. That's not to say skill-based or another method isn't viable or practical, but the fact that other methods exist doesn't necessarily make levels/classes obsolete. People need classifications for various reasons, and levels for progress measurements, status, etc..
Personally, I prefer skill-based systems, and use one in the MMOG I'm designing. I like the flexibility and customization you can achieve with them over class-based systems. I think the archetype system is a good method that's in between skill-based and class-based. I've played a couple games that use skill-based characters (they all failed, BTW). Most people I think are used to and prefer the simplicity of classes and levels.
Great, thank you very much for the link on the top of the page; else I might have missed this And I too will ask about a classic server !! :P
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
35 minutes from now! :P
But, the only question I would have would be if they plan to ever have a raid-free server! :P So not much point in annoying the good guys!
I think I will just go take a walk and play CoV later, I seriously am overplaying this game!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
is it up yet? i still cant connect to the chat room
edit: still getting : network is unreachable
is a shame cause i really wanted to hop in and see if a classic server was in the works. i know me and a ton of other people who have grown tired of WoW and eq2 and would love a classic eq server to resub to . if im doing something wrong or need to download something, someone let me know plz. thanks
well this sucks, still cant connect. hopefully the main points will be posted here or something?
Yea My browser keeps crashing when i click on chatroom. i would like to join and check it out. someone post the chat log afterwards.
Fuck the world, for all its worth,Every inch of planet earth!
The classic server question was the first one asked and I am very disappointed. Just wait and see how the devs answered the question. I was holding out on my account for a classic server now I don't see any reason to keep it. GRR
lil more info on this plz?
Just a snippit from the devs .
Can the devs at SOE be any more daft? They couldnt see a good idea if it bit them in the butt! Obviously the ammount of support for this is something that is obvious to them! Come to think of it anyway, i am not too worried, eventually when the subs get so low, they will do it, just to milk the cow.
The cow i guess is still too good at milking that they dont see the need for it yet.
No, they really can't, however ... we've already had the Progression server(s) which had to be joined due to low populations. Why would they expend resources for something that isn't (as much as a vocal few crow about it) what people play?