Some things to ponder...
"In September 2007 Microsoft closed FASA Studios (and the FPS official forum), and licensed the Shadowrun electronic entertainment rights to Smith & Tinker, a company owned by Jordan Weisman, an original creator of Shadowrun. Details at Smith & Tinker's website hint at the development of a MMO."
The Gamasutra article which is refernced in the wikipedia paragraph...
"Weisman Licenses MechWarrior, Shadowrun, Crimson Skies Rights From Microsoft FASA, WizKids and 42 Entertainment founder Jordan Weisman has announced, via the website of his newest venture-backed startup Smith & Tinker, that he has licensed the 'electronic entertainment' rights to his MechWarrior, Shadowrun and Crimson Skies properties back from Microsoft.
The recently founded Smith & Tinker, named after two minor characters from the Land Of Oz books, describe themselves as "...a venture-backed company that builds intellectual property across a wide spectrum of interactive products, weaving games, toys and publishing into immersive transmedia experiences."
Weisman is a serial entrepreneur, and is best known in the video game industry for forming MechWarrior and Crimson Skies game developer FASA Interactive, sold to Microsoft in 1999 and closed down in September 2007.
But his work pioneering 'Alternate Reality Games' such as the Microsoft-backed 'The Beast' and 'ilovebees', latterly at 42 Entertainment is also notable. A recent announcement from 42 revealed that Weisman, billed as Chief Creative Advisor, will "...spin off a new company called Smith & Tinker to develop transmedia connected toys and entertainment, some of which are based upon intellectual property created by 42 Entertainment."
It is unclear as of yet what form Weisman's plans for these franchises might take. But given the transmedia nature of his recent ventures, and job advertisements asking for experts with Web 2.0 and online game expertise, online world/MMO elements to the company's projects seem likely.
The full announcement of the license, from the company's website, is as follows: "Smith & Tinker is pleased to announce that it has licensed from Microsoft the electronic entertainment rights for Mr. Weisman's previous creations of MechWarrior, Shadowrun, Crimson Skies and the other properties of the FASA catalog.
We’re not quite ready to announce our plans for each property, but please be assured that our goal is to surprise and delight old fans, while welcoming new fans to these fantastic worlds."
The Smith & Tinker Website for those who would like to check things out...
The first step has always been to get the IP out of Microsoft's clutches...
From Wikipedia under the Shadowrun game entry...
Id love a good Shadowrun mmo but I would love a good Battletech/Mecharrior MMO even more i think
I would be very happy to see a battletech MMO...It was really my first real experience with wargaming. I remember when I started my first job, I recieved my check for $150.00 and spent every cent of it on the original Battletech box sets, tech manuals and modules. My mother nearly had an Aneurysm...It was glorious
However, SR was and I guess is a passion that borders on obsession, and I have bent all my thought to seeing a MMO based off this game. These recent events have given me solid hope that my dream will come true, as it would a great many other people I think...
A first step? Hmm, maybe doing something besides Shadowrun. (Reaches for the bag of chips.)
I would love to see a SHadowrun MMO. Not a Battletech fan at all.
In fact, I'll do even better. What about a RIFTS MMORPG!!!! That would have everything Shadowrun has and more. Way more.
Who can say they wouldn't want to hunt pyschic vampires with pistols in Mexico? Or run the streets of Chi-town avoiding ruthless mercenary cyborgs that have sold their humanity? Or in the same setting, a world where ANYTHING can come out of a Rift.
That release date will be the day.
Never got to play Rifts, unfortunately. My old groups GM talked about it...something about powertroopers, pistols that were more powerful than the Death Star super laser and a special alignment that let you do all the evil things you wanted to do and still feel you were one of the good guys, HOORAY!!
Of course since Rifts seems like it would be a bit too much to pull off well, like ten games wrapped in one. Since most dev companies can't get one game out the door in a finished state...well you prolly get my point heh.
Ya know, to hell with Shadowrun, I wanna Paranoia MMO. The computer will be pleased...
A Rifts MMO would f'ing rock.
This is of course very good news on many levels. I know Jordan Weisman personally from my time working at WizKids Games on the MechWarrior franchise. He's a great guy, has great ideas, and most importantly is a big fan of the games he helps create. He's not just some faceless corporate suit that counts beans all day. I have been waiting for a Shadowrun MMOG for a very long time, as a fan and long-time player of the pencil and paper Shadowrun game. A MechWarrior MMOG would be cool too, but if anything I think they'll do a Shadowrun one first... Something exciting to watch for, for me anyways.
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