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I got a problem deciding what MMO i should play.
I dont want a game with endless grind and full of "1337 5P34K"
I want a game that runs smooth, not to much lagspikes, occasionally if the game is worth it i dont mind then. I want robust customization of a Character, not to much though. I want phantasy and realism. I want alot of mixture in gameplay, i want twists to happen, i want LORE and a STORY Wich are the big factors in my opinion. I want lots of spells/skills/attacks whatever, not to much like Vanguard, but Vanguard is forgiving in its visuals and classes.
I tried City of X before multiple times, i did enjoy it, but my highest level became 6, then i ran out of time and well.. Had playing 3 hours a day in 1½ week.. So i call it very slow leveling, and i hate the way you fight.
Lotro is the most appealing to me atm, i love the lore, love the combat, a bit slow but you dont want wowcombat since its just.. "Im mr fast i win". Nice visuals, love the story telling, love the world, specially Shire at Night.
Tabula Rasa, beta'd it, i lagged as hell and there were no difference on high/low settings and no difference on res.. Still the lag were in the same amounts. Like the way you fight.
Star Wars, must say, i love it, even NGE stuff. If your a true star wars fan you shouldnt care about new things implemented. And i find it very fun to play, but the crap part is there are no gamecards whatsoever in EU. And i cannot pay with a credit card.
Pirates of the burning sea, well, beta'd a little, Lagged in Ports, i were like rubber with flubber, walk 5 yards, teleport back and repeat those 5 yards. And models invisible except hats and eyes, swords.
Lag when entering a new area in a Port, graphical glitches on water.
Vanguard, HUUUUGE I say, but i only reached level 2 as i lagged, not sure if it were before or after the major patch that some people ive heard saying it improved the framerate quite a bit. Atleast a warm feeling for soe. nice variety of the classes, lots of races, hard to decide what to play lol! But fun nontheless..
The last 6 wall of texts are well, my impressions or whatever we could call it.
What should i play? I love lotro, if i could pick 2, what ones would be the lucky ones?
Oh my rig is capable of running lotro at very high with no framerate issues, but the text on the UI etc, looks like .. someone took a dump on it, cause you cant read it, its so blurry. When minimizing it or making it bigger, no difference, any help on that? I remember the beta it was nice looking.
Lotro, it's classes are a bit boring and customisation is pretty crap, but it's by miles the best game out of that list.