Originally posted by HebrewBomb We need a revolution. A revolution for the freedom; a revolution against Money-Changers that infest our Holy Temple of the land of Aden. Let there be fury. Watch what Rothschild will do to this Rock we call our home in next couple of years. "the real menace of our Adenian republic is the invisible government-like clan which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, land and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as Adena Inc, or 'Adenian international bankers.' or another Manchurian Candidate where no Machurian is present" John F. Hylanz If you are too smart there is only room for anguish....
could you translate this for us lesser gifted orcs?
Sounds like yet another call against the adena farming and selling on ebay. While a similar situation were to happen in real life it could be opposed successfully, on Lineage 2 (which tries to emulate real politics and leave control, if you can call it that, in the hands of the players) most of the people that play are not on 24/7. Those adena inc. farmers are. Face it, the game was developed to cater to this kind of 'play' and no one can fix design except the developers. Something they will never do looking at their record. At least not in time, the damage is done and I'm afraid it's terminal.
Some free advice to whomever it applies to: If you want people to take you seriously in life, learn to spell.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Sounds like yet another call against the adena farming and selling on ebay. While a similar situation were to happen in real life it could be opposed successfully, on Lineage 2 (which tries to emulate real politics and leave control, if you can call it that, in the hands of the players) most of the people that play are not on 24/7. Those adena inc. farmers are. Face it, the game was developed to cater to this kind of 'play' and no one can fix design except the developers. Something they will never do looking at their record. At least not in time, the damage is done and I'm afraid it's terminal.
Some free advice to whomever it applies to: If you want people to take you seriously in life, learn to spell.
Double post - delete
Some free advice to whomever it applies to: If you want people to take you seriously in life, learn to spell.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Have you seen the interviews with the devs? There carrrazzzzzzzyyyy boys. That bald man is a wild one.
EQ2 Qeynos Guild- http://eq2imperium.proboards15.com/index.cgi