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Has anyone ever heard of the game Spore? Its not completly a MMORPG, but It looks crazy good.
Start out as a Cell, create the way your race of creature is going to look and then take it through life, make a civilization, take over your planet, then take over the galaxy.
AKA - Bruxail
they promised some sort of online capability, I think it was being able to download other players content so sounds like fun =D. Cant wait for this game
Yes, it was suppose to be downloading other players created content to be able to play against it. Should be interesting.
AKA - Bruxail
Is spore vaporware ?
from my understanding spore is complete in terms of gameplay and mechanics. They have delayed it for finding bugs and making sure it is polished for release. This is going to be Will Wright's new baby so I doubt they will mess it up.
"Those who dislike things based only on the fact that they are popular are just as shallow and superficial as those who only like them for the same reason."
it looks promising, cant wait to try it
I have been watching this for awhile, reminds me of an old game called E.V.E the Search for Eden for the SNES but on steroids.
Spore is going to be incredible.
I thought that the multiplayer was kinda like, you got to fly your ship to other planets and it was kinda persistent like, so that when you land on a planet in multiplayer mode, it was a planet that was created by another player, but I could be wrong-- I think I got that off of earlier impressions of the game.
Either way this is by far my most anticipated game announced.
There is no way in hell that spore would be vaporware, its created by Will Wright and Maxis the ones that brought you "The Sims".
Yeah and the people who brought us Simsville. Oh wait....
Will Wright just presented the space phase to Nasa on I think the 28th. So no worries about Vapourware. But this is no way an MMO. It takes the content you create, uploads it to their server. That information is then used to seed other players galaxies. There is no known multiplayer. They just use civilizations other people create to populate your galaxy. If you don't have an internet connection it just populates your galaxy with pre-made Maxis content instead.