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OK i downloaded the free trial to give this a secoond go as my first effort was not really enough to make a fair comment on the game. I have start of the trial and reached level 8 pretty fast and am at this moment taking my rest in mos eisely canteena. A few things i was wandering:
Is there a better control method for movement than the keyboard controls? ie more akin to Everquets right/left mouse combination, or will i have to just get used to it?
When i open up my inventory my equip seems in no particular order just kinda dropped anywhere. is there any kind of paper model showing just what you can equip, ie arms legs head chest etc.
my big probelm at the monet is that i keep shooting when i am just trying to target to con. i press right mouse to move forward, my sight runs across a mob and auto fires as you can imagine this results in a lot of unesecary deaths.
One thing i am suprised with is the depth this game seems to have. It could be a great game if i could find my way through to the finer aspects. If any can offer a newbie bounty hunter any advice whatsoever i would be greatful. so far i have learnt how to shoot and kill then loot lol.
I know there are a ton of UI tweaks for the game that are supposed to make it feel a lot better. Someone here may know, but there's quite a bit of hate for this game here.
I would search through the official forums some, because as I said, I know I saw something about this when I tried the game out again and it did help.
Great that's good to hear i will take a browse through to see what i can find. I am reading through the stickys at the min
Yep the stickies at the top of these forums has alot of helpful information on setting up your UI. Although the initial settings your given for your controls aren't all that great, almost everything is customisable and can be changed to a way you prefer.
There's no paper model type inventory display, but you can change the way your inventory is sorted. From the inventroy window, click the "Change View" button to view it in detailed view. You can then click the headings at the top of each coloumn to sort by that perticular attribute. For instance, you could click "Type" to have all your Arm armour grouped together, all your chest armour, crates, food, etc.
Thanks for the tips all i think my best bet is to go home log in and not just go all gung ho! i think i should maybe use this night to set up my inv and such.
I have found the sticky that tells me where to find the options to change the movement controls so im happy already. So time to get stuck in and give it a real good go i think.
Ok finished my first weekend and i'm hooked! the game reminds so much of a sci fi everquest. I love the vst feel of the game. I reached level 18 as my bounty hunter. and i cant wait to get back from work and start again a few things though i am really struggling with.
How do i join chat channels? i dont hear any chat unless i stand next to a gold spammer. I know tells etc are the same as any other game but what about general chat or ooc? there are things i need to ask help with but i cant get onto any channels.
I am currently on tatooine, can i start any crafting?
My speeder dissapeared when i logged of? i have earnt myself a speeder bike since though so not that bad
is there any way to filter a search for level etc on the bazzars?
I am really loving this at the min and really hope it continues like this. But am i too far behind to catch up to be able to group with people?
You can craft from anyway, but you need to be a Trader profession. Crafting in SWG is dedicated to entire professions.
When you say your speeder dissapeard, how do you mean? You can see and access all currently owned vehicles, mounts, droids, pets and ships in your Datapad under the Data tab. As long as you didn't destroy it, your old vehicle should be in there.
Currently, there is no way to search by level on the bazaar although it is a popular request. Once you get out of the lower levels though and crafted items become more acessable to you, you likely won't need to concern yourself with searching by level. Crafted armour has no level restrictions (other then that you must be above level 22) and most Weaponsmiths should be able to tell you which weapons you can use at your level.
As for catching up, as a combat profession this should be no issue. It will take time investment, but there's nothing to physically stop you from being able to eventually be as good as people that have been playing the game for longer. Crafters have it a little more difficult though as in some cases, the resources you need to make your items as good as what others can make them haven't spawned in many years. There are ways to get access to these, but it certainly won't be cheap to do so.
Excellent i will look into my Data screen when i get on tonight and see if its still there. What happened was i dragged the icon onto my tool bar. later on i needed that space sp i right clicked the toolbar icon and pressed remove, thinking that the speeder was still in my inventory so i could access it from there. But when i opened my inventory, it wasn't there anymore. i will look into my data screen later, but im not too worried about that one as im still having a blast!
One other thing i m confused with and its something of a big thing. (i apologise for being such a newbie)How do i mellee as a bounty hunter? it lists mellee as a skill but i dont seem to be able to strike when i equip a mellee weapon? will i gain the ability later or am i just missing something silly?
Could i equip a rifle for ranged and as they close in switch to a mellee?
You need to be within 5m of the target to use a melee weapon on it either with your default attack or using specials. Switching from a Rifle to a melee weapon when the target gets closer is certainly an option if that's your style
I would advise looking at your key mapping under the options menu that pops up under the round white button on the right side of the screen. You can play around with it until you're comfortable. Another piece of advice would be to go to the SWG Forums and go to your servers Forum, there are usually welcome kits, full of useful information there to help you along, and as far as being to far behind to catch up, no way. Take you're time and get comfortable with your character and you'll do just fine.
Ok had a play with tweaking keys last night and got the game feeling nice. i found my missing speeder in my datapad thanks for the tip. my mellee wasnt working as i had skills mapped to my keys but no standard ttack.haha how i was getting along like that i have no idea lol.
made 22 last night and got my armour pack. looking forward to when i can start to tailor my bounty hunter to look the way i want him too. Advise! should i buy armour or stick to the issued armour i get?
Crafted armour is going to be far superior to anything you'll loot or get in that profession armour pack. You also get to choose the style and colours that you'd like I'd suggest checking your servers trade forum to find an Armoursmith that you can get intouch with, or ask around in-game. Most people have an AS they're happy to refer people to.
What server are you playing on Shukes? If it's one that one of us play on we could help you in game.
To the OP:
Don't feel bad about feeling lost. The devs, management and anything making this game unique and enjoyable is equally lost.
I was reading some threads last night and someone mentioned logging on and getting some good screen shots before they shut down the game. So against my better judgement I tried to download the client so I could do a trial and take some screens. Of course there is some issue with the client downlaod from SOE right now, I should have just left well enough alone. I guess I will always have the memories.
Dont worry mate, i assure you, you have plenty of time take screenshots before SWG shuts down.
Last night i made level 26 and continued my legacy quest to arrive on naboo. a few strange things keep happening. first is "THUGS" as i walk around the city thugs keep attacking me even though they dont show as agro when i target them! they are level 40+ and dont take too long to lay me down. Another thing is just before i left i grabbed a quest from boba fett in jabba's palace, and can't for the life of me find where to go. i need to head to a refugee starport?
I have noticed that any drops i get seem to be vendor junk! at level 24 i grabbed a rifle of the bazzar that was a level 20 item and had a dps of 165 which was a slight improvement over my 150 rifle i got a few levels earlier from a quest. Then 2 levels later i got another reward which gave me 235 dps! while this was great, it did make me wander if anything ever drops thats worth anything? as all the armour i pick up may have a stat addition but no armour. my bounty hunter pack i gained at 22 gives me a full set of armour that looks hideous but at least has decent protection, but anything else i have looted just has a few stats and no protection. is this just doe to my low level or is all dropped equip just vendor trash?
i love playing one char and turning him into a rel vet so i really dont want to have to start multiple chars just so i can craft etc.But other than these gripes i am wandering why i didn't give this game more time the first time i tried.
Im glad you are enjoying it, good luck!
Thanks for the reply! again i forgot to note which server i am on :9 too busy wanting to get stuck into it lol. but i will check tonight. The boba fett quest is the very first he hands out in jabba's palace and has greyed out at level 24. i have to deliver a finger to a target in the refugee starport but i cant for the life of me find out what this starport is and there is no direction pointer either. i'm not pulling my hair out though as i prefer quests to make you work a bit
I'm browsing at the monet to find info on what other activites i can start in the game, like maybe get myself a ship. I want to find out what this beast mastery is all about too as i can see that i can spend points in this area but no idea where to start out. Much like i have notuiced as a bounty hunter i seem to get little upgrades like "droid control" etc and no idea what that adds to me.
HAHA! it feels great to be a real newbie again, i feel like i learn something every time i come onto this forum. Thanks all i have not had this much fun in a long time.
Sounds like you've activated Boba Fett's Clone Relics quest. The NPC you're looking for is in the Restuss starport (inside it, standing by the Starship terminal) on Rori. It's called the Refugee starport due to the Restuss city being blown up during a server wide event in 2006. For future reference, you can find out more details about the quests you have by opening your journal by pressing the J key. It'll list all your active quests and should give you some more details on what you need to do for them, such as the planet you should travel to.
Ahh great thank you friend! as soon as you mentioned restuss it rang true. Untill last night i had not left tatooine so im a little unfamiliar with space travel at the momebnt but i am going to look into it tonight and see if i can find a starter ship to play around with.
thanks again.
Finally checked my server! it's Ahazi! seems dead to be honest.
I am still struggling to talk in chnnels. Though i joined a few and sent out a few messages but got no reply's whatsoever!
Also can anyone help? i need to fix my vehicles for some reason they are about to explode and i can't use them. Is there a mechanic or anything?
And why is it when i check the details on armour i get a piece i can use that shows 5k+ Kinetic/Energy. But then i check level 80 pieces that have smaller protection? it's not just the odd one either! there will be 10 items and 9 are for high levels but lower protections than the one piece that has no level restrictions?
But on a good note i reached level 28 and got my first spacecraft
Most chat channels dont get used, once you get more familiar with the Ahazi community you may find some that are quite busy.
You can repair damaged vehicles at a garage, you can find one by typing /find garage. Once there, use the radial menu on your vehicle to repair it.
The armour system in SWG is currently a little unbalanced in that at cl22 you can wear the same uber crafted armour that a cl90 player can wear, so you go from zero protection to about 60% damage reduction.
Looted armour has level restrictions, crafted does not.
Move to Bria, Bloodfin , or Starsider they are thr busy Servers lots of people on them.
Simply put, move to Starsider. Avoid Chilastra at all costs. *Grins at Obraik*
I'd recommend checking out (and getting active in) the Ahazi forums on the offical forums here. Check the stickies you'll find there as you're likely to find some useful info specific to your server such as guilds suitable for you and possibly even chat channels. Take note of the Events thread too...attending events can be a great way to meet new people and they're one of the many cool things about SWG