Interested in trying this game out but every screenshot i see is of the same thing and not really my style, just wondering if theres any big cities or anything?
To see some good videos of the world go to Stage6 and do a search, they have some pretty good videos uploaded on there, dont have time to find and link them but you should have no trouble at all finding them.
Curious about why you wanna see esspecially citys.
For the buildings ? well there are the 4 capitals of each Land and other smaller cities in the different regions.
For playerhousing ? well houses don't build by players, you can own an instanced appartement in the city.
To see diferent activities in citys ? well most business like in any other MMO is done in citys.
To see scyscrapers ? wrong place those things don't fit in Atys.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
The main thing you have to remember when investigating Ryzom is that the entire planet is LITERALLY one living organism upon which the various creatures and four pc races live. The oddest thing for me to wrap my brain about when I first started was the complete lack of any sort of metal or indeed, of any type of stone. All the buildings were apparently either carved out of local trees/branches or were created in the spaces formed naturally in the vegetation.. I remember seeing at least one "building" in the city of Yrkanis (I THINK that was the city I saw it in) that incorporated the skeletal carapace of some giant centipede-like creature.
I remember taking my trykerette back to her apartment in Fairhaven.. through the windows you could sit for hours and watch the fish swim by (the Tryker apartments were all underwater)...
To see some good videos of the world go to Stage6 and do a search, they have some pretty good videos uploaded on there, dont have time to find and link them but you should have no trouble at all finding them.
Curious about why you wanna see esspecially citys.
For the buildings ? well there are the 4 capitals of each Land and other smaller cities in the different regions.
For playerhousing ? well houses don't build by players, you can own an instanced appartement in the city.
To see diferent activities in citys ? well most business like in any other MMO is done in citys.
To see scyscrapers ? wrong place those things don't fit in Atys.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
The main thing you have to remember when investigating Ryzom is that the entire planet is LITERALLY one living organism upon which the various creatures and four pc races live. The oddest thing for me to wrap my brain about when I first started was the complete lack of any sort of metal or indeed, of any type of stone. All the buildings were apparently either carved out of local trees/branches or were created in the spaces formed naturally in the vegetation.. I remember seeing at least one "building" in the city of Yrkanis (I THINK that was the city I saw it in) that incorporated the skeletal carapace of some giant centipede-like creature.
I remember taking my trykerette back to her apartment in Fairhaven.. through the windows you could sit for hours and watch the fish swim by (the Tryker apartments were all underwater)...
This game has huge cities!