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I have tried Eve recently, and it II feel has been the most unique and intresting game I have played in a long time, but the time involved to train, and the lack of control in battles(limited to lock target, shoot, etc) has swayed my decision to continue with this title.
I played AC a long time ago, and it had pretty much everythign I could want, but I left because of the mass number of bots and the total lack of control over them. Layley (2 months ago) I left RO because of the lack of bot control, lots of announcments and threats, but nothing done about them. I have also tried RYL(game has NO changes in the past 2 months, same beta I originaly logged onto) and other ones I have tried are priston tale(great game, except for the compleate lack of chara uniquness and quests) biosphere(the camera scared me away, rest of game was ok except for the mind mumbing leveling grind) and a couple others.
I want to try something that is new, that has no or few bots, and one that is prefarbly skill based, and not leveling grinders. AC was great, anything that is similar to that would float my boat. Anything to do while I wait for DF and WoW.
asherons call 2
Been playing for the last month!
Great Game!
Maxxxi - Frostfell - Asherons Call 2
did u know there are skills and items that can cause your ship to lock on faster than the other person in the same ship? Also did u know that your attributes, implants, and learning skills reduces the amount of time needed to learn a particular skill? Also, did u know there are specific skills needed to allow you to shoot further, faster, more accurate that caused more damage?
Also, there are items you can fit onto your ship that can double your damage output, etc? Also did u know you can get your ship up to 13 times faster than what it is design and built to do? O can shoot through a Pirate blockade to a stargate at 1800 speed when the frigate Im flying is only designed to do 225.
I am not meaning to sound "demeaning" but how long have you been playing EVE? Just curious
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
hood lord En1Gma you make me want to check this game out with that post, actually i am going to lol.
I actually don't know anyone that liked AC1 that liked AC2 too. Theres an 14 day trial go and try that but dont expect an sequel of AC1 else you will 100% be disappointed its more like an expanded diablo 3.
I liked the monthly updates only thing that keeped me nearly an year thats an neat feature.
I left AC1 after 3 years out of my own reasons but latley i have been sligtly tempted going back apart from the issues I had.
Edit: Going back to AC1 i ment if that was unclear sorry.
Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.
Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.
I started playing AC2 again, and quit only because it was a desert, I was lucky to run into someone every hour or so.
Well, psibot, now you know one. I played AC1 for about a year, quit, came back to it 2 times since and had fun each time except now there is too much dependance on buff bots, macros, etc for it to be enjoyable for me. I played AC2 on release and for 2 months thereafter, hated it so much that I swore I would never give any money to Turbine again. Just started playing again this month due to posts here and some friends. Must say it is a completely different game and I love it!
Moral of the story: People can like both AC1 and AC2 although there is some hatred between camps (which I don't understand).
As far as the poster who says he'd run into like one or two people in an hour... why do people post utter crap here that seems to have no basis in fact? There are hundreds of players playing all the time (400 in down times, 800+ peak) and probably 30-50 around 1 town, Cragstone, at any time. Go to any quest and you'll run into at least enough for a full group, usually more. Let me guess, you played on the PvP server? Either that or you're just bitter at Turbine for some reason or another and feel the need to lie to detract others from the game.
Nice to hear you found an game you like and you are the first one I know that likes both ACs.
Actually AC2 becoming an total new game got me of in the first place but that been awhile back.
You mite be willing to answer a few questions about the changed way:
When I had left
*) There was sort of Force grouping situaltion since soloing had become totally unintersting.
*) Major ninja looting issues.
*) Loot system had been majorly been degraded so all the stuff was way better than I could ever find again.
*) Loot had an certain copy skill clone problematic
*) Sickening time sink quest get 90 items (group only) to get item X and that for 5 char that made me go. sorry what they think that i am an mindless zombie?
id be really intersted because combat system was not bad but that ninja looting + force grouping +(at that time bad player mood) + mindnumbing quest was simply unbearable. How has this changed?
Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.
Light laughter and sweet water to you fellow adventures.
Any good games that don't require a monthly fee and are like EQ (as far as monsters, magic and the like), only no grinding, more story and more adventures?
*shrugs* Can't think of any.
Some good MMORPG's are Ragnarok Online, (two weeks free trial), Fairyland, (FREE! for now), Toontown, (3 day free trial), Conquer online, (I forget), and Star Wars Galaxies, (no free trial).
You should choose Ragnarok if you like fairly good graphics, and some pretty good action.
You should choose Fairyland if you like games that go on forever, lots of places to go to, and lots of quests.
You should pick Toontown if you like Disney, Cartoon, Friendly MMORPGs with lots to do.
You should pick Conquer if you're willing to wait the 7 hour download. And same reasons as Ragnarok.
You should choose Star Wars Galaxies if you're a huge fan of Star Wars like me, and you like the EverQuest, Morrowind type games.
If you need links to the free trials, I'll be happy to list them.
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
You have to have a bad day, to understand what a good day is.
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
You have to have a bad day, to understand what a good day is.
Yeah! Thanks, Kal! A list would be kewl! Especially along the lines of a RPG/D&D type game!!
Yay! My work's appreciated!
Oh yeah, I haven't tried There or Second Life yet, but by the looks of it, they look pretty awesome.
They're sort of like... living a second life. Haha.
Oh yeah, I should post those other links...
I think that's all....
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
You have to have a bad day, to understand what a good day is.
If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
You have to have a bad day, to understand what a good day is.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhaahhahahahaha ahahahhahahahahhahaahhahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahaha haahhaahahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahhahaahahhahaah ahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahhaahahhaahhaahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhaahhahahahaha ahahahhahahahahhahaahhahhahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahaha haahhaahahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahhahahahahhaahahahhahahahahahahhahaahahhahaah ahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahhaahahhaahhaahah
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
i would like to second that: "hahahaha... and so on" always nice to have a good laugh. Thanks roth.
Yeah, well... I thought I had come close with Neverwinter Nights, but they can't get their connectivity issues together... and I know I'm not going to go back to EQ... *sigh*
.. I can dream, can't I?
I you liek a game that relies on player ability and teamwork more than a level grind then have a look at DarkSpace. It's a space based 3d MMO which has some fun and interesting fleet battles. Its all real time and you have to defend planets from invasion and try to invade your enemies planets at the same time. These battles range across a wide game environment that is called the Metaverse.
From the first moment that you play you really can make a difference to what happens and how your paricular faction will fair in the Metaverse.
And a proud member of :-
DarkSpace Developer - Play DarkSpace - Play For Free!
Medusa Engine SDK - Free MMO Game Engine
Hampton Roads/East Coast Video Gamers Association
Did forget it takes months to get all those learning skills? And quadrillions of dollars to get those implants? And the same months to get that frigate up to that speed (oh and not have any weapons on it because they don't fit onto MWD's)?
For the time it takes to get to the fun, its not worth it at all..........