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Things are looking up in RV.

philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67

Make no mistake, RomaVictor is progressing slowly.  However, over the past 4 months there has been steady improvement and progress. 

Features and content are being added almost weekly.  Bugs are being fixed (albeit slowly).  Though game performance still has quite a ways to go, it has dramatically improved over the past 6 months.  This past week there were events furthering the storyline, after a very long wait.

Playing RV still requires a lot of patience, but it IS moving forward, slowly but surely.



  • shane910shane910 Member Posts: 359

     Well that is good news, considering I have two accounts just wasting away atm.  I still feel the game is not on the right track. Like I have said many times they listen to the minority, handfull of players with high post counts, and are amazed/stupified that the majority of their players have left.

     Honestly I would still be there if the game was only fun.Crafting is a 100% waste of time, time sink. And the pricing, ses to item price, ratio is set so that only a handfull of players are willing to pay.  The rest, wether they agree with me or not, have found ways to avoid having to invest their money...which speaks volumes. And you should have a way to progress your character's combat skills, through training, even when their are no players arround at that time.


     The crafting times should compliment the tasks they are preforming. The add times should not take 30 seconds(rl time) or so each item,maybe 5-10 seconds at most depending on what it is. Adding water would obviously take less time than it took to dig a hole...(retting pit anyone) And the final thing I will point out on that is, they need an add all button, that you can use not just a hired NPC...I don't mind adding to the project myself but having to click,click,, gets old real fast.


    Their pricing,both in game items and their verm, should be at acceptable levels where players say,"Hmm, I didn't play much last month so I will throw 5-10 dollars in to get caught up.", and not think twice about it.If the in game pricing was right, It should be like a drop in the bucket to buy a bit of ses.


     For the training they need hireable NPC sparring partners that you can train on for a limited ammount of time per day and have a limited ammount of gains per day in each skill. You could use them to max out your skills but it would take a long time and would require considerable ammount of money over that long period of time. So it would mainly be used a a substitute when noone is arround(like right now), or when everyone is busy.


     I am not holding my breath anymore, as I am currently disgusted with the game, but i do have some hope they will see reason and improve the game in these nessairy ways.

  • SocratusSocratus Member Posts: 19

    Well in my opinion the game has gotten much better. The game is way more stable than when I started, and lag has also been reduced a lot. Board changes take 2 seconds for me now, instead of the usual 20 minutes from crashing and reloading

    The main reason why I think some people hate this game so much is because they treat it like a chore... and they feel like it's abused them. It's really weird sometimes to see the love hate relationship people have with this game hehe. Crafting is a 100% waste of time? Well if you are crafting random shit that has no significance, yeah I guess so. If you are building towards something though, and you actually have a goal, it doesn't seem as pointless

    Really I'd suggest old players to give it a try again. We're seeing changes in response to player's feedback within a week of it being posted (barbarian animal handling bonuses, NPC caps) and the game is moving in the right direction in my opinion. If anyone was thinking of coming back but not sure, I'd suggest giving it another shot. I'm not saying this as a Pro Roma Victor fanboi trying to convert people into joining my cult, so I'd appreciate it if nobody picked this apart into 10 quotes telling me how I'm wrong... I'm just saying this as satisfied customer

  • philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67

    Every player is looking for different things in a game, and no one game will suit everyone.  Players who seek instant gratification will most likely not enjoy RomaVictor, and should go elsewhere.

    However, the game has a lot to offer for players who are more goal-oriented.

  • StugramStugram Member Posts: 18

    Shane, the npc labourers can now bulk add a lot of those 20 - 30 second items to a project. Everyone hated those add times, and RB responded, finally.

    Now all you need is a cart full of the raw material, e.g. firewood, and a labourer. You can command the labourer to add the material in one hit. Saves a lot of boring time.

  • shane910shane910 Member Posts: 359

    Originally posted by Stugram

    Shane, the npc labourers can now bulk add a lot of those 20 - 30 second items to a project. Everyone hated those add times, and RB responded, finally.
    Now all you need is a cart full of the raw material, e.g. firewood, and a labourer. You can command the labourer to add the material in one hit. Saves a lot of boring time.
     Yeah I know I am still kinda keeping up on the game.  Thats was why I had said they need to add a button that allows you to add all, not just a NPC.

      But mainly the add times themselves... I mean it takes 20-30 seconds to add firewood to a pile. When in real life it takes all of about 3-5 seconds.

     Digging a retting pit, I can understand the 20-30 seconds per for digging, but for the same with adding water,one pour at a time...I mean come on...   Give a pour all command on the amph. and then after you add all the water have a mix button to mix the mud, that would take 60 seconds or something. Making stuff so tedious is a big turn off in some instances.

      Their are more areas they need to look at times, but they are all obvious the ones that should be adjusted.

  • StugramStugram Member Posts: 18

    Well you can still add at the same time as the npc. The npc adds the whole cart instantly, so if you have for example 3 npcs labourers, and 3 carts of  firewood ready  you can just get labourer 1 to add 48 peices instantly, then get labourers 2 and 3 to do the same, and just finish the project and move on.


    It really has helped with those shit 20 sec adds. If you have your materials ready to go, you can finish up a site in 2 mins, you don't have to wait for the npcs to 'finish' adding, it adds immediately freeing yourself, and your projectsite up.


    Log piles are piece of cake now, 1 cart, 1 labourer to add the 48 logs in the cart- add in 2 logs and close the site. Only have to wait 40 secs to add those two logs manually (to make up the 50 required), then finish the project.


    I agree with you that some things are so boring and grindtastic, but at least the devs have listened somewhat, hopefully they continue to refine things.

  • SaorlanSaorlan Member Posts: 289

    The game sure is looking up Phil :)

    Tonight the lead developer KFR started the storyline going and fought with the barbarians to take over a Roman Fort.

    There were over one hundred Roman soldiers running at us and it both fun and scary. 

    This is the only true sandbox game out there where you can do what you want to do. It has alot of the features that darkfall promises to have. Gradually the game is really working out to be the game that it promised all those years ago.

    At ten pounds or $20 i can not think of a reason not to have a go.  


  • philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67

    The storylone has been kinda cool and exciting.  It has given the opportunity for some action and roleplaying.

    The devs are acting very responsibly with not overdoing it and being somewhat cautious.

    Bug fixes, tweaks, and features are also rolling out regularly.  Lately RB has reacted serious bugs almost immediately, introducing fixes as fast as possible.

    RomaVictor is not complete, and still has a long ways to go, but the RB dev team has been pushing ahead at an impressive rate for the past few months.

    If anyone wants to see some of the recent events and some of the roleplay aspects of the game, check out the 18th Legion site at

    We try to keep putting up reports and stories of in-game events so the public can SEE what some of it is like instead of sorting through through the forum crap.

  • philjwillphiljwill Member Posts: 80

    finally a thread with good info in it...

    How was the lag with the 100 NPC's? I heard a bit about it in IRC but I was a bit drunk so I didn't catch most of it.

    I wasn't too hopeful about the storyline after the british empire fiasco, but if it's shaping up to be good I might get another character at some point and give it a go.

  • philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67

    This weekend didn't seem bad with lag, but fps was horrible.  I don't normally get very good fps, but I was running at about 30% of what I normally do, on both the Campus Legio XVIII board and the board east of Via Cirsia Skara.  On VCS there were about 15 players, Brudei, and 40 Pict NPCs, plus it was raining. 

    Last weekend it was completely smooth for me and we had about 30 Pict NPCs and 5 legio NPCs on Campus XVIII board. plus 12-15 players.  No lag and no performance issues at all.

    I'm not sure what caused the difference.  Could have even been on my end.

  • StugramStugram Member Posts: 18

    The npc lag of old, i.e. corst raids, is gone nowadays. They did some update a while back to fix it, and since then it is pretty smooth.


    On occasion you still get a few lag spikes in combat, but not that 20 min teleporting battle lag that used to exist.

  • CynewulfCynewulf Member Posts: 17

    It is easy to dismiss the eternal sunshine of the spotless fanbois, like Kemarik, but philz and Stugram have both been critics more often than fanbois of RV, entirely appropriate, too, given the state of the game for so many months. Philz has even gotten a bit of a forum-ban in the past for his orneriness. Heh. I'm guessing that the game is improving a good deal, and I'm glad to hear of it. Hopefully, it can overcome its tarnished reputation with time, as well.

    I seriously doubt I'll ever return, since as someone else once said about returning to RV "that boat has sailed," but it's nice to see that it isn't ending ignominiously any time soon.

  • philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67

    Good to see you still check in.

    There is still a great amount of work ahead for RV.  But, the rate of improvement lately has been very encouraging.

    I'm sure people try to talk you into coming back, Cyne.  Honestly though, as much as it has improved, a return at this point would not be good for you.

    Combat is picking up, but it isn't as PvP-heavy as you would be happy with.  Hopefully it will continue to move that direction again as the player base grows.

  • The_HulksterThe_Hulkster Member Posts: 16

    I don't see many in the middle of SEC or Cil. during US evenings.

    Politics seem pretty similar, but less drama that I can see.

    Nothing really sticks out to me to sit at a game for 8 hours waiting for someone to possibly log in.

    I still log in from time to time, but not much for me to do other than shuffle stuff around in my inventory and take a bath.




    Well, if anyone finds a new game that is fun, let us know.

  • Sir-RealSir-Real Member Posts: 27

    Player numbers seem to have went down again, I am inclined to think it is because KFR has been posting very little on the forum lately. Apparently he's extremely busy getting ballistics done.


  • philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67
    Originally posted by The_Hulkster

    I don't see many in the middle of SEC or Cil. during US evenings.
    Politics seem pretty similar, but less drama that I can see.
    Nothing really sticks out to me to sit at a game for 8 hours waiting for someone to possibly log in.
    I still log in from time to time, but not much for me to do other than shuffle stuff around in my inventory and take a bath.
    Well, if anyone finds a new game that is fun, let us know.

    Don't be afraid to come down to Campus Legio XVIII and hang out if you are bored.  Also, feel free to drop into our Ventrilo.

  • TozzTozz Member Posts: 2

    I can only agree with philz50 here.
    I had lost confidence in this game quite a few times, but recently, they did not only iron out all the major showstoppers, but also a plethora of minor bugs.
    Add to that a lot of new content. It is hardly the same game anymore. Sure, a LOT still needs to be done, but the amount of new players we get each day now (and even Vets returning) speaks for itself.
    For the more impatient, i would suggest waiting a few more weeks/months before returning, but it sure is worth checking out now.
    This game is not dead, on the contrary. It is just about to start. Had it been released in the state it is now, we'd have had none of the RV bashing we've all become used to, unfortunately.


  • MaurizioMaurizio Member UncommonPosts: 162

    I tend to disagree, for the sake of new players with much of whats said...

    Dont get me wrong, i can agree fully that the game is in much better state now then it was when it started, and also then it was 6 months ago. But none the less, there are very small but very important things that are just not even looked at. Take out the fact that there are some very nice new thigns in game. Also take out the fact that yes there is some nice building thigns. But lets dig deeper.

    The ultimate freedom that was written as a feature is hardly any freedom at all. You must build a guildhall before you can unlock a board to build on. That leaves the hermit players that might just want to live on their own with perhaps 2 friends or so, cannot do that.

    For some reason you still cannot do anything in forest grounds, some people like to beable to build inside a forest for more protection. Im not going to say anything about the lack of walls and fences, as that is something that will be in eventually, so its not that big a deal. But lets move on.

    We now, move on to the extreamly unbalanced game mechanincs. The featuers tell you its real time combat, but, if you look further into it, its nothing different then an automated combat system, as even though it is twitched based, it still works on a dice roll whether you land the hit or not.  Exm. comeing up behind a person and attacking him with out him seeing you does not mean you are going to kill him, that char auto dodges, blokcs, and parries shots he would have never seen. So real time or not its all the same as any other automated system. THese are the little things I am talking about, the lack of mechanic systems to support more then just the normal swing, and more about tactics such as flanking and so on.

    So lets now get away from all of that, and move to something I feel a bit more important when it comes to sandbox games... For me that is the factor of command and conquer. In some games like Guild wars they focus stricly on that command and conquer for pvpers to have fun, in a sandbox such as RV that aspect WAS supposed to be there in different ways as stated in features. But what is really in the game is no where near possible. Battles are not really fought to do anything to the village/towns you have built. nor can you really do anything with fortifications. Instead battles take about  1 to 2 hours to set up between traveling and gathering of the players, and then you go into a 20 to 40 man battle which lasts a whole 10 mins... And im actually being genourous with the time, becuase it is useually alot less. After that fact the battle is over and the players spawn in different locations when they come out of the afterlife. Only losing one item when they come back to life.

    Moral of the story, Yes RV is being worked on and is in much much better shape now then it ever was, but the missing content that was said to be the features are a hugh downer as those things are what make the game.  So for those of you possible new players, do alot of reading up on this game before you throw yourself at it from the false advertisements given by both fanboy's and also the game company themselves. You will also see if you look back in any of my posts, that i have never been a fanboy nor a hater of RV, I just have told it how it was/is as I feel new players should know about comming in.

    Luck to you all

  • blutigfaustblutigfaust Member UncommonPosts: 129

    As much as Ive dissagreed with maur in the past, I'd have to say he is 'spot on' in this post.

    Current games playing: MechWarrior Online
    Games being watched:  Project Genom
    Favorite played games: SWG, RomaVictor, and Xsyon

  • randomtrandomt Member UncommonPosts: 1,220

    Over the weekend I decided to redownload RV and give it another shot.. I had played it a bit before they 'released', and wanted to see if it was playable yet.


    Entered the game after making a new character.. wanted to see if i could get the graphics to not look like something off a commodor 64, so exited the game, which made my pc lock up for some reason (after 10 minutes of waiting for the game to shutdown I rebooted).  Great, now I could set the options for video on the launcher.. oh there are no such options, and anything that could be set to make it look better is already set.  Ok.  I can live with bad graphics if the game is playable and fun.


    Went back in and started doing the first and second tasks... saw 2 other players messing around.  While talking to an npc, the whole chat box decided to start scrolling up on its own, and stay scrolled up, so that any info the game put there was impossible to see. Hurmph.  Ok, shut down the game again.. woops, looks like its gone and gotten stuck on shutdown just like the first time.


    Hmm.  So then I went off and played an fps, and decided to forget about RV again.

  • MaurizioMaurizio Member UncommonPosts: 162


    Originally posted by randomt

    Over the weekend I decided to redownload RV and give it another shot.. I had played it a bit before they 'released', and wanted to see if it was playable yet.
    Entered the game after making a new character.. wanted to see if i could get the graphics to not look like something off a commodor 64, so exited the game, which made my pc lock up for some reason (after 10 minutes of waiting for the game to shutdown I rebooted).  Great, now I could set the options for video on the launcher.. oh there are no such options, and anything that could be set to make it look better is already set.  Ok.  I can live with bad graphics if the game is playable and fun.
    Went back in and started doing the first and second tasks... saw 2 other players messing around.  While talking to an npc, the whole chat box decided to start scrolling up on its own, and stay scrolled up, so that any info the game put there was impossible to see. Hurmph.  Ok, shut down the game again.. woops, looks like its gone and gotten stuck on shutdown just like the first time.
    Hmm.  So then I went off and played an fps, and decided to forget about RV again.

     LOL, Sorry to hear you had that bad of a 2nd impression. I mean i know how bad RV really can be, and really you only have seen a small piece of it with the problems you encountered. Good post by the way, as you just told it how it is and nothing more. People can at least look at the limited honest comments made about the game.

  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925

    Funny how things change.

    When I got the game at launch and posted the terrible state it was in ,I got fanboys trying to eat me alive claiming it was all false and paradise was found.

    Now I see people complaining and fans actually saying the game still needs work .WOW!

    When did the fans lose their RV faith ?

  • philz50philz50 Roma Victor CorrespondentMember Posts: 67

    Of course it needs work.  It is incomplete.  However, it has improved significantly of late.  That is why the thread title is "Things are looking up...," instead of, "RV is complete and flawless."

  • blutigfaustblutigfaust Member UncommonPosts: 129

    Even in it's current condition , it should never have been released. Now it getting worse because RB is adding invisible barriers to a supposed "sandbox" type game. armor restrictions,safe zones,building restrictions, etc. etc. they cant even keep track of the games "working as intended" rules. the lead dev is more wrong than right when he states how he "believes" it to be functioning.  even after being told countless times "IT'S NOT WIORKING". with the little progress thats been made, it's still a poor excuse for a released game.

    And the Fans lose faith because the lead dev is more stubborn than a hillbilly jackass. he cant see thru his narrow mindedness to see he's killing the game.

    Current games playing: MechWarrior Online
    Games being watched:  Project Genom
    Favorite played games: SWG, RomaVictor, and Xsyon

  • MaurizioMaurizio Member UncommonPosts: 162

    Originally posted by hercules

    Funny how things change.
    When I got the game at launch and posted the terrible state it was in ,I got fanboys trying to eat me alive claiming it was all false and paradise was found.
    Now I see people complaining and fans actually saying the game still needs work .WOW!
    When did the fans lose their RV faith ?

    My position on the game always was never fanboy nor critic but always tell it how it is type position... And it hasnt changed.  

    But i will tell you when i lost faith.... It happened when getting banned actually opened my eyes again to much more of the outside world... Having the ablility to actually play other games without having false hopes of a game having potential.  So what really helped open my eyes? Wurm Online...  You wanna talk about sandbox, wurm is a sandbox... You wanna talk about things done right, at least for the sense of game play... Well wurm online did that right. I along with the 15 other players that play/played RV and have come to wurm have also realized what they have been missing for sooo long. In wurm theres no need to try and buy people on hey there is potential, because the game play speaks for itself.

    So, my suggestion to everyone that takes breaks every other month, to actaully try something new, also in about a month from now there will be a new game on market which is also going to be a true sandbox, once you happen to pull yourself away from RV enough to realize how much better it is without it the better off you are.

    lol anyway, thats how this fan here lost his RV faith, and im surely glad about it.  Also what this post above mine says speaks also truth.

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