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I was a Runescape member and I am now banned, because I broke the rule #11: Website Adverstising.
I am blocked to entire " 401 the website is blocked by administrator " message appear. I move to my friend's house and I looked at my blackmarks. I got only 0.1 blackmarks, and my friend got 0.7 and isn't banned. I want you to know that the website I told to my friend was a website for Runescape help (quests, skills guide, and more). There was not inapropriate content. So I post an appeal to ban/offense, and 1 day after they told me that they appreciate apologize, but that my offense is still there. So I post another apologize to Jagex staff in my friend's house.
Can someone give me details? How long should I wait before I can play? Why am I banned if someone who got more blkmarks than me isn't banned? What's the best way to recover my account? What message is good for an appeal ban/offense? Any details?
Thank you for the attention you pay to my thread !!
(¯\-- Please Jagex, another chance? --/¯)
I'm not sure when you'll be able to play again; but if you want to talk to RuneScape friends it's best to use an IM like xfire, then you can swear and say URLs. The RuneScape censor can be extremely annoying.
BTW you should have posted this in the RuneScape forum.
Qaze - Atheist, Nihilist, Sadist.
Mudkip Video
Xfire= Qaze3000 - Add me if you're not a total retard.
And most of the GM's for jagex dont go off banning without a real reason, that said site might have been against the rules, and a GM might of seen you say it, blackmarks or not, rules are the rules.
Can you play on your friend's computer? If you have only 0.1 blackmarks you should be able to.
And the person that told you that they appreciated the apology was a computer.
This is the first time I've ever heard of someone being IP banned for anything other than gold-farming, so I'm not really sure what to do.
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
Maybe you should try changing your static IP address. That might work.
Qaze - Atheist, Nihilist, Sadist.
Mudkip Video
Xfire= Qaze3000 - Add me if you're not a total retard.
This is where Jagex's customer service is really bad. I disagree with the poster that the GM's have a good reason when banning people, in fact I know of moms, dads, grandmas, and english teachers that were wrongfully banned ( they did not commit the offense that they were banned for.) Basically you have no recourse when you are banned wrongfully or not. As Jagex puts it " ALL PLAYER ACCOUNTS ARE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF JAGEX LTD." So basically all the time you spend on your accounts mean nothing to them, and they can and will ban your account at any time they see fit with or without just cause. In the years I played runescape ( up until the down dates of last fall) I have seen them make scammers and hackers player mods and ban the people they scammed instead. I have seen them ban an english teacher for giving free stuff to her students that played. I have seen grandmothers banned for helping out the kids. I have seen player mods muted edgville because they didn;t want to be a mod anymore. The list goes on and on ... anyhow, your chances of being unbanned are not very good considering either you have to pull some strings within Jagex or find some illegal means around their system to get back in either way I wouldn;t think it was worth the trouble considering you will be dealing with the same people all over again in customer support.
If i were you, i would be very patient. It can take a while, due to the terrible custamor service, to get a reply back. And even if you do, they refuse to admit that they are wrong. Hopefuly you convinced them enough - but hat would be pretty hard.
Good Luck
You might have gotten .1 blackmars, but you probably have been permanetly banned from your IP address? (Don't know too much bout computers LOL) Anyway, Jagex once again screws up (as always) and you can either wait to see what happens or just quit all together and find a new game...
Best of luck to what ever you do mate.
every time that u can press apeal and then write anything that has 200 or more words they don't read it anyways that is wat i did. if they don't accept wait 4 days . i am telling u this by experience.
by:username for rs(naruto imp 1)
I really doubt its worth it anymore...
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.