Hey it says in the manual that theres a color on your HUD thats displays how good your cover is but idk where it is? what color displays how good my cover is?
while your being shot there is the marker that flashes around your guns targeting marker ( not sure what you call it ) to tell you where you are being hit from . It changes colors from red being no cover to yellow 50% cover , and i think there is a orange for 25% cover . it is a very quick flash so have to be looking for it
its the bottom left, the template that holds you hp and xp and logos bar.
If it's red your spotted.
If it's blue your in the clear,
and if its blue with a flashing grey hue, then you are in the clear and regenrating.
Just another handsome boy graduate...
while your being shot there is the marker that flashes around your guns targeting marker ( not sure what you call it ) to tell you where you are being hit from . It changes colors from red being no cover to yellow 50% cover , and i think there is a orange for 25% cover . it is a very quick flash so have to be looking for it
That flash on your target reticule also indicates the direction the fire is coming from.
So above - in front, below - behind, left - left, right - right.