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Ok I have to admit I haven't played it very long when I played but i enjoyed it everytime, but I have been playing LOTRO, FFXI, Tabula Rasa, etc and am feeling like I should finally give in. Mind you I only got to level 15 everytime i played because of something always happening that made me quit, so should I go to WoW now? What is the state of the game (ok i know its awesome already lol) community, ok for new people like me, etc. Thanks a lot!
I don't know... I returned a month ago.. it's a bit depressing, people questing alone and all that. Maybe if you can find a good low level guild. I'm trying.
Lol, I dont even know why your asking. If you only made it to lvl 15 each time, there is more than enough content to keep you happy. If you enjoyed it then, nothing has changed. Plus, If you actually stick with it this time ... you might top off level by the time the new xpac releases.
Ive since quit myself. Ive played on and off since a couple months after release. Now Im playing EQ2 till WAR or AOC. Nothing wrong with Wow at all, but after a few years it was tiem to move on ...... till I get sucked back in .
What altair said can be very true, especially for lower pop realms. Make sure you choose a high population relam so you get a lot of reroll players to group with. It should help a bit in the long run.
k thanks ya i plan on sticking with it a lot more now since i was always being interrupted before lol, but ya im definately going to try AoC since i have been waiting forever and in all honesty if it gets pushed back again it wouldnt surprise me since i think it wants a homerun launch. im happy i quit tabula rasa when i did, because i guess they messed up the jobs with the last update lol. one game i loved though was FFXI, though took hours to find a group and took many days to level lol
I am in a casual low level guild myself. I am on the server Caelestraz.
i dunno if u should return to wow.. i have returned many times, and got tired over and over....... maybe not for me
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A couple recent changes: classes are starting to finally balance out more; mid and upper-levels go a bit quicker now (that is until you get to 60, then it slows down again); there seems to be a little less nonsense as I think the rowdy attention deficit teens have mostly moved on (and will continue to leave with the release of WAR and AoC); Outland is very fun and worth dedicating the time to get to 58 (which is shortened); etc.
I think most people seem to be fairly new player friendly (at least on my server), but keep in mind some of the auction house items are grossly over-priced due to an established economy. Of course, you can use that to your advantage as well, or find a younger (newer) server on which to start over.
I've had an account since release, and played many pre-WoW MMO games (and some post), and it continues to be my favorite game of the genre. I think it's still pretty young in its life-cycle and can only get better.
I have done this same thing as many come and go. There isnt much out there so I have fun for a few months then get bored and find other things to do. The arena was fun at first but once you get 2k+ your team only wants to run it 10 times a week and that takes maybe 2 hours and its done for the week. BGs still boring, no open world pvp and raiding is about as fun as watching paint dry. I dont know its a love hate thing I guess but in the end there really isnt anything to it other than a big grind and gear collection.
I have to say the same as the others. I took a break, then came back again and now I'm getting bored again.
I'm going to wait and see until there is more info about WOTLK. Where is the *gasp* shock surprise like with TBC and Alliance getting shamans, Horde getting paladins and the new playable races. There was a lot of hope.
I will find it hard to imagine that Blizzard won't deliver a "curved ball". It can't all be about death knight, inscription and level cap to 80, can it? I hope not, if it is, sounds a bit 'meh'.
No annoying animated GIF here!
TBH, being a super WoW HATER... I had nothing else to do, no other option; BUT to play WoW.
So I just recently subscribed, and after 2 seconds got an invite to Kara, then Magtheridon after that...
Around an hour after that my guildee's go questing etc... So its kind of fun.
If you're in an end-game guild, have A LOT of friends.... go ahead.
The people on my server, all of them I have known from 2-3 years...
Played almost everything...
Currently playing nothing...
Waiting for: Darkfall, WAR, Guild Wars 2.
I would suggest you try other games before considering going back to WoW again.
I think it's a bad idea to returning to a previous game after trying only 2 or 3 others.
There are games out there that really are worth a try. If you're at least a little into PvP, I would personally suggest :
- Eve Online (make sure to give it its chance, it's not noob friendly and you might falsely find it boring, which it is not). There is a 14 days trial available.
- or Guild Wars (no trial available I think, you'll have to try to find a buddy key somewhere)
These are two very polished games, which need to be tried by every player who's looking for a (new) MMO, imho.
If you're more of a PvE player, then I don't understand you and don't have anything to suggest ^^
Waiting for: GW2
*thumbs up*: GW, Eve(, WoW)
*thumbs down*: MO, GA, FE
Now most of that is for people who have already made their way thru the existing content and are at max level already, so if you're looking for more content in the 1-70 range, than I don't think the expansion is gonna have much in the way of that. The trend seems to be that additional content in the 1-70 range is added via the patches and the expansions are primarily to extend the game into new areas for those already at max level.
I do not believe that patches since TBC have added enough for those between 1-60 to warrant resubscribing.
No annoying animated GIF here!
Anyone else sick of seeing these threads everyday??
If you know the game is "awesome" already then play it and quit asking other peoples opinions.
......if I was a mod here.......