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Ever since th January newsletter, news has been very slow in coming. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands and go out and find news for you! Sadly, this didn't work out so well, so we were forced to make up some news. So here you go!
(Note) This interview is a satire, and in no way reflects the views of EA Mythic, Warhammer Conflict or any sane person on earth.
Do you have a question for Bucky? If so, post your question in the thread at the link above, and we'll try to get Bucky to answer the question(s) for you.
There have been many rumors regarding stealth and it's existence in the game, could we settle this?
Will WAR feature what makes every war worthwhile, looting the cookies?
Will all squigs have eyes or only every tenth one?
Many are concerned for the graphics and how they look, any comments?
It's been confirmed that Wrenn is copying my use of orange colored posts, what do you think about this?
~ Ancient Membership ~
My Goldstein was nice enough to answer your questions. They are posted in the same thread as the orignial news story! Hope his answers were helpful!
Oh and Godliest... looks like Wrenn changed to yellow...
LAWL! Well at least I'm not the only one who has thought the information flow from EA Mythic has seemed to dry up lately. I know they are putting work into the game an all, but hell give me something to salavate over if you won't give me a dang Beta key.
The answer to my question about stealth was simply hilarious. Laughed... a lot. Thanks for the "info", keep it going.
Not sure about playing WAR if their developers are going to be this stupid.
Not sure about playing WAR if their developers are going to be this stupid.
Fanboi alert!
Greenstumps.... have you read that part?
I fully agree that there has been little or no information since the newsletter, but this is just plain stupid...
Greenstumps.... have you read that part?
I'm not sure he has *requotes just make sure people who missed the joke see it*
Hehehe hilarious jabs at WoW
Warhammer Conflict: What about advertising? WOW has had a lot of success with their recent ad campaign featuring the likes of Mr. T and William Shatner. Are any Hollywood stars endorsing WAR?
Bucky: Sure! Al Pacino. His commercial is being shot right now. It involves Pacino, playing as a Swordmaster, sneaking up on a Witch Elf as she is bathing in a river. When he says, “Say hello to my little friend!” it is pretty funny.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Not sure about playing WAR if their developers are going to be this stupid.
Fanboi alert!
It may be a joke but it's a stupid stereotype that i've heard too much already, fact is WOW is a great mmorpg and theres people of all ages playing it like any mmorpg, difference is WOW has more people playing of all age groups seeing as it has 10 million and other games have about 200k.
Just don't think it was a great thing to say becuase it should be "aslong as it's a good game WOW will never die" and I bet theres more adults playing that game than kids.
Not sure about playing WAR if their developers are going to be this stupid.
Fanboi alert!
It may be a joke but it's a stupid stereotype that i've heard too much already, fact is WOW is a great mmorpg and theres people of all ages playing it like any mmorpg, difference is WOW has more people playing of all age groups seeing as it has 10 million and other games have about 200k.
Just don't think it was a great thing to say becuase it should be "aslong as it's a good game WOW will never die" and I bet theres more adults playing that game than kids.
Lighten up Frances! It was clearly a joke.
Again, take everything that was said in the "interview" with a grain of salt. The truth is that I love World of Warcraft, myself. "Bucky's" statement was based on what many people say about the game. The little jab at Warhammer Alliance was intended in good humor as well. Yes, they have a lot of locked posts . . . but if people break the rules (which are clearly stated on the site) it's their right to lock the posts if they so choose.
This "interview" is a sarcastic, over-the-top commentary. Don't take a single word seriously.
Now . . I need more questions to ask "Bucky"!
1. Are orkapults going to stay in the game?
2. Will there be pie eating contests & are the chaos really going to eat Empire Chocolate Steak Pie?
3. Are there emotes in the game that are awsome british slang? I'd really like to have an emote that tells someone to Bugger off or yell Blood Hell you Wanker.
4. Since the servers are on a MAE are we going to see a huge decrease in latency?
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Not sure about playing WAR if their developers are going to be this stupid.
Hah... you dont happen to be 10, do you?
you dont happen to play WoW, do you?
He does Mal...he pratically slathers the game into like every post on every thread he posts too for every game even SWG...i feel sorry for him when the SWG Vet's see that post...
seriously though its all for a good laugh Bucky is not a real Mythic dev...lighten up peeps and post some questions lol so we can see what Bucky says!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Bucky has answered your questions. (By the way, those were some odd questions!)
Of course they're odd questions lol All the good ones have been countlessly used up. *looks around* plus Bucky seems like he might enjoy em.
Besides everyone is so serious these days...
Well ok the 1st question and the last question are legitiment since there are orkapults (seen in the last podcast) and in another interview somewhere they talked about being on the East Coast MAE ... awsome ansers of course.
The emotes i meant like animations / sound bites / warcries but eh..I've had a long day my brain is worn out lol
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Will WAR be comming to any consols?
When is the release date?
Can you get me a beta invite?
If my GF or Wife is not a gamer what about WAR would get her interested in playing?
If I use the skill "kick to the jibblies" (I think thats the name) more than any other skill will I get a "Cheap shot specialist" title or something of the sorts?
Ok I know these questions are pretty stupid and I wont blame you for not awnsering them BUT........I am interested to see bucky's awnsers to at least a couple common questions
Bucky has answered your questions.
Not sure about playing WAR if their developers are going to be this stupid.
Fanboi alert!
It may be a joke but it's a stupid stereotype that i've heard too much already, fact is WOW is a great mmorpg and theres people of all ages playing it like any mmorpg, difference is WOW has more people playing of all age groups seeing as it has 10 million and other games have about 200k.
Just don't think it was a great thing to say becuase it should be "aslong as it's a good game WOW will never die" and I bet theres more adults playing that game than kids.
Please we all know this and it's pretty much an useless post in my humble opinion. Also, it's true that WoW has kids, so it will be in WAR and it's fine. But about betting there's more adults playing.. hmm being an adult doesn't make you more mature sometimes... or most of the time. And no I won't bet on that, I'm actually sure there's more kids playing WoW (and yeah.. it's fine for me).
I don't want to be harsh but that "answer" touched your nerves and that's a fact, so swallow it and don't really complain because in the end... it's a good "answer".
Rofl Elvenangel!
Seriously it remind me *hmm of... hmmm... Sornin...* who got in Beta.. you should get in just by what you write in your post.
A question or two or three to Becky...
Will I be abble to choose/under take the path of a Khorne Champion?
Will I be abble to be a TrolGiantDragon Slayer? (it is shown on the video teaser trailer)
Can I be great in WAR whereas I was never great in other MMORPGs?
EDIT: I'm sorry guys for double posting. Cheers!
Thanks Grom! btw nice Questions!
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Bucky has answered your questions!