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this game is still alive and is still alot of low lvl people because there is so many jobs avalible also i still see alot of new people.So who ever post first ill give away the key and where you need to go if you dont know so provide your email address or ill pm you. my world is sereph
me! just PM me
Xen of Onslaught
ok i sent you a pm hope to see you soon in name is darkspartan so feel free to /tell me in game but i just recently came back so i have to relearn everything to
I would like to try the game. please.
only had one but other people with buddy passess are welcome to post them here
well i got the downloader for it, but it keeps saying Failure and cannot connect to server =( not sure what to do?
Xen of Onslaught
I'm pretty sure, but not 100%, that you need the physical discs to install the game onto your computer before being able to use the buddy pass. SE does not offer any type of digital download that I am aware of. The buddy passes were seemingly created for real life friends who you let borrow the CD, put it on their computer, and then they use the buddy pass to create an account. If they then want to continue playing they have to pay, plus they need to buy registration codes for any expansion that is installed on their computer.
In essence, I think you need the discs to install the game in order to use the buddy pass.. I may be wrong though.
aww that sucks
is there any violation of the TOS for someone to create a ISO of the disks and place them on a torrent? To my knowledge it isnt illegal to make copies of a mmog as long as people dont "sell" them.
Xen of Onslaught
I'm pretty sure that is, in fact, a violation of the TOS even though you are under a special case. Best look elsewhere .
I'm actually looking for a buddy pass too. A few friends of mine from uni want to find a game to play together over the summer, so I thought I might try out FFXI. I've tried looking for the starter pack, but retailers in Canada don't seem to have them in stock... Unless I have to go to EBGames in person to look for one. Not exactly willing to dish out $30+ to try out a game that I'm not even sure I'll stick to.
So.. yeah. Unless there really is a starter pack for sale at EBGames somewhere in Toronto, I'd be glad to take a buddy pass if you guys have any spare.