That's an awesome post, and I love her attitude. Do whatever makes fun for you. You don't have to be lead by the hand for fun. The fun's there, find it for yourself. That chessboard is the bomb btw. Expensive as all get out though. lol
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
Im always amazed with some of the ideas people come up with to decorate their home. I always check out the Norrathian Homeshow forum over on the official EQ2 forums, some great looking ideas in there.
That is so cool. wish I had the decorating skills these guys have... take sme hours to get my books lined up on a bookcase
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Lao-Tze
That is just amazingly cool. Wow. Especially given that there really isn't that much to work with since there aren't that many objects for home decorating.
Yeah it is pretty amazing. I've been in that house and had a look around, and it's simply stunning work.
Not many items to dress up houses with Moirae? Well I have to disagree with you my friend. I'm currently grinding an alt through the carpenter tradeskill, and have found an amazing amount of stuff. Sure the majority of it is chairs, tables, bookcases, etc, but there are numerous unique items to be found. Most a carpenter crafts, but some come from status merchants or quest and collection rewards. 1 particular item used in this chessboard was a collection item, which the player in question obviously begged guildies to donate so she could gather 8 of them to make the dark squares.
Plus you have to remember that thanks to a new tradeskill dev the house items are getting a massive upheaval right now, and new items are coming out with every game update. Why just this week we have loads of new items to make with the Valentines (Erollisi) event.
I love my carpenter, and spend a huge amount of my gaming time playing around with my houses.
Roll on guild halls!
Currently returned to Norrath after disliking Hyboria.
That's an awesome post, and I love her attitude. Do whatever makes fun for you. You don't have to be lead by the hand for fun. The fun's there, find it for yourself. That chessboard is the bomb btw. Expensive as all get out though. lol
"Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."
Im always amazed with some of the ideas people come up with to decorate their home. I always check out the Norrathian Homeshow forum over on the official EQ2 forums, some great looking ideas in there.
That is so cool. wish I had the decorating skills these guys have... take sme hours to get my books lined up on a bookcase
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
That is just amazingly cool. Wow. Especially given that there really isn't that much to work with since there aren't that many objects for home decorating.
Yeah it is pretty amazing. I've been in that house and had a look around, and it's simply stunning work.
Not many items to dress up houses with Moirae? Well I have to disagree with you my friend. I'm currently grinding an alt through the carpenter tradeskill, and have found an amazing amount of stuff. Sure the majority of it is chairs, tables, bookcases, etc, but there are numerous unique items to be found. Most a carpenter crafts, but some come from status merchants or quest and collection rewards. 1 particular item used in this chessboard was a collection item, which the player in question obviously begged guildies to donate so she could gather 8 of them to make the dark squares.
Plus you have to remember that thanks to a new tradeskill dev the house items are getting a massive upheaval right now, and new items are coming out with every game update. Why just this week we have loads of new items to make with the Valentines (Erollisi) event.
I love my carpenter, and spend a huge amount of my gaming time playing around with my houses.
Roll on guild halls!
Currently returned to Norrath after disliking Hyboria.