PSU has this crappy online system for the 360... you have to call microsoft support to get it canceled.. and they will actually try to sell you shit, and ask why you want to, its really annoying...
Plus.. i love XI.. its a great game.. just slow and time consuming at times.and your first update will take a good 2 hrs xP... oh well ... you could just wait for Age of Conan to be released!
but if you decide to play FFXI... you can hit me up on the Kujata server... name is Eheaubaut ;p
I love FFXI and I really like PSU... when PSU first came out, it sucked. There's TONS new stuff though. Play FFXI if you are looking for a more dedicated, hardcore mmo... play PSU if you just want to pick up and go.
PSU has had some really bad press, and I have never heard one good comment aimed its way. FFXI takes allot of time, its a very slow game and very few people seem to join now days, I played it for a very long time and its all too slow and the game does not really kick off until 75 (end game) where most people burnout. And, if you have other commitments such as school/work/relationship I would really give it a miss haha, the game eats your soul. I think AOC will be out on 360 at the same time as PC, perhaps wait a bit?
PSU has had some really bad press, and I have never heard one good comment aimed its way. FFXI takes allot of time, its a very slow game and very few people seem to join now days, I played it for a very long time and its all too slow and the game does not really kick off until 75 (end game) where most people burnout. And, if you have other commitments such as school/work/relationship I would really give it a miss haha, the game eats your soul. I think AOC will be out on 360 at the same time as PC, perhaps wait a bit?
AOC comes out to the 360 6-8 months after pc....but ya...ff11 is a bit slow...but well worth it...if you have 5 hours a day to play....then ff11 is for you...psu is very simple and only has 4 classes if i remeber correctly....
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
are you sure your not is 12.95 a rip.....its less than most other mmorpg out at the moment.....and you get hundred of hours of entertainment....
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
are you sure your not is 12.95 a rip.....its less than most other mmorpg out at the moment.....and you get hundred of hours of entertainment....
Hes just another one of them FFXI haters... or one of the people that refuse to pay a monthly fee for a good game.
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
are you sure your not is 12.95 a rip.....its less than most other mmorpg out at the moment.....and you get hundred of hours of entertainment....
Hes just another one of them FFXI haters... or one of the people that refuse to pay a monthly fee for a good game.
PSU has this crappy online system for the 360... you have to call microsoft support to get it canceled.. and they will actually try to sell you shit, and ask why you want to, its really annoying...
Plus.. i love XI.. its a great game.. just slow and time consuming at times.and your first update will take a good 2 hrs xP... oh well ... you could just wait for Age of Conan to be released!
but if you decide to play FFXI... you can hit me up on the Kujata server... name is Eheaubaut ;p
I have played both games (hope that counts as credibility!) and every other person I know who played both games have left PSU by now.
I love FFXI and I really like PSU... when PSU first came out, it sucked. There's TONS new stuff though. Play FFXI if you are looking for a more dedicated, hardcore mmo... play PSU if you just want to pick up and go. question
PSU has had some really bad press, and I have never heard one good comment aimed its way. FFXI takes allot of time, its a very slow game and very few people seem to join now days, I played it for a very long time and its all too slow and the game does not really kick off until 75 (end game) where most people burnout. And, if you have other commitments such as school/work/relationship I would really give it a miss haha, the game eats your soul. I think AOC will be out on 360 at the same time as PC, perhaps wait a bit?
AOC comes out to the 360 6-8 months after pc....but ya...ff11 is a bit slow...but well worth it...if you have 5 hours a day to play....then ff11 is for you...psu is very simple and only has 4 classes if i remeber correctly....
I am more casual. So is FFXI a good game for casuals
ffxi no doubt ! ^^
no...its a hadrcore game so i guess psu is for u
no...its a hadrcore game so i guess psu is for u
How many hours a week does it take for you to be competive in FFXI?
no...its a hadrcore game so i guess psu is for u
How many hours a week does it take for you to be competive in FFXI?
hmmm 30-35 hours a week imo...when i was playing it i used to play 40-45 hours a week its fun though
no...its a hadrcore game so i guess psu is for u
How many hours a week does it take for you to be competive in FFXI?
hmmm 30-35 hours a week imo...when i was playing it i used to play 40-45 hours a week its fun though
Hmm I guess I will try FFXI and if I don't have time for it I can always get PSU. Thanks
no...its a hadrcore game so i guess psu is for u
How many hours a week does it take for you to be competive in FFXI?
hmmm 30-35 hours a week imo...when i was playing it i used to play 40-45 hours a week its fun though
Hmm I guess I will try FFXI and if I don't have time for it I can always get PSU. Thanks
np man hope you enjoy
There is a demo of Phantasy Start Universe on the Xbox live market place, you might want to try that out.
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
are you sure your not is 12.95 a rip.....its less than most other mmorpg out at the moment.....and you get hundred of hours of entertainment....
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
are you sure your not is 12.95 a rip.....its less than most other mmorpg out at the moment.....and you get hundred of hours of entertainment....
Hes just another one of them FFXI haters... or one of the people that refuse to pay a monthly fee for a good game.
You've got to be joking right, Do you know how much you would have to pay to play that game $12.95 per month and i can tell you that is a ripoff.
are you sure your not is 12.95 a rip.....its less than most other mmorpg out at the moment.....and you get hundred of hours of entertainment....
Hes just another one of them FFXI haters... or one of the people that refuse to pay a monthly fee for a good game.
ya proably...a i guess