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Hi there,
Check these videos out.
I think they look really cool.
I was not convinced me so far but these videos blow me. I will probably will take holiday from work for the first week after release of AOC to level my herald of xotli
oh hell yeah! I can't wait!
Thanks for posting the links.
There is a link to all conan vids at that site.. i find it very good. Many high quality videos there.
Only thing I'm abit sceptic about, is the way you heal others. Like he said, You dont pick em from the UI bar, and then click "heal", no you stand behind the one you want to heal, and then click heal. I believe a system like this would cause many problems, like say you're about to heal someone who are at critical, and someone runs infront of you, and the heal will change target? I sure hope this system works, cause I honestly think it sounds like its gonna be really hard to time and get to work properly. However he might've just not gone into enough details about it, and then again I havent tried beta so dont know exactly how it works, only from what he said in that clip.
"Of course they ignore the naked glowing chick with wings"
that was hilarious, and then his after response
"...its because, shes a pet ya know?"
so funny these guys.
On a better note, we actually saw some female avatars which looked really cool.
Want... to... play
I might remember it wrong tho, was a while ago i read it.
On a better note, we actually saw some female avatars which looked really cool.
That not exactly how healing works. Healing work like a cone attack. You will heal anyone in yoru cone of site.
On a better note, we actually saw some female avatars which looked really cool.
You heal in a cone area infront of you. A big - V - basicly.
If you've ever played Ryzom, it's the same idea as how you use to find harvest nodes in the ground.
If you listen carefully he says it, but doesn't go into details.
Ohhhhh man........I refuse to get excited about an MMO that hasn't been released. But........I'm thinking it's time for a new motherboard and processor. The graphics on this one are looking too sweet.
It's nice and refreshing to see some truely unique gameplay footage from AoC. Props on that. I seen some good and some bad here, I'll elaborate a bit:
The bad:
Seems to me that while combat may be more "involved" I dont necessarily see it as "evolved". Some may ask what I mean. I guess on the combat side I expected a bit more innovation.. not necessarily the system itself, but just the actual combat in general. Combos are nice, depending on how available they are going to be. Mounted combat seemed to me to be lackluster, although a nice touch. The shielding system is unique, I'll give them that. All in all I like it, I think just from all the hype I expected something more.. next generation, rather than what I perceive as the same old system with new bells and whistles. However that said, I am still quite impressed. For the people that ask what I mean by the same system with new bells and whistles, some things that come to mind to me would be formations with bonuses, ala what Gods and Heroes was going to have, an NPC or mentor system much like EQ2 or FFXI, or possibly group buffs based on class makeup / situational abilities etc. I do believe they have done a great job thus far however.
The Good:
For a game still in beta, granted late in beta, the graphics I have seen, the playability, and the thought process are all in place to make this an extremely immersive experience. Changing my tanks shields to better protect myself, needing to stay near my healer for those all important times when I need it, etc. No more running half way acoss the instance and getting a renew to save me, or tossing flash heals out like water from 30 yards away. Healers will still be in the fray of things and I like that concept. Historically speaking in MMO's healers have always been much of the time the worst class to get immersed in, simply because they are so far away most of the time from whats up close and personal, in your face style playing. Gone are those days, at least for this game, for now.
I notice a lot of people making fun of the commentators of these videos, but in all that I think those people are missing something. When I listen to these guys, I dont hear a dev speaking. I hear a GAMER speaking. Talking about nipples, getting excited about being the tank, the jokes about letting others tank for him, I get the genuine impression that these guys arent there to sell a game.. they are there to SHOWCASE a game. Maybe that doesnt mean much, but I have tested literally EVER SINGLE mmorpg that has come out to date in the North Americas. And of all of them, I can tell you the good ones have one thing in common: devs that are gamers first, and devs second. Those are the people that will think like we do, understand like we do, and strive to add what we want , and evolve as we do.
In some respect, you can attribute this to why Vanguard failed miserably, even though I didnt mind it. Brad was so caught up on EQ, which, while it had a wonderful and still does have a healthy player base, is not really what people want anymore. They did 8 years ago.. not today. At least not the masses. He designed Vanguard to run like an EQ style game.. only to realize that tens of millions of dollars invested couldnt even prosper with 200k subs, let alone what he ended up with up to this point. The reality is that eq cost them less than 25% to produce versus Vanguard. The point is, he didnt change. Gamers change. We all do. You, me, the troll on these forums, our tastes vary, and our tastes change over time. I loved the deep fantasy genre aka WoW, with the vibrant graphics, etc. But now, it doesnt do much for me anymore. WoW didn't change. I did. And it did I suppose, but not really the game, more the community.
To see so much vibrant talk, and excitement and dare I say.. LAUGHTER.. coming from devs genuinely enjoying playing the game, is a breath of fresh air. Whether the game will be a blockbuster or not, we dont know. Well, I should say we DO know, but whether it will stay there or not is another story. I think a lot of that will be determined by the dev's ability to transition with the player base, and with times.
Based on the enthusiasm, I must say I like what I am seeing.
For anyone wondering what gameplay is like - you should watch this sample from Beta.
Love the textures of the monsters and the A.I. shields and aso notice how they move out of line of sight from casters
Mahierl2005...super post. Very well put.
I too am getting very excited about this game. With each video, the graphics and movements impress me more and more. However, I really wish there were more combat videos out there like these. They seem to only release scenes of rolling scenery, and some buildings being built. That's nice, but we need more action videos.
I sincerely hope they stick to the release date in May.
Thanks Centham.
More combat videos would be amazing, I don't think it is so much as lack of effort, as it is trying to hit that release date. You and I both know if they miss it.... they will in al likeliness be in DIRECT competition @ release with WAR, and I'm sure that even though they are slightly different, they dont want a direct competition on the shelves. Hopefully they will hit the May 20th release date, and all will be well. I am a tad skeptical, but until I see otherwise, I will go by what they say.
Can't wait for this Game. Good Videos
All MMO's have grinds. If you don't like to Grind then MMO's are not for you.
On a better note, we actually saw some female avatars which looked really cool.
That not exactly how healing works. Healing work like a cone attack. You will heal anyone in yoru cone of site.
Basically a healing version of a bainshee if you ever played DAOC
getting a little bit disappointed with combat. Don't get me wrong, i like the changes they are trying to make. but i think some of it is just unnecessary. And of course I'm talking about healing. I think that you should have 2 types of heals - v-shaped and single target heal.
It doesn't mean it will not be implemented, it is just right now combat is not what i wanted to see.
Nice videos, combat looked much better since the last video I had looked at, looks like they are coming along nicely.
Out of every 100 men, 10 should not be there,
80 are nothing but targets, 9 are the real fighters.
Ah, but one, ONE of them is a warrior,
and he will bring the others home.
-Heraclitus 500BC
I think it makes the healers job much harder that way, but also more exciting than standing in the back pushing hotkeys while watching party health bars.
Graphics are good... that's about it imo. That gameplay looks incredibly boring and just... slow. The follow through animations even after a fight is done would get very annoying.
On a better note, we actually saw some female avatars which looked really cool.
You heal in a cone area infront of you. A big - V - basicly.
If you've ever played Ryzom, it's the same idea as how you use to find harvest nodes in the ground.
If you listen carefully he says it, but doesn't go into details.
Ok so actually all heals are Area of Effect. Then I have a new sceptic view, does this mean every single target who are in the cone will get the full effect of the heal, or is the heal amount divided depending on how big a percentage of the cone are targetting them? Well stupid asking seeing as those who are in beta can't answer anyway, but that's something I'm looking forward to finding out.
Wow, that good, huh? I thought AoC was only getting an M rating.
im to lazy too use grammar or punctuation good
I particularly like the last video, all the mob's standing around politely, not bothering to get involved. Even though their presumed confederates are swiftly getting their asses handed to them. It makes it easy to clear a dungeon if its denizens wait to get tagged before they aggro.
lol haha dont worry the nipples will be added