i remember sitting im WC by derv camp there looking at my spell book couse i was medditating then hearing somthing big comming not having the time to get up and ... loading please wait ... then going back and seeing what hit me a HILL GIANT ... good times i will never forget how the hill giants sound "MURMURMMARRMMAARR" like a drunk uncle passed out on a couch dreaming of who knows what hah
I can recall weekend long camps on POH. The raid would never leave...just keep hunting all night long into the next day to finally clear all the spawns and get a shot at Inny.
I can recall gettingthe first loot ever off of Innoruuk on my Bard two 11/25 weapons that a few months later wouldnt even be worth a few plat. This was on the Innoruuk server with a Bard named Wispas!
Can recall the first time I saw a Barbarian on my High Elf. i couldnt believe it!
Can recall that first time I ventured out of the gates of Felwithe, lost in the forest I saw a group of people sitting around chatting/medding. Felt so completely amazing to me. A party of adventurers in the woods-D and D come alive!
And of course making it thru the tunnels into Blackburrow on a Barbarian w/out a torch. Endless trains in Blackburrow. The fear of crossing the Karanas! Paying 5 plat for someone to finally lead me through Highhold Pass so I could make it to Freeport -this was 75% of EVERYTHING i had!
I could go on and on...first naggy/vox kills, camping gnolls for that uber weapon in HHpass, camping orcs for exps in the pass, UNREST! just amazingly difficult and dangerous but oh so spooky, rumors of Kedge Keeps existence and then finally adventuring in it. The sea monster in Lake Rathe ???, finding the secret entrance to Permafrost and wondering what was inside!, seeing my first giant, seeing my first treant, meeting ogres and trolls for the first time and realizing theses were actual players, lower guk and the mask camp, fbss/yak, camping ogre guards to get to level 50, the "deadly" run to get to the fear portal, and of course commonlands bazaar, gathering at the gfay spires for POH raids and on and on and on..
Game stayed pretty amazing thru Kunark and Velious, seems to have wandered quite a bit from its core once the Moon expansion was released...that was more or less the end for me..though I stuck with on and off for a few more years!
We will see this again I think, when a game is built with a business model that can accept 50-250k subscriptons. Everquest of old is NOT a 1 million + user game but certainly can be a 50-250k user-dedicated and loyal fan base.
Much has to do with how game companies define and plan for success. If every game has to be the movie equivalent of Titanic rather then Pulp Fiction in order to be a success-we will never see another orgiinal Everquest.
My first ever online game! running into this dark cave built into the hillside in greater faydark as a level 3 ranger. at the time wandering why all these people are sitting outside it, but foolishly still zoning in, LOADING PLEASE WAIT! and the screen hadnt even loaded up lol. DVINN.
not having even spoke to another person yet and zoning into butchblock and seeing two people standing around. I ask " escuse me can you tell me the way to the boat?" and "how much does it cost to et on it"
Exploring Lavastorm and finding a cave, entering and asking the guys at the zone whats in here then?. getting the answer back " look at the zones name friend". then asking " who's nagefen then?" then nearly falling of my chair when i realise there are actualy dragons in the game.
Finding Dalnirs Crypt accidently before i even knew it existed then spending a 7 hour session with 2 friends exploring the whole zone.
I would do anything to actualy get a game back where exploring is actualy dangerous. Or becoming a master Fletcher is a big achievement. or actualy having to search for quest nd use your head a little.
Hmm let's see.... Taking my bard once he got the water-breathing song (gah what's the name) and diving into the water at freeport. Auto running into an underwater corner and then going to bed. Get up, swimming at max. Iksar warriors and SK's unhappy cuz they can't wear plate. Unable to wear darkforge or crafted I see many wearing banded armor into their late 20's. Official reason why is "it chaffes their scales". Setting up my "train to zone" hotkey... used frequently in Crushbone.
I will Always remember the first raid in Plane of Air. I had no idea how to get down and someone told me to jump, I was like " Are you nuts? I will never find my corpse if I do that" only to find out you land in the water at Freeport.
Falling down the well in Befallen at lvl 9 and trying to get my corpse back for an hour and then swearing I would quit this stupied game because of this stupied design, only to have a friendly druid come by and help me get my corpse back. I played for 5 more years and was in that Druids guild for 2 of those years. Elusive Path on Queillous.
I have never found another game like EQ, not only because it was my first but because I have never found another Necromancer Class that was as good as the EQ one.
I am not playing Sword of the New World, it is a good game, reminds me alot of EQ.
Ohmy god i just remembered one of my fondest memorys of everquest!
I enter mistmoore zone to find a huge train at the zone, before i know it my group is dead and i have been charmed! i can speak to my group and i am telling them in amazement how i am not in control and that my master is just walking back with me in tow! " oh crap im going into the castle now!" oh my god i am really deep into the castle now ( by the way im only level 19) HMM all im doing is standing guard in the corner of a room now? oh here we go on the move again. now i am walking into a tower area and there is a druid and a paladin siting on the floor. oh god im attacking these players now and i am feeling so guilty. im trying to change my chat to talk or tell so i can tell them how sorry i am, adrenaline is pumping through me now.
Then the druid turns to me and says" arrr how cute" then proceeds in rooting me to the spot and killing my master. eventualy the charm wears of and i take about 10 mins to explain how it wasnt my fault and that i wasnt in control. The paladin growls at me and tells me he had to use his LOH, which at the time i had no clue what it was. Then they both tell me not to worry about it and tell me to jump of the tower to get back down.
I have never felt such exhilleration in a game since.
Lol, how true, how true! Fond memories indeed. When I first began playing, I started a half-elf ranger and began in Queynos. Leveling took forever back then, but I somehow managed to reach level 7 when I got into a conversation with who was to be my first guild leader. He said I had to come to Highpass keep in order for him to invite me, so I got a sow from someone and began following his directions to get there. It was night time in Norrath and my heart was pounding out of my chest as I ran along the shores in the Karanas! Don't ask me how, but I somehow made it all the way to Highpass keep where I got my invite to my first guild in any MMO! What a blast it was!
Now if only I had the wealth and power of Bill Gates I'd make a freakin MMO to bring back what we all loved so much about EQ1 !
I didn’t even read the whole thread before I typed this out, and found out some of you put what I did in my memories below. Also, a lot of you put things in your posts that I COMPLETELY forgot about. I must be getting old, because all of these EQ memories have really almost completely faded. Sad, I am now almost at the point where just thinking about it gives me good feelings, but I can’t remember a lot of the specifics. I actually had to look up a few of the names I used below on good ‘ole EQAtlas. I simply couldn’t remember the names of places anymore. It’s only been about 9 years since I started playing, I didn’t think my memory was that bad
Anyway, here are some things I jotted down at random…
· The first time I ever left Freeport and traveled west. Getting to the “third Inn” would scare the hell out of me because I was soooooo far from the safety of town.
· When the Bone Bladed Claymore was a prized possession in Befallen (even with one negative stat that I think it had).
· When the tunnel in East Commonlands was the bazaar with people shouting their goods for sale. Players would actually yell at others who used the wrong channel to shout their goods for sale. Imagine that happening in today’s MMOs?!?
· When you actually had to build up faction before you could enter a town.
· Entering a town in a different form (like an animal form) would get you killed by the guards.
· Accidentally casting a damaging spell at a friendly NPC in town would get you instantly killed (actually this was one thing I always wished they took out of the game…I mean how to you “accidentally” cast a fireball).
· Selling my various “mind crack” spells as an enchanter. I think with every expansion came a new mana regen spell for enchanters. I made quite a bit of money this way as I remember.
· Shocking the heck out of a scantily clad beauty in my party by changing her into an Ogre or a Troll with my illusion spells
· Battling the Frost Giants in Kael Drakkal.
· Creating a macro to drag my corpse, or the corpse of a teammate (after permission was given) to a safe location to be looted. Some corpse recoveries were very tense and exciting moments of the game. I remember a couple people who actually lost everything from not being able to recover their corpses. Now that’s hardcore!
· Being one of the last holdouts to continue to use the original EQ interface. I forget which expansion created the first “new” interface, but people were amazed that I was still holding on to the old format. It took a while to get used to the new one, but quickly got used to it I recall.
· Playing Gems while medding!
· When races without ultravision or infravision had to carry torches or lightstones in order to be able to see!
· The awesome, awesome orc trains of Crushbone, and people actually yelling “TRAIN” to warn those near the entrance.
· Unrest…loved that zone. Very spooky haunted house with the hags and skeletons. Great trains there too.
· Waiting days, and sometimes weeks for a certain epic mob to spawn, and then trying to get an organized group together to kill it before anyone else did.
· Getting my epic enchanter “snake staff” (when it was the best you could have). Not sure if any MMO memory will ever top that one. Having a mana free haste to cast from that staff was like heaven. Besides, it looked really neat.
· Some special sand giant in Oasis, and some special mob that needed to be killed in Karnor’s castle (for the ranger epic maybe). My guild and I would get together and have truly organized teamwork in order to get the job done. This was before any IP voice software, so everything had to be typed! We still somehow managed to get the job done.
· Speaking of Karnor’s Castle in the Dreadlands. I used to love taking my cleric there. I vaguely recall he had nasty “damage to undead only” spells, where I actually felt like I could deal out some useful damage.
· Various “plane” raids (like fear and air if I remember correctly). I think the plane of air had to be done over 2 or 3 days. We would all log out at a location, and come back to continue at a certain time the next day.
· Running through West Karana took for-freakin-ever!
· Running through Kithicor Forest at dusk with low level mobs, then as dark fell, the undead mobs would come out that would kill you in one shot J
· Upper and Lower Guk, and those damn croaking frogs! Very fun!
· No yellow or blue marks above quest givers heads. You had to find them yourself and had to type in text EXACTLY as the NPC wanted it in order to progress to the next step in the quest.
It was hard, challenging, more about community, helping each other out, and establishing a good name for yourself than anything else. In the early days of EQ it wasn’t about “those with the most leet gear, wins”. It was about logging in and having a great time with your guild mates. It’s kind of sad how the world is reflecting the way that MMO’s are heading now. I left EQ about 4 years ago when getting items took precedence over having good old fashioned fun. Sad, those truly were the good old days of the MMO experience.
I remember the first time a raid get a loot...and the drama following that first loot and how it was handled.
I remember the first time my guildleader went nut and request that I leave a group cause they need their only chanter for a raid. And that I felt miserable and didn't play the game for a few days after.
I remember the first time I feel grouping was utterless useless after seeing the gear raiders have.
As you see, there is not only good memories. There are memories which recall me why I left and what not to accept in any other MMO I join.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
The good memories outweigh a few bad ones Anofalye.
I remember trading with you to finish that lengthy quest with all the crafted items for the earring reward and trading PoP recipe crafting ingredients I got from vendor diving. Newer MMOGs don't allow vendor diving which is unrealistic. If I sell something to a vendor it should remain in their inventory for resale at a profit until server maintenance. I miss vendor diving.
A lot of people have mentioned fond memories of trains and I really miss that in newer MMOGs. For some reason mobs in newer MMOGs warp back to their static spawn spot and ignore the fact they passed you while chasing someone else. That makes mob AI seem so stupid. Trains were exciting and added an element of danger which made the game more interesting.
I also miss faction, real meaningful faction. In classic EQ , every action you made wether it was killing a mob or completing a quest for a NPC usually resulted in both positive faction and negative faction. This made the game much more interesting and realistic because you had to ponder which factions you wanted to increase and which you were willing to sacrifice, at least for the moment until you tried to repair them later. Newer MMOGs don't seem to take any type of faction into consideration amongst NPCs.
Camping the bandit in HHK (or was it HHP) that dropped a peace you needed for the Talisman of Vanear - or something like that. It was a healer offhand book that had +9 wisdom if I remember right....
What I do remember right was that the npc you needed for a drop was an 8 hour spawn. I remember arriving and waiting in line. I got up at 5 am and was second in line. 4 more people showed and waited. He spawned at 8 am. then I waited for my turn for 8 hours. The other 4 got bored and left. He spawned at 4 pm, and I was afk at a rr break. He smacked me up and killed me. I quickly ran back to HHK from Rivervale, only to find someone ganked him. I then waited until midnight and got the kill. I was so happy.
I also remember running through Kithicor at night for the first time - oh my goodness
This game was painful and yet had a lot to go do, I think the kunark and before days were certainly the most entertaining when no one really knew the game yet... getting chased by the minotuar lord, stepping outside your comfort zone only to get rolled by some red skeleton, getting mezzed by evil illusionists, some giant chasing you, etc... EQ had that right formula for PvE.
Whatever happend to intelligent MMOG design? Why are modern MMOGs designed for the stupid and lazy?
Uh I would beg to differ there. In alot of cases the devs proved themselves to be stupid and lazy. They would design content without thinking it through all the time. The players would figure out a nifty way to solve an encounter and entire classes would get nerfed as a result.
You'd login one day and your enchanter or necromancer would be gimped because of something a raid group did in a zone you would never even see.
Well, everything you all have said... Ditto. oh my god, did i not realize how much i missed that game? I am actually closer to tearing up than in most RL scenarios...lol. Yeah this was my first, and it will always be my fondest. hmm, maybe i could get back in. Nah, some memories are meant to be just good memories. So as a token last goodbye. Thank you SOE, Thank you Nameless server...
Hail , and Fairwell ... Long Live SILVERTIP WOLVES !!!
Old gamers never die...we just respawn. MMO's Played Everquest,Everquest2, Anarchy online, City of heroes/ City of villains, Vanguard, Dungeon runners( beta ), Fury ( beta ), Maplestory, Runescape, Silkroad, Tabula Rasa, Lotro...
It was hard, challenging, more about community, helping each other out, and establishing a good name for yourself than anything else. In the early days of EQ it wasn’t about “those with the most leet gear, wins”. It was about logging in and having a great time with your guild mates. It’s kind of sad how the world is reflecting the way that MMO’s are heading now. I left EQ about 4 years ago when getting items took precedence over having good old fashioned fun. Sad, those truly were the good old days of the MMO experience.
That is what I have yet to experience in any other game. When I logged onto EQ i did one of three things, depending on what mood i was in.
Who wants to grind xp?
Who wants to go farm some items for the guild?
Who needs help with a quest?
There was too many amazing moments to point out. I was 12 when i started playing the game, so it was pretty amazing to me at first. Id say the fondest memory I have is wandering around EC for the first time at night while it was raining and thundering... scared out of my mind since it was like 11pm. I remember finally finding a fire with a group killing orcs... i stayed there all night with about 20 different people over the night. Finally logged off when the sun was coming up IRL.
Other than that, I would have to say LOIO at the snarak fort was the best time i ever had in the game other than the initial experience.
Remember when people didn't multibox to gain an artificial advantage, by having buff bots, heal bots, tank bots, nuke, bots, travel bots..., when every character you met actually represented a unique living person, the way the designers intended?
Remember when RMT wasn't wide spread?
Remember when you couldn't just look up every quest and every mob and every item location because most of the information was still being discovered?
The early days of EQ were sweet, sweet innocence. I wish I could get it back.
The thing I remember the most was that when you hit 20 a GM would appear and you would receive your name directly from him. I think that's really classy.
I pinged 20 when I was hunting crocs in some desert with a friend (forgot the name of that area).
*************************** Remember, remember the 5th of November ***************************
The thing I remember the most was that when you hit 20 a GM would appear and you would receive your name directly from him. I think that's really classy. I pinged 20 when I was hunting crocs in some desert with a friend (forgot the name of that area).
I had forgotten about that. Ya, that was pretty sweet.
It was cool that at certain levels in the game you actually felt like you had acheived something.
20- You get a name
31- You FINALLY made it out of 30
There were others but those were two that really stuck out for me.
The thing I remember the most was that when you hit 20 a GM would appear and you would receive your name directly from him. I think that's really classy. I pinged 20 when I was hunting crocs in some desert with a friend (forgot the name of that area).
Yeah that was in the early days they would add your last name at lvl 20.
There really hasn't been anything like the Original EQ. Let see the silly stuff I remember:
*The first skele I killed in Kaladim that had a weapon; mobs that showed the weapon the had as loot, rusty short swords,
*That mad cackling that skele would made when you slapped him around.
*Sitting endlessly on the dock waiting for the boat to come and turning away for 5 minutes to see the boat sailing away.
*Endlessly collecting crushbone belts and shoulder pads for turn in Greater Feydark.
*I remember hours of waiting to find someone selling a small or med. bronze mask to complete my set of bronze armor.
*Using a spit for the cooking tradeskill as a makeshift backpack.
*Being stupid and pulling spectors in the Oasis.
*Running through Kithicor at night because you couldn't get a druid to port you and you didn't want to wait.
*Screwing up going through Kithicor and having to retrieve your body... Twice.
*Watching Fippy charge the gates of Qeynos.
*Performing a "raid" into the mansion in that Undead estate (I can't remember the name for.) Just for everyone to get wiped from a huge hand that would stomp you.
I could go on and on... I really don't think there will ever be anything like that again; seems kinda sad really, but probably for the best.
Im usualy a ass on these forums cause i cant stand people talking so much crap & they do buit this really makes me sad, i miss those days ...truly is just the little things that make the difference why no one listen to us ?
-My first character, a human paladin in Qeynos, died three times before I even laid eye on a monster. Trying to figure out how to swim in that pool beneath the flying saucer was a bitch.
-When I first hit level 9 and could use spells. The spell effects were so nice, and I still feel that no game I've played since has compared. I'm tired of flaky, spare spell effects with crappy .gifs in them.
-Hitting level 20 and getting my last name.
-Finally getting to the Dreadlands and spending months of real life time there, and then into Karnor's Castle until I was level 60. Sounds dull, but honestly it was great. I loved getting to known everyone there by grouping with them every night, people i still talk to to this day. If I could find a free shard somewhere that I could run around KC with no monsters in it just to explore I would have the best time ever, same with places like Chardok, the Hole, Permafrost...all were so great. Velketor's!
-Playing my next character, a monk, and having to actually train my skills over a long period of time. Finally getting access to Flying Kick, which still looks pretty badass, and later Thunderkick to go with it.
-My druid's total independence. It was nice to be so versatile.
-My beastlord, made on the day Luclin went live, that would forever remain my favorite character ever. Why are melee pet classes so rare? I loved fighting alongside my pet, not from far away using him as a speedbump.
-First time clearing out raid targets in Kael (best raidzone in history). Avatar of War, King Tormax, Derekor the Vindicator and his friends...so epic.
Just thinking about it gives me a fuzzy feeling. Deep down I know I didn't appreciate it as much at the time and will likely never be able to experience those feelings again, but I'm going to keep trying.
I remember the first time I logged in it was 8pm and I just made my WE ranger. I was absolutely amazed by kelethin, and the sudden realization that the other people at the bank we just that people. Then i remember turning to the left and going forward, ignoring the bridge to my left, and wondering how the hell i died, and where I was now...then i starting noobing and then i looked up from the screen and noticed it was about 8 in the morning
I remember my first pug on Orc Hill... at night... without a light source... it was amazing
My first awsome drop that I won the chainmail tunic off of Emp Crush, i thought it was the coolest thing in the world
I remember getting lost and finding Butcherblock and wondering what in the hell happened.
I remember having to actually travel to get to places, and loving it.
I remember my first "trip around Norrath" with my guild as we had a race from Erudin to Steamfont with level 1 erudites.
I remember ECom and NFP as the grounds on which i learned economics.
I remember hell levels...
I remember making money with flecthing selling arrows and thinking i was rich.
Yup great times, and they could only get better, but off in the darkness came a rumble, a massive giant promised us even better things, and then slowly ruined it all. That giant was SOE, and to this day I refuse to own a sony product because of it.
i remember sitting im WC by derv camp there looking at my spell book couse i was medditating then hearing somthing big comming not having the time to get up and ... loading please wait ... then going back and seeing what hit me a HILL GIANT ... good times i will never forget how the hill giants sound "MURMURMMARRMMAARR" like a drunk uncle passed out on a couch dreaming of who knows what hah
Nice post.
I can recall weekend long camps on POH. The raid would never leave...just keep hunting all night long into the next day to finally clear all the spawns and get a shot at Inny.
I can recall gettingthe first loot ever off of Innoruuk on my Bard two 11/25 weapons that a few months later wouldnt even be worth a few plat. This was on the Innoruuk server with a Bard named Wispas!
Can recall the first time I saw a Barbarian on my High Elf. i couldnt believe it!
Can recall that first time I ventured out of the gates of Felwithe, lost in the forest I saw a group of people sitting around chatting/medding. Felt so completely amazing to me. A party of adventurers in the woods-D and D come alive!
And of course making it thru the tunnels into Blackburrow on a Barbarian w/out a torch. Endless trains in Blackburrow. The fear of crossing the Karanas! Paying 5 plat for someone to finally lead me through Highhold Pass so I could make it to Freeport -this was 75% of EVERYTHING i had!
I could go on and on...first naggy/vox kills, camping gnolls for that uber weapon in HHpass, camping orcs for exps in the pass, UNREST! just amazingly difficult and dangerous but oh so spooky, rumors of Kedge Keeps existence and then finally adventuring in it. The sea monster in Lake Rathe ???, finding the secret entrance to Permafrost and wondering what was inside!, seeing my first giant, seeing my first treant, meeting ogres and trolls for the first time and realizing theses were actual players, lower guk and the mask camp, fbss/yak, camping ogre guards to get to level 50, the "deadly" run to get to the fear portal, and of course commonlands bazaar, gathering at the gfay spires for POH raids and on and on and on..
Game stayed pretty amazing thru Kunark and Velious, seems to have wandered quite a bit from its core once the Moon expansion was released...that was more or less the end for me..though I stuck with on and off for a few more years!
We will see this again I think, when a game is built with a business model that can accept 50-250k subscriptons. Everquest of old is NOT a 1 million + user game but certainly can be a 50-250k user-dedicated and loyal fan base.
Much has to do with how game companies define and plan for success. If every game has to be the movie equivalent of Titanic rather then Pulp Fiction in order to be a success-we will never see another orgiinal Everquest.
My first ever online game! running into this dark cave built into the hillside in greater faydark as a level 3 ranger. at the time wandering why all these people are sitting outside it, but foolishly still zoning in, LOADING PLEASE WAIT! and the screen hadnt even loaded up lol. DVINN.
not having even spoke to another person yet and zoning into butchblock and seeing two people standing around. I ask " escuse me can you tell me the way to the boat?" and "how much does it cost to et on it"
Exploring Lavastorm and finding a cave, entering and asking the guys at the zone whats in here then?. getting the answer back " look at the zones name friend". then asking " who's nagefen then?" then nearly falling of my chair when i realise there are actualy dragons in the game.
Finding Dalnirs Crypt accidently before i even knew it existed then spending a 7 hour session with 2 friends exploring the whole zone.
I would do anything to actualy get a game back where exploring is actualy dangerous. Or becoming a master Fletcher is a big achievement. or actualy having to search for quest nd use your head a little.
Falling down the well in Befallen at lvl 9 and trying to get my corpse back for an hour and then swearing I would quit this stupied game because of this stupied design, only to have a friendly druid come by and help me get my corpse back. I played for 5 more years and was in that Druids guild for 2 of those years. Elusive Path on Queillous.
I have never found another game like EQ, not only because it was my first but because I have never found another Necromancer Class that was as good as the EQ one.
I am not playing Sword of the New World, it is a good game, reminds me alot of EQ.
Sooner or Later
Ohmy god i just remembered one of my fondest memorys of everquest!
I enter mistmoore zone to find a huge train at the zone, before i know it my group is dead and i have been charmed! i can speak to my group and i am telling them in amazement how i am not in control and that my master is just walking back with me in tow! " oh crap im going into the castle now!" oh my god i am really deep into the castle now ( by the way im only level 19) HMM all im doing is standing guard in the corner of a room now? oh here we go on the move again. now i am walking into a tower area and there is a druid and a paladin siting on the floor. oh god im attacking these players now and i am feeling so guilty. im trying to change my chat to talk or tell so i can tell them how sorry i am, adrenaline is pumping through me now.
Then the druid turns to me and says" arrr how cute" then proceeds in rooting me to the spot and killing my master. eventualy the charm wears of and i take about 10 mins to explain how it wasnt my fault and that i wasnt in control. The paladin growls at me and tells me he had to use his LOH, which at the time i had no clue what it was. Then they both tell me not to worry about it and tell me to jump of the tower to get back down.
I have never felt such exhilleration in a game since.
DAMN YOU for starting this thread!
Lol, how true, how true! Fond memories indeed. When I first began playing, I started a half-elf ranger and began in Queynos. Leveling took forever back then, but I somehow managed to reach level 7 when I got into a conversation with who was to be my first guild leader. He said I had to come to Highpass keep in order for him to invite me, so I got a sow from someone and began following his directions to get there. It was night time in Norrath and my heart was pounding out of my chest as I ran along the shores in the Karanas! Don't ask me how, but I somehow made it all the way to Highpass keep where I got my invite to my first guild in any MMO! What a blast it was!
Now if only I had the wealth and power of Bill Gates I'd make a freakin MMO to bring back what we all loved so much about EQ1 !
· Being one of the last holdouts to continue to use the original EQ interface. I forget which expansion created the first “new” interface, but people were amazed that I was still holding on to the old format. It took a while to get used to the new one, but quickly got used to it I recall.
· Playing Gems while medding!
· When races without ultravision or infravision had to carry torches or lightstones in order to be able to see!
I remember the first time a raid get a loot...and the drama following that first loot and how it was handled.
I remember the first time my guildleader went nut and request that I leave a group cause they need their only chanter for a raid. And that I felt miserable and didn't play the game for a few days after.
I remember the first time I feel grouping was utterless useless after seeing the gear raiders have.
As you see, there is not only good memories. There are memories which recall me why I left and what not to accept in any other MMO I join.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
The good memories outweigh a few bad ones Anofalye.
I remember trading with you to finish that lengthy quest with all the crafted items for the earring reward and trading PoP recipe crafting ingredients I got from vendor diving. Newer MMOGs don't allow vendor diving which is unrealistic. If I sell something to a vendor it should remain in their inventory for resale at a profit until server maintenance. I miss vendor diving.
A lot of people have mentioned fond memories of trains and I really miss that in newer MMOGs. For some reason mobs in newer MMOGs warp back to their static spawn spot and ignore the fact they passed you while chasing someone else. That makes mob AI seem so stupid. Trains were exciting and added an element of danger which made the game more interesting.
I also miss faction, real meaningful faction. In classic EQ , every action you made wether it was killing a mob or completing a quest for a NPC usually resulted in both positive faction and negative faction. This made the game much more interesting and realistic because you had to ponder which factions you wanted to increase and which you were willing to sacrifice, at least for the moment until you tried to repair them later. Newer MMOGs don't seem to take any type of faction into consideration amongst NPCs.
Oooh I remember things too!
Camping the bandit in HHK (or was it HHP) that dropped a peace you needed for the Talisman of Vanear - or something like that. It was a healer offhand book that had +9 wisdom if I remember right....
What I do remember right was that the npc you needed for a drop was an 8 hour spawn. I remember arriving and waiting in line. I got up at 5 am and was second in line. 4 more people showed and waited. He spawned at 8 am. then I waited for my turn for 8 hours. The other 4 got bored and left. He spawned at 4 pm, and I was afk at a rr break. He smacked me up and killed me. I quickly ran back to HHK from Rivervale, only to find someone ganked him. I then waited until midnight and got the kill. I was so happy.
I also remember running through Kithicor at night for the first time - oh my goodness
Reading Train in the chatbox in Befallen.
My first Langseax, what a wonderful weapon.
Then I got a second for my off hand.
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This game was painful and yet had a lot to go do, I think the kunark and before days were certainly the most entertaining when no one really knew the game yet... getting chased by the minotuar lord, stepping outside your comfort zone only to get rolled by some red skeleton, getting mezzed by evil illusionists, some giant chasing you, etc... EQ had that right formula for PvE.
All other mmos seam to fail, in comparison.
Uh I would beg to differ there. In alot of cases the devs proved themselves to be stupid and lazy. They would design content without thinking it through all the time. The players would figure out a nifty way to solve an encounter and entire classes would get nerfed as a result.
You'd login one day and your enchanter or necromancer would be gimped because of something a raid group did in a zone you would never even see.
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Well, everything you all have said... Ditto. oh my god, did i not realize how much i missed that game? I am actually closer to tearing up than in most RL scenarios...lol. Yeah this was my first, and it will always be my fondest. hmm, maybe i could get back in. Nah, some memories are meant to be just good memories. So as a token last goodbye. Thank you SOE, Thank you Nameless server...
Hail , and Fairwell ... Long Live SILVERTIP WOLVES !!!
Old gamers never die...we just respawn. MMO's Played Everquest,Everquest2, Anarchy online, City of heroes/ City of villains, Vanguard, Dungeon runners( beta ), Fury ( beta ), Maplestory, Runescape, Silkroad, Tabula Rasa, Lotro...
When my friend gave me a spare PGT that he had gotten.
My Dark Elf SK and the way the Dark Elven city looked.
Killing guards in Highpass.
Protecting new Dark Elves cause someone was camping our guards.
My first nekkid run from Quenos to Freeport.
Trying to get a Dark Elf into the Erudite city (can;t remember the name now).
It was hard, challenging, more about community, helping each other out, and establishing a good name for yourself than anything else. In the early days of EQ it wasn’t about “those with the most leet gear, wins”. It was about logging in and having a great time with your guild mates. It’s kind of sad how the world is reflecting the way that MMO’s are heading now. I left EQ about 4 years ago when getting items took precedence over having good old fashioned fun. Sad, those truly were the good old days of the MMO experience.
That is what I have yet to experience in any other game. When I logged onto EQ i did one of three things, depending on what mood i was in.
Who wants to grind xp?
Who wants to go farm some items for the guild?
Who needs help with a quest?
There was too many amazing moments to point out. I was 12 when i started playing the game, so it was pretty amazing to me at first. Id say the fondest memory I have is wandering around EC for the first time at night while it was raining and thundering... scared out of my mind since it was like 11pm. I remember finally finding a fire with a group killing orcs... i stayed there all night with about 20 different people over the night. Finally logged off when the sun was coming up IRL.
Other than that, I would have to say LOIO at the snarak fort was the best time i ever had in the game other than the initial experience.
Remember when people didn't multibox to gain an artificial advantage, by having buff bots, heal bots, tank bots, nuke, bots, travel bots..., when every character you met actually represented a unique living person, the way the designers intended?
Remember when RMT wasn't wide spread?
Remember when you couldn't just look up every quest and every mob and every item location because most of the information was still being discovered?
The early days of EQ were sweet, sweet innocence. I wish I could get it back.
The thing I remember the most was that when you hit 20 a GM would appear and you would receive your name directly from him. I think that's really classy.
I pinged 20 when I was hunting crocs in some desert with a friend (forgot the name of that area).
Remember, remember the 5th of November
It was cool that at certain levels in the game you actually felt like you had acheived something.
20- You get a name
31- You FINALLY made it out of 30
There were others but those were two that really stuck out for me.
Yeah that was in the early days they would add your last name at lvl 20.
There really hasn't been anything like the Original EQ. Let see the silly stuff I remember:
*The first skele I killed in Kaladim that had a weapon; mobs that showed the weapon the had as loot, rusty short swords,
*That mad cackling that skele would made when you slapped him around.
*Sitting endlessly on the dock waiting for the boat to come and turning away for 5 minutes to see the boat sailing away.
*Endlessly collecting crushbone belts and shoulder pads for turn in Greater Feydark.
*I remember hours of waiting to find someone selling a small or med. bronze mask to complete my set of bronze armor.
*Using a spit for the cooking tradeskill as a makeshift backpack.
*Being stupid and pulling spectors in the Oasis.
*Running through Kithicor at night because you couldn't get a druid to port you and you didn't want to wait.
*Screwing up going through Kithicor and having to retrieve your body... Twice.
*Watching Fippy charge the gates of Qeynos.
*Performing a "raid" into the mansion in that Undead estate (I can't remember the name for.) Just for everyone to get wiped from a huge hand that would stomp you.
I could go on and on... I really don't think there will ever be anything like that again; seems kinda sad really, but probably for the best.
All of the above.
Im usualy a ass on these forums cause i cant stand people talking so much crap & they do buit this really makes me sad, i miss those days ...truly is just the little things that make the difference why no one listen to us ?
I'll bite.
-My first character, a human paladin in Qeynos, died three times before I even laid eye on a monster. Trying to figure out how to swim in that pool beneath the flying saucer was a bitch.
-When I first hit level 9 and could use spells. The spell effects were so nice, and I still feel that no game I've played since has compared. I'm tired of flaky, spare spell effects with crappy .gifs in them.
-Hitting level 20 and getting my last name.
-Finally getting to the Dreadlands and spending months of real life time there, and then into Karnor's Castle until I was level 60. Sounds dull, but honestly it was great. I loved getting to known everyone there by grouping with them every night, people i still talk to to this day. If I could find a free shard somewhere that I could run around KC with no monsters in it just to explore I would have the best time ever, same with places like Chardok, the Hole, Permafrost...all were so great. Velketor's!
-Playing my next character, a monk, and having to actually train my skills over a long period of time. Finally getting access to Flying Kick, which still looks pretty badass, and later Thunderkick to go with it.
-My druid's total independence. It was nice to be so versatile.
-My beastlord, made on the day Luclin went live, that would forever remain my favorite character ever. Why are melee pet classes so rare? I loved fighting alongside my pet, not from far away using him as a speedbump.
-First time clearing out raid targets in Kael (best raidzone in history). Avatar of War, King Tormax, Derekor the Vindicator and his friends...so epic.
Just thinking about it gives me a fuzzy feeling. Deep down I know I didn't appreciate it as much at the time and will likely never be able to experience those feelings again, but I'm going to keep trying.
I remember the first time I logged in it was 8pm and I just made my WE ranger. I was absolutely amazed by kelethin, and the sudden realization that the other people at the bank we just that people. Then i remember turning to the left and going forward, ignoring the bridge to my left, and wondering how the hell i died, and where I was now...then i starting noobing and then i looked up from the screen and noticed it was about 8 in the morning
I remember my first pug on Orc Hill... at night... without a light source... it was amazing
My first awsome drop that I won the chainmail tunic off of Emp Crush, i thought it was the coolest thing in the world
I remember getting lost and finding Butcherblock and wondering what in the hell happened.
I remember having to actually travel to get to places, and loving it.
I remember my first "trip around Norrath" with my guild as we had a race from Erudin to Steamfont with level 1 erudites.
I remember ECom and NFP as the grounds on which i learned economics.
I remember hell levels...
I remember making money with flecthing selling arrows and thinking i was rich.
Yup great times, and they could only get better, but off in the darkness came a rumble, a massive giant promised us even better things, and then slowly ruined it all. That giant was SOE, and to this day I refuse to own a sony product because of it.