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The Secret for Eve Online?

What is it?

Now I've tried many times to get into EVE Online and ended up falling flat on my face. In all honesty the game should suit me, then how come I feel so lost and unconnected with the Universe. I know I'm a weird type of MMO Gamer, I hate being told how I should play or how I should advance a character but I also hate not having my own path... I always found it tough to see any type of path on EVE. Ok some of you will say 'but you can be a miner, fighter and Pirate' but I always feel so lost in those paths. For instance Mining, now I'm a Ex-SWG player and I use to love mining (harvesting) in that game and then selling my wears to customers but mining and then just selling the resources on market is... well amazing dull! or am I missing something. I really want to be part of EVE online! the whole political scene but I think one of my biggest problems is that I've often found myself disjointed from any of it. 

Now if there is one great thing EVE does offer is its playerbase! its mostly a friendly and helpful community yet I still feel lost after playin it for a few weeks. Maybe I have the wrong image when I think of the game. I have always like the social aspects of MMO's and maybe thats something that I find is missing from EVE I dunno! but it frustrates me because EVE truelly is an amazing game and theres always part of me that thinks that you need to find that special secret to EVE to truelly fall in love with the universe! I guess I also don't have the patience or time to play a MMO for 5+ hours a day and from my own experience it is something that is useful in EVE. 

Maybe I'll never truelly understand EVE, but theres always that interest when I first play that eventually dies out and I feel lost and frustrated! I seek freedom but I also seek some sort of path! and for me old SWG did that perfectly! 

Is there a secret to truelly enjoying EVE?

Thanks if you reply!  



  • kovahkovah Member UncommonPosts: 692

    Think you answered for yourself, its the community.  Try again and join a corp asap -- if you still can't get into it then maybe it just isn't for you.

  • batolemaeusbatolemaeus Member CommonPosts: 2,061

    Have you joined a corp while playing?


    I recommend applying for a 0.0 or lowsec corp asap. It is what i experienced was the best for most players. The game mechanics force you to work closer with your corpmates and help each other out, which should help with the feeling of being lost.

  • RayalistRayalist Member Posts: 211

    I agree with the two posts above; finding a corp should help you discover what path you'd like to take.

    Mining to sell on the market is indeed boring, but when mining for your corp so it can produce ships for its members you at least know you're contributing! I honestly prefer it over ratting now and I'm mainly a PvPer. :p

  • greywolf8404greywolf8404 Member Posts: 123

    Eve is truely less of following a path and more like hacking your way through the jungle

    "And thus I clothe my naked villany/ with old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ/ and seem a saint when most I play the devil." Shakespeare's Richard III Act I Scene 3.

  • Thanks guys for the advice, I have tried to join corporations in the past but never had the greattest experience with my fellow corp mates. Nothing serious I've just never felt confortable or had to much fun playing with them. But maybe your right, maybe I need to keep searching for one that suits me. I've always been a SOLOer in MMO's so maybe thats also playing its part! as I said I love the social aspects of MMO's but I've often enjoyed doing my own thing (such as harvesting in SWG which I did for myself). But maybe in EVE that needs to change, 

    I guess I'm waiting for that sudden moment when all things in EVE will make sense  but that will never come! 

    Originally posted by greywolf8404

    Eve is truely less of following a path and more like hacking your way through the jungle

    A very nice way to put it, seems that way! I'm a tough customer when it comes to MMO's. I know a lot of former SWG players who are the same.... not exactly sure why tho! but I know there are many Ex-SWG players in EVE. I'll try again I guess!

    Thanks for all the help and advice, greatly appriate it.

  • gajotresgajotres Member Posts: 6
    Originally posted by greenstumps

    train for titans and then buy lots of isk off ige and get a big alliance to make one for you and then destroy your own ship.

    you forgout he should go to centere off alliance and infont of all mates destroy titan. But firs fire on DDD on them

  • Dr_DoomDr_Doom Member Posts: 33

    First: Everyone is right. Your corp is pretty much the bread and butter of your fun in EVE. Its a chat client with pretty pictures at times. Eve University is a good starter group to help you learn the ropes.


    Second: Have you considered starting your own corp? I'm not sure how much time you have to invest into eve, but being a CEO of a small 20-40 man corp can be very rewarding. I loved it, and lack of available time for play is the only thing that eventually got in the way. Start reading the official and scrapheap-challenge forums, and learn as much as you can.


    Third: If you liked mining in swg, maybe try moon mining in EVE. It is similar in the fact of setting up a harvestor... walking away for a week or two, and then coming back and picking up all the goodies inside, and either taking them to market or making simple/complx reactions out of them. This is a bit expensive, but mine for a week or two in highsec and you should be able to afford a small tower, moon harvesting array, silo, and corp hanger array is suggested, to store fuel in. Good luck!

    Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

  • batolemaeusbatolemaeus Member CommonPosts: 2,061


    Originally posted by Dr_Doom

     but mine for a week or two in highsec and you should be able to afford a small tower, moon harvesting array, silo, and corp hanger array is suggested, to store fuel in. Good luck!


    Moonmining is restricted to 0.3 and lower. ;)

    The investment would be around 200M, probably a bit more (Assuming a small tower). The profit depends on the market, of course, but the logistics with operating the tower should pay off within a month or two.

    Putting a tower into someones territory is not advised, though. People tend to dislike that. You first have to gain trust with them or join them, then you can think of it.

    Doable after some time, though. It's something i am thinking about for the future. Currently studying the market for the prices of moonminerals and the fuelcosts of operating a network of pos and a jumpfreighter to move those things.

  • FinwolvenFinwolven Member Posts: 289

    If you were into SWG-style crafting, you might want to look how EVE handles manufacturing. Instead of selling your minerals, you could put them to use.

    With exploration and invention, you can pretty much build anything on the market in EVE. Playing the market is fun too, after a fashion. Figuring out what will sell and where is the key.

  • QmireQmire Member Posts: 423

    Try join some your own country channel, it is a rough start and it takes some time to get past that. Also sometimes when you feel you figured it out something new comes around, both in good and bad hehe.


    Also as said before, try join a player corp asap, start a mission history in the way you want it, check out the forums of Eve, they got alot of material to help starts with alot of information (maybe too much?).


    Eve is pretty much all about planning ahead, impulse flights will prolly end in a 50/50 chance to crash your ship....


    I think you should try explore what you really wanna do in Eve, want to be a trader or someone who fights all the time (Ratting, pk'er, bountyhunter ect.). When i first tried eve i tried a little of all and it ended bad, then i retried it some months later with a set path and voila, i played Eve for quite some time, i don't know if oyu already tried it and it just didn't work out or or something but it's always worth a shot.

  • F'larF'lar Member Posts: 60

    Well as a soloer in EVE  and someone who played SWG for awhile the best answer I can give you is this:


        If you want to solo EVE  be ready for a LONG slow period, I have been soloing for almost a year and only now do I have the funds to build my own ships, yea I made a ton of mistakes, but I do enjoy the freedom that soloing in EVE brings, but you HAVE to be very self motivated and to keep from makeing mining boring I do have a second account that I use as a mission flyer ( even thou he is mainly used as a transport toon  lol) and my main account toon can play a varitity of roles, miner, mission runner, economist, and a decent PvPer. But I would be the first to say that soloing in EVE is not the best way to enjoy the game, personally I don't like to take orders from anyone as to what I'm going to do in my gametime( even thou it would probably be the same thing that I am doing now lol).


       as for the community join the Help channel or the EVE radio channel, both of those are very active all day long. I'm sure there are others but those are the ones that I can vouch for, I mainly use Local channel just to see who is in the system that I am in and if they pose a threat to my ship,


      but to enjoy EVE you do have to set a clear goal for yourself, and the first goal SHOULD be simple, like being able to fly a cruiser and fight well in it. After doing that try something that will take longer. That way you do have a path in front of you BUT it is one that you have set not the developers.

  • Again, thanks for all the advice

    I guess it all comes down to knowing what you want to do in EVE, something I still haven't decide on. I have never been very good at making decisions. When I'm creating a character part of me wants to do mining so I o down the mining path of creation but then theres part of me keen on Manufactuer and corporations. EVE gives you a lot to learn and often you need to learn it quick!

    Such as the market, I have no idea whatsoever how it works hehe! As I said previously EVE Online is a game I could really see myself getting into. Despite me saying I want freedom and such I think I could do with support and help so I'll try and join a good corp willing to take on a newbie fool!  In SWG I was helped out by some amazing players who didn't need to help me but they did! spent months advicing me and helping me out in the world! I guess I'm looking for some help in the same area and I'll see about joining the chat for EVE University. 

    Despite me wanting to get into the EVE Community I can find it hard to get on with people! especially people who are very forward (if you know what I'm on about) and hyper! I know that if I did join a corp it wouid be a more mature corp (I've had my fill of kids in WoW thank you very much). I really want to get into EVE, hopefully I'll find a way!

    Thanks again!

  • ThoemseThoemse Member UncommonPosts: 457

    Totally depends on your playstyle of course but believe me: If PVP means anything to you you`ll be hooked the first time you did a serious one on one in a somewhat expensive ship. It gets your heart pumping. No other MMO manages to leave you sitting in front of your PC shaking because of the adrenaline rush.

  • SonOfAGhostSonOfAGhost Member Posts: 383

    Do NOT join a corp right away! Stay in the noob corp for a while and participate in the conversations, help out the noobs, make yourself known. After a while you'll have made some friends that either A) are alts and their main's corp would be a good fit or B) you can start a new corp with some like-minded friends and leave the noob corp together.

    With an sandbox game like Eve different corps will have many different approaches which mean that for any given individual MOST corps are the wrong corp. So you can either hop from corp to corp looking for the right group of people (and each time you do the busy employment history makes you less attractive as a recruit), or you can find the right people first and let that lead to the right corp.

    There's even at least 2 noob corps I know of have spun-off channels for ex-members to stay in touch with friends in different player corps or still in the noob corp.

  • Experimemt13Experimemt13 Member Posts: 188



    It's all about the company you keep.


    Some friends and I are considering a re-entry into EVE. (I played for a while, but was solo... That is a tough time!)


    We are pretty laid back and are Ex-SWG as well... Shoot me a PM if you would like to discuss it. (We also have a few small connections ingame.)

  • ShohadakuShohadaku Member Posts: 581

    My ingame name is E Vile.

    We would be glad to help devoted players into EVE. Feel free to send me a mail in game. I'm also X-SWG (RIP pre cu). We got a nice setup of Alliances where we live.

    The key to EVE is getting out of the noob corp.


  • JowenJowen Member Posts: 326

    I have been playing EVE solo for a very long time, but currently this seems to be interesting.

  • fizzle322fizzle322 Member Posts: 723


    Each person finds their own path to happiness.

    For me happiness was leaving highsec, joining an alliance and living in 0.0

    Thats what pretty much opened up the game for me.

  • HerodesHerodes Member UncommonPosts: 1,494

    Like in every MMO, a powerful Guild/corp/blah makes a boring game enjoyable.

    Do NOT mining.^^ For me as a relaxing carebear the market is THE revolution in the MMO-segment. Plus couriermissions level 4 in a 550.000 isk- "beginner"-ship are quite easy.
    I have a t2-fitted Harbinger while on the step into a command-ship, I just don´t want to see these boring fight-missions (+salvaging) anymore.

    The more boring, the more money you do make.
    This is, why I have chosen the Trader/Courier-path. TV next to the monitor as a bonus.

    If any corp can convince me, that corp-events make more fun in EVE than this, please send me an EVE-mail.

  • grimbojgrimboj Member Posts: 2,102

    The secret to eve is that everyone secretly plays a second game. EvE is not a main game, the skill system is demotivating and the game either revolves around money or PvP arguments. Some people thrive on the constantly nerdy arguments or get their cheaps on camping lowsec and ganking n00bs. The main hint I would give is feel NO obligation to graduate to 0.0. Pick a very specific area to specialise in and find a guild that needs that specialisation. Get the absolute bare competencies in everything else so you can atleast appear to help in other scenarios. For example, I'm going for perfect ice mining but I can fly a BS with t1 equipment and am playing hellgate london :P

    Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL

  • HYPERI0NHYPERI0N Member Posts: 3,515
    Originally posted by grimboj

    The secret to eve is that everyone secretly plays a second game. EvE is not a main game, the skill system is demotivating and the game either revolves around money or PvP arguments. Some people thrive on the constantly nerdy arguments or get their cheaps on camping lowsec and ganking n00bs. The main hint I would give is feel NO obligation to graduate to 0.0. Pick a very specific area to specialise in and find a guild that needs that specialisation. Get the absolute bare competencies in everything else so you can atleast appear to help in other scenarios. For example, I'm going for perfect ice mining but I can fly a BS with t1 equipment and am playing hellgate london :P

    There is some truth to this. Some players only play EvE part time [like me], For those that do it is best to specialise in one area [in my case i want to PvP so I'm specialising in Tech 2 cruisers] and have fun with that. And he is right 0.0 is NOT necessary if you know where and how to play.

    Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981

  • batolemaeusbatolemaeus Member CommonPosts: 2,061

    Originally posted by grimboj
    The secret to eve is that everyone secretly plays a second game.

    I don't play a second game, but have a second monitor.
    I work on other things over the day with eve running. I am doing some hauling, sell things, organize a bit. It takes my attention from time to time (i live in 0.0), but if i don't want to pvp at that time, i just go into one of the less bussy systems, do some carebearing, and do something else in the meantime.

    When it comes to fleetops or pvp, i can't do that anymore. Most ops are in the evening, when i am finished with whatever i did. They deserve and need my full attention.

    So, in my opinion you don't need to play another game. It just distracts you.
    You just shouldn't play it like most linear grinders, though. It is more a huge world and less simply a game.

  • LallanteLallante Member Posts: 121

    There is some truth in the 'play a second game' claims. I probably play eve less than 2 hours a week these days because my PC cant handle PVP and PvP is the most fun/high end part of EVE (unless you are 'elite' at manufacturing, production, trading, etc in which case they all have their endgame).

    I play 2 other games far far more.


    And yet... I still consider myself first and foremost an eve player. I spend more time in eve-forums, follow developer and news announcements more closely.


    Its a strange loyalty that many people find. Happily paying your $15 a month for a game you barely play, and ENJOYING doing so. I'm actually PROUD to be an eve-vet. Wierd.

  • schawoschawo Member Posts: 135

    I argue with the point, that EVE is not suitable for main game. It is for me, for more then 2 years. However, I play 2 others, when I get tired of EVE.

  • Mors.MagneMors.Magne Member UncommonPosts: 1,549

    I'm a very enthusiastic player of Eve.

    What keeps me enthusiastic is having a goal... Then I planned a way to achieve it... Then I encountered problems...then I had to think of ways to solve them.

    All this involves intellectual challenge. I love this because in real life I am a clever and tenacious person.

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