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I player Coh for 4 years nearly. I'm just Curious to see how many people would be interested
or think they will give this one a go since it is a Superhero game .
I try almost every MMO and buy every major release on the PC.
i might, well just see how this game progresses
Sorry Browser Screwd up when i was making thread, Just use other one for finished one :P
I've been playing CoH since Open Beta. It's the only MMO I play.
Having said that, I'm very excited about Champions Online. I like how they're really thinking about increasing the superhero feel of the game.
I only played CoV/CoH for about 6 months and I loved 95% of the game. CoV is probably the 2nd best MMO ive played next to EVE and it could of been number 1 with graphical updates and other things. Count me in on this FOR SURE!
I don't know.
Maybe not.
CoX is my favorite MMO. But here, they are not continuing on CoX trail, they start something completely different, and as such, I don't know. It seems to relly on ACTION, and if this is the case, I won't annoy anyone and just go quietly. Adds this that in an action game nerfs are normal...I don't see myself playing an action game much, especially not a MMO.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Played CoV (and a little CoH) on the euro servers for about four months. Would have played more but the population was (still is?) really low, it was possible to play solo but playing almost only solo is not that fun.
Definitely keeping a eye on this game (as in my last hope for a good mmorpg).
I recently played CoV for a bit and loved it... would have sticked around if there was a big enough population but, the game itself was really enjoyable... I'll definitely give this game a try too.
I'm still playing CoX and weeping over its ever-shrinking apparent player count (pardon my trollesque digression, but what kind of reaction is that ? "Not a lot of players round here. Guess I'll just leave then." How is the population supposed to grow this way ?).
Being a fan of customization-intensive systems, I'm highly anticipating this game and will definitely give it a try.
Do trial players count?
The CoH numbers are shrinking because the current dev team is kind of clueless.
I can't wait to see what the new game will be like with the original lead designer and a solid engine ready to go! Yes, I will be playing Champions Online.
I've been playing CoX for a while and it's almost my favorite game ever, but if Champion Online will be everything they say and shot it's, then CoX might crumble without some major graphic changes. Power customization would be first and then more realistic zones. Still CO will be an action game so I'm not sure how well that may turn out. Definately going to try CO though and hopefuly it will be great.
I played COH religiously for about 6 months when it was first release, stopped, and played it again for a couple months afterwards and then got bored. I have to admit it was one of the best MMO games I have ever played but....the grind and the game kind of being cookie cutter as you leveled kind of burned me out. I never did COV because it just seems it would be similar just the darker version. I am sure the game is even better today in terms of content but I am just burnt out on it.
I do believe Champions has potential and if the launch goes well I suspect it will do very well. A nice alternative to the D&D esque games that are available. Those are my favorite types but occassionaly it is nice to have a change of pace and concept.
I hope it is successful.
The deve, is the same states from COH and we know what his style is Nurph nurph. watered down powers high debt, endless grind, little content. that never gets refreshed.
im still playing COX. 6 heroes &Villains but...I have to say that im going to play this game! Its going to be City of Heroes 2!
I played CoH from late beta through the end of the first year, then quit for a while, and have come back a few times since then. It's a fun game, and while it has had some pretty rough changes, overall it still has the best "feel" of any MMO out there.
If CO was being done by the current NCSoft CoX team, I'd jump in a heartbeat. Jack "Statesman" Emmeret isn't a deal breaker for me, but it does make me cautious.... Hopefully he has learned to listen to the player base and make use of the feedback from the test servers.
i'll check it out if it seems like they improved on the superhero mmo. i remember playing CoH and finally getting super jump. being an explorer type, i loved the super travel abilities. especially since the cities were designed as something you might see on earth. it just made the game really immersive. however, i remember finaly getting bored since the questing gameplay was so repetiive and dull.
I played CoH/V for bout a year. I always said they should have stuck to their guns and went with a HERO-like system like they planned (but ditched at E3).
This time I hope they think things through better and stick to their guns. Also I pray the 'city of nerfs' is not repeated. The nerfs rained down from the sky left and right.
That ED nerf was pretty awful. That's stuff a professional game dev should do before ship. Please dont revamp an MMO years later that's just not cool. If your game is broken, fix it before release plz. Don;t say crap like, "We never meant for Controllers to have X number of pets".... Find that stuff in open beta please.
I will be there for sure! And hopefully for beta as well.
I've been in COH/COV since launch (Freedom represent!) but I find myself not having the urge to fight evil any more -- been there, done that.
Champions Online could turn that around for me.
I'm really excited about this. I played COH for over three years and still consider it my favorite MMO. Reading Jack Emmert's posts and blog on Champions has me cautiously optimistic that he's learned from the mistakes he made with COH -- simply making a next generation COH game with far fewer nerfs, more to do than just fighting, and a more open, non-class based character system would be amazing.
holy f'ing god, 4 years? how can you play any city game for four years? its way too repetitious. i played coh for about 4 months I think and cov for about 2 months.
I think if this game has just a tad less repetition than cox then it will be a winner. i couldn't take the endless grinding of the same missions over and over again.
hopefully it'll be good.
I thought COX was too repetitive and its powers too cookie cutter. Even though there are different types of powers you ended up with similar superheros with similar skills way too often.
Actually, the nerfs were the GOOD decisions. The Tank herding nerf was the single greatest decision in MMO history. ED wasn't awful -- it was a necessary step toward inventions. Without ED, inventions would have been a nightmare to balance. Was your enjoyment of the game based entirely on a few 6-slotted powers? If so, that's a shame.
Once Statesman left and Positron started adding things that seemed "cool," THAT is when the gameplay and overall enjoyability began to plummet.
I too will be watching this game carefully and intend on giving it a try when it comes out. The customization they talk of sounds very promising.