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If you ever thought to jump by JGE website and check the forums there , my advice is: forget it...
In many many years of gaming i never seen more hostile horrible community. Basically the forums there are taken over by ex Jumpgate classic players. Old Jumpgate is, and never was a sucesfull game - and it was played by a handfull of hardcore entusiasts. ( Also known to repetedly gank newcomers to game
to such a degree that even game developers begged them to stop, because they were driving away what was allready small player base. Some people even claim JGC failed because of the bad rep caused by them )
This group of people has now taken over JGE forums. Their goal is to harass any poster recommending anything new or any change or evolvment of JGE from its old classic. Any post with new idea or something different to what they knew and are used to in the classic game, are met not by arguments but straight personal insults.
So if you are new player. Interested in JGE (like i was) I advice you to spare your time and avoid the said forums.
My only hope is that this attempt to ruin any potential of this up comming game will not succeed, and that
the developers will realize they are dealing with loud and aggressive minority that will do world of hurt to the game and the fan base it is hoping to achieve...
So far they lost one...
Your post makes me want to go over there even more now I don't like bullies, not even virtual bullies like these nasty posters you describe. The best way to deal with the astards is to harrass them right back,don't let them take over a great game all over again.
Mark E. Cooper
AKA Tohrment
Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.
I tried and given up.
You post topic like "JGE should have avatars" , and emidiately get response "I will kill on sight any player that has stupid avatar". Every word you post meets comments like "Stupid post of the month" , "You fail" , "Learn English" ... and not by single poster , but by group - probably in game guild or something.
Developers should listen to suggestion on their forums. But what can you do when forum is taken over by a virtual bullies ?
Hmm - that reminds me a lot of the Vanguard crowd during Beta! Only there they acted as the "defenders of the "vision"" . That does not bode well for JGE. People like that can ruin a game very quickly.
Actually, these folks are much more hostile than the VG crowd ever was, because they defend the game as it current exists as being perfect. They make Darkfall forum posters look gentle in comparison.
The great thing about it is I think the new game will be developed with many things changed that they will absolutely hate (unless the devs are stupid) and with luck it will drive them from the new version.
My advice is to ignore their hostile responses, and post what you like. Or ignore them completely and play the game when it comes out like I plan to.
Who the hell are you, and why should I care?
Congrats! You are a victim of Trollstar!
by the way, if you've been on the internet for more then a year, you should've developed an asbestos skin by now.
lol, why such hate? Make love not hate:D
im a ninja
My cool sig: Turrets suck.
This sounds like a challenge!
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Now i must visit that forum. After many years of Forumfall i hope that the Jumpgate forum will be as a gentle touch from my girlfriend in comarison.
And it would be fun to talk to fanbois. But it cant be that bad?
Actually this is not true. Many newcomers have found their way onto the forums and have been welcomed and have integrated really well.
Lobo is one of about 3 people who have come into the community and been generally difficult, obnoxious and opinionated. Jumpgate is a combat space simulator MMO, Lobo wants it to be delayed so that it can be made into a Eve/WoW [insert random MMO here] clone.
If you like the basic concept of what JGE is going to be (again, combat space simulator MMO, and thats according to the devs) then the welcome you will get will be second to none. If you come wanting to be a complete a-hole, then expect the welcome only a tight knit 8 year old community can give.
The dude above me said it well enough. Comunity isnt just a bunch of people trolling the forums since the old days and you cant judge a community by a few haters of the new.
I do want a space combat MMO, so we are all good there, but tell me more about this WOW clone thing. Smeg, are you one of these people that believe PVE content makes anygame a WOW clone? If you are, I have to disagree with you.
I used to play games like Eite, Privateer, Freelancer, Wing Commander etc. None of these are MMOs true, but all of them had PVE content--the entire game was played against NPC "bad guys" and I enjoyed them. If JGE has no PVE, it will remain a tiny niche game and will never compete on the big stage. I want this game to do really well. I want the devs to be rewarded for their work, and in turn reward us for playing by adding more patches etc. The more money the devs pull in with subs, the more they can do FOR us in the game. Its simple as that.
PVE MMO players are a huge portion of the total MMO gamer community. JGE must include a mixture of content. IF the fantasy game Warhammer can do it with its RVR (PVP+PVE in factional wars) so can JGE.
Smeg, do you agree that PVE added to the game does not make a WOW clone?
Mark E. Cooper
AKA Tohrment
Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.
This is just a guess, but from the previous posts on this thread I don't think the WoW comment was a PvE / PvP thing... rather, the impression I get is that Lobotomist was wanting the game to implement avatars that can walk around on-planet etc (as per SWG Jump to Lightspeed) as well as the spaceship flying stuff.
From my own experience, the last-minute implementation of an avatar system by a small studio (PotBS anyone...?) serves only to detract from an otherwise good game. Sometimes it really is just better to stick to what you do best.
Actually it is not true at all. I went there with some good ideas.
One of them was that "walk on station" avatars are not needed. But an idea for JG to do "comm link - avatars"
Personalised 3D faces. That pop up when you are having conversation. Completely similar to EVE , but animated. Something like they are implementing in Starcraft II.
I posted whole explanation of this, coupled with pictures showing examples from games that used 3D portraits - Freelancer , X2 ...etc
First two posts answering my tread were " If i see a player with stupid avatar , i will kill him on sight " , and other one was something along the lines of "this post fails"
So not only that the bullies there could not come up with any explanation, why they do not like the idea , but the only way they can express them selves is by pointless insults.
As I see there are two fears in JGE fanboy community right now. First one is that the evolution of the game may bring more diverse crowd (read not all will be gankers). And the second is that the game may be more appealing to casual player (read children that play 10+ hours a day may loose the advantage of being uber gankers) This is why they are being utterly hostile to any recomendation , not along the line of
dry hardcore gameplay.
Bundled there is the usual "Go back to WOW" as you can see by above poster comment. Poster that naturally belongs to above mentioned bullies...
What can i say ... welcome to a forum where players actually do know something about MMOs , Smegit
I stand corrected
Can't imagine why your suggestion would be so difficult to implement... hell, even Quake sported the ol' animated character portrait, can't imagine it would blow the budget to bring it ahead ten years. Maybe it's just not L337 anymore...
BTW, while walk on avatars aren't "needed", most people would agree that not having them is one factor that limits the player base in EVE.
I have a friend who gave the game a go, and while he enjoyed the core combat, he said he just could not get into a game w/o an actual player character. He's not alone in this opinion.
But its also true, if they can't be done right, best they not be done at all.
Who the hell are you, and why should I care?
Congrats! You are a victim of Trollstar!
We are talking about company that allready has 3D walking Avatars engine. The one they used in Auto Assault. And recycling old technologies is no problem - as Turbine shows with LOTRO - that borrows technologies from Ascherons-call to DDO.
But i agree. WALKING AVATARS are not the imperative (although Earth&Beyond benefited greatly from having them. And EVE itself is trying to implement them)
What is imperative is some kind of AVATARS. Even a simple picture of a face would do the trick.
But animated Face avatar - would be a great middle of the road solution.
For if you dont have them, what are you ? A ship recognised only by a name written above it ?
It is hard to believe such approach would have enough appeal to attract crowd to JGE.
After all we are not talking 2002 MMO here, but a product entering highly competitive arena with AOC,WAR, and another next gen MMOs
Hmm about 3 threads just about Avatar animations with you attacking posters who replied with the whole "if you have avatars I'll kill you yada yada yada".
So this makes any pity you're trying to get from anyone worthless since you're just attacking right back. Maybe if you didn't resort to flinging the venom right back. How noble of you.
It seemed like you knew very well what you were going to get into when you were going in to post those avatar threads, a community who doesn't want any fluff what so ever. I think you've commited an act of forum stupidity here.
When somebody answers the post with an argument , i answer the post with counter argument.
When somebody answers the post with very good argument , i agree with him.
But when somebody answers the post with insult , i insult him right back mate.
My blood is red and i have spine - do not expect i will tolerate any insult.
Real question is : why does JGE forum bully feels he has to answer game suggestion , with insults ??
Im sorry Lobotomist but you cant say that the whole Jumpgate Evolution community is horrible on the basis of a few flames that you received due to being just as pig headed as those flamming you
The community which I hasten to add is only partly represented on the forums is one of the best I have ever been involved with for any game. I think staying in it for the last eight years is testament to that fact.
So you got a few of the juvenile meat heads telling you that your on KOS for some ideas, big deal its nothing to get worked up about at the very least its part of any game forum, and at worse than getting downed in game, and the chance of that actually happening for something you said on the forum that wasn’t degortarry torwards them or thier kin, which if you read about how things are going to be done you would most likely never come across the people that posted those remarks in game any way due to different shards and time zones.
So really coming here and telling this community (which I know nothing about and wouldn’t even think about bad mouthing it before I had spent some time getting to know it first) How bad Jumpgate Evolutions with out getting to know it, maybe wasn’t a good idea.
The Jumpgate community is very welcoming to New players just expect a few flames along the way.
From my personal experience with you Lobotomist (aka rattrap) ive found your threads are almost always based on an agenda and you are very aggressive in your approach. Whether you realise it or not, your opinions can hit on notes that others find important, and unfortunately not everyone is mature in their response.
If you want to keep a topic civil, you have to ignore the flamers and only reply to posters with credible arguement.
The moment you diverge into personal insults, is the moment it all comes tumbling down.
There are flamers in all forums, except this forum perhaps becuase they get banned in seconds, but they exist nevertheless. Just ignore them.
Well said.
I can not understand the utter absurdity and reverse logic of these forums.
When original poster posts a constructive argument on a forum , but instead of a civil answer or reply - he is insulted. He insults back. And than he is branded flamer for it .
Sounds logical ?
When a whole group of posters defends the insults, and encourages them - but they are not called horrible community ?
Is that a good community ?
I repeat my original statement.
JGE has horrible community. And if you do not believe me , try it for your self.
Just go and post a word not in the line of the "vision" and see for your self.
And PS GodPuppet , i do react to the insult with an insult - mea culpa
PS Answer: Many flames are flamebait, replying will only take the thread topic off track or turn it into a flamefest.
Judging by your response, im not really surprised they reacted to you in this way.
After reading several of your posts, and the responses, it is very clear you go into this looking for a fight, and make one if none exists. You obviously have not learned anything about the game and it's community, or you would have known that the KOS comment you got was nothing more than a passing IC (in character) comment. But I think the minute anyone disagrees with you, you start this "the game sucks and everyone is mean and hatefull" rant. What are you, a 12 year old girl going through puberty?
You know, on a scale of 1 to 10, my PvP skills probably put me at a three, on a good day, but if I saw you ingame, I'd shoot you too.
Wonder why all posters claiming JGE community is not horrible , but it is me who is just bad repping them for nothing - are people with 1-10 posts on this forums ?
Make a guess