Right now, I'm not putting my money down on any thing. See that list of released games on the left? I've tinkered with most of those and they all have their gems but also their flaws. Is this where I'm suppose to put my wish list of things in a game? May as well. I feel like a rant anyway.
- Cyberpunk: It's body modification, brain modofication, projecting the mind into virtual space and hacking it up. I want a game where I can be an up and coming cowboy, hired by the yakuza to mine data from the corporates. I want to be able to leave my body and take over the cyberbrain of someone else and whang their soon-to-be-corpse into oncoming traffic. I want to need to sit on the face of a data warehouse and ease my way through its ice, using every hacking technique my skill level has access to. I want to be able to hack my own skill level to see if I can sneak in an upgrade before the server crashes me out. I want it to be dirty, skungy, permanent night, with dollar-a-night hookers and drugged up street trash and nanobot health injections and brain tanks sold on every street corner.
- Steampunk: Who needs electricity when you can do it all with valves and hot, hot steam. Burn it up, blast it out. Computers mean huge factories of complex machinery. Flywheels and chains and ropes and pulleys and lots and lots of effort. Hard, hot, wet, dirty. That's how I like it. Coal fired, steam powered weaponry? Yeah baby.
- Sci fi means it's got science, but it's made up, not something out of Pyhsics Review Weekly. And who confused sci fi with time travel? We haven't left this earth yet, we haven't explored space or other worlds. Just because it's sci fi doesn't mean it's the future. Any why is it that only space ships have tractor beams? Why can't tractors have tractor beams? Why can't you tie people up with laser beams? Why can't you use a freeze ray effectively against photon torpedos? What would happen if you had a cannon that fired black holes at your enemy? Why can't you freeze clouds?
- I want to be able to battle down the streets of New York or Amsterdam or Melbourne and have them look like those places. I want to tread the streets that I know from real life and recognise places or know where to go becuase I've actually been there. And then find it's full of hellish monsters, cool magic shops, murderous cut-throat pirates, or mysterious green crystals you feel compelled to spend many hours mining.
- I like creative fantasy but not any resembling something Tolkein would think up. It's just so blah. I like some of the crazy stuff those Japanese and Koreans dream up. It's not all orcs and dragons and tudor townships full of blank eyed country folk. Swords with guns in them. Crazy hot chicks who fight with their hair. Things with the front of a lion, the back of a gorilla and the middle of a tokyo-destroying super-robot. Blobs of goo that fight back. Humongously massively giant mega monsters that fire neutron bombs from their eyes but are powered by emo school kids. Woo!
- I'm into the surreal. I'd love a game with monkeys who use spatulas to pry bees nests out of coconut trees. Where it rains frogs. Where fish fly in schools in the air and vampire bats herd buffalo using laser beams out their beaks. You, the player, evolved from under the toenails of the gods (literally) and, mainly to get away from the smell, set about not discovering fire or the wheel but creating a line of habedashery with designs based on the colour of underbellies of dolphins. I want it wierd, wonderful and completely stupefying at every turn. There is nothing at all like this.
- A rockin social creative place where it's all lovey dovey and nobody really dies - well, not horribly anyway. Messily and in humerous ways, but not horribly with blood and bits. But where to level up you need to beat the other guy in a nitro-fulled 10,000,000 volt rock and roll electric guitar war (if you're in the rockstar class) or a mega powerful ultra-choc pastry bake off against your opponent (if you're in a chef class) or a no-rules, gruelling two hour tango to the death. Fighting doesn't have to involve hitting stuff. I'm so so sick of hitting stuff.
- I'd like to have to start young and live to be older. And when my character dies, the consciousness and skills and worlds goods all transfer over into a new, young character who has to live and grow through it all again. The chance for a change - a new face, new hair, a new name, a new race or gender or base skill. You die, you get to choose again, and you get to carry some (not all) of what you used to be across to the new character. The older you get, the better the player is at not dying. Respect your elders? Nah, but handy to have them along when you and the other kids go out for a good slaying.
Well, I'm hungry. Comments, flames, bizarre misquotings all welcome!
Forum signatures are stupid and annoying. I've turned mine off.
why don't you publish it so that others will be interested also...
I'm playing WYD Global ^_^
So you want a new real time mmo that really is a complete blending of every MMO ever created, all of the pc/console story lines in existence and just dripping with extra special sauce. A Google Earth meets Johnny Mnemonic beast loving a Honda Civic, while being captured on canvas by Salvidor Dali and all in one 35 dvd box or 4day cable net digi download. ROFL!
The very first (and only ... ever!) 750mil $ development priced game with a new standard in premium pricing, it's cheap, at 400$ a month or one Fed EX'ed human organ of your choice.Lol ..alright then.
I can't say I have that much hope for your wishes. If you do get what you want someday, good for you, but I'll be a shocked as hell. GL!
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
Yep, that's right. I can leave it to you to arrange the details, then? Great. Bang it together, ready by Monday?
An existing game that combined two or more of those elements would be good.
Forum signatures are stupid and annoying. I've turned mine off.
Np at all, just make sure your personal accountant gets in touch with the first half billion and I'll start putting out the feelers for the dev team.
Seriously though, I see now, what your after and I hold no bias against your ideas at all. On my first read through I just got the impression that every point in the list was an absolute must have. I trully believe there's room for everything in MMO's. I'm just not convinced that we'll ever see an everyone's MMO but as for the 'surrealism' I agree it would have it's niche and probably be a riot to play.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
I would recommend LSD.
You hurt my brain making it understand yours.
Take a deep drink of your demon Lad, tonight we tangle with the fire in the gut.
Definitely some interesting stuff. Obviously it will never see the light of day, but hopefully the devs will get the idea and change their business plans. Plus, it's refreshing to read ideas other than "kill loot rinse repeat," even if they don't make any sense.
Really an interesting stuff, and once again wish the dev will get the idea and change their business strategy.
If I had to prioritise my own list I'd put option 8 first. So this begs the poll:
Forum signatures are stupid and annoying. I've turned mine off.