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I was just outside and noticed that jets are flying over today spraying those chemical trail things. I wonder what you all think of these? I know that some years ago the British government admitted they were doing biological weapons testing on the British people by using this technique, so maybe you Brits can chime in on this?
As explanation; When a jet flies across the sky, it leave a condensation trail, which disapates within a few minutes. A chemical trail stay there in the sky, slowly disapating over hours and hours. When the jets are applying these chemicals, they fly back and forth across a populated area, often criss crossing, making grids in the sky. Some say this is for the purpose of weather modification, seeding clouds. Others say its like the British program of biological weapons testing. Still others believe its likely to be a eugenics operation.
As is usualy the case, those that don't know talk, and those that know don't talk. So we're left to speculate on what the purpose of this activity is. Any comments? Have you witnessed this in your area?
Actually I work in the aircraft industry and 99% of what you said is uninformed falsities.
The "smoke" trails left by aircraft are called Contrails, or Condensation Trails. They come about from either the exhaust of engines (which leaves carbon dioxide and water vapour) or wingtip vorticies ( leaving tiny ice crystals) in the air. They are, for all intents and purposes, clouds. A cloud is created by condensed moisture (water droplets) or minute ice crystals jamming together and floating around in our atmosphere. They are called Condensation Trails because they are condensation (like you get on a cold glass during a hot day), ie water. Just floating around in cloud form because of the altitude and weather conditions.
Some contrails will dissipate within minutes, some will last for hours. They behave alot like clouds, because that's what they are. They will hang around or dissipate depending on the weather of the day.
The aircraft are NOT spraying chemicals. Whoever told you this is lying to you, or they don't know anything about aircraft. So just throw all your conspiracy theories out the window please.
The worst you could claim is that it's air pollution, but it hasn't been proven that contrails affect the environment in any way (nor have I heard of there being anything chemically signifigant in them). Aircraft engines are also one of the most efficient and least-polluting engines out there, simply because the owners want to spend the least amount of money on fuel. I'm willing to bet your car pollutes more proportionally than an aircraft engine.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
windstrike, you are so far lost I cannot begin to describe what you have become. The fact that you actually believe this, along with all the other conspiracy stuff...
There really is no word...
The Brits didn't believe it either, until their government admitted it.
The idea of chemtrails is really stupid. It is the dumbest conspiracy.
First, the cost of running all these planes, pilots, chemicals, would be huge. There are far more effecient ways to poison people like putting chemicals in the water supply.
Why the hell would you make chemicals STAY in the air? If you wanted to poison people it should spread fast, not linger in the sky.
Further, whoever is behind chemtrails would be poisoning themselves, their friends, and family in the process as chemtrails are supposedly everywhere. So, if there really are chemicals in the air, they must not be that bad.
I'd like a link to a credible source (eg. BBC, CNN.)
I saw something on the discovery channel on this...but didnt have anything that you said in it. They did tests on jet fuels and the exhaust and found nothing abnormal. There is a theory and and a chance that the goverment is spreading aluminum dioxide into the atmosphere to act as tiny mirrors to reflect some light in turn slowing global warming, a scientist proposed this a long time ago and there is a possibility that the goverment is trying this out now though it is very unlikely.
I'd like a link to a credible source (eg. BBC, CNN.)
Well let's start with this:
Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
I'd like a link to a credible source (eg. BBC, CNN.)
Well let's start with this:
Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to Simulated bacteria sprayed in secret trials
IN THE 1940's 50's and 60's.
Point is that the stuff used was considered at the time of use to be safe. Most of the tests were i believe dropping a florescent mist at high altitudes so that the government could study how such material would spread over the UK if there was a attack from Soviet Russia. Of course now there is some doubt whether all of the chemicals were really that safe back then they didnt know better. Your making more out of this than is needed Windstrike1!!!.
Another great example of Moore's Law. Give people access to that much space (developers and users alike) and they'll find uses for it that you can never imagine. "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - Bill Gates 1981
I'd like a link to a credible source (eg. BBC, CNN.)
Well let's start with this:
Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to Simulated bacteria sprayed in secret trials
IN THE 1940's 50's and 60's.
Point is that the stuff used was considered at the time of use to be safe. Most of the tests were i believe dropping a florescent mist at high altitudes so that the government could study how such material would spread over the UK if there was a attack from Soviet Russia. Of course now there is some doubt whether all of the chemicals were really that safe back then they didnt know better. Your making more out of this than is needed Windstrike1!!!.
You didn't read the article, did you.
EDIT: LOL I noticed you added the word "Simulated". You really are in a desperate stage of denial, huh?
I don't think you read the article.
You make it sound like the UK government was poisoning the people with a malicious intent. That is not case. The chemicals released were thought to be harmless and were used to see how a real release of poison gas by an enemy would spread. Of course, I admit that could be a lie.
If it was a lie, what was the point? Maybe I missed it, but no one died. The only result may be birth defects in some people. Tell me why the government would want to cause birth defects in their own people? If they were just testing why not drop some chemicals on German's who they were at war with at the time?
Good points. I would suggest reading the ENTIRE ARTICLE though. And I don't see how I am making it sound like anything, I just posted a link and the headline.
The Brits didn't believe it either, until their government admitted it.
You will find any little snippet and try to make it into whatever you want it to be. "I want everything to be doom and gloom," you think, and therefore it is so. Maybe you should learn something about what happens to chemical agents when placed in the atmosphere at -50 degrees Celsius as an aerosol. But you don't want to learn anything for yourself, you just want to read what will support your convoluted theories about the bad things the governments of the world do to us ordinary citizens. Your arguments lack all resemblance of what is commonly considered logic or scientific method, or hell anything scientific.
I'm so tired of your pathetic posts...
And I assume your, "I suggest you read the entire article" is in reference to the comment: "Asked whether such tests are still being carried out, she said: 'It is not our policy to discuss ongoing research.'"
I assume that you are implying that statement makes your point. It's a perfect example of what you are spouting. You see, "We are still doing this, so we cannot comment." When what she said was nothing of the sort.
Ok ! this is bs. I live in the uk and what you are saying is nonsense. Yes the british have used chemical weapons on other Winston Churchill used them on the Iranians/Iraqis in there quests for oil and by all accounts felt no way about doing it either.
This is what he thought about CW.. Churchill was in no doubt that gas could be profitably employed against the Kurds and Iraqis (as well as against other peoples in the Empire): *I do not understand this sqeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poison gas against uncivilised tribes.* Henry Wilson shared Churchills enthusiasm for gas as an instrument of colonial control but the British cabinet was reluctant to sanction the use of a weapon that had caused such misery and revulsion in the First World War. Churchill himself was keen to argue that gas, fired from ground-based guns or dropped from aircraft, would cause *only discomfort or illness, but not death* to dissident tribespeople; but his optimistic view of the effects of gas were mistaken. It was likely that the suggested gas would permanently damage eyesight and *kill children and sickly persons, more especially as the people against whom we intend to use it have no medical knowledge with which to supply antidotes.*
Beggars belief lol but there is no way in hell they would use them on their own people..
Isn't it amusing how the ignorant laugh at what they don't understand. And then get angry when they are no longer able to maintain that ignorance. Well, at least you'll always have your faith, regardless of the facts.
Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
Watch and weep.
Don't feign a victory you haven't won Windstrike. The fact is they admitted they used chemicals. We have neither established nor proven the intent of the actions as a whole. Therefore feigning a victory of correctness is meaningless at this point. All we know at this point is they sprayed some chemicals they didn't know were deadly for the purpose of LEARNING about deadly gases effects. Because they picked chemicals they believed at that time were inert and harmless its likely to establish the opposite intent of what you claim.
That all being said, I know that governments quite often are willing to make... shall we say.. sacrifices for the whole? Sometimes they simply see the outcome as justified. Anyways, its a interesting topic to discuss but not to rush headlong into a make bold claims on without having much more conclusive evidence.
In you're own countries you are the government, in other countries you are not. You have no control over things if someone gets suspicious of your planes over another country. It's just less risky to test chemicals on your own people.
I mean it's not like your killing them, you just wanna see what the effects would be like, say 15+ years down the road. Not all gasses or chemicals would be used to kill, some would simply imcapasitate anyone in a given area for a duration, but what those chemicals do later down the road is important. If I'm going to be staying for awhile, or maybe even in control, it would be handy know the effects of my method. I mean, is everyone going to be sick, they gonna have mutant babies, live to be 200? I gots no idea.
Now if I had a controlled area were I could spray small amounts of this stuff I could see what happens. It's not like I need to use the people living in beverly hills or anything. A nice small rural town would be perfect. I could open a new air base in the area; think of how many jobs I create.
I'm just saying, you know. If your government wants to do something it can. It's rather naive to think that something like this is beyond the capasity of any modern government. Do you really think that all those people in Africa wanted to be the first to be injected with the polio vaccine? It's not like they weren't ordered to, many under the punishment of prison or death. No way, never, no government would do something like that. I mean aids came from deforestization.
Wish Darkfall would release.
daeandor, do not open these links!! It could be harful to your blissful ignorance! WARNING!! Go back to sleep! Do not attempt to understand!
Haven't you guys learned yet that you can't reason with irrational people? How could you possibly have an intelligent conversation with someone who believes something so assinine.
Oh, the worlds' airlines, in cooperation with local governments, are spraying bio-chemical weapons on us.
No reason, just for kicks.
Got proof?
Hmmm, you know a lot, and I mean a LOT of people would have to be involved in this. Have any of them stepped forward to blow the whistle?
Because, you know, the people who design the jets would have to know about it. The people who make the jets would know. The people who handle the chemical agents would know. The people who make the chemicals would know. The airline pilots would know because they'd have to trip the switch to realese the stuff and they'd probably talk to the stewardesses so they'd probably know. The mechanics who service the jets would know. Probably the guys who refuel the jets too.
And all those people are keeping quiet in support of this grand conspiracy for...what purpose? To randomly poisen their own families? Yeah, that makes sense.
I mean I could just send a plane up with some guys on it with some equipment to test some stuff that I don't need tested and while they are doing that they could be doing what I really want them to do. It's really that simple.
Or while you're in basic training and sitting in the box with tear gas I could just add a little something else to it and see what happens a decade or two down the road. Hell soldier, you don't even a choice in the matter, you HAVE to get this shot.
Really now. What in the world around us is going on that screams, "we're all about you guy, we love you!". Most of what I see is people fighting each other and selfishness in polotics, money, dwindeling natural resources. Some groups would rather millions starve then feed on crops grown with genetically engineered seeds, and some governments are willing to oblige them.
Do some of you really believe that your government hasn't, doesn't, or wouldn't now or any time in the future use you to test something?
What if your government wanted to test some form of chemical cloud seeding for whatever purpose; not just test it to see if it would do what they want, but to see if what the effects of it could have on a population of people, or even the animals. Some times it can be hard to determine if a chemical meant to kill some form of bug that has the potential to kill thousands would have any kind of prolonged negetive effect on people. Sometimes to find this stuff out you need a group of people, and I don't believe there is a government in the world that when it came time to test or scrap would simply scrap something important enough that it needed to be tested on people. That is to say important to the government or the military, well important to someone with more power then me.
Now I think maybe you should reconsider what you think of as irrational. Is it more irrational to think that your government would so something like the OP has pointed out, or believing that a government run by a species of animal that can't even get along with itself wouldn't do this.
When in all of human history have we ever demonstrated the ability to maintane a government that isn't corrupt or leaning a little more towards bad then the good guy should?
Wish Darkfall would release.
This is to divert attention from what the British Government is really doing.
While everyone is looking up in the sky British miliary intelligence agents are slipping into the Mosques and placing airborne sterilization chemicals in the air circulation systems to prevent an increase in the numbers of Muslims in the country. It is believed that ultimately, without new births, Islam will die out in Britain.......
None of the possibilities you named would be done using chemical dusting with Jets. Think for yourself, please.
Oh ok, you seem to think you know what you're talking about. Enlighten me. Why not?
I mean I could just send a plane up with some guys on it with some equipment to test some stuff that I don't need tested and while they are doing that they could be doing what I really want them to do. It's really that simple.
Or while you're in basic training and sitting in the box with tear gas I could just add a little something else to it and see what happens a decade or two down the road. Hell soldier, you don't even a choice in the matter, you HAVE to get this shot.
Really now. What in the world around us is going on that screams, "we're all about you guy, we love you!". Most of what I see is people fighting each other and selfishness in polotics, money, dwindeling natural resources. Some groups would rather millions starve then feed on crops grown with genetically engineered seeds, and some governments are willing to oblige them.
Do some of you really believe that your government hasn't, doesn't, or wouldn't now or any time in the future use you to test something?
What if your government wanted to test some form of chemical cloud seeding for whatever purpose; not just test it to see if it would do what they want, but to see if what the effects of it could have on a population of people, or even the animals. Some times it can be hard to determine if a chemical meant to kill some form of bug that has the potential to kill thousands would have any kind of prolonged negetive effect on people. Sometimes to find this stuff out you need a group of people, and I don't believe there is a government in the world that when it came time to test or scrap would simply scrap something important enough that it needed to be tested on people. That is to say important to the government or the military, well important to someone with more power then me.
Now I think maybe you should reconsider what you think of as irrational. Is it more irrational to think that your government would so something like the OP has pointed out, or believing that a government run by a species of animal that can't even get along with itself wouldn't do this.
When in all of human history have we ever demonstrated the ability to maintane a government that isn't corrupt or leaning a little more towards bad then the good guy should?
Like many you gravely overestimate the efficiency (if it seems to be there, then you're wrong) and the sense of purpose (there is none) of governments.
You also (which is sadly enough also too common) gravely underestimate the efficiency (Natural Selection BABY!) and the sense of purpose (NATURAAAL SEELEEECTION! of the human race.