Like many you gravely overestimate the efficiency (if it seems to be there, then you're wrong) and the sense of purpose (there is none) of governments.
You also (which is sadly enough also too common) gravely underestimate the efficiency (Natural Selection BABY!) and the sense of purpose (NATURAAAL SEELEEECTION! of the human race.
Do you believe that there is a government that exists today, that if they had something worth testing on humans, woudln't test it? No consider if it was something worth keeping secret?
Now I'm not saying that every government would be willing test test a genetically engineered virus designed to kill on it's own people. Instead I do believe that they would test things that would be beneficial. Like if your enemy is using some biological weapon and you have a means of negating it, then you have a tactical advantage that they dont. This isn't something you would want them to know. Nor is it something you would want the soldiers to know. If I really wanna make sure it works I need to see it in action, and not many people are going to volunteer to try it, even if it's supposed to save your life.
You have it administered as a required vaccination against whatever form of germ is known to inhabit the area. You send them into the field and if they get gassed and live it works, gassed and die and it's look how horrible the bad guys are.
Humans are special, not just for what we've acheaved as a species, but for our potential. Both in the things we will acomplish and what our brains are capable of. We are incredible beings. If anything I overestimate us as a species, I just think we have really bad behavioral traits at the moment. A lot of little imperfections that we are long due to evolve out of are creating more big problems then a little bit.
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
Common responses:
Daeandor: "No man! They mean they're spraying chocolate covered candys down on us for the children!"
MadAce: "Government is not capabale of being that clever. Duh, they're just dumb. Don't tell me that government could be manipulated by powerful interests, thats not fitting into my world view! Duh!"
Like many you gravely overestimate the efficiency (if it seems to be there, then you're wrong) and the sense of purpose (there is none) of governments.
You also (which is sadly enough also too common) gravely underestimate the efficiency (Natural Selection BABY!) and the sense of purpose (NATURAAAL SEELEEECTION! of the human race.
Do you believe that there is a government that exists today, that if they had something worth testing on humans, woudln't test it? No consider if it was something worth keeping secret?
Of course they would. So what? Does this make the human race inherently inefficient? Or defected? I don't think so.
But the most important point: It's not because they would, that they will and can. Many "conspiracies" require an insane amount of organization for virtually no gain.
I'm just saying that governments are not all-powerful. They are not hyper calculated. The government is made up of humans. And humans are flawed.
And it's not because the government is too vast to understand and too complicated to grasp and too dehumanized to feel sympathy for, that it is "evil".
Now I'm not saying that every government would be willing test test a genetically engineered virus designed to kill on it's own people. Instead I do believe that they would test things that would be beneficial. Like if your enemy is using some biological weapon and you have a means of negating it, then you have a tactical advantage that they dont. This isn't something you would want them to know. Nor is it something you would want the soldiers to know. If I really wanna make sure it works I need to see it in action, and not many people are going to volunteer to try it, even if it's supposed to save your life.
Sure, this very hypothetical situation does make sense. But you should understand that testing something on your own population, is highly inefficient. Very uncontrolled environment.
You have it administered as a required vaccination against whatever form of germ is known to inhabit the area. You send them into the field and if they get gassed and live it works, gassed and die and it's look how horrible the bad guys are.
Now that's the way. Aha, aha. I like it.
Humans are special, not just for what we've acheaved as a species, but for our potential. Both in the things we will acomplish and what our brains are capable of. We are incredible beings. If anything I overestimate us as a species, I just think we have really bad behavioral traits at the moment. A lot of little imperfections that we are long due to evolve out of are creating more big problems then a little bit.
Well, perhaps this is one of those things securing success, I don't think we're more bad than usual. In fact, we've always been bad. And these imperfections are just checks and balances.
None of the possibilities you named would be done using chemical dusting with Jets.
Oh ok, you seem to think you know what you're talking about. Enlighten me. Why not?
I don't really know why I'm doing this... but anyways...
For one. The method you fantasize about isn't efficient.
For "weather control" (OH NO! THE WEATHER CONTROL DEVICE! RUN FOR THE HILLS!) wouldn't have to be hidden. Why hide it? It's being done all the time, not in secret. Suggesting this is absurd. No one would give a shit.
Next up: biological/chemical weapons testing.
Why do this on your own population?
Oh, I know what you'll say. Ok, not exactly, but I'll translate: "The government is evil. After raping kittens with a soldering iron the government has no problems with testing weapons on its own population."
Well, if that were the case then I'd sigh of relief. The overlords are retards! They're completely and utterly STUPID! They know nothing! Seriously, if the government is really doing this, then you wouldn't even need a revolution to overthrow them. They're about to collapse out of sheer stupidity any second now. The very thought of testing biological/chemical weapons on your own population using jets can only be conceived by someone who has been lobotomized using a blunt spoon.
Why is this such a daft idea?
A large population can NOT be easily tested. And that's the whole point of testing? Right? You do something, and then get accurate and unspoiled feedback. This is impossible on a human population of any large size if they're not in a 100% controlled environment. That's called science. If you do a t'est in a lab, then you DO NOT WANT any outside influences. I suggest you perform some simple lab tests to understand what I mean.
Things can go wrong. And when they go wrong, and your own population (the most powerful weapon against ANY enemy) is adversely affected... Then the evil overlords would be screwed.
Why use this inefficient method of "crop dusting"? The amounts of liquid you'd need would be IMMENSE. Why? Crop dusting (or any such kind of spreading of liquid) is always being done right above the target. Otherwise the agent will completely and utterly solute until it has no verifiable use anymore. Unless your evil overlords are homeopaths I highly doubt they'd have this in mind. Of course I bet they'd have to test this to realize how ineffective this method actually is. But I bet this i something they'd use the cold war for.
There are many more efficient methods. Not to mention the fact that in no situation in any war jets would be used to "crop dust" the enemy. They'd use artillery shells and/or missiles. It's highly unlikely they'd expose planes to enemy fire. Then again, you never know with James Bond-esque evil villains.
And then the eugenics thingy... Absurd. Why would the government want to indulge in eugenics? And secondly, why wouldn't they just put the super drug in vaccinations?
EDIT: why in the name of god, would they apply visible contrails?
Haven't you guys learned yet that you can't reason with irrational people? How could you possibly have an intelligent conversation with someone who believes something so assinine. That statement swings in roundabouts. Oh, the worlds' airlines, in cooperation with local governments, are spraying bio-chemical weapons on us. Why? No reason, just for kicks. Not a good enough one to tell us, hence the suspicion that its not good natured tied in with evidence but its mainly the good sense to realise when the corrupt establishment isn't telling you about something thats effecting you it's not for you own good its going to be them furthering their power and controll over you, this is openly capitalistic system after all, the winner of the game is the most power mad. Got proof? Nope. Strong evidence Yes. Hmmm, you know a lot, and I mean a LOT of people would have to be involved in this. Have any of them stepped forward to blow the whistle? Whistle blowers get marginalised, insulted and dealt with where possible, hence you looking at these people as "conspiracy nuts" and such, that's the mental social engeneering doing a fine job. Nope. Because, you know, the people who design the jets would have to know about it. The people who make the jets would know. The people who handle the chemical agents would know. The people who make the chemicals would know. The airline pilots would know because they'd have to trip the switch to realise the stuff and they'd probably talk to the stewardesses so they'd probably know. The mechanics who service the jets would know. Probably the guys who refuel the jets too.
Keep it on a need to know basis, they need only know enough to do their job or play their part.
Its a common practice, especially when your trying to keep an operation secret
Only a few people at the top need know the actual truth of the matter. And all those people are keeping quiet in support of this grand conspiracy for...what purpose? To randomly poisen their own families? Yeah, that makes sense.
No, they are just doing their jobs as far as they are concerned whilst any others can be sold with money or told that it's for the greater good, especially if they are religious nuts or work for the government then that should'nt be too hard.
I don't even necessarily beleive they exist, you just dont see this quality of blatant ignorance and denial on other topics, watch as you hoist your own petard making demonstrable evidence for the conspiracy theorist about societies sectret ills.
Capitalism is the name, power is what they're looking to gain and they at the wont stop until they reach endgame.
OK MadAce, thanks for adding your thoughts to the discussion. I didn't claim any of those things as true. I only mentioned that those are some explanations of this unexplained activity. So, now that you've ruled out those 3 explanations, what purpose would you attribute to this "spraying"?
OK MadAce, thanks for adding your thoughts to the discussion. I didn't claim any of those things as true. I only mentioned that those are some explanations of this unexplained activity. So, now that you've ruled out those 3 explanations, what purpose would you attribute to this "spraying"?
I think that he left that out because it has already been explained to you by like four other people...Talking to you is like running as fast as I can into a big net that will fling be right back to where I started.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I'm sorry windstrike, I absolutely refuse to play your post-a-link game.
Idiotic. Go read up on what causes contrails. Then look at what environment is required to have this happen. Then look up what happens to chemical and biological weapons at temperatures typically at those altitudes and environment. Then come back and tell me if it really is feasible that the contrails you saw above your house could rain down on you and cause you any harm if they used a chemical or biological agent as their catalyst for deposition. Next I want you to learn about the effective means to disperse a chemical or biological agent via spraying (aerosol). Find out the optimum conditions professionals deem as necessary to make such methods viable as a means to effect any sizable population.
I'm going to give you a hint: A plane flying at 30,000 MSL (FL300) is going to be flying in an environment that would completely negate any effective use of chemical or biological weapons. How do I know? Well, believe it or not, I actually studied nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons in the 80's and 90's for the US Government. But you see, you don't want to learn what I learned, because that would make a zillion of your little theories and youtube links get thrown out the window because you would realize they are comprised of fantasy and psuedo-science to appease weak minded fools like yourself who are too lazy to actually study a subject in it's pure form and form your own conclusion. You'd rather have a youtube video explain it to you in terms you can understand.
OK MadAce, thanks for adding your thoughts to the discussion. I didn't claim any of those things as true. I only mentioned that those are some explanations of this unexplained activity. So, now that you've ruled out those 3 explanations, what purpose would you attribute to this "spraying"?
Ah yes, I think we have located the source of the confusion. I understand contrails. These are related, but different. These are known as chem-trails. Similar in some ways, so I understand your misunderstanding. Now, go ahead and proceed with your analysis of the chem-trails (not the contrails, those are already well understood).
Ah yes, I think we have located the source of the confusion. I understand contrails. These are related, but different. These are known as chem-trails. Similar in some ways, so I understand your misunderstanding. Now, go ahead and proceed with your analysis of the chem-trails (not the contrails, those are already well understood).
translation of above quote:
fingers in ears
Once again, it's like running into a big net that just throws you make to where you came from...It's kind of a fun thought, and maybe it's fun the first few times, but then you start to see the futility of you get more and more bored of the repetetive exercise you begin to realize that you're never going to touch the other side of the net, no matter how much will power and determination you show, it doesn't matter what kind of force you put on that net, it doesn't matter how hard you try, because the net it just going to do what the net has been built to do.
Is that clear enough of an analogy for you?
how about are a rock head and have never once listened to reason or given me hope that maybe you will someday listen to have link upon link of reasons why you are wrong, and you insist on posting youtube videos and links to studies detailing things that have already been completely disproven by other don't know how to form an intelligent argument, you don't know what you're talking about, and the more you post your cooky theories and unsubstantiated nonsense, the less respect you will get from a community that you are supposedly trying to 'enlighten" Perhaps you should open YOUR eyes and let us enlighten you....there's tons of reading material, I've read all of yours, now you go and read the stuff that has been given to you.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I know you want to help but your just wasting time here with this type of post windstrike. I have been lurking this forum for years now and I can tell you the level of denial and social engineering is incredible in this place. You can show people all the evidence of whats going on and they will still say you are the one not dealing with reallity when its really the other way around.
Its not that the big bad government is out to get you. Its that the government doesn't really give a damn about you unless its time for elections. Some people just dont seem to be able to under stand that.
Not one thing was disproved. You all fail. Come again. This time, come correct, or don't bother.
That is the dumbest shit I have ever read. Even one of your own links disproved your theory on 'chem trails' if you bother to watch all 3 parts of the Discovery Channel. The only people who agree with you are "journalists" and self-proclaimed "chem-trail experts." Not exactly expert testimony to refute respected scientists and engineers who are being questioned in their field of expertise.
I know you want to help but your just wasting time here with this type of post windstrike. I have been lurking this forum for years now and I can tell you the level of denial and social engineering is incredible in this place. You can show people all the evidence of whats going on and they will still say you are the one not dealing with reallity when its really the other way around. Its not that the big bad government is out to get you. Its that the government doesn't really give a damn about you unless its time for elections. Some people just dont seem to be able to under stand that.
Well I'm not really trying to help TBH. I'm not that nice of a person to care about helping a bunch of people I don't know. Usually I just like to prod and taunt the animals to gauge their reactions. However, I appreciate the sentiment in your statement.
You can show people all the evidence of whats going on and they will still say you are the one not dealing with reallity when its really the other way around.
God, ain't that the truth. You saying that enboldens me to speak out. See, what you guys are missing is that ALL of the well known conspiracy theories are really just a smoke screen for what's really going on.
You want to know who's really pulling all the strings? Ok, I know this is going to sound crazy and will be difficult to accept. But it's the elves man, the freakin' elves. They are manipulating us all.
Now when you first hear that I know it sounds crazy but you just have to open your mind a little. There was and is a race of hominids that preceded homo sapiens. "Elves" is just one name for them. Every human culture in the world has stories about an older race that is NOT human.
This race was intelligent when we were still at the level of chimps. They have fantastically long lives and have mental powers that we have not yet fully evolved. Their greatest weakness is that they reproduce very slowly. When our ancestors evolved intelligence and started spreading the elves already had a high tech civilization, known to us as Atlantis (also remembered in our garbled folk tales as faerie, shangri-la, and other names).
Our stone age ancestors were little more than animals to them. But a threat nonethelss because we had evolved intelligence. It's hard to say what might have happened if things had gone differently. But the elves were in a state of unrest at the time with many different factions at each others throats. This culminated in the destruction of Atlantis. The survivors disperessed throughout the world. Split up and spread out because of the mistrust and division that led to the destruction of their home.
Meanwhile our own ancestors were breeding like rabbits. There were simply too many of us and too few surviving elves so the elves went into hiding and started manipulating us from behind the scenes. They began doing genetic experiments and testing on us.
Eventually, after hundreds of years, the old grievances between the elven factions were no longer relevant and the worldwide elven community was once again united. But still just a small remnant of what they once were, we still far outnumbered them so secrecy was a must.
They have been carefully breeding us to be biologically compatable surrogates and very cautiously nudging our level of technology up to a point were we can unwittingly cooperate in implimenting their plan for the revival of their race. See, they don't want to interbreed with us. They want to use our women as surrogate mothers for implanted Elven embryos. They are almost ready to put this plan into effect. We have the technology to assist, now all they need to do is nudge us a bit further in the right direction so that the use of repro-technology becomes commonplace. And then, they will replace a whole generation of human embryos with Elven embryos and a vast new generation of elves will be born.
Of course we will see the differences in these children but we've also been bred to be weak and sentimental. While we dither and ponder and discuss and wonder about it the elven children will grow to adulthood, in mental contact with their elders. When they reach adulthood the Elves will take over the world. And they won't need us anymore.
Some of the best mechanisms for change are propaganda. Many times the mechanisms for change are simply attempts to divert attention from larger issues. On several occasions both the United States and the U.K. have claimed to have had disasters or leaked details of a plan so as to manipulate the publics attentions where they want. They scary part is sometimes they even take actions which are harmful to divert attentions.
Whether or not chemtrails exist is a rather moot point. The real question is what is the larger intent of the government and the agencies as a whole. What do you think they are Windstrike?
I was just outside and noticed that jets are flying over today spraying those chemical trail things. I wonder what you all think of these? I know that some years ago the British government admitted they were doing biological weapons testing on the British people by using this technique, so maybe you Brits can chime in on this? As explanation; When a jet flies across the sky, it leave a condensation trail, which disapates within a few minutes. A chemical trail stay there in the sky, slowly disapating over hours and hours. When the jets are applying these chemicals, they fly back and forth across a populated area, often criss crossing, making grids in the sky. Some say this is for the purpose of weather modification, seeding clouds. Others say its like the British program of biological weapons testing. Still others believe its likely to be a eugenics operation. As is usualy the case, those that don't know talk, and those that know don't talk. So we're left to speculate on what the purpose of this activity is. Any comments? Have you witnessed this in your area?
well, what a interesting theory. Too bad it is false. I believe if the government were to do something as sinister as dropping some type of agent on the base public they would not leave any trace of it.
Now to the bad news. 8 years ago most jet fuels were dirty. But prior to that date chemtrails would dissipate rather quickly. This is also the time when a new jet fuel surfaced. This new fuel is the standard of today. It dissipates at a much slower rate than its predecessor. 3-6 hours normally. Prior to this date no longer than 2 hours.
So you know, while this fuel type is toxic, its predecessor was worse and did not leave much of a trail to follow. Thanks for the good laugh. Conspiracy theorists unite!!
How about you go back and read the 2nd post in the entire thread.
If they were spraying shit in the air and didn't want you to know about it, you wouldn't see it.
But the conspiracy nuts will believe whatever they want to believe, and ignore someone WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH AND IS TELLING IT STRAIGHT TO THEM.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Do you believe that there is a government that exists today, that if they had something worth testing on humans, woudln't test it? No consider if it was something worth keeping secret?
Now I'm not saying that every government would be willing test test a genetically engineered virus designed to kill on it's own people. Instead I do believe that they would test things that would be beneficial. Like if your enemy is using some biological weapon and you have a means of negating it, then you have a tactical advantage that they dont. This isn't something you would want them to know. Nor is it something you would want the soldiers to know. If I really wanna make sure it works I need to see it in action, and not many people are going to volunteer to try it, even if it's supposed to save your life.
You have it administered as a required vaccination against whatever form of germ is known to inhabit the area. You send them into the field and if they get gassed and live it works, gassed and die and it's look how horrible the bad guys are.
Humans are special, not just for what we've acheaved as a species, but for our potential. Both in the things we will acomplish and what our brains are capable of. We are incredible beings. If anything I overestimate us as a species, I just think we have really bad behavioral traits at the moment. A lot of little imperfections that we are long due to evolve out of are creating more big problems then a little bit.
Wish Darkfall would release.
Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
Common responses:
Daeandor: "No man! They mean they're spraying chocolate covered candys down on us for the children!"
MadAce: "Government is not capabale of being that clever. Duh, they're just dumb. Don't tell me that government could be manipulated by powerful interests, thats not fitting into my world view! Duh!"
Do you believe that there is a government that exists today, that if they had something worth testing on humans, woudln't test it? No consider if it was something worth keeping secret?
Of course they would. So what? Does this make the human race inherently inefficient? Or defected? I don't think so.
But the most important point: It's not because they would, that they will and can. Many "conspiracies" require an insane amount of organization for virtually no gain.
I'm just saying that governments are not all-powerful. They are not hyper calculated. The government is made up of humans. And humans are flawed.
And it's not because the government is too vast to understand and too complicated to grasp and too dehumanized to feel sympathy for, that it is "evil".
Now I'm not saying that every government would be willing test test a genetically engineered virus designed to kill on it's own people. Instead I do believe that they would test things that would be beneficial. Like if your enemy is using some biological weapon and you have a means of negating it, then you have a tactical advantage that they dont. This isn't something you would want them to know. Nor is it something you would want the soldiers to know. If I really wanna make sure it works I need to see it in action, and not many people are going to volunteer to try it, even if it's supposed to save your life.
Sure, this very hypothetical situation does make sense. But you should understand that testing something on your own population, is highly inefficient. Very uncontrolled environment.
You have it administered as a required vaccination against whatever form of germ is known to inhabit the area. You send them into the field and if they get gassed and live it works, gassed and die and it's look how horrible the bad guys are.
Now that's the way. Aha, aha. I like it.
Humans are special, not just for what we've acheaved as a species, but for our potential. Both in the things we will acomplish and what our brains are capable of. We are incredible beings. If anything I overestimate us as a species, I just think we have really bad behavioral traits at the moment. A lot of little imperfections that we are long due to evolve out of are creating more big problems then a little bit.
Well, perhaps this is one of those things securing success, I don't think we're more bad than usual. In fact, we've always been bad. And these imperfections are just checks and balances.
Believe it or not, the world is improving.
Oh ok, you seem to think you know what you're talking about. Enlighten me. Why not?
I don't really know why I'm doing this... but anyways...
For one. The method you fantasize about isn't efficient.
For "weather control" (OH NO! THE WEATHER CONTROL DEVICE! RUN FOR THE HILLS!) wouldn't have to be hidden. Why hide it? It's being done all the time, not in secret. Suggesting this is absurd. No one would give a shit.
Next up: biological/chemical weapons testing.
Why do this on your own population?
Oh, I know what you'll say. Ok, not exactly, but I'll translate: "The government is evil. After raping kittens with a soldering iron the government has no problems with testing weapons on its own population."
Well, if that were the case then I'd sigh of relief. The overlords are retards! They're completely and utterly STUPID! They know nothing! Seriously, if the government is really doing this, then you wouldn't even need a revolution to overthrow them. They're about to collapse out of sheer stupidity any second now. The very thought of testing biological/chemical weapons on your own population using jets can only be conceived by someone who has been lobotomized using a blunt spoon.
Why is this such a daft idea?
A large population can NOT be easily tested. And that's the whole point of testing? Right? You do something, and then get accurate and unspoiled feedback. This is impossible on a human population of any large size if they're not in a 100% controlled environment. That's called science. If you do a t'est in a lab, then you DO NOT WANT any outside influences. I suggest you perform some simple lab tests to understand what I mean.
Things can go wrong. And when they go wrong, and your own population (the most powerful weapon against ANY enemy) is adversely affected... Then the evil overlords would be screwed.
Why use this inefficient method of "crop dusting"? The amounts of liquid you'd need would be IMMENSE. Why? Crop dusting (or any such kind of spreading of liquid) is always being done right above the target. Otherwise the agent will completely and utterly solute until it has no verifiable use anymore. Unless your evil overlords are homeopaths I highly doubt they'd have this in mind. Of course I bet they'd have to test this to realize how ineffective this method actually is. But I bet this i something they'd use the cold war for.
There are many more efficient methods. Not to mention the fact that in no situation in any war jets would be used to "crop dust" the enemy. They'd use artillery shells and/or missiles. It's highly unlikely they'd expose planes to enemy fire. Then again, you never know with James Bond-esque evil villains.
And then the eugenics thingy... Absurd. Why would the government want to indulge in eugenics? And secondly, why wouldn't they just put the super drug in vaccinations?
EDIT: why in the name of god, would they apply visible contrails?
No, they are just doing their jobs as far as they are concerned whilst any others can be sold with money or told that it's for the greater good, especially if they are religious nuts or work for the government then that should'nt be too hard.
I don't even necessarily beleive they exist, you just dont see this quality of blatant ignorance and denial on other topics, watch as you hoist your own petard making demonstrable evidence for the conspiracy theorist about societies sectret ills.
Capitalism is the name, power is what they're looking to gain and they at the wont stop until they reach endgame.
OK MadAce, thanks for adding your thoughts to the discussion. I didn't claim any of those things as true. I only mentioned that those are some explanations of this unexplained activity. So, now that you've ruled out those 3 explanations, what purpose would you attribute to this "spraying"?
I think that he left that out because it has already been explained to you by like four other people...Talking to you is like running as fast as I can into a big net that will fling be right back to where I started.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
OK time to toss holy water of Dreanor... I cast thy out!
Millions were in germ war tests
Much of Britain was exposed to bacteria sprayed in secret trials
I'm sorry windstrike, I absolutely refuse to play your post-a-link game.
Idiotic. Go read up on what causes contrails. Then look at what environment is required to have this happen. Then look up what happens to chemical and biological weapons at temperatures typically at those altitudes and environment. Then come back and tell me if it really is feasible that the contrails you saw above your house could rain down on you and cause you any harm if they used a chemical or biological agent as their catalyst for deposition. Next I want you to learn about the effective means to disperse a chemical or biological agent via spraying (aerosol). Find out the optimum conditions professionals deem as necessary to make such methods viable as a means to effect any sizable population.
I'm going to give you a hint: A plane flying at 30,000 MSL (FL300) is going to be flying in an environment that would completely negate any effective use of chemical or biological weapons. How do I know? Well, believe it or not, I actually studied nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons in the 80's and 90's for the US Government. But you see, you don't want to learn what I learned, because that would make a zillion of your little theories and youtube links get thrown out the window because you would realize they are comprised of fantasy and psuedo-science to appease weak minded fools like yourself who are too lazy to actually study a subject in it's pure form and form your own conclusion. You'd rather have a youtube video explain it to you in terms you can understand.
Ah yes, I think we have located the source of the confusion. I understand contrails. These are related, but different. These are known as chem-trails. Similar in some ways, so I understand your misunderstanding. Now, go ahead and proceed with your analysis of the chem-trails (not the contrails, those are already well understood).
fingers in ears
Uh OK so you want to dodge the question? Fine. I don;t know why you BS'd for so long only to have nothing at all to say...
Is that clear enough of an analogy for you?
how about are a rock head and have never once listened to reason or given me hope that maybe you will someday listen to have link upon link of reasons why you are wrong, and you insist on posting youtube videos and links to studies detailing things that have already been completely disproven by other don't know how to form an intelligent argument, you don't know what you're talking about, and the more you post your cooky theories and unsubstantiated nonsense, the less respect you will get from a community that you are supposedly trying to 'enlighten" Perhaps you should open YOUR eyes and let us enlighten you....there's tons of reading material, I've read all of yours, now you go and read the stuff that has been given to you.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Not one thing was disproved. You all fail. Come again. This time, come correct, or don't bother.
I know you want to help but your just wasting time here with this type of post windstrike. I have been lurking this forum for years now and I can tell you the level of denial and social engineering is incredible in this place. You can show people all the evidence of whats going on and they will still say you are the one not dealing with reallity when its really the other way around.
Its not that the big bad government is out to get you. Its that the government doesn't really give a damn about you unless its time for elections. Some people just dont seem to be able to under stand that.
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
The Earth is flat. Disprove me.
Well I'm not really trying to help TBH. I'm not that nice of a person to care about helping a bunch of people I don't know. Usually I just like to prod and taunt the animals to gauge their reactions. However, I appreciate the sentiment in your statement.
The Earth is flat. Disprove me.
That wouldn't be difficult, how ether it could be difficult to convince you that it isn't.You want to know who's really pulling all the strings? Ok, I know this is going to sound crazy and will be difficult to accept. But it's the elves man, the freakin' elves. They are manipulating us all.
Now when you first hear that I know it sounds crazy but you just have to open your mind a little. There was and is a race of hominids that preceded homo sapiens. "Elves" is just one name for them. Every human culture in the world has stories about an older race that is NOT human.
This race was intelligent when we were still at the level of chimps. They have fantastically long lives and have mental powers that we have not yet fully evolved. Their greatest weakness is that they reproduce very slowly. When our ancestors evolved intelligence and started spreading the elves already had a high tech civilization, known to us as Atlantis (also remembered in our garbled folk tales as faerie, shangri-la, and other names).
Our stone age ancestors were little more than animals to them. But a threat nonethelss because we had evolved intelligence. It's hard to say what might have happened if things had gone differently. But the elves were in a state of unrest at the time with many different factions at each others throats. This culminated in the destruction of Atlantis. The survivors disperessed throughout the world. Split up and spread out because of the mistrust and division that led to the destruction of their home.
Meanwhile our own ancestors were breeding like rabbits. There were simply too many of us and too few surviving elves so the elves went into hiding and started manipulating us from behind the scenes. They began doing genetic experiments and testing on us.
Eventually, after hundreds of years, the old grievances between the elven factions were no longer relevant and the worldwide elven community was once again united. But still just a small remnant of what they once were, we still far outnumbered them so secrecy was a must.
They have been carefully breeding us to be biologically compatable surrogates and very cautiously nudging our level of technology up to a point were we can unwittingly cooperate in implimenting their plan for the revival of their race. See, they don't want to interbreed with us. They want to use our women as surrogate mothers for implanted Elven embryos. They are almost ready to put this plan into effect. We have the technology to assist, now all they need to do is nudge us a bit further in the right direction so that the use of repro-technology becomes commonplace. And then, they will replace a whole generation of human embryos with Elven embryos and a vast new generation of elves will be born.
Of course we will see the differences in these children but we've also been bred to be weak and sentimental. While we dither and ponder and discuss and wonder about it the elven children will grow to adulthood, in mental contact with their elders. When they reach adulthood the Elves will take over the world. And they won't need us anymore.
Think about it.
Some of the best mechanisms for change are propaganda. Many times the mechanisms for change are simply attempts to divert attention from larger issues. On several occasions both the United States and the U.K. have claimed to have had disasters or leaked details of a plan so as to manipulate the publics attentions where they want. They scary part is sometimes they even take actions which are harmful to divert attentions.
Whether or not chemtrails exist is a rather moot point. The real question is what is the larger intent of the government and the agencies as a whole. What do you think they are Windstrike?
Now to the bad news. 8 years ago most jet fuels were dirty. But prior to that date chemtrails would dissipate rather quickly. This is also the time when a new jet fuel surfaced. This new fuel is the standard of today. It dissipates at a much slower rate than its predecessor. 3-6 hours normally. Prior to this date no longer than 2 hours.
If you would like a bit more information concerning JP-8 which is the standard, please use this link
So you know, while this fuel type is toxic, its predecessor was worse and did not leave much of a trail to follow. Thanks for the good laugh. Conspiracy theorists unite!!
How about you go back and read the 2nd post in the entire thread.
If they were spraying shit in the air and didn't want you to know about it, you wouldn't see it.
But the conspiracy nuts will believe whatever they want to believe, and ignore someone WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH AND IS TELLING IT STRAIGHT TO THEM.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000